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Genes part 1 Keyword Definition

Knowledge Organiser 1/3 Variation Differences in characteristics

Discontinuous Variation within categories, eg, male and female

There is a lot of variation between types of
Continuous Variation within a continuous scale, eg, height
dog, but dogs are technically all the same
Adaptations Characteristics which enable an organism to be
species. Different members of the same
species of fish are much harder to tell apart. successful and survive
In humans variation is obvious, we are all
Discontinuous variation falls into categories,
human beings but have different colour hair,
things like blood type or shoe size are
eyes, skin; and different shaped noses, faces,
discontinuous. They are normally plotted into bar
charts or bar graphs as this makes the information
Genetic variation is caused by our parents, easy to read and follow.
we inherit our genes from them. This is why
Continuous variation does not fall into categories,
we might look like our mom or our dad.
height is an example of continuous data. This can
Things like eye colour and skin colour are
be plotted on a histogram. The line which has been
inherited this way.
drawn over the lines of the
Environmental variation is caused by histogram is called a bell curve, this
decision we make or by environmental represents the normal distribution.
factors. For example, the clothes we wear, or You can see that most of the
our hair style are examples of environmental population are average height, with
variation. some very tall and some very small.
Genes part 1
Knowledge Organiser 2/3

Puberty affects every young person as it involves

drastic physical and emotional changes in the
body. During puberty everybody: develops pubic
hair, can experience body odour, grow taller, and
Male Reproductive System Female Reproductive System
experience emotional changes. Males experience:
voice breaking/deepening, testicles and penis Testicles are contained in the Ovaries contain the egg cells
grow, start producing sperm, shoulders widening,
and facial and chest hair. Females experience: Glands produce nutrients to Uterus, also known as the womb,
breast growth, ovaries begin releasing eggs, keep sperm alive, the mixture is where the baby will develop for
periods start, and hips widen.
Urethra is the tube that carries Oviducts carry the egg to the uter-

Penis becomes erect when Cervix is the ring of muscle which

aroused and is used in sexual holds the baby in place when

The vagina receives sperm during

Gametes are the name given to sex cells. The male gamete is
sperm, and the female gamete is an egg.
Genes part 1 The menstrual cycle, also known as periods, is
something girls have to get used to through puberty.
Knowledge Organiser 3/3 Boys do not menstruate. Menstruation happens because
the Uterus wall builds up ready to accept an embryo, if
After fertilisation (when a sperm and egg cell come fertilisation does not occur, the uterus sheds its wall and
together to form an embryo) a baby starts to it comes out of the vagina. The menstrual cycle is approx.
develop. The gestation period for human beings is 28 days long, but this can vary from woman to woman.
9 months, but some animals have shorter or longer Day 1—period starts
gestations. The fetus develops in the uterus. The
Day 5—Period / bleeding stops
uterus is very well adapted to house the fetus. The
placenta is an organ where substances can pass Day 14—ovulation, an egg from the ovary is released
from the mother to the baby. It also acts as a
barrier to protect the baby. The umbilical cord
connects the fetus to the placenta. The amniotic
fluid acts as a
shock absorber,
protecting the
baby from and
Genes part 1 Keyword Definition

Knowledge Organiser 1/3 Variation

Describe the differences between genetic
variation and environmental variation and
give examples of each

What is discontinuous variation & give examples

What is continuous variation & give examples

Genes part 1
Knowledge Organiser 2/3

What is puberty?

What happens to males during puberty? Male Reproductive System Female Reproductive System
Testicles Ovaries

What happens to females during puberty?

Glands Uterus, also known as the womb,

Urethra Oviducts

Penis Cervix

The vagina

____________ are the name given to sex cells. The male gamete is
sperm, and the female gamete is an egg.
Genes part 1 What is the purpose of menstruation?

Knowledge Organiser 3/3

What is fertilisation?

What is a gestation period and how long is it in Summarise the menstrual cycle

What is the function of the amniotic fluid, and

placenta, and the umbilical cord

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