Concrete Construction Article PDF - The SCC Test - Inverted or Upright

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ne of the most significant limitations of struction, but the test at very least can be filling it is facilitated and the floating up of

O using self-consolidating concrete (SCC)

in the United States concerns the ap-
parent lack of established test standards to
used to assess consistency from batch to
batch. Slump flow has been standardized
by several Japanese and European agencies,
the slump funnel is hindered.” Very few pro-
ducers have evaluated the two procedures,
and most follow what their admixture sales
quantify its physical properties. In order for and will be the first test method for SCC representative has instructed. This likewise
SCC to be accurately specified and to en- to be published by ASTM International. goes for many specifiers, who’ve seen little
sure quality, uniform standards must exist To determine the slump flow, a slump more than very elaborate presentations.
that can be accepted and used by all in the cone (also known as an Abrams cone—the
industry. Although there are many methods same apparatus as in ASTM C143) is placed The inversion process
under development, it is important to ap- on a moist non-absorptive surface and filled Why invert the cone? Perhaps those
preciate that none of the test methods for with fresh SCC. The cone is lifted in 2 to actually producing and testing SCC on a
SCC has been standardized yet. 4 seconds, at a height of 6 to 12 inches, and regular basis can best answer that question.
One test that has been widely accepted the concrete flows out under the influence The most common statement that you will
by those working with SCC is the slump of gravity. Two perpendicular measurements hear is “it is easier,” but how so? Filling is
flow test method. The slump flow is used are taken horizontally across the spread of accomplished more easily by pouring the
to evaluate the horizontal free flow of SCC concrete and the average is reported. sample into the larger opening, and this
in the absence of obstructions. First de- There are two procedures for filling the reduces spillage. Though if filling were the
veloped in Japan for use in assessment of Abrams cone—it may be in the upright po- only issue, this could be overcome with a
underwater concrete, this method is based sition or inverted. Inverting the test appa- readily available funnel manufactured to
on ASTM C143, the test method for de- ratus is not a new or unfounded concept. fit the standard slump cone.
termining slump. It is an indication of flu- The German document “DafStb Guideline Also, the lid of a plastic 5-gallon bucket
idity, or filling ability. It can be argued that for Self-Compacting Concrete” states in sec- with a 6-inch opening cut in the center
the completely free flow, unrestrained by tion M.1.6.2, “The slump flow value alter- can be placed over the upright cone to
any boundaries, is not representative of natively also may be determined with the catch any spillage that may occur. By plac-
what happens in practice in concrete con- cone mold turned over, as a result of which ing the apparatus in an inverted position

The SCC Test:

Inverted or
the cone can be maneuvered without the
producer’s feet coming into play. Most pro-
ducers using the inverted method agree the
weight of the concrete in the cone holds
it downward so that a person does not have
to stand on it. With the cone inverted, a
Plexiglas “flow board” can be elevated so
A technician there is no need to bend over. And if your
performs the feet are not tied down, you are free to move
inverted slump around instead of stretching and twisting
flow test on for the next scoop of concrete.
an elevated One ready-mix producer states, “Most
flow board. will find they prefer upside down once they
try it.” This was found to be true with a
Lafarge ready-mix representative partici-
pating in the development of the statisti-
PHOTOS: PAUL RAMSBURG cal statement for the ASTM standardized
method. Originally he was opposed to the
idea of an inverted cone, even though he
had never conducted the test in that man-
ner. While performing multiple slump flows
with the upright cone, with his feet planted
and twisting for the wheelbarrow, he no-
ticed the person performing the inverted
method was able to momentarily leave the

The cone and

the technician
are firmly

 Although no standards
have been established,
testing slump flow is an
everyday reality.

A technician
has to twist for
the sample and
bend to fill the
upright cone.
Inverted and Upright Comparisons A solid batting average
Slump flow <25 inches Correlation testing conducted at the
Oldcastle facility has shown that there is
y = 0.9748x + 0.6356 no difference in results between the two
R = 0.5396 cone positions. Three mix designs with
three different performance levels were
3.0 evaluated: less than 25 inches flow, more
Number of tests

than 25 inches flow, and more than 25
inches with noted segregation and bleed-
2.0 ing. In the 30 tests of less than 25 inches
flow the average difference was less than
1.5 1.7 1.9 2.1 2.3 2.5 2.7 2.9 3.1 1⁄4 inch, with a standard deviation of 3⁄4
Slump flow (inches)
inch. As the flow values increase both the
Slump flow >25 inches
average difference and the standard devi-
y = 1.0739x + 0.384 ation decrease dramatically.

R = 0.4918 A statistical analysis of the three sets
of 30 tests would determine any difference
between the upright and inverted methods.
Number of tests

Based on the Paired T-test at the 5% sig-
nificance level (alpha = 0.05), there is no
2.0 difference in the averages between positions
of the cone. Based on the F-test at the 5%
1.5 1.7 1.9 2.1 2.3 2.5 2.7 2.9 significance level, there is no difference in
Slump flow (inches)
the variability of test results between the
The three categories of SCC mixes tested are: less than 25 inches flow, greater than 25
inches flow, and greater than 25 inches flow with noticeable segregation or bleeding. upright and inverted slump flow methods.
Noted in these charts are the compared results of both the slump flow and T-50 for 30 Tests currently are being conducted
tests each. This is a statistical summary of inverted versus upright methods. with aggregate more dense than the aver-
age concrete constituents, as well as light-
cone and did not have to twist and stretch given to them for determining air content weight aggregate. These tests are exhibit-
for the sample. in fresh concrete? Not only are there two ing similar results.
This industry professional walked away methods to measure this property, but one A representative from Euclid Chem-
as a fan of the inverted method. Even if of these (ASTM C231) gives you the choice icals, Cleveland, responded to the survey
ergonomic safety was the only reason to of two procedures. By briefly thumbing by saying, “In our tests, there was no dif-
consider the inverted method, shouldn’t through the standards, you’ll find it is not ference in the results one way or the other,
that be enough? It is possible for one tech- uncommon for ASTM to allow for options. but I can see that in certain cases a higher
nician to conduct the slump flow in either Not only do various European guide- head pressure could make a difference—
position, though some users say they need lines attempt to standardize the inverted maybe more on the T-50.”
two technicians for the upright version. and upright slump flow methods, but also That brings us to how the position of
Some have a concern with the sta- PCI’s “Interim Guidelines for the Use of the cone may affect other test methods that
bility of the cone while inverted, though SCC in PCI Member Plants” documents can be conducted along with the slump
most producers have not had a problem them both. flow. Three basic properties of SCC should
with overturning the cone. Pressure can be A recent survey conducted by repre- be tested in the qualifying and/or control
applied if necessary, as opposed to holding sentatives of Oldcastle Inc., Fredericksburg, stage. These are workability (fluidity), seg-
the upright cone in position. Va., resulted in more than 150 responses regation resistance, and passing ability (re-
from concrete producers who are using, or sistance to blocking). Relative viscosity
Considering the options have used, SCC in numerous applications, also may be measured to quantify the ap-
What about confusion that may be including both precast and ready-mix. Among proach to the segregation threshold. To
caused by standardization of an option those respondents approximately 45% use measure all these properties efficiently, and
within the method? People who express the slump cone upright and 55% inverted. without the need for cumbersome special-
this concern are selling short the individ- Four of those producers have conducted com- ized equipment, a Japanese ring (J-ring)
uals that make up our industry. How many parison tests between the two procedures, may be combined with the slump flow, Vi-
specifiers, engineers, or producers do you each of them concluding that the procedure sual Stability Index (VSI), and T-50 meth-
know who are confused about the choice “did not affect the outcome of the spread.” ods, and may be conducted concurrently.
Is It Slumping, Spreading, or Both? ture suppliers and several departments of
transportation confirm that even though it
W hile there is no
denying the dif-
ferences between stan-
consolidation in the
working title of its new
“Standard Test Method
the average diameter of
the concrete’s lateral flow.
While the term “spread”
is possible for this to be a one-man test, most
often two technicians are used. Surprisingly
dard concrete and self- for Slump Flow and is widely used to describe the vast majority of those SCC producers
compacting concrete, Stability of Hydraulic- this measurement, the surveyed responded to a question about the
how to talk about SCC Cement Self- ENFARC guidelines con- T-50 with “what is T-50?” Although this test
remains an open issue. Consolidating Concrete,” sistently refer to it as is relative to specific sets of materials, and
First, its name. expected to be finalized “slump flow.” Likewise, we know too little about it to ever specify a
Compaction is the sometime this year. the ASTM draft standard certain value, it can be a valuable tool to
behavior cited in a 2002 Fortunately, “SCC” works makes numerous refer- producers during the mix qualification process.
document developed by in both cases. ences to slump flow, but We have entered a new era of con-
EFNARC, the European In describing test also defines and uses the crete, where rheology must be considered.
Federation of Producers results, however, the dif- term spread. In the future we will speak more in terms
and Contractors of ferences in terminology While slump flow
of “yield stress” and “viscosity,” and less
Specialist Products for are more persistent. appears likely to become
about “workability.” More elaborate and
Structures (www.efnarc. Because SCC has a very the description used in
org), entitled high slump—one might codes and specifications, definitive test methods will be developed
“Specification & even say it puddles— people discussing SCC to assess these characteristics, but just as
Guidelines for Self- standard slump measure- are probably going to there is the trusty slump test, so there will
Compacting Concrete.” ments offer a poor basis of talk about spread; in be the slump flow.
Meanwhile, ASTM comparison. Instead, practice, the terms are It’s obvious there always will be some
International refers to SCC producers measure synonymous. controversy surrounding this issue. Every-
one will have a preferred way of perform-
In order to ascertain the tendency of crete specimen touches the 20 inches mark ing the slump flow test method. Should
SCC to block a ring with a diameter of 12 placed on the flow board. There is concern ASTM and other standards developers allow
inches, to which metal rods are fastened that this test is somewhat arbitrary due to for an option of either the upright or in-
and distributed uniformly over the entire the difficulty of starting and stopping a clock verted cone? The Virginia Transportation
circumference, the J-ring is placed around while conducting the slump flow. The small Research Council makes a great point, when
the slump cone and the flow test is con- amount of possible intervals, only a few sec- asked whether the industry should have
ducted as it is unconfined. If the slump onds, also plays into the issue. this option: “Which one we use and what
cone is inverted it can be used without The Oldcastle correlation testing shows values we require are up to us.” Both the
modification. Otherwise the flanges must a logical increase in T-50 time with the in- inverted and the upright slump flow pro-
be removed, requiring that a user possess verting of the cone. This is largely due to cedures are well-established methods, re-
two slump flow cones. the fact that the specimen is starting from a gardless of concerns over how they corre-
The VSI is a qualitative visual test that 4-inch diameter instead of 8 inches. This late. They should be standardized and the
compares photographs and descriptions of could possibly improve the T-50, with a choice of which procedure to use left up
mixes with various degrees of segregation greater number of intervals; small differences to those who specify, contract, or produce.
and bleeding. How does the inverted method in relative viscosity could be more notice-
affect the VSI? A representative from Grace able. As the slump flow values increase, the —RAMSBURG is a quality control manager
Construction Products, Cambridge, Mass., variance in the T-50 was found to be less with Oldcastle Precast Inc. in Fredericks-
describes his experience: “Some of our peo- obvious. When considering the statistical burg, Va. Darmawan Ludirdja, Ph.D., from
ple have noticed that the stone tends to pile analysis it appears that there is no difference SIKA Corp. and Celik Ozyildirim, Ph.D.,
up in the middle of the slump-flow spread in the fast flowing system (segregated mix), P.E., from the Virginia Transportation Re-
when the inverted cone is used,” he says. but as the flow slows the difference becomes search Council contributed to this article.
“Thus, the inverted cone could be viewed significant. In further testing it will be de-
as a more rugged test for segregation.” termined whether a value could be added to For the complete comparison data and statis-
The T-50 is a simple means to quan- the T-50 equation to correlate the methods. tical comparison, visit www.rotondo
tify the relative viscosity of a mix. Using and click on ‘special projects.’
the same equipment as the slump flow Various testing methods For more information on SCC, the new
method, a measurement of the time for the The EFNARC document makes this as- publication Conference Notes, First North
SCC to spread to 20 inches is recorded. sessment: “This is a simple, rapid test pro- American Conference on the Design and
The timing starts immediately as the cone cedure, though two people are needed if the Use of Self-Consolidating Concrete can be
is lifted and stops when any part of the con- T-50 time is to be measured.” Two admix- found at

Publication #J03G034, Copyright © 2003 Hanley-Wood, LLC. All rights reserved

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