Highlighted Word For Mid-Term

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Lesson 3: Criminal Etiology

1. Criminal Etiology
2. Classical School
3. Neo-Classical
4. Positivist School
5. The born Criminals
6. The insane criminals
7. The Criminaloids
8. Crime
9. Desire
10. Opportunity
11. Delinquency (Action), Delinquent (A Person)
12. Criminal
13. Acute Criminals
14. Organized Criminals
15. Professional Criminals

Lesson 4: Causes of Crime in General

1. Criminals under positivist
2. The personality theory
 Henry H. Goddard – He studied about Kallikak family and he introduced the word
“Moron”. Kallikak family is a feeble minded.
 Greek word of Kallos – Beauty
 Greek word of Kakos – Bad

Lesson 5:
1. Criminal World
2. Organized Crime
3. Organized Criminal Gangs
4. The rocketeers
5. White collar offender
6. Personally Maladjusted
7. Schizophrenia
8. Habitual Offenders
9. Depressive psychosis
10. Paranoia

Lesson 6
1. The cause of Crime are exorbitant
2. The social cost of crime
3. The effect of Crime

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