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• Do not open this paper until you are told to do so.

• Read the instructions before answering the questions.
• You will hear Section 1, Section 2 and Section 3 of the Listening TWICE.
• You will hear Section 3 of the Listening AGAIN in Writing, Section 1.
• Answer all the questions.
• Mark your answers on the separate Answer Sheet in pencil.
• Use an HB2 pencil.
• Complete TWO Tasks in the Writing Section.
• Write your Tasks in the Writing Booklet in pencil.
• You must ask any questions now as you cannot speak during the Test.

Page 1

Listen to 10 short conversations. For questions 1-10, choose the best answer (A, B or C).
You will hear each conversation TWICE. You now have 2 minutes to read the questions.
Mark your answers on the separate Answer Sheet.

The mountain hike The clouds

1. According to what you hear, you 6. Gary points out the clouds to Jane
understand that Amy because he thinks
A. intends to eat lunch before reaching A. it is going to rain soon.
the mountain top. B. the sea is being affected by them.
B. reassures Tom about the way up the C. they are a curious shape.
mountain. YouTube
C. thinks it will be difficult to locate the
7. Why is David watching the YouTube
mountain path.
The meeting A. He is considering buying a product.
2. What is TRUE according to what you B. He recently bought a computer
hear? game that has some issues.
A. Sarah is anxious she will be late for C. He wants to improve his gaming
dinner. skills.
B. It is raining heavily outside. The painting
C. Tim wants to continue the meeting.
8. From to what you hear, you understand
At the cinema that
3. While at the cinema, it seems that Matt A. painting is something Harry can do
A. soon lost interest in the film. for hours on end.
B. received an urgent call from his wife. B. Harry has yet to finish the painting.
C. chose to leave before the film ended. C. Lucy is dismissive of Harry’s idea for
a present.
The trip
4. Why is Liz spending the weekend in The accident
London? 9. Where is Maria’s son presently?
A. She is going to attend a conference. A. at school
B. She is meeting up with an B. at a local gym
acquaintance of hers. C. in hospital
C. She will be there on a business trip. The test
The text message scam 10. According to what you hear, you
5. From what you hear about the text understand that Hannah
message scam, you understand that A. is prepared to cheat during the test.
A. Mary lost just a pound through it. B. has studied sufficiently for the test.
B. Mary and Sam have both fallen prey C. aided Dylan in revising for the test.
to it.
C. Sam has a phone app that deletes it.

Page 2

Listen to 3 longer conversations. For questions 11-20, choose the best answer
(A, B, or C). You will hear each conversation TWICE. You now have 2 minutes
to read the questions.
Mark your answers on the separate Answer Sheet.

The restructuring 16. What is TRUE according to what you

11. What is TRUE about the Cowley bank hear?
branch according to what you hear? A. Jack totally agrees with Iris
A. It will be taking on new staff. regarding remote learning.
B. It is going to join with another B. Remote learning allowed Jack to
branch. spend more time with friends.
C. The building it is located in is being C. Jack’s school performance suffered
renovated. due to remote learning.

12. From what you hear, you understand 17. What is FALSE according to what you
that both John and Jenny currently get hear??
to work A. Jack prefers to spend time alone.
A. on foot. B. Jack is against giving remote
B. by car. learning another try.
C. by bus. C. Iris does not think of herself as
13. What does Jenny think about her future
with the bank? Biodiversity
A. She is confident she will remain 18. According to what you hear, you
there for some time. understand that Mia
B. She thinks it highly likely they will let A. has been researching the issue of
her go. biodiversity.
C. She sees her prospects as equal with B. thinks global warming is not a
everyone else’s. serious issue.
C. spends a lot of her time in nature.
14. Who will probably be LEAST affected by
the changes to the bank? 19. Why does Mia mention birds and
A. the staff insects?
B. young customers A. to show they are both declining in
C. old-aged pensioners numbers.
B. to give an example of ecosystem
Remote learning
15. What does Iris say about her experience C. to explain why insects need birds to
of remote learning? thrive.
A. She found it surprisingly pleasant.
B. She saw it as a total waste of time. 20. Regarding the conservation society, you
C. She tended to be overly concerned understand that
about her appearance. A. Mia has yet to join it.
B. Mia would like William to become
involved in it.
C. William sees no point in joining it.

Page 3

Listen to an extract from a radio talk about the advantages and disadvantages of digital
libraries. For questions 21-25, choose the best answer (A, B or C). You will hear the
extract TWICE. You now have 1 minute to look at the questions.

Mark your answers on the separate Answer sheet.

21. From what you hear, you understand that

A. a digital library can be maintained only by a traditional library.
B. the role of libraries has changed since their emergence.
C. digital libraries can range in size.

22. What is TRUE about digital libraries according to what you hear?
A. They allow many users to access the same material simultaneously.
B. Young people are denied access to their resources.
C. There seem to be limits as to how much they can store on the cloud.

23. According to what you hear, the speaker mentions Google and Yahoo in order to
A. the efficiency of traditional libraries.
B. the similarities between traditional and digital libraries.
C. a positive feature found in digital libraries.

24. According to what you hear, what can impede access to a digital library?
A. up-to-date devices
B. lack of connectivity
C. suitable software

25. What is FALSE about digital libraries according to what you hear?
A. They have no expenses whatsoever.
B. Some require a subscription fee.
C. They can face security issues.

Now turn to Writing, Section 1, Task 1. Open your Writing Booklet and listen to the
instructions. You have 1 minute to open your Writing Booklet.

Page 4

Task 1

Listen to the extract from the radio talk again. USE the space provided in the Writing
Booklet to take notes. You need to use the information from the recording and the
notes you have taken to write an Essay about the advantages and disadvantages of digital

Write your Essay in the Writing Booklet, Task 1.

Your notes will not be marked.

Take notes for the following information

or for anything else you wish.

The advantages of digital libraries

Write your notes in
have no physical space boundaries
the Writing Booklet
are available from anywhere at any

provide easy access to their resources

The disadvantages of digital libraries

depend on modern devices and

internet access

are vulnerable to cybercrime

have high upkeep costs

Page 5

You must do Task 1.

Write your Essay on the following topic in the space provided in the Writing Booklet.
You need to use the notes you have taken. You may add any other relevant information
you wish.

Write your Essay in 200-250 words.

Digital technology and the evolution of the Internet have given rise to digital
libraries. In your opinion, what are the advantages and disadvantages of
digital libraries? Support your views.

Page 6

Choose ONE of the following Writing Tasks. Use the points below each TASK.
You may add your own points if you wish.
Write your Task in the space provided in the Writing Booklet in 250-300 words.

Task 2
It is well-known that good sleep is essential for our health. In your opinion,
what are the health risks of poor-quality sleep and what can improve sleep
quality? Write an essay supporting your views.
Health risks of poor-quality sleep Ways to improve sleep quality
• affects mental health • establish a sleep routine
• weakens the immune system • exercise and eat healthily
• leads to weight gain • sleep in a peaceful environment


Task 3
Some people love extreme sports while others would never consider doing one.
In your opinion, what drives such people to take up an extreme sport and what
stops others from doing so? Write an essay supporting your views.
What drives people to take up an What stops people from taking up an
extreme sport extreme sport
• feel a sense of accomplishment • fear of danger
• build self-confidence • lack of motivation
• learn more about themselves • no talent for it


Task 4
Choosing a career is one of the most important life-decisions we ever have to
make. In your opinion, why is choosing the right career for us so important and
how can we make the right choice? Write an essay supporting your views.
Why choosing the right career is How to make the right career choice
• determines our social life • consider our personal characteristics
• provides job satisfaction • identify our skills and interests
• offers financial security • do research on career options

Page 7

Read the text below about The Effects of Modern Technology on Agriculture and then
answer the questions that follow. For questions 1-9, choose the best answer (A, B or C).
Mark your answers on the separate Answer Sheet.

The Effects of Modern Technology on Agriculture

Modern technology has impacted all aspects of our life and agriculture is no exception.
From advanced farming machinery to new practices, technological innovations have
radically transformed agriculture over the past 50 years, leading to improvements such as
better land cultivation, crop diversification and improved nutritional quality of animal feed.

The positive effects of modern agricultural technology are countless. To begin with,
modern technology can raise crop yields, thus it helps address the nutritional demands of
our world’s ever-increasing population and so it helps combat world hunger, which affects
about 800 million people globally. To maximise their production, farmers can use a variety
of automated machinery such as drones, which can detect early signs of crop disease or
schedule and control irrigation. Genetic engineering can also boost crop productivity by
making plants resistant to diseases or creating new plants which can grow in harsh
conditions such as droughts or extreme temperatures. Apart from increasing food
production, technology can be used to make food more nutritious. For example, farmers
can use soil sensors to get information about the nutrients a soil has; in this way, they can
add the missing nutrients and produce healthier food. Finally, the use of green technology
can reduce environmental damage and produce fewer greenhouse gas emissions. One of
the best and cheapest ways to achieve this is to use agricultural machinery running on
renewable energy such as solar or wind energy.

The disadvantages of modern agricultural technology, however, cannot be overlooked.

One of its worst drawbacks is that it can actually harm the environment. For instance, the
heavy dependence of modern agriculture on fertilisers and pesticides can result in
contamination of the soil, underground waters and surrounding vegetation. Irrigation
techniques can also impact the environment as the excessive use of local water supplies
can remove nutrients from the soil, ultimately reducing productivity. Additionally, modern
technology can affect human health. Farmers are regularly exposed to toxic chemicals,
chiefly from pesticides they use to control the pests and parasites that attack and can
potentially spoil their crops; as a consequence of using these substances, they may suffer
from serious respiratory or skin diseases. Finally, modern agricultural equipment and
machinery is very expensive. The additional high cost of maintenance can discourage
young people from becoming farmers and can also put pressure on owners of small farms.

While modern agricultural technology comes with serious disadvantages, I believe there is
reason to hope. I am confident that science will soon come up with new technologies to
produce more nutritional food without causing irreparable damage to the environment.

Page 8

1. From what you read in the 1st paragraph, you understand that
A. technology has restricted the types of crops used for cultivation.
B. advances in technology have revolutionised agriculture.
C. technology has had no impact on animal welfare.
2. Which of the following ideas is NOT mentioned in the 2nd paragraph?
A. Technology can provide ways to help deal with world hunger.
B. A large number of people worldwide remain undernourished.
C. There has been a sharp increase in global food prices.
3. From what you read in the 2nd paragraph, what can farmers use drones for?
A. to track the health of their crops
B. to transport their crops
C. to tackle climate change
4. What is TRUE according to the 2nd paragraph?
A. Genetically modified plants can grow in unfavourable conditions.
B. Technology cannot aid farmers in producing healthier food.
C. It is expensive to run machinery that uses renewable energy.
5. What is FALSE according to the 3rd paragraph?
A. Overirrigation can have an adverse effect on the quality of soil.
B. Agriculture nowadays has done away with fertilisers and pesticides.
C. Subsurface water is vulnerable to pollutants.
6. What does the word ‘ultimately’ mean in the 3rd paragraph?
A. optionally
B. considerably
C. eventually
7. According to the 3rd paragraph, what could cause direct harm to farmers?
A. pests and parasites that exist on farms
B. crops that have become spoilt
C. hazardous substances they come in contact with
8. According to the 3rd paragraph, what can deter young people from going into farming?
A. the unavailability of efficient equipment
B. the environmental problems it causes
C. the financial strains involved in it
9. According to the last paragraph, how does the writer feel about the future of
agricultural technology?
A. discouraged
B. optimistic
C. concerned

Page 9

Read the following passages about Cybercrime. For questions 10-20, choose the best
answer (A, B or C).
Mark your answers on the separate Answer Sheet.

Passage A

Types of Cybercrime 10. What can one infer from the 1st
Cybercrime has seen a huge rise since the
A. An individual is very unlikely to ever
first major cyberattacks in the last decade of
be threatened by cybercrime.
the 20th century. Although anybody can be B. Cybercriminals may target
a victim of cybercrime, services such as confidential information.
banks, government agencies or universities C. Cybercrime was unheard of in the
are more vulnerable to it as they hold 20th century.
sensitive personal data, which makes them
11. What is TRUE according to the 2nd
tempting targets for cybercriminals.
The types of cybercrime vary. Phishing is A. Senior citizens are at little risk of
online financial fraud.
one of the most common. Phishers, using
B. Financial gain is the only motive
emails or text messages as bait, pretend to
behind cyber extortion.
be a trusted person or a legitimate business
C. Phishers are able to impersonate an
or service and trick their unsuspecting
actual business.
victims into revealing sensitive information,
which can then be used for criminal 12. Which of the following can replace the
purposes. Another form of cybercrime is word ‘skyrocketed’ in the 2nd
extortion, where criminals obtain personal paragraph?
information, photos or videos to bully their A. risen
victims or even blackmail them for money. B. slipped
Those most vulnerable to online extortion C. dived
tend to be young people, children and the
elderly. Online shopping scams have also 13. What does ‘it’ refer to in the last
skyrocketed. Scammers, knowing they can paragraph?
A. the number of internet users
get away with their crime, manipulate online
B. fighting cybercrime
users into buying fake or counterfeit goods,
C. cybercrime
or paying for goods that do not exist.

There have been many efforts to combat

cybercrime. However, it is expected to keep
escalating in frequency and sophistication as
more and more people have access to the
internet, making it easier for cybercriminals
to find their next victim.

Page 10

Passage B

The Reasons for Cybercrime 14. From what you read in the 1st paragraph,
you understand that cybercrime
Although cybercrime is nothing new, it is A. has attracted little attention from
increasing at an unprecedented rate, governments.
impacting all countries around the globe, B. is higher than ever before globally.
regardless of their level of development. C. is not a threat in developing countries.
Special departments with substantial 15. What is the main idea discussed in the
government funding have been set up to 2nd paragraph?
tackle it, but statistics show that as the A. what accounts for the growth of
number of internet users rises so does the cybercrime
B. the number of cybercriminals arrested
number of incidents of cybercrime.
C. the difficulty in committing cybercrime
What are the causes for this surge in 16. What does the word ‘authorisation’ in
cybercrime? For one thing, it is very difficult the 2nd paragraph mean?
for the authorities to track down A. judgement
cybercriminals. The main reason for this is B. permission
C. expertise
that cybercriminals are rarely located in the
same country as their victims, meaning that 17. What is FALSE according to the 2nd
even when there is evidence verifying their paragraph?
A. Sophisticated computer systems
identity, the police may not have the
cannot be hacked.
appropriate authorisation to arrest them. B. Data on the cloud can be more secure.
Secondly, the more complex technologies a C. There are ways to safeguard computer
computer system uses, the more difficult it data.
is for users to protect it; as a result,
Questions 18-20 refer to BOTH
cybercriminals can infiltrate security systems Passages A and B.
and steal confidential information for
18. What is TRUE about cybercrime
personal or financial gain. Another reason is
according to both passages?
that computers can store a huge amount of A. Steps have been taken to fight it.
data in a small space, making it easier for B. Its rate is expected to decline soon.
hackers to steal it. That is why computer C. It is easy to prosecute those who
users are advised to secure all their commit it.
important data in different places such as on 19. Which of the following ideas is not
the cloud or an external hard drive. Finally, mentioned in either of the passages?
security negligence such as using a weak A. the online users susceptible to cybercrime
password or storing data without protecting B. the reasons for cybercrime
it can facilitate criminal activities. C. the profile of typical cybercriminals
20. The idea that increasing internet use plays
Cybercrime may not be eradicated anytime a role in cybercrime is mentioned in
soon. However, improving cyber security can A. Passage A only.
be the best way to reduce the risks. B. Passage B only.
C. both Passages, A and B.

Page 11

For questions 21-40, choose the best answer (A, B or C).

Mark your answers on the separate Answer Sheet.

21. Animals used in laboratory experiments are sometimes treated like .......... more than
inanimate equipment.
A. whatever
B. some
C. nothing

22. As the objectives of the new marketing plan were unclear, .......... present at
yesterday’s meeting voted against it.
A. most of the board members
B. the most of the board members
C. the most board members

23. A witness claims that he saw the van involved in the accident .......... a red traffic light.
A. to run
B. runs
C. run

24. According to a recent survey, consumers are mostly concerned about how ..........
prices for goods and services have risen.
A. quickest
B. quickly
C. quick

25. “She is .......... selfish a person to care about what is happening around her.”
A. so
B. too
C. a very

26. Some of the building tenants object to the .......... of their existing central heating
system with an eco-friendly one.
A. replaces
B. replacing
C. replacement

27. Due to the heavy rainfall that tropical rainforests .......... all year round, they are home
to a great diversity of living organisms.
A. receive
B. to have received
C. receiving

Page 12

28. It is hard to acknowledge our mistakes, but .......... we find the courage to do so, we
can learn from them and try to do better next time.
A. once
B. unless
C. until

29. “No damage to private or public property resulting from last night’s thunderstorm
.......... yet.”
A. is not reported
B. were reported
C. has been reported

30. “How long does it usually take to have a UK passport .......... online?”
A. renewed
B. renewing
C. renew

31. When high school graduates apply to a tuition-free university in another country, little
.......... how expensive the cost of living abroad can be.
A. they do realise
B. do they realise
C. they don’t realise

32. Although painkillers alleviate pain, they can have .......... side effects if they are taken
over long periods.
A. the potential danger
B. potentially dangerous
C. dangerously potentially

33. Arrogant people tend to .......... other people, which makes it hard for them to develop
sincere relationships.
A. drop out of
B. look down on
C. put up with

34. Regardless of .......... infected people with flu viruses have symptoms or not, they can
still be contagious.
A. the fact that
B. whether
C. being

Page 13

35. Both parents and teachers must instruct children on what to do when bullying ...........
either inside or outside of school.
A. occurs
B. would occur
C. is occurred

36. Deciding ......... to talk to about our problems can be hard.

A. how
B. when
C. who

37. When going ........., it is sensible to follow the designated footpaths.

A. for hike
B. hiking
C. hikes

38. In the past, art education was considered .......... a luxury so art lessons were not
included in the school curriculum.
A. it was
B. to be
C. of being

39. “......... an essay plan, I would not have been able to organise my ideas so effectively.”
A. Having not written
B. Had I not written
C. For not writing

40. Science fiction films ......... impressive special effects often require enormous budgets.
A. using
B. used
C. to use

Page 14

For questions 41-50, read the text below and write ONLY ONE word which best fits each
Write your answers on the separate Answer Sheet.


The number of fish in the oceans is drastically declining (41) ......... to overfishing.
Overfishing occurs when so many fish of one species are caught (42) ......... the
species is unlikely to reproduce in sufficient numbers. According to statistics, about
30% of all fish species (43) ......... currently overfished. At (44) ......... rate, it is
estimated that certain fish populations will have disappeared within a few years.
Even (45) ......... it is only recently that modern fisheries have started keeping track
of marine populations, marine historians have uncovered clues showing that
overfishing is (46) ......... a recent phenomenon, but, in fact, it goes back hundreds
of years. For example, whaling was a successful business in the 19th century, with
a lot of countries competing to catch the most whales, from (47) ......... they could
manufacture a variety of valuable products. Naturally, whale populations soon
declined dramatically. The causes of overfishing are many. The rapidly growing
human population is one reason; lack of protective regulations is (48) ......... one.
Only about 2 percent of the oceans are protected, leaving the rest open to
unregulated fishing. (49) ......... effective measures are taken soon, not only will
overfishing endanger ocean ecosystems by driving some species into extinction, but
(50) ......... will also affect the world economy as millions of people working in the
fishing industry may end up losing their jobs.

Page 15

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