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Q) Write a short thank-you note to someone you have not yet

thanked and would like to acknowledge. (We encourage you to share

this note with that person, if possible, and reflect on the
experience!) (150-200 words)*
Dear Ammar,

Please know how much I appreciate your generosity and encouragement. I want you to know
how much of an influence you've had on my life and how much I appreciate your kindness.

Please know how much your considerate deeds have meant to me; they have had a huge impact.
Not only has your generosity affected me deeply, but it has also motivated me to share positivity
with others and pay it forward.

You are an inspiration because of how kind and welcoming you are. Your deeds have served as a
reminder of the impact that small acts of kindness may have on people's lives. To have a friend
like you in my life is a blessing.

I eagerly await the chance to convey my sincere appreciation in person and to tell you how much
your generosity has meant to me. Once again, I am deeply grateful for your kindness and

With heartfelt thanks,

Abdul jabbar Munawar

Q) How will you explore community at Penn? Consider how Penn

will help shape your perspective, and how your experiences and
perspective will help shape Penn. (150-200 words)*
I am looking forward to joining the vibrant Penn community that welcomes and embraces
different perspectives while fostering unity of purpose. I plan to learn more about the rich
history, varied views, and cultural backgrounds of the Penn community. Participating in student
organizations, attending school events, and forming friendships with other students would
hopefully broaden my perspective.

My passion for cycling, volunteering, and hiking keeps me searching for new methods to teach
others about these topics and make a positive impact on the world.
At the same time, I think Penn will provide new ideas and challenge me to examine my
preconceptions, which will impact my outlook on life. The exchange of different perspectives
will enrich the intellectual fabric of the university overall and will also aid my personal

It is to everyone's advantage that I am researching the Penn community. I am excited to learn

from my fellow students and faculty at Penn, and I hope to contribute to the friendly,
collaborative environment that is so unique to this school. We can create a community that
values education, tolerance, and understanding if we join forces.

Q) Wharton prepares its students to make an impact by applying business

methods and economic theory to real-world problems, including economic,
political, and social issues. Please reflect on a current issue of importance to
you and share how you hope a Wharton education would help you to explore
it. (150-200 words)?
Given the urgency of the climate crisis, I am certain that a Wharton education will provide me
the tools I need to view environmental problems from a commercial perspective and find
solutions. Climate change is a difficult issue, and Wharton's focus on applying economic theory
and business practices to real-world situations is essential for navigating it.

I hope to use Wharton's resources to learn more about environmental economics, sustainable
business practices, and new ways to reduce the effects of climate change. I hope to learn how to
balance economic and social concerns with environmental concerns by participating in Wharton
community events and taking classes that help me see how business and the environment

In addition, I hope to join forces with other climate change activists at Wharton to launch
campaigns, initiatives, and other initiatives. I aim to make a positive impact on the larger
discussion about sustainable practices and promote ethical leadership in the business world by
combining my financial acumen with environmental concern.

Wharton will equip me to tackle climate change from every angle, bringing together my
knowledge of economics with my dedication to environmental protection, allowing me to make a
real difference in the world.

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