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Midterm-Fall 2022
1) A layer of a continuous medium is subjected to the displacement given

z1  x1   x2
z2  x2
z3  x3


a) The material and the spatial components of the displacement vector.(10p)

b) The components of the material and spatial strain tensors.(10p)
c) The principal values of the material strain tensor.(10p)
d) The principal axes of the material strain tensor.(10p)

2) A body is moving according to the relations (cartesian coordinates),

common axes xa and zk

z1  1  ct  x1 a) Find the material and the spatial components

of the velocity vector (10p)
z2  x2 b) Find the material and the spatial components
z3  x3 of the acceleration vector(10p)
(c  const ., t  time) c) Find the material and the spatial strain-rate
tensors.(10 p)

3) To determine the state of stress/strain in a thin parellogram disk as

shown in the Figure, a transformation in an oblique coordinate system
 i (i  1, 2) is adventageously carried out for establishing the required

x1   1   2 cos 

x 2   2 sin 
Midterm-Fall 2022

a) the base vectors (10p)

b) The covariant and contravariant metric tensor (10p)
c) The Christoffel symbols (10p)

4) Show that the acceleration components in cylindrical coordinates are

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