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Introduction: Trees are an essential part of our ecosystem. They provide us with oxygen,
absorb carbon dioxide, and help in maintaining the water cycle. However, deforestation
and urbanization have led to a significant decrease in the number of trees. And The
world is facing a waste crisis, and the Philippines is no exception. The country generates
40,000 tons of waste per day1. This alarming amount of waste is not only harmful to the
environment but also poses a threat to public health. To address this issue, we propose a
Zero waste project that aims to reduce waste generation and promote sustainable
practices. To combat these issues, we need to plant more trees and reducing waste. In
this concept paper, we will discuss the importance of tree planting, zero wasting, social
awareness, and other environmental problem and how we can promote it.

●Our main aim is to educate the people and give awareness

● To Increased efficiency

● To Increased performance due to clean environment

● To Reducing costs as waste is prevented

The main motive of this project is to increase awareness about the importance of our
environment and encourage people to do something that can help our mother Earth. It also
aims to encourage people to plant more trees in their communities, backyards, and public

The Zero waste project is a community-based initiative that aims to promote tree planting and
increase awareness about the power of climate change.

-The advocacy will conduct seminars and classes

-The project will gather people especially children

-The project will be happening in barlis Cab city

-Attendees will be given free snacks / seeds

Support: The estimated budget needed for the project is ranging from 25,000 to 40,000. This
includes the free snacks, seeds, and other related fees.

The estimated budget needed for the project is ranging from 5,000 to 8,000. This
● Conduct seminars and classes to educate people about the importance of trees and
the environmental problems caused by deforestation.

● Organize tree planting events in schools, communities, and public spaces

● Provide free seedlings and planting materials to encourage people to plant more trees.

● Monitor the growth of trees and ensure their survival by providing maintenance

Contact Information
The proponents can be contacted on the following:

Phone No. 09771312028



Figure 1

This picture shows the tree planting

Figure 2

This picture shows recycling by children this one the goal of this project

Figure 3

This picture shows reusing plastic bottle

Figure 5

This picture shows segregation of waste
Concept Paper

Erick John Ponce

11- ABM-A

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