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Differences in quality and consistency of

SBM from various origins

Update on Maghreb

Dezember 2023, Dr. Markus Wiltafsky-Martin

Take care of a representative sampling

Total Error = Sampling Error + Error of Sample Preparation + Analytical Error

Sample Division &
Reduced Sample
Sample Division &
Sample for Laboratory
& Retention Sample

2 | Public | 2023 | Xth USSEC Poultry Round Table for the feed industry in Maghreb
Take care of sample preparation in the lab
Example: CP was analyzed in duplicate in SFM subsamples from the same bottle

Variation of CP in a Sunflower meal sample

CP, %

Top1 Top2 Middle1 Middle2 Bottom

3 | Public | 2023 | Xth USSEC Poultry Round Table for the feed industry in Maghreb
Quality and Consistency

§ Quality
- Describes how good or bad something is
- Depends on the intended use
- Needs to be specified, measured, controlled

§ Consistency
- Synonyms: regularity, uniformity, homogeneity,
- in the sense of lack of variation, change, difference
- In our case: Time related
- Part of Quality

4 | Public | 2023 | Xth USSEC Poultry Round Table for the feed industry in Maghreb
The largest variation in feed production is coming from feed ingredients
à Check variability of feed ingredients

Incoming raw materials Dosing/Mixing After pelleting


22% 22 %


5 | Public | 2023 | Xth USSEC Poultry Round Table for the feed industry in Maghreb
Statistics is a valuable tool to work on consistency
Example on Standard deviation and histogram

Egg number Weight, g (Deviation from mean)²
1 60 0
2 59 1
3 58 4
4 61 1

Number of samples
5 62 4
6 60 0 3
7 60 0
8 61 1
9 59 1 2
10 60 0
Mean 60 12 Sum
1,33 Sum/(n-1) 1
deviation (STD): 1,15 1,15 square root of Sum/(n-1)
58 59 60 61 62
! !
STD = ∑"$%!(𝑥$ − 𝑥)& Egg weight, g

6 | Public | 2023 | Xth USSEC Poultry Round Table for the feed industry in Maghreb
Histograms can be plotted as curve

! !
Mean: 60
STD = ∑"$%!(𝑥$ − 𝑥)& Standard deviation (STD): 1.15

Egg number Weight, g (Deviation from mean)²
1 60 0 4
2 59 1

Number of samples
3 58 4
4 61 1 3
5 62 4
6 60 0
7 60 0
8 61 1
9 59 1 1
10 60 0
Mean 60 12 Sum of Deviations²
1,33 Sum/(n-1) 0
STD: 1,15 1,15 square root of Sum/(n-1) 57 58 59 60 61 62 63
Egg weight, g

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Density curve / Gaussian distribution curve / normal distribution

§ Low standard deviation = consistent,

§ Mean + 1 STD = 84% of cases covered
§ Mean + 2 STD = 97.5% of cases covered

à Impact on safety margins, diet formulation,


How does it look like for Soya products?

8 | Public | 2023 | Xth USSEC Poultry Round Table for the feed industry in Maghreb
Crude protein in soybeans from different origins
n = 1817; US: n = 636; Brazil: n = 645; Southern Cone: n = 536; years: 2012 to 2014

Protein content of Soybeans differs between the regions

Protein content of US soybeans is more consistent
Variation in the beans will be transfered to the meals

9 | Public | 2023 | Xth USSEC Poultry Round Table for the feed industry in Maghreb Cerrudo et al., 2023
CP content of SBM by Origin (n = 15612; Nov. 2022 to Oct. 2023)

AR BR US Total
Average CP 46,56 47,42 46,80 46,97
Median CP 46,72 47,48 46,85 47,01
STD 1,34 1,37 1,01 1,34

10 | Public | 2023 | Xth USSEC Poultry Round Table for the feed industry in Maghreb
Consistency over time makes the live of purchasers and feed formulators

11 | Public | 2023 | Xth USSEC Poultry Round Table for the feed industry in Maghreb
Current situation: Data of January to mid of November 2023
SBM in Morocco is quite consistent

12 | Public | 2023 | Xth USSEC Poultry Round Table for the feed industry in Maghreb
Coefficient of Variation (CV = (STD/Median)*100) of CP in Morocco is at a low
level. Is further reduction possible?
Median ± STD

46.67 ± 0.99
CV of 2.12%

46.72 ± 1.10
CV of 2.35%

46.36 ± 1.71
CV of 3.69%

46.63 ± 1.13
CV of 2.42%

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Storage according to analyzed quality will reduce variability further

Source: AMINODat® 6.2

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What about alternatives to Soybean Meal?

Source: AMINODat® 6.2

15 | Public | 2023 | Xth USSEC Poultry Round Table for the feed industry in Maghreb
Keep an eye on Trypsin Inhibitor Activity (TIA) in SBM, Glucosinolates in
Rapeseed meal, Biogenic Amines in Meat and Bone Meal

Soybean Mal Rapeseed Meal Meat and Bone Meal

7 100 300

6 250

Sum of Glucosinolates, µmol/g

5 70
TIA, mg/g

50 150


0 0 0
TIA, mg/g Glucosinolates, µmol/g Cadaverin Putrescine Histamin

Source: AMINODat® 6.2 Average Maximum

16 | Public | 2023 | Xth USSEC Poultry Round Table for the feed industry in Maghreb
SBM is less variable compared to other protein sources

Coefficient of Variation of Amino acids








Lys Met Cys Thr Arg Ile Val
Source: AMINODat® 6.2
17 | Public | 2023 | Xth USSEC Poultry Round Table for the feed industry in Maghreb
Impact of nutrient variability in the fedd ingredients on nutrient variability in
the finished feed

Calculation of the variability of every nutrient in the feed from its

variability in the ingredients

STD = ( X1 x S1)2 + (X2 x S2)2 + ...

STD = Standard deviation of the nutrient in the feed

Sn = Standard deviation of the nutrient in the ingredient “n”
Xn = Inclusion level of the ingredient “n” in the feed

18 | Public | 2023 | Xth USSEC Poultry Round Table for the feed industry in Maghreb
Example: Impact of Feed Ingredient Variation on Dietary Variation

Broiler Grower Feed

Source: AMINODat® 6.2

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Both diets meet the requirements for Amino Acids of Growing Broilers

Source: AMINODat® 6.2

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Dieatry Variation can be reduced substantially by focusing on consistent feed

Source: AMINODat® 6.2

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Focus on highly digestible ingredients and AA balancing will lead to low CP

Source: AMINODat® 6.2

22 | Public | 2023 | Xth USSEC Poultry Round Table for the feed industry in Maghreb
Energetic value and protein quality of Soya are impacted by processing
SBM 1 = different processing; SBM 2 = different commercial SBMs; Soya full-fat: different processing

AME over N-Retention: SBM AME over N-Retention: Soya full-fat

3500 4000

3000 3500


AME, kcal/kg DM
AME, kcal/kg DM

2000 2000

1500 1500

1000 y = 32.108x + 1194.6 y = 58.329x - 483.4
R² = 0.8292 R² = 0.2878 500
500 0
30 35 40 45 50 55
0 N-Retention
30 35 40 45 50 55
N-Retention, % Under-processing Over-processing
SBM 1 SBM 2 Linear (SBM 1) Linear (SBM 2) Poly. (Under-processing) Poly. (Over-processing)

23 | Public | 2023 | Xth USSEC Poultry Round Table for the feed industry in Maghreb Abdollahi et al., 2021 and Abdollahi et al., 2022
AME vs AMEn: Which one shall be used?

AME (MJ/kg) = [(FI × GE Diet ) – (Excreta output × GE Excreta )]/FI

AMEn(MJ/kg) = AME – [N retention (g/kg DMI) × 36.54 (kJ/g)]

N retention = [(FI × N Diet ) - (Excreta output × N Excreta )]/(FI × N Diet )

The AMEn is calculated by correction for zero N retention by assuming

36.54 KJ per g N retained in the body as described by Hill and
Anderson (1958).


24 | Public | 2023 | Xth USSEC Poultry Round Table for the feed industry in Maghreb
Impact of processing on AME and AMEn
Lower N retention = reduced correction factor for calculation of AMEn

25 | Public | 2023 | Xth USSEC Poultry Round Table for the feed industry in Maghreb
10 points change in N Retention => 138 to 180 kcal difference between AME
and AMEn in soybean products => 15.85 to 20.67 €/ton of SBM

Abdollahi et al., 2021


400 y = 17.96x - 543.04

R² = 0.9878
(AME - AMEn), kcal/kg DM





100 y = 13.859x - 415.85

R² = 0.9897

30 35 40 45 50 55
N Retention, %

Soya full-fat SBM Linear (Soya full-fat) Linear (SBM)

26 | Public | 2023 | Xth USSEC Poultry Round Table for the feed industry in Maghreb
Impact of AME vs AMEn in diet formulation
Corn: AME 14.14 MJ/kg, AMEn 13.90 MJ/kg; SBM: AME 11.10 MJ/kg, AMEn 9.96 MJ/kg
Starter Grower Finisher Price differences of:
Item AME AMEn AME AMEn AME AMEn Starter: 24.19 €: 5.98%
Corn 56.63 53.40 60.84 57.86 64.89 62.16 Grower: 22.32 €: 5.72%
SBM 48% 38.48 39.00 33.75 34.22 29.02 29.46 Finisher: 20.52 USD; 5.43%
Soybean Oil 0.43 3.14 1.34 3.84 2.42 4.71
Dicalcium Phosphate 1.660 1.660 1.485 1.490 1.310 1.315
Limestone 0.960 0.953 0.890 0.882 0.816 0.811
DL-Met 0.354 0.359 0.310 0.315 0.278 0.282
L-Lys HCl 0.414 0.406 0.375 0.367 0.335 0.328
L-Thr 0.235 0.234 0.199 0.199 0.163 0.163
L-Val 0.090 0.091 0.072 0.073 0.054 0.055
Sodium bicarbonate 0.398 0.394 0.387 0.383 0.339 0.335
NaCl 0.090 0.096 0.098 0.104 0.107 0.112
Vitamin mix 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100
Mineral mix 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100
Choline chloride 0.065 0.066 0.066 0.067 0.067 0.069
Diet Costs, € 23.11.2023 380.02 404.21 367.83 390.15 357.18 377.70
27 | Public | 2023 | Xth USSEC Poultry Round Table for the feed industry in Maghreb Abdollahi et al., 2021
Broiler performance was not impacted by formulating on AME vs AMEn
Starter, % Grower, % Broiler Trial AME AMEn Significance
Item AME AMEn AME AMEn 0-21 d
Corn 61.81 59.03 64.09 61.08 Body weight, g 846 856 NS
SBM 48% 32.57 33.09 28.12 28.65 Feed intake, g 1104 1106 NS
Limestone 1.65 1.65 1.57 1.57 FCR 1.39 1.38 NS
Dicalcium Phosphate 1.10 1.10 0.96 0.97 21-42 d
Animal-vegetable fat 1.12 3.39 3.58 6.06 Body weight, g 1754 1763 NS
NaCl 0.40 0.04 0.40 0.40 Feed intake, g 3268 3249 NS
Premix 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 FCR 1.90 1.88 NS
DL-Met 0.206 0.206 0.187 0.187 0-42 d
L-Lys HCl 0.043 0.031 0.00 0.00 Body weight, g 2600 2619 NS
FCR 1.69 1.67 NS
Calculated analysis Abdominal fat, g 50.4 57.6 p < 0.01
AME, kcal/kg 3100 (3215) 3250 (3394) Carcass weight, g 1985 1996 NS
AMEn, kcal/kg (2965) (3100) (3144) 3250 Breast weight, g 492 475 NS

28 | Public | 2023 | Xth USSEC Poultry Round Table for the feed industry in Maghreb Lopez and Leeson, 2008
Summary and Conclusions

1. Composition and consistency of soybean products differ

by origin

2. Composition of SBM is more consistent compared to

other protein sources

3. Variation of feed ingredients translates into variable

finished feeds and inhomogenous flocks

4. Variation in finished feeds can be reduced by purchasing


5. Qualtiy control is essential to evaluate the local situation

and to take the right decisions

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