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DALIN university of economics and Management


English Name
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Chinese Name
 □ 硕士研究生 Master □ 博士研究生 PhD
Application of Category
Major of Application

Please state your study plan from the following aspects in Chinese or English.

个人情况介绍 Personal Introduction

My name is Tiruneh Defaru and I am 27 years old . I was born and grown in selamber ,Ethiopia.I
am a socially active person who understands well and is eager to know about other cultures
with a positive attitude. Also, I am an optimistic, quiet, and tolerant person with friendly
nature, a good communicator indeed. I’m always motivated to do what I needed to do.
Being honest is my strength. I seek new opportunities, culture, etc. I like to keep a keen
view of the reality of life and thus approach people with a positive mind and attitude and
always prove to be helpful with honest efforts and true dedication. Besides that, I always
feel very joyous and fortunate to meet and greet people belonging to different
backgrounds and cultures. Getting to know and understand different cultures has helped
me to realize that there is more than one way of thinking and living harmoniously with others. I
am a responsible person who does his work with full of compassion, honesty, and sincerity. I
respect others’ works and try to learn from them.

Besides that, when working in a team, I have the ability to compromise, am a good
listener, and am respectful of my team members. I can be a leader, when necessary, but
can also be an equal player on the team if the work calls for it.

来华学习意愿 Intention of Studying in China

I would like to continue my master’s degree in China because of many reasons. For
international students, China has become one of the most popular study-abroad
destinations and also china provides world class education with advanced technological
laboratories and well known scholars. There are many opportunities in various fields of
education, as well as employment in the public sector, private sector, and other businesses. There
are also scholarships for international students from the government, universities, foundations,
and corporations. Their well-developed education system, scholarship offers, cultural
harmony, and peaceful environment attracts other students from different countries to
come and pursue their study. China is also known to have the best-ranking universities
and has promoted education, technology, and sports aspects as well. This shows their
dedication to every aspect of life, including education. one of my friends pursued his
undergradute degree in china, he told to me a lot of thing about chinease culure , Education,
technology and working culture, i am really impressed , how these individuals are committed
to their work, and the well-equipped lab that provides teaching materials for better
education. While he studying for his undergraduate in China, he observed Chinese culture,
education system, and living conditions. He stay in China has been fascinating. He is enchanted
by its culture, safe environment, convenient transportation, technological advancement, and
famous gentle hospitality of the people. During his stay, he is amazed at how seriously all
the professors, office staff, and students do their work, respect each other, and how they
manage their time.

学术背景 Academic Background

I have successfully completed my B.Sc (5 Years) in Mechanica Engineering from mettu university in Ethiopia
China with an average score of 88 or CGPA of 3.34 out of 4 in January 28, 2021 GC . As a graduate student, I'd
like to continue my studies and improve my knowledge in the collaboration of M B A so that I can
contribute all my effort. During my study, I was active and open-minded; I attended my classes attentively
and did all given assignments and projects on time with great achievement. I have worked on many
group projects and course designs with a team. My course focus in modelling , designing , manufacturing ,
Automotive industry machine design with advanced technology. I come to know the vast practical applications of
Electrical Engineering. Electrical engineering is an engineering discipline concerned with the study, design, and
application of equipment, devices, and systems which use electricity, electronics, and electromagnetism. It
emerged as an identifiable occupation in the latter half of the 19th century after commercialization of the
electric telegraph, the telephone, and electrical power generation, distribution, and use So I have a keen
interest to work in the engineering technology and management science sector which may help me to integrate
the knowledge I have in the engineering field with management science and solve and manage
problems that arise in the engineering and technology sectors.
与申请专业有关的研究工作经历及成果 work Experience and Achievements Related to the Major

I was worked in sansheng pharmaceutical plc as machine technician in solid packaging department from
February 01 , 2021 GC to September 30, 2021 GC . I was responsible for maintaining , repairing , servicing ,
replacing and installation of machines . I was committed to my work, punctual , loyal . I was good at problem
solving . Now i have been working in Ethio - Djibouti railway as foreman in rolling stock department in servicing
section starting from October 5, 2021GC until now . I am responsible for planning work , distributing work for
maintenance worker , assigning technician , make sure the work is done , delivering daily, weekly and monthly
report to my manager .
攻读研究生阶段的学习和研究计划 Study or Research Plan in zhongnan university

I am interested in securing a seat for a Master in b u s i n e s s e s and admnistration as I

am dedicated to pursuing in career and research. In this regard, I find z h o n g n a n
u n i v e r s i t y the right place to pursue my master's degree, as it is one of the leading
institutes, offering research excellence across a variety of fields, producing individuals who
are ready to take leading positions in the industry. Studying master's in MBA in a
great opportunity to delve even deeper into this extremely interesting and innovative
field that organizes many technological areas. MBA is a discipline through the integrated use
of systems science, management science, mathematics, economics and behavioral science,
and engineering methods, combining information technology, and studies to solve social,
economic, and management problems. It contains many research fields, such as resource
optimization management, the organization, and management of the public project, the
research of uncertainty decision-making and project management, and so on. Bussiness and
administration is a career that brings together the technological problem- solving ability of
engineering and the organizational, administrative, legal, and planning abilities of
management in order to oversee the operational performance of complex engineering-driven
enterprises. My enthusiasm for this field developed during my undergraduate studies in
Engineering. I believe that this master's degree will provide me with the chance to get to know
about business and admnistration deeply. I hope that I can gain more experience in dealing with
the situation, people, systems, and demands which will be of great help in my future career. To
conclude, I understand that this research area requires a tremendous amount of dedication and
hard work, but I am confident that my interest and previous experiences will allow me to really
challenge myself. I will work hard to accomplish my task during my study and will contribute all
my effort to the field. I will do my work persistently, have good collaborate with my professors,
and actively listen to their instructions and advice. My research plan is to contribute towards
research achievements in the field businesses and admnistration I believe that pursuing this
course will be excellent preparation for a research career and an excellent basis for further career
development as a Ph.D. student, postdoc, and research fellow.

毕业后的发展目标 Plan or Goal after Graduation

After completing my studies, by using the knowledge and research skills I gained from my studies, I will give my
best for the improvement of the living condition of Ethiopians. My special focus will be on managing the
technological upgrade and innovation in my study area. This experience will also be very useful for my future
career, as I believe relevant and well-executed training programs are one of the key elements to being successful.

If the applicant has been accepted by a professor, please ask the professor to complete the following part,
otherwise you do not need to fill in this form.

接收导师签字(中文) 日期

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