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ÖzÜ Self Module - Final Project Evaluation Rubric

ÖzÜ Self Module - Final Project Task Sheet

Points Project Criteria Very Good Satisfactory Poor No Response/ Off Topic

3 Setting SMART goals The goals are specific, measurable, The goals meet some of the The goals meet a very The final project does not
& achievable, realistic and time bound. SMART criteria with minor limited extent of the include SMART goals and
Improving strategies The strategies align with established shortcomings. The strategies SMART criteria with major strategies at all.
goals and offer ways to help realise partially align with shortcomings. The strategies
the intended goals. established goals, lacking do not fit well with the
planning, and details. established goals.

ÖzÜ Self Module - Group Video Project

4 Awareness on ÖzÜ The final project demonstrates a The final project shows a The final project includes The final project does not
resources and support comprehensive understanding of ÖzÜ basic understanding of ÖzÜ limited information about address ÖzÜ resources and
services resources and support services, resources and support ÖzÜ resources and support support services or the
effectively highlighting their services but lacks depth in services, providing limited information provided by
relevance and benefits to enhance explaining their relevance or partially inaccurate students is incorrect.
students’ first year experiences. and benefits. information.

4 Idea development The arguments are consistently The arguments are The arguments in the final The arguments presented by
extended by relevant ideas, details sometimes extended by project mostly lack support, the students are only listed
and/or examples in response to the relevant ideas, details and/or details and/ or examples; without providing any
questions in the task sheet. examples. instead, they mostly seem to details and/ or examples (or
be listed. there are no arguments).

4 Organisation The ideas presented by team members The ideas are generally The organisation of ideas is The final project lacks
are mostly organised and consistent. organised with some weak, with inconsistencies organisation, which makes it
The team members actively listen to inconsistencies in the logical and disruptions in the flow. difficult to follow the
each other and carry out their flow or organisation. The video includes separate sequence of ideas.
dialogues mostly in a logical flow. contributions from team
members, which affects its
overall consistency.

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