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Unit 15.

Integrated Operations

Exercise 1. Think and answer:

How does planning play a role in integrated operations?
Exercise 2. Study the list of terms below:
Active Words and Phrases:

application застосування
crucial role вирішальна роль
data дані
digital цифровий
disruptions збої, порушення, поломки
domain сфера, галузь, зона
downhole свердловина
drilling simulation симуляція/імітація буріння
effective collaboration плідна співпраця
electronic shift logbook електронний бортовий журнал змін
enabler механізм/допоміжний засіб
environmental requirements екологічні норми/стандарти
equipment обладнання
facility operator оператор установки
flowline control управління потоком
gas-lift optimization оптимізація газліфтного обладнання
hedrate prediction tool інструмент прогнозування видобутку
intelligent technology інноваційна технологія
large rotating apparatus великий обертовий апарат
oil and gas industry нафтогазова промисловість
leveraging використання/застосування/управління
operator support обслуговування/підтримка операторів
optimization вдосконалення/модернізація

prevent unscheduled shutdown запобігання незапланованим відключенням

production reporting виробнича звітність
real-time reservoir data-based моделі резервуарів на основі обробки даних в реальному часі
reservoir models
remote віддалений
reservoir резервуар/пласт/басейн/родовище
simulation models імітаційні моделі
slug management боротьба зі слідами
targets цілі
topside process поверхневий процес
valve клапан
well control управління свердловиною

Exercise 3. Read and translate the following text into Ukrainian paying attention to the
words in bold:
Integrated Operations

Integrated Operations (IO) entail the comprehensive integration of organizations involved

in planning, operating, and maintaining oil and gas fields and facilities. It serves as both a business
model and an infrastructure with specific work processes, known by various company-specific
names like eField, eOperations, and Smart Operations. The primary objectives of IO are to
increase efficiency, enhance recovery, and lower operational costs through the effective utilization
of intelligent technology.

Achieving optimal production targets and maximizing resource utilization involves

leveraging various information sources, such as reservoir mass balance calculations, depletion
strategies, well test results, and simulation models. Real-time linkage of skills, data, and tools,
irrespective of location, facilitates this integration.

Some of the enabler technology areas are:

1. System and communication IT infrastructure.

2. Applications for remote operations and support.
3. Reservoir management and drilling operations.
4. Production optimization.
5. Information Management Systems.
6. Operation Support and Maintenance.

Reservoir management and drilling operations focus on data acquisition, modeling, and
visualization for effective collaboration between facility operators and central company experts.
This includes drilling simulation, real-time reservoir data-based reservoir models, and
optimization models for increased production.

Production optimization is a multifaceted challenge that involves optimizing downhole, subsea,

and topside processes while considering operational costs, reservoir performance, environmental
requirements, and operational difficulties. Applications in this domain include flowline control,
well control, gas-lift optimization, slug management, well monitoring systems, hydrate
prediction tools, optimal operation with constraint monitoring, and advanced control and
optimization solutions.

Asset Optimization and maintenance support aim to minimize production disruptions through
predictive maintenance. An Asset Optimization (AO) system records maintenance history, identifies
potential issues, and communicates with maintenance systems to prevent unscheduled shutdowns.

Condition monitoring encompasses structural monitoring and process equipment monitoring.

For machinery, large rotating apparatus, and valves, input devices include vibration meters,
temperature sensors, and monitoring of various operational parameters. Maintenance triggers are
initiated based on digital status signals or computed variables, leading to automatic work order
procedures in the computerized maintenance management system (CMMS).
Information Management Systems (IMS) play a crucial role in providing information about
facility operations and production. For oil and gas, IMS functionality includes production
reporting, safety management, maintenance, operator support, and overall systems integration.
Specific IMS applications cover drilling data acquisition, electronic shift logbooks, operator
procedures, chemical injection, laboratory analysis registration, alarm and incident overview,
environmental reports, and various data visualization and export tools.

In summary, Integrated Operations involve the seamless integration of organizations, processes,

and technologies to enhance efficiency, recovery, and cost-effectiveness in the oil and gas industry.
The key lies in real-time collaboration and leveraging advanced technologies across all aspects of
the production lifecycle.

Exercise 4. Study the list of terms below.

Supplementary list of words and phrases

acquisition придбання/набуття/здобуття
aim ціль/мета
comprehensive всебічний
consider розглядати
encompass охоплювати
enhance підвищувати
facilitate сприяти
identifie визначати
input вносити
involve залучати
irrespective незалежно від
issues проблеми
maintain підтримувати/обслуговувати/забезпечувати
objectives мета/завдання/задачі
primary основний/первинний/першочерговий
providing забезпечення
recovery відновлення
specific конкретний
subsea підводний
support підтримка
tool інструмент
Exercise 5. Are the following statements true or false?
1. Integrated Operations (IO) is a business model and infrastructure that involves the
integration of organizations in the oil and gas industry.
2. The primary objectives of IO are to decrease efficiency, reduce recovery, and increase
operational costs.
3. Reservoir management and drilling operations focus on data acquisition, modeling, and
visualization for effective collaboration.
4. Production optimization involves optimizing downhole, subsea, and topside processes
while considering operational costs, reservoir performance, environmental requirements, and
operational difficulties.
5. Asset Optimization and maintenance Support aim to maximize production disruptions
through predictive maintenance.
6. Condition monitoring includes structural monitoring and process equipment monitoring.
7. Information Management Systems (IMS) play a crucial role in providing information
about facility operations and production.
Exercise 6. Complete the following sentences with the words from the box.
Translate the sentences into Ukrainian:
crucial role digital environmental requirements optimization remote topside process
1. The use of technology plays a ….. in the success of integrated operations.
2. Many companies have shifted their focus to ….. platforms for smoother integration.
3. Companies must meet strict ….. while operating in the oil and gas industry.
4. Optimization of processes is essential for efficient integrated operations.
5. Remote monitoring and control have become possible through advanced technology.
6. The topside process of oil production involves many steps and requires constant monitoring.
7. Proper maintenance of valves is crucial for the smooth functioning of integrated operations.
Exercise 7. Insert the necessary prepositions:
1. Integrated Operations (IO) entail the comprehensive integration ... organizations involved ...
planning, operating, and maintaining oil and gas fields and facilities.
2. It serves ... both a business model and an infrastructure with specific work processes, known
... various company-specific names like eField, eOperations, and Smart Operations.
3. The primary objectives ... IO are ... increase efficiency, enhance recovery, and lower
operational costs ... the effective utilization ... intelligent technology.
4. Achieving optimal production targets and maximizing resource utilization involves
leveraging various information sources, ... reservoir mass balance calculations, depletion
strategies, well test results, and simulation models.
5. Real-time linkage ... skills, data, and tools, irrespective ... location, facilitates thisintegration.
Exercise 8. Answer the following questions:
1. What are the primary objectives of Integrated Operations (IO)?
2. How does IO achieve optimal production targets and maximize resource utilization?
3. What are some enabler technology areas for IO?
4. What is the focus of reservoir management and drilling operations in IO?
5. What challenges does production optimization address in IO?
6. How does Asset Optimization and maintenance Support contribute to IO?
7. What role do Information Management Systems (IMS) play in IO?
8. What is the purpose of Asset Optimization and maintenance Support in IO?
Exercise 9. Discuss the following:
In your opinion, what makes integrated operations a multifaceted challenge?

Exercise 10. Translate into English.

Навчальні тренажери

Навчальні симулятори використовуються для навчання операторів у реалістичному

середовищі, наближеному до заводських умов. Вони використовують реальні програми
управління та безпеки, що працюють на операторських станціях. Моделі установок імітують
зворотний зв'язок з установкою в реальному часі або в прискореному чи сповільненому

Додатки для навчальних симуляторів включають функції резервного копіювання та

перезавантаження, включаючи відтворення історичної інформації та моментальних знімків.
Навчальні центри за межами майданчика часто підключаються (тільки для читання) до
реальної станції, щоб надавати інформацію з реальної робочої ситуації.

Оптимізація активів та підтримка технічного обслуговування

Система оптимізації активів має на меті зменшити дорогі перебої у виробництві за рахунок
забезпечення прогнозованого технічного обслуговування. Вона реєструє історію технічного
обслуговування ресурсу та виявляє потенційні проблеми, щоб запобігти незапланованим
зупинкам, збільшити час безвідмовної роботи та працювати ближче до прогнозів
виробництва заводу. Ця функція підтримує робочий процес експлуатації, оскільки система
оптимізація активів взаємодіє з системою технічного обслуговування, яку часто називають
автоматизованою системою управління технічним обслуговуванням.

Listening comprehension:

System and communication IT infrastructure.

Exercise 1. Translate the words and phrases below.

Word List

 Hardware  analysis
 software  network
 data  maintenance
 technical condition  service management
 remote control  subnet
 subsystem  to monitor the status
Exercise 2. Listen to a lecturer describing to students the system and communication
IT infrastructure.
Exercise 3. Listen to the lecture again and translate it orally sentence by sentence.

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