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Governance of Basic Education

Sec. 5. Principles of Shared Governance. –This section divides the Basic Education in the
Philippines from National Level, Regional Level, Division Level, School District Level, and up to
School Level. This acknowledges that every department within the education hierarchy has a
specific role, duty, and obligation built into the job. There are also processes that need results
to fulfill the role of those education system or hierarchy to effectively and efficiently see the
development of education here in the Philippines.

Sec. 6. Governance. –The Department of Education shall have the power and responsibility to
promote equality among students, teachers and other staff in this field. This shall also respond
in improving the quality basic education here in the Philippines.

Sec. 7. Powers, Duties and Functions. – The Secretary of the Department of Education has the
power to rule the system of the Department of Education from the National Level down to
School Level in the whole country.

A. National Level

In national level, the Secretary of the Department of Education provides policies, plans,
standards, assessments that has an outstanding outcome, research studies, providing a good
service to the personnel of this said Department, to create a projects and programs for students
and to produce quality learning for students and for us to have productive students in the

B. Regional Level

There may be as many regional offices as the legislation allows. Every regional office must
include a director, an assistant director, and staff for planning, administrative support, financial
services, program promotion and support, and planning. All of the aforementioned staff
members are accountable for the regional level of the Department of Education's finances or
budget, basic education plan, regional educational standards, regional learning outcomes,
research that can be funded by other agencies, communication with the regional council,
organization of the divisions and districts, hiring employees, evaluating schools division
superintendents/assistant division superintendents in the region, planning, and implementing
regional educational initiatives, the creation of learning centers, both public and private, for
elementary and high schools, as well as any further duties that the appropriate authorities may

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