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a play by DramaTeens

• Do you know the meaning of the idiom "to burn one's bridges"? Try explaining it with your own
words and then look it up in the dictionary. Use different dictionaries, formal ones (i.e. Cambridge
Dictionary) and informal ones (i.e.Urban dictionary).

• Have you ever burnt your bridges with a person or a situation? How do you feel about it? Have
you ever experienced someone burning their bridges with you? How did you feel about it?

• Can you describe a situation where burning bridges would be completely necessary for you?

• Do you know the meaning of the word "consent"? Describe it using your own words and then
look it up in the dictionary. Try using the word "consent" in different situations.

• Do you know who Mahsa Amini was? Are you following the news about what's happening in Iran?
Search some information and share it with your classmates.


• How and why did the characters burn bridges? Which situation or relationship did each of them
face, escape or avoid?

• Is there a particular character or situation you empathise with? Which one and why?

• What would you like to know about the characters? Is there something you would like to
understand better?

• Why did Zulia disappear? Why did they stop searching? Would you act differently if you were in
the same situation?

• Do you think burnt bridges can be rebuilt and restored?

• What do different characters sacrifice in order to gain freedom?

• Do you imagine any other endings for the characters? Tell us about them!

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