Olufemi-O-Year 10 Progress Report

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Star International School, Mirdif

24B Street, Mirdif, Dubai

+971 (0)4 288 4644

Year 10 Progress Report 2023/24

Pupil Name Tutor Group Tutor Name
Oluwafikunayomi Olufemi 10TKE Mr Tomás Kenny

Autumn Term Attendance


Subject Class Teacher Attitude to Target Year 10 Progress

Learning Grade Prediction
English Ms Zoe Sutcliffe 1 2c 3a AEP

Mathematics Mr Allan Forbes 2 3c 2a WTEP

Double Science: Miss Katie Bruce 2 3c 3c EP

Double Science: Ms Prabhjit Bajwa 2 3c 3c EP
Double Science: Mr Simon Calvert 2 3c 4c AEP
Arabic B Ms Imane Djaaboub 2 E E AEP

Moral Education Ms Charlotte 2 2c 3b AEP

Social Studies Mr Malik Ali 1 3c 6b AEP

Business Studies Mr Yousuf Hamid 2 3c 3c EP

Computer Science Mr Mark MacInnes 2 2c 3c AEP

Design & Mr Keelan Gallagher 2 3c 3a AEP

Star International School, Mirdif
24B Street, Mirdif, Dubai
+971 (0)4 288 4644

Subject Class Teacher Attitude to Target Year 10 Progress

Learning Grade Prediction
Graphic Ms Aisling Walsh 2 3c 2c WTEP
PE Ms Jenny Crabb 2 3c 4c AEP

Attitude to Learning

At Star, we place a huge emphasis on developing each child's Attitude to Learning (ATL). We want our
children to be creative, curious and life-long learners. We expect all children to fully engage in all learning
opportunities, take responsibility for their own progress and make positive contributions in all contexts.
Children are assessed on their attitude to learning in every lesson as well as an overall judgement at the end
of every term.

When assessing a child's attitude to learning, teachers make a judgement. The four judgements are:

Teacher Attitude to Learning

Outstanding ● Student is fully engaged in learning and exceeds expectations of work
● Student is demonstrating attributes of an ambitious, independent learner
who takes responsibility for their own progress.
● Student completes all tasks to the best of their ability and engages in
additional extension tasks to further their learning.
● Student supports other learners.
Good ● Student is engaged in learning.
● Student attempts to be an ambitious, independent learner who sometimes
takes responsibility for their own progress.
● Student shows aspiration necessary to be successful.
● Student completes the tasks to the best of their ability.
Requires ● Student has shown some engagement in learning, meeting basic
Improvement expectations.
● Student has shown limited ambition, when prompted to do so.
Star International School, Mirdif
24B Street, Mirdif, Dubai
+971 (0)4 288 4644

Teacher Attitude to Learning

● Student has shown some aspiration to succeed, but has not yet developed
the resilience for this to be consistent.
● Student does not complete tasks to the best of their ability.
Causing Concern ● Student has not engaged fully in learning and has failed to meet basic
● Student has not yet developed the resilience to take responsibility for their
own learning.
● Student shows little aspiration to succeed.
● Student completes little or no work in lessons, in relation to the work set.

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