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‘172003, 4:44 PM aboutblank Module 1 Cheatsheet: Python Ba: Package/Method Description Code Example Comments ae ines of text tat are jore by the Python interpreter when executing 2g yhig ds = coment the odes > (erie) ‘Sy Comments iat CConcatnation Combines concatenate) strings Example: pia Example: Data Types Imeger- Float Boole - Sting oe 4. Ulate vatue Indering Accesses characte ata specific index. 4, de(steing sone) pia eng) Returs the length of string. Bxample 3, Mgt icnten string) ‘api Beample tower) Convers string to lowercase oe rina: 2. Uencase tort = wy-string tert) pia print) Prints the message a varable inside Bxample 2. prine(Holta, wore) 2 beancano)| aboutblank 18 ‘172003, 4:44 PM Python Operators replace Slicing slo stip nner Varabie Assignment, aboutblank Aadsion (2) Adds two values together, Subtraction (: Subracts one value fom another Multiplication (7) Muliplies two valves Divisio (Divides oe vale by another, returns Boa. aboutblank Floor Divison (i): Divides one vale by aaoter,retums the quotient san integer, Modul (0): Return the remainder afer division. Replace subscings Exacta portion of the sing. Splis sing into alist based on a delimiter. Removes ladingtaling whitespace. Convers sting to uppercase Assigns valet variable Brample sk Sy & huttipiieseson eee (9 # Fao oivtaton epi) Example 2. necont > npsring.ceplace(Welio", "H1*) (cea) Syata 1s suostring = string.nane[star:end] ‘opie Beample: 4. ystrings"Wells substring = ay_string@:5] 1. mystrsnerielioe 2, Splttest © ay string. settt(% 9 2, Cea my sting. stris(> 3, Upenateltoet 2 my_stringspaerd) pia) Syatax pia Brample 2OUTS aspen Sea vartade 3 pia 28 ‘12823, 4:44 PM ‘about blank @® Skills Network aboutblank

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