Professional Education

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Professional Education

1.For teachers, what is the most laudable motive for participation in professional development

a.Optimal use of time and resources b.Continuing professional growth

c.Support for training programs d.Promotion and higher merit pay

2.What is the essential characteristic of the New Performance Appraisal System for Teachers (PAST)?

a.Practice – based b.Competency – basedc.

Knowledge – basedd.

Values – based3.

What does “Once a teacher, forever a teacher” imply for the professional teacher?a.

Professional wage and salary b.

Professional licensec.

Professional camaraderied.

Professional commitment4.

What is the primary legal prerequisite for employment of teachers in basic education schools?a.

Attendance in the Teacher Induction b.

Conduct of a Teaching Democ.

Passing of the Interview Programd.

Passing of LET5.

How can inter-agency efforts (DepEd, CHED, PRC and CSC) be best achieved for training anddevelopment
of teachers?a.

Cost – reduction b.

Agency integrationc.



Which is most relevant in maintaining order and harmony in school?a.

Community participation b.

Academic curriculumc.

Campus cleanlinessd.

Rules of discipline7.

Who is the overall intended participant in Parent Teacher Community Association (PTCA)?a.

Students b.

School officialsc.

Non-teaching personnel8.

What primary legislation gives the needed support to advance quality education in the country?a.

Hiring new teachers b.

Building more classroomsc.

Certificate transfer programd.

Priority Fiscal allocation9.

Which kind of education best equips the global teacher in a borderless world?a.

Formal education b.

Inclusive educationc.

Multi-cultural educationd.

Alternative education10.

What gives the physically disadvantaged Filipino children the right to education?a.

Home Study Program b.

Magna Carta for Disabled Personsc.

Magna Carta for Teachersd.

Distance Education11.

How can research support academic quality advancement?a.

Assessment of school management b.

Inquiry in best practicesc.

Relevance in vision-mission-core valuesd.

Focus in curriculum reform12.

What is the focus of the K-to-12 Senior High School Program?a.

Social Communications b.


General Educationd.

Technical-vocational Training13.

Which management practice can involve students, parents, teachers and the community in
Liberal management b.

Bottoms-up managementc.

Top-down managementd.

Authorization management




For the continuing professional development seminar of the Bachelor of Education graduate to
meetstandards, the outcome/s should be in accordance with which level in the Philippines

Level 4 b.

Level 5c.

Level 6d.
Level 7 15.

What is facilitated by the adoption of national language under the 1987 Constitution?a.

Indigenous cultural heritage b.

National sovereigntyc.

Tagalog as the national languaged.

Communication among diverse linguistic groups16.

For John Dewey, when does education begin as a social process?a.

Early schooling b.

Kindergarten gradec.

At birthd.

Primary grade17.

Of the following, which states test validity?a.

A valid test is a reliable test b.

A reliable test is a valid testc.

A test used not be objective to be validd.

A test used not be reliable to be valid18.

Which organization advanced insights on “Learning to Treasure Within” for 21


century education?a.

Education for All Initiative b.

Asia Pacific Regional Bureauc.

Geneva International Conferenced.

International Commission for the 21



What was stressed by the education curriculum of Spartan education?a.

Morals and wisdom b.

Science and virtuec.

Crafts and vocationsd.

Training soldier-citizen20.

What program aims to reduce the gap between low social status and educational opportunities
fordeserving students?a.
National Achievement Test b.

Education Service Contracting Schemec.

Annual Fiscal Allocationd.

National College Admission Examination21.

How can the learner begin in himself to take the path of living and working together in the 21



Service of fellowmen b.

Outreach activitiesc.

Find inner peaced.

Faith in Church22.

How is Plato's contemplative use of mind best characterized?a.

Creative b.


Rote or routined.

What principle of moral discernment applies to fire victims who decided to jump over a ten story
buildingrather than die by being burned to death?a.

Principle of Material Cooperation c. Principle of Formal Cooperation b.

Principle of Lesser of Two Evils d. Principle of Double Effect24.

What a moral principle applies to removal of life sustaining machines from comatose patients
whomdoctors believe can no longer medically save?a.

Principle of Material Cooperation b.

Principle of Formal Cooperationc.

Principle of Double Effectd.

Principle of Lesser Evil


What is a form of emotional bullying which should be prevented?a.

Ridiculing b.



How can the moral certitude of student Dona be judged as she goes to Church confession every day to
bewashed of all sins?a.

Pharisaical b.




What was the degree of moral certitude in the decision of United States to drop Atomic bombs
onHiroshima and Nagasaki in order to prevent a prolonged way by a land invasion of Japan?a.

Perplexed b.




Which of the following is most comprehensive and lasting in responding to severe misbehavior
Sending letters to parents b.

Extending class periodc.

Parents Teachers Conferenced.

Class suspension29.

What is equal to giving students the benefit of the doubt?a.

See punishments as always beneficial b.

Reward rather than punishc.

Doubt the facts of the incidentd.

Get the side of students30.

What is the difficulty suffered by students who think they cannot do school work and therefore gives
upeasily on assigned task?a.

Rejected by peers b.



Failure syndrome31.
How is behavior of children classified when they are shy and withdrawn from classmates?a.

Moral b.




What is the hidden goal of students who refuse to cooperate or participate in class activities?a.

To seek power b.

To get attentionc.

To isolate selfd.

To get revenge33.

Presently, what has become the home library of students for vast and updated information?a.

Internet b.


Fan magazined.

What guideline should govern inflicting punishment?a.

Extra schoolwork is the best form of punishment b.

Punish at willc.

Abide by the school’s rules on punishmentd.

Apply different standards for punishment35.

How can student’s best learn the democratic process in election application to selection of class officers?

Role playing b.




What can Teacher Danny do in order to generate ideas in planning a sports competition activity?a.

Demonstration b.



Of sub-categories of teacher movement behavior, what is happening when the teacher goes from topic
oractivity to other topics or activities, lacking clear directions and sequence of activities?a.

Thrust b.





What does the teacher demonstrate in getting personal feedback on lessons from the students?a.

Respect for students b.

Interest for studentsc.

Authority over studentsd.

Cordiality with students39.

How is the behavior of children classified when they lack attention and difficulty to focus?a.

Physical b.




What method is appropriate to discuss the pros and cons of a proposal to legalize same-sex marriage
inthe Philippines?a.

Role playing b.

Panel discussionc.



When should the pattern of class discipline be established?a.

After signs of lack of discipline b.

Early in the first weeks of classesc.

After class discipline has been observedd.

Later after weeks of classes42.

Considering psychological balance, which is NOT to be done by teachers?a.

Punishment on erring student, not the whole class. b.

Punishing sparinglyc.

Punishing out of angerd.

Clarifying punishments to be done.43.

Which domain in the National Competency-Based Teacher Standards focuses on the idea that
teachersserve as positive and powerful role models?a.

Learning Environment b.

Personal Growth and Professional Developmentc.

Social Regard for Learningd.

Diversity of Learners.44.

What kind of learning may be missing due to excess adoption of visual technology at home
wherechildren are glued to their TV sets?a.

Perceptive competence b.
Lack of concentrationc.

Cognitive absorptiond.

Social relationships45.

Teacher Simone designed a lesson where she wanted her students to design an activity on the effect
ofchanging temperature of water on the dissolving rate of sugar. Which teaching method is appropriate
forTeacher Simone to use?a.

Direct instruction b.



Lecture method46.

Who see to it that policies and guidelines on Mother Tongue-Based Multi-Lingual Education
areimplemented by teachers?a.

Parents b.



School Head47.
What characterizes lectures that follow a planned sequence without diverting to other topics?a. Fluency
c. Spontaneity b. Divergence d. Continuity48.

In a problem – based learning group, who leads the discussion for achieving the desired aim?a.

Team members b.




What is the danger to learners in curriculum planning that advances excess use of technology

Content learning gaps b.

Passivity and uncritical mindsc.

Virtual than real-life learningd.

Rote and memory learning


What is the end-focus of Outcome – Based Education?a.

Competencies b.




What education program is relevant to change in behavioral patterns?a.

Cultural education b.

Values educationc.

Social educationd.

Physical educatio52.

In classroom curriculum implementation, which is referred to as the “Green Flag”?a.

Too much chalkboard talk b.

Content delivery biasc.

Student interestd.

Rigid movement53.
What research method is pre-test and post-test best used?a.

Case study b.



Field study54.

What competency is developed by the vocational subject under Landscape Drawing?a.

Depicting people and places b.

Artistic manipulationc.

Mechanical designd.

Planning and design55.

What is effective for introducing concepts textually and visually before a whole class or a big audience?a.

Symposium b.


PowerPoint presentation56.

What is a graphic presentation of numerical data?a.

Venn diagram b.


Spider mapd.

Attribute wheel57.

How is the Venn diagram most useful in presentation of concepts?a.

Sequence of events b.


Showing cause and effectd.

Presenting attributes58.

What is the questioning technique in which the teacher prods the students to reply along directions
thatlead to the proper answer?a.

Idea review b.



What is most desirable in the use of technology in instruction?a.

Computer computation of grades b.

PowerPoint presentationc.

Grade sheet preparationd.

Technology integration60.

What is journal writing using the Internet and useful for teachers who can publish lessons ideas to
digitalstudent readers?a.

E-mail b.



Power Point61.

What competency is developed through Electrical Repair subject in vocational schools?a.

Artistic manipulation b.
Planning and designc.

Technology trainingd.

Mechanical construction62.

What is the best process to develop logical reasoning among senior students?a.

Lecture on multi-intelligence b.

Game and discoveryc.

Forming and providing hypothesesd.

Question and answer technique63.

What is the learning outcome assessed by dramatic reading along criteria of posture, facial

Psycho-motor skills b.

Portrayal skillsc.

Non-discursive communicationd.

Discursive skills


What did Science Teacher Dina employ in preparing a list of behaviors for rating performance in the
useof microscope?a.

Rating response instrument b.

Performance testc.


Product rating scale65.

What strategy is used in combining subject areas in order to focus on a single concept for

Problem-centered learning b.

Induction methodc.

Thematic instructiond.

Unit method66.

Which of the following is the most appropriate question for meta-cognitive reflection on one’s teaching?

How attentive were my students? b.

How was the classroom atmosphere during my lecture?c.

What teaching materials were effective?d.

What have I learned from my teaching?67.

How can the local government support schools?a.

Allow school to join civic celebrations b.

Give donations for school projectsc.

Provide security in school premisesd.

Provide fiscal funding to support schools68.

What is a key factor in initiating the differentiated instructional process?a.

Record keeping performance assessment b.

Error analysisc.

Student-led conferenced.

Entry-level indicators69.

What is the purpose of support instructional materials in the classroom?a.

Replace teacher’s functions b.

Teach new lessonc.

Enhance learningd.

Speed up learning70.

What characterize lectures that follow a planned sequence without diverting to other topics?a.

Continuity b.




What is the right thing to do for students who displays attention-seeking behavior?a.

Ignore children for their behavior b.

Immediate cognizance of good behavior displayc.

Give them time to outgrow behaviord.

Tell them not to hurt others72.

What is being developed by allowing students their own learning and thinking?a.
Reflection b.



Psychic awareness73.

What is the source of information from the computer which can be used for a presentation?a.

Word processing b.



Desktop publishing74.

What is an aid that is two-dimensional and hanged on the wall?a.

Pocket chart b.

Overhead projectorc.


Flip chart75.
In SPED, what is the chair arrangement that is effective for students grouped and working together
basedon personality and work style?a.

Horseshoe or U-shape b.

Full circlec.

Classic rowsd.

Cooperative cluster


Which is the ability to know without being distracted or confused by irrelevant ideas?a.

Analysis b.




Why do teachers need “eyes in the back of their heads” in managing a class?a.

To be able to see children even while outside the classroom b.

To see if students copy while writing on the blackboardc.

To know what is going on at all timesd.

To rate students behavior78.

What rule should be followed for lighting SPED classroom?a.

Light coming from the right side of students. b.

Very well lighted classroomc.

Standard yet adequated.

Dark classroom79.

What is the cognitive ability to break and consider concepts through component parts?a.

Intuition b.




Before the advent of technology and universal acceptance of diversity in the classroom, what was the
paradigm of classroom management?a.
Procedures for self-discipline b.

Responsibility by everyone in the classroomc.

One-way interaction flowd.

Environment of shared learning81.

What is an indicator of autonomy in the learning environment?a.

Student bonding in the school b.

Student responsibility for learningc.

Warm and friendly atmosphered.

High achievement grades82.

What competency is developed through Electrical Repair subject in vocational schools?a.

Technology training b.

Mechanical constructionc.

Planning and designd.

Artistic manipulation83.
Sequence the steps in guiding the students in the se of instructional materials.I.

Follow sequence of activitiesII.

Prepare studentsIII.

Prepare materialsIV.

Prepare yourself (the teacher)a.

IV, II, III and I b.

I, II, III and IVc.

IV, I, II and IIId.

III, II, I and IV84.

Which of the following has the LEAST importance in purposive and effective learning?a.

Exploration b.


Problem solvingd.

Rote memory85.

Which is the ability to know without being frustrated by ambiguous ideas?a.

Focus b.




What aspect of lesson content is important in the process of metacognition?a.

Content pattern b.

Content datac.

Content constructd.

Content meaning87.

Which of the following is NOT among the ways to advance metacognition?a.

Learn to organize thoughts b.

Assess our thinkingc.

Learn how to studyd.

Accept new knowledge



Why is it difficult to have a single definition of problem behavior?a.

It is common to all b.

It is based on uniqueness of individualsc.

It is general in all situationsd.

It is a part of daily life89.

Of the following, which exemplifies a self-directed classroom management?a.

Teacher directs and controls discipline strictly b.

Teacher consults parents and peersc.

Teacher focuses on outputs and achievementd.

Teacher gives students responsibilities in class activities90.

What is generally used for mastery learning, especially of psycho-motor skills?a.

Brainstorming b.



What is the level of reading of student Jean judging that Shakespeare’s Hamlet had emotional
complexthat caused him to be wish taking his life?a.

Applied reading b.

Literal readingc.

Evaluative readingd.

Objective reading92.

Sequence the following events:I.

Greek-Roman lettersII.

Rise of the Phoenician AlphabetIII.

Use of pictures for readingIV.

Science of reading and interpretationa.

I, II III and IV b.
VI, III, I and IIc.

III, II, I and IVd.

I, III, II and IV93.

What is the reading style introduced by Teacher Zeny when she asked the students to pick up clues and
predictions from the reading materials?a.

Vertical-horizontal b.




What is the level of reading of those who believe God really created the universe in seven days as
written by the Bible?a.

Critical reading b.

Literal readingc.

Literary readingd.

Applied reading95.
What is a journal writing for the internet for netizens?a.

Email b.




What is a meaning of a +60% percentile score in relation to the class?a.

Scored better than 60% of class b.

Got 40% of items wronglyc.

Scored less than 60% of classd.

Go 60% correctly97.

What aspect of metacognition is involved when Teacher Jose asked his students to look
forinterrelationships between the French Revolution and Napoleon’s Rise to Power?a.

Problem-solving b.

Learning-thinking strategyc.

Subjectivity in thinkingd.
Knowledge in different areas98.

For Grace Goddell, how should the dictionary be used by students?a.

As a permanent study guide b.

Every time, everywherec.

For all difficult wordsd.

Only when necessary


For Grace Goddell, which is used for the last step of the reading skills ladder?a.

Phonetics b.


Parts of the bookd.

Contextual clues100.

Of the following, which is an instance when teachers lead students towards the path tometacognition?a.
Explaining learning objectives b.

Outlining parts of a lessonc.

Asking students to predict outcomesd.

Introducing topic of discussion101.

How do behaviorists explain forgetting?I.

Gradual cessation of a response as a result of passage of time.II.

No repetition of the behavior for a time.III.

Learning not meaningful.a.

III B. II C. I and II D. I. II, III102.

For Piaget, what is the process of creating a new cognitive structure, such as when a mother tellher child
that unlike dogs, a chicken does not bark?a. Equilibrium c. Accommodation b. Schema d.

What basic skills are dominant in learning activities such as computer encoding and internetdownloading
of photos and text?a.

Mechanical skills b.

Sensory skillsc.

Creative skillsd.
Manipulative skills104.

In research paper writing, which are referred to as dependent variables such as wage andincentives for
Economic Benefits?a.

Stimuli b.




As a naturalist philosopher, how did Lao Tzu view the reality of evil as opposed to good in theworld?a.

Emptiness or void b.


Vice as opposed to virtued.

Sin of human nature106.

In test results, what does a positive discrimination index mean?a.

More from the lower group got items correctly b.

Test items has low reliabilityc.

More of the upper group got items correctlyd.

Test item has low validity107.

Jerome Bruner and Edgar Dale agree that for effective teaching-learning, teachers should

Concrete b.




What is the basic psychological principle multicultural instruction?a.

High standards for achievement b.

Enrichment of cognitive potentialc.

Individual differencesd.

Motivated learning109.

What strategy allows special children to join classes within regular students?a.

Field study b.


Observation forum110.

For gender fairness, what is one name can which can replace reference to transvestite queens?a.

Dyke b.



Third sex



What characterizes the

business-academic approach

to classroom management?a.

Objectives, methods, outcomes b.

Calmness, consistency, compliancec.

Work, organization, proceduresd.

Control, persistence, sanctions112.

For gender fair language that advances feminism, how should congressmen addressed?a.

Politicians b.



Members of Congress113.

What is the best way to assess a class presentation (song, dance or drama)?a.

Feedback b.




What criteria serve the need to confine questions of tests from data of textbooks and lecturesdelivered
in the classroom?a.

Criterion Validityc.

Concurrent Validityd.

Predictive Validitye.

Content Validity115.

Learning is incorporating and hierarchically organizing new materials into one's cognitivestructures.
Which theory is explained?a.

Bandura's Social Learning Theory b.

Ausubel's Subsumption Theoryc.

Brofenbrenner's bio-ecologicald.

Piaget's Cognitive theory116.

Of the following checklist, which is the first among steps in preparing tests?a.

Delivering instructional objectives b.

Kind of test to usec.

Purpose of testd.
Arrangement of items117.

What cognitive study is stressed by the question: “in the light of facts presented, what will likelyhappen

Clarification b.




On motivational assessment, which is the most noble motive for entering into a profession e.g.teaching?

Promise of high pay and rewards b.

Social servicec.

Prestige and positiond.

Economic security119.

A supervisor observed a teacher and noted that the teacher was the only one talking during class.What
was the supervisor looking for in the class?a.

Students allowed to talk during lecture b.

Teacher drawing out student responsesc.

Voice projection and loudnessd.

Shortening talk and more activity120.

Of the following, which is NOT relevant to preparing reliable questions?a.

Item balance b.

Trick questionsc.

Learning objectivesd.

Course content121.

Using Rubrics, what is the most essential criteria to assess a student affairs program projected forthe
coming school-year?a.

Cost of program b.

Projected impactc.

Involvement of all stakeholdersd.

Feasibility of objectives


Which assessment task is aligned to this outcome?

Analyze the socio-cultural factors that affect learning.


Essay test b.

Multiple choice testc.

Completion testd.

Matching type test123.

What is determined by a criterion-referenced test?a. Performance on a moderate scale b. Performance

higher than other members of the group.c. Performance on wide scale.d. Preferred level of specific

What is client-based most directly helpful in introducing changes and reforms in school services?a.
Teacher survey c. Student’s feedback b. Principal’s observation d. Parent’s feedback125.

What dependent variable is apt for the hypothesis, “The more the teachers know the subjectmatter, the
better she can teach it.”a. Personality trait of teacher c. Teacher’s annual performance rating b.
Motivation by school head d. Incentives given to teaches126.

Of the following, which is commonly assessed by paper-and-pencil tests?a.

Motivation in learning b.

Influence of peersc.
Sight music readingd.

Vocabulary meaning127.

How is it possible to rate open-ended questions?a.

Portfolio b.




What are the 2 underpinning knowledge-and-skills for effective student assessment?I.

The assessment systemII.

Assessment principles (validity, efficiency, usability, flexibility…)III.

Characteristics of learnersIV.

Ethical value of assessmenta.

I and III b.

I and IIc.
III and IVd.

I and IV129.

What is meant by .35 descrimination index in test assessment?a.

Test is reliable b.

More from upper group answered items correctlyc.

More form lower group answered items correctlyd.

Test is valid130.

What is the end-focus of Outcome-Based Education?a.

Objectives b.




How are present-day netizen students properly referred today?a.

Computer buffs b.

U-tube viral viewersc.

Facebook followersd.

Digital generation132.

Of the following, which is LEAST authentic mode of student performance assessment?a.

Artistic production in art b.

Oral performance on communication skillsc.

Experiment as a scientific methodd.

Paper-pencil vocabulary test



Which of the following may not be well assessed by paper-and-pencil tests?a.

Subject verb agreement b.

Vocabulary meaningc.

Sight music readingd.

Multiplication skill134.

What do Wigins and McTighe cite as proof student understanding of the principles of learning?a.

Memory retention b.

Setting given examplesc.

Applying to solve problemsd.

Repeating teacher’s input135.

What cognitive domain is involved in having students clarify information from conclusions?a.

Synthesis b. Analysis c. Application d. Evaluation136.

What is the significance of a .50 facility test index?a.

Complete reliability b.

Moderate efficiencyc.

Ease in test managementd.

Full validity137.

Presently, what has become the home library of students for vast and updated information?a.
Newspapers c. Facebook b. Fan magazines d. Internet138.
What trend in literacy rates appears as males and females get older?a.

Difference appears b.

Difference widensc.

Difference dominatesd.

Difference disappears139.

What can be said of student performance in a positively skewed score distribution?a.

Few students performed excellently b.

Almost all students had average performancec.

Most students performed welld.

Most students performed poorly140.

In problem-based learning, how are presentation output assessment classified?a.

Peer observation assessment b.

Individual assessmentc.

Case-based assessmentd.

Group assessment141.
What is true when student test results deviation is small?a.

Bell curve is relatively flat b.

Scores are tightly bunched togetherc.

Scores are toward both extremesd.

Scores are spread apart142.

What does a normal curve mean in grade distribution of scores?a.

All have average grades b.

Largest number with high grades and few low gradesc.

Large number of more or less average and few receiving low and high gradesd.

Largest number receiving low and high grades143.

Of the following, which is covered by the Science of Ergonomics?a.

Donations from the community b.

School budget and financec.

School space and landscaped.

Medical and health facilities144.

What criteria are complied with when the test measures, what is aimed to measure?a.

Efficiency b. Validity c. Reliability d. Usability145.

Of the following, which is direct performance experience in teaching science?a.

Teacher uses graphs to show scientific data b.

Teacher invites a science expertc.

Teacher demonstrates use of microscoped.

Teacher presents a science film



What is most desirable in the use of technology in instruction?a.

Technology integration b.

PowerPoint presentationc.

Computer Computation of Gradesd.

Grade sheet reparation147. According to PRC Revised Guidelines for Continuing Professional
Development (Resolution No. 2013-774), every professional teacher is required proof of ______
continuing professional development units forrenewal of professional identification card every three

36 b.



4148. When his fellow science teachers share their frustration with students’ poorly written lab reports,
Joesuggests that they invite several English teachers to recommend strategies for writing instruction.
With twoEnglish teachers, the science teachers examine a number of lab reports together and identify
the strengths andweaknesses of the reports. The English teachers share strategies they use in their
classes to improve students’writing. Which role do the English teachers play in this case?a.

Curriculum specialist C. Instruction specialist b.

Curriculum designer D. Curriculum evaluator149. GASTPE is one proof of public-private partnership for
government to give access to quality education.What does GASTPE mean?a.

Government Assistance to Students and Teachers in Private Education b.

Government Assistance for Scholarships and Teaching in Private Educationc.

Government Assistance to Students' and Teachers' Scholarships in Private Educationd.

Government Assistance to Selected Students and Teachers in Private Education150. Who is the best
person who should be responsible for constructing test with validity overspecific content of subject
Teacher-and-peers b.




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