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Journal of Food Protection, Vol. 75, No. 10, 2012, Pages 1846–1850
Copyright G, International Association for Food Protection

Research Note

Prevalence and Molecular Characteristics of Vibrio spp.

Isolated from Preharvest Shrimp of the North Western Province
of Sri Lanka

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1Government Veterinary Office, Walikanda 51070, Polonnaruwa, Sri Lanka; 2Institute of Food Hygiene, Freie Universität, 14163 Berlin, Germany;
3Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai 50100, Thailand; 4Federal Institute for Risk Assessment, 14195 Berlin, Germany;
and 5Postgraduate Studies in International Animal Health, Freie Universität, 10117 Berlin, Germany

MS 12-115: Received 8 March 2012/Accepted 10 June 2012

This study investigated the prevalence and molecular characteristics of Vibrio spp. in farmed shrimp (Penaeus monodon) in
Sri Lanka. A total of 170 shrimp samples (100 g of whole shrimp each) taken from individual ponds from 54 farms were collected
1 week prior to harvest from the North Western Province of Sri Lanka. Overall, 98.1% of the farms and 95.1% of the ponds were
positive for Vibrio spp. in shrimp; at the pond level, V. parahaemolyticus (91.2%) was most common, followed by V.
alginolyticus (18.8%), V. cholerae non-O1/non-O139 (4.1%), and V. vulnificus (2.4%). Multiple Vibrio spp. were detected in
20.6% of the ponds. None of the V. parahaemolyticus isolates (n ~ 419) were positive for the virulence-associated tdh
(thermostable direct hemolysin) and trh (TDH-related hemolysin) genes. V. cholerae was confirmed by the presence of ompW,
and all isolates (n ~ 8) were negative for the cholera toxin (ctxA) gene. V. cholerae isolates were serogrouped by PCR and
identified as V. cholerae non-O1/non-O139. All four V. vulnificus strains, isolated from different ponds of two geographical
regions, showed pathogenic potential; they belonged to vcgC sequence type, type B 16S rRNA genotype and contained a pilF
polymorphism associated with human pathogenicity. The results of this study revealed the ubiquitous nature of vibrios in farmed
shrimp. To minimize the potential risk of Vibrio infections due to handling or consumption of raw or undercooked seafood
products, good manufacturing practices as well as proper handling and processing should be addressed.

Foodborne outbreaks due to Vibrio-contaminated The presence of Vibrio cholerae, V. vulnificus, and V.
seafood (including shrimp) have been reported from both parahaemolyticus in shrimp cultures cannot be avoided as
tropical and temperate countries, such as Thailand (9), they belong to the natural microflora of the estuarine waters
Indonesia (21), Mexico (5), and Chile (6). The ubiquitous (4, 11). V. cholerae was identified in aquaculture and envi-
nature of Vibrio spp. and their close association with shrimp ronmental samples associated with shrimp production from
in hatcheries and grow-out ponds make them an important different Southeast Asian regions (15, 18). Most of the
issue in public health (5). Crustacean culture plays an environmental strains of V. cholerae are non-O1/non-O139
important role in the world’s aquaculture industry, with and rarely carry cholera toxin genes (14).
shrimp being the most popular aquaculture product. Shrimp V. vulnificus is a leading cause of seafood-related human
are a valuable resource of the aquaculture sector in Sri infections and is responsible for more than 95% of seafood-
Lanka, largely designated for export to the United States, related deaths (usually associated with handling or consumption
Japan, and the European Union countries. Previous studies of raw and undercooked seafood), despite its low prevalence in
identified high prevalences of Vibrio spp. in shrimp and the such matrices (19, 34). V. vulnificus is more frequently isolated
shrimp culture environment in Sri Lanka and India (15, 18). from estuarine waters than coastal marine waters, possibly due
However, usually only 1 to 3% of environmental Vibrio to the lower salinity of estuarine habitats (32).
parahaemolyticus strains carry the virulence genes tdh/trh Thus, data are needed about the presence of Vibrio spp.
that can produce thermostable direct hemolysin (TDH) or in seafood, with particular reference to potentially virulent
TDH-related hemolysin (TRH) (15, 25, 28). Nonetheless, strains. The present study was carried out in a large shrimp
single studies showed higher prevalences of trh (z) tdh (2) production area in the North Western Province of Sri Lanka.
strains in fish (up to 19%) (32). The objectives of this study were to determine the
prevalence of Vibrio spp. and the molecular characteristics
of Vibrio spp. in shrimp raised in shrimp farm ponds, in
* Author for correspondence. Tel: z49-30-838-62550; Fax: z49-30-838- order to evaluate the risks for producers and consumers
62552; E-mail: from handling and consumption of seafood.

incubated at 37uC for 24 h. After incubation, isolated colonies were

Gram stained and tested for oxidase and motility.

Vibrio spp. confirmation by multiplex PCR. After DNA

extraction (boiling method), a multiplex PCR was performed based
on protocols previously described (13, 33). Primers for the
detection of V. cholerae, V. parahaemolyticus, and V. vulnificus
are described by Tarr et al. (33); primers for the detection of V.
alginolyticus were used according to Di Pinto et al. (13). V.
cholerae was additionally verified by ompW detection according to
the protocol described by Nandi et al. (23). Primers are shown in
Table 1.

Molecular characterization. Following species identifica-

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tion, Vibrio isolates were characterized in detail by molecular
methods. Detection of virulence-associated tdh and trh genes in V.
parahaemolyticus was performed by PCR according to Honda and
Iida (16). As control strains, V. parahaemolyticus DSM10027
(ATCC 17802) and V. parahaemolyticus RIMD 2210633 were
used. V. cholerae O1 and O139 serogrouping was carried out using
the protocol and primers described by Rivera et al. (27). In
addition, ctxA detection was performed (20). For that, V. cholerae
1360 and V. cholerae 1576 were used as control strains (3). To
detect potential virulence factors in V. vulnificus isolates, pilF, vcg,
and 16S rRNA genes were analyzed. Polymorphism of the pilF
FIGURE 1. Location of sampled shrimp farms in the North gene has been suggested to correlate with serum resistance, a
Western Province of Sri Lanka. 1, Chillaw; 2, Mundalama; 3, potential virulence factor of V. vulnificus (29). The gene pilF
Madurankuliya; 4, Kalpitiya; 5, Puttalam. (required for pilus type IV assembly) was amplified with the
primers PilFF and PilFR (29), yielding a 917-bp fragment carrying
the whole pilF gene. The fragment was sequenced with internal
MATERIALS AND METHODS primers VvPil-F2 and VvPilF-R2 deduced from pilF sequences
Samples and data collection. This study was carried out (accession FJ756476). The 16S rRNA genotype has been
from November 2010 to March 2011. A total of 170 black tiger implicated as a marker for clinical strains of V. vulnificus (34). A
shrimp (Penaeus monodon) samples from 54 shrimp farms were real-time PCR was performed according to Vickery et al. (34) to
obtained. These farms were located in five areas of the Puttalam discriminate between 16S rRNA genotype A and B. The vcg
District in the North Western Province of Sri Lanka (Fig. 1). (virulence correlated gene) locus has been suggested to differen-
Each farm consisted of 1 to .20 ponds. One week before tiate between environmental isolates and clinical isolates of V.
harvest, 100-g shrimp samples (five to eight shrimps, depending vulnificus (30, 31). The vcg C-type allele correlates with strains of
on the individual weight) were collected randomly from harvest clinical origin, and the E-type correlates with strains of
ponds of the farms, and shrimp from individual ponds were environmental origin. PCR primers that distinguish between the
pooled to one sample. Shrimp were caught from the feeding trays two groups have been published previously (31). The primer pair
or casting nets and carried in sterile plastic bags to avoid cross- P1-P3 was used for the vcg C-type allele and the pair P2-P3 for the
contamination. Samples were immediately transported to the E-type. PCR was performed as described by Rosche et al. (31). All
laboratory in coolers at 4 to 8uC. If shrimp of one pond were primers used in the assays are summarized in Table 1.
positive for Vibrio spp., the whole farm was reported as positive
To characterize environmental and production factors, water
In almost all shrimp farms (53 of 54), Vibrio spp. were
pH (pH-Meter, Hanna Instruments, Smithfield, RI) and water
salinity (Salinity Refractometer S/Mill-E, Atago, Tokyo, Japan) of detectable in shrimp samples. At the farm level, the highest
the corresponding ponds were tested at sampling. Inquiries were prevalence was found for V. parahaemolyticus (98.1%),
made regarding stocking density (number of postlarvae per square followed by V. alginolyticus (34.6%), V. cholerae non-O1/
meter) and use of probiotics at each farm. non-O139 (13.5%), and V. vulnificus (7.4%). The high
Vibrio farm prevalence corresponds to similar studies
Bacterial isolation and characterization. Bacteriological carried out in South East Asia (15). During our study
analysis was carried out within 3 h after collection. Whole shrimp period, unusually heavy rains and floods prevailed, which
(100-g sample pooled from an individual pond) were blended by a lowered the salinity of the lagoon water and, additionally,
sterile stainless steel commercial blender (Ivory, Gandimathi, India).
prevented the farmers from changing pond water. This could
From homogenates, 25 g was enriched in 225 ml of alkaline peptone
have increased organic material within the ponds by
water (Merck, Darmstadt, Germany) containing 2% NaCl (pH 8.6)
and was incubated at 37uC for 24 h. After enrichment, thiosulfate accumulation of feed waste and fecal matters. Both factors
citrate bile salt sucrose agar (BD Difco, Le Pont de Claix, France) (low salinity, high nutrient concentration) usually favor the
was used for cultivation, and cultures were incubated at 37uC for growth of Vibrio spp. (7).
24 h. Four to five presumptive colonies were transferred to lysogeny At the pond level (n ~ 170), 95.1% of the ponds were
broth agar (Merck) containing 1% NaCl (pH 7.5) and were positive for Vibrio spp. V. parahaemolyticus was predom-
1848 KORALAGE ET AL. J. Food Prot., Vol. 75, No. 10

TABLE 1. Primers and probes used for molecular characterization of Vibrio spp.
Primer Sequence (59 to 39) Target/utility (species)a Reference


VA-F CGAGTACAGTCACTTGAAAGC Collagenase (E03106) (Va) 13
Vv.hsp-326F GTCTTAAAGCGGTTGCTGC hsp60 (Vv) 33

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VCO139F2 TTACCAGTCTACATTGCC O139 serogroup (Vc) 27
PilFF CGATTGGTAGGCAATAGAC pilF (Vv) primers for amplification 29
VvPil-F2 AGGCCAAGCACAAAAAGATCC pilF (Vv) sequencing primers This work
P1 AGCTGCCGATAGCGATCT vcg C-type allele (Vv) 31
P2 CTCAATTGACAATGATCT vcg E-type allele (Vv)
P3 CGCTTAGGATGATCGGTG Reverse primer for both vcg alleles
Vc, V. cholera; Va, V. alginolyticus; Vp, V. parahaemolyticus; Vv, V. vulnificus.

inant, accounting for 91.2%, followed by V. alginolyticus V. cholerae, V. parahaemolyticus, and V. vulnificus (17).
(18.8%), V. cholerae non-O1/non-O139 (4.1%), and V. Salinity in 46.5% of the ponds ranged from 0 to 10 ppm,
vulnificus (2.4%) (Table 2). Multiple Vibrio spp. were and 53.5% showed a salinity of .10 ppm. Age at sampling
detectable in 20.6% of the ponds. Most studies demonstrated was divided into two strata, with the age of 110 days chosen
a predominance of V. alginolyticus in shrimp or seafood as the cut-off point, following Munasinghe et al. (22). The
samples (10, 15), but Chen et al. (8) found V. parahaemo- age of 62.3% of shrimp at sampling was ,110 days; 37.7%
lyticus to be the predominant Vibrio sp. in seafood, in of the shrimp were older when sampled. In 78.2% of the
accordance with our data. samples, the weight of individual shrimp was $15 g; and, in
A pH of 7.5 to 8.5 in water is considered optimal for the 21.8%, the weight was ,15 g. Farmers reported probiotic
growth of Vibrio spp. (1). Of the tested ponds, 57.1% use in 40.6% of the ponds. All farmers claimed that they
showed a pH in that range, and 42.9% had a pH .8.5. were not using antimicrobials. In 68.9% of the ponds,
Water with maximum salinity of 10 ppt allows growth of the stocking density was 15 to 25 postlarvae per m2; in

TABLE 2. Prevalence of Vibrio spp. in preharvest shrimp in the North Western Province, Sri Lanka
No. of positive ponds (% prevalence)

Region V. parahaemolyticus V. alginolyticus V. cholerae non-O1/non-O139 V. vulnificus

Chillaw 13/15 (86.7) 2/15 (13.3) 4/15 (26.7) 3/15 (20)

Mundalama 17/17 (100) 2/17 (11.7) 0/17 (0) 1/17 (5.8)
Madurankuliya 21/22 (95.5) 4/22 (18.2) 1/22 (4.5) 0/22 (0)
Kalpitiya 24/28 (85.7) 11/28 (39.3) 0/28 (0) 0/28 (0)
Puttalam 3/15 (20) 13/88 (14.7) 2/88 (2.3) 0/88 (0)
Total 155/170 (91.2) 32/170 (18.8) 7/170 (4.1) 4/170 (2.4)

31.2%, the stocking density was lower than 15 postlarvae Despite the high prevalence of Vibrio spp. in shrimp
per m2. The prevalences of different Vibrio spp. were not cultures, the tested virulence factors for V. parahaemolyti-
related to differences in salinity or pH of pond water. cus and V. cholerae were absent. Nonetheless, tdh/
Neither application of probiotics nor differences in stocking trh-negative V. parahaemolyticus and ctx-negative V.
density, weight, or age at sampling influenced the Vibrio cholerae can cause mild gastroenteric diseases. Even though
spp. prevalences significantly (data not shown). the prevalence of V. vulnificus was very low, all four V.
No tdh/trh genes were detectable in the isolated V. vulnificus strains isolated in our study from shrimp harbored
parahaemolyticus strains (n ~ 419). This is in agreement potential virulence factors. To minimize the potential risk of
with most studies that detected zero or very low (1 to 3%) Vibrio infections due to handling or consumption of raw or
prevalences of tdh/trh in environmental and seafood-related undercooked seafood products, good manufacturing practice
strains (15, 24). Nonetheless, using molecular methods such as well as proper handling and processing should be
as colony hybridization, DePaola et al. (12) and Nordstrom addressed.
and DePaola (26) achieved a higher detection rate of

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pathogenic V. parahaemolyticus compared with detection ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
rates generated by the traditional streak plating method. Authors are grateful to M. Tongkorn, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,
Thus, our approach might have underestimated the true Chiang Mai University, Thailand, and J. K. H. Ubeyratne, Veterinary
prevalence of pathogenic V. parahaemolyticus. Research Institute, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, for their technical assistance.
The presence of V. cholerae in shrimp cultures cannot Financial support was received from the German Academic Exchange
Service, the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research
be avoided as it belongs to the natural microflora of the (VibrioNet project no. 01KI1015D), and the Rockefeller Foundation.
estuarine waters (4, 11). V. cholerae has been identified
in environmental samples, including shrimp, sediment, REFERENCES
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