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Interviewer: Thank you so much, I am Henry. Thanks for your time.

We are interested in how

RESPONDENT 1 to help people prevent themselves from falling victims to fraud. I am going to play for
you a series of short recorded messages and we would like to get your thoughts and reactions about
them. Have you ever listened to the message of 161?

Respondent: I may have listened to them or not because I always listen to messages popping on my
phone but not sure whether they are from 161.

Interviewer: allow me to play for you some audio recordings you give me your views about them and we
proceed to the second one.

Respondent(listens to audio message)

Interviewer: what do you feel is the key message in that recording?

Respondent: mainly to help us to be aware of such problems and how we can save ourselves.

Interviewer: was there something that caught your interest?

Respondent: the nature of fraud messages sent to our phones and how we can deal with such incidents
like reporting to police.

Intervierwer: what does the message mean to you in your opinion?

Respondent: the message is helpful in saving me and my colleagues from fraudsters

Interviewer: is there a well known phrase or proverb you can remember?

Respondent: the phrase of “bafere”

Interviewer: did you learn anything from this message that you did not know before?

Respondent: yes, I have learnt that not every message that comes to my phone is bad. Some are good
and others are not good. I used to neglect messages thinking that they are for “bafere” but I have
realized that some are important especially those of 161.

Interviewer: is this message relevant to your life or to those around you?

Respondent: it is very relevant to my life and to even other people around here because we have been
seeing people crying that the “bafere” have taken their money.

Interviewer: what happened to Achien according to the story?

Respondent: her things were taken by bafere but she did not identify it quickly.

Intervierwer: has this thing ever happened to you or to someone you know?

Respondent: it happened to me and I discovered it on the way but it happened to my friend and they
took her money

Interviewer: how did it happen to your friend?

Respondent: she was told that she had won things and they told her to send money for withdrawing
her things.

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