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Thesis for the Degree of Master of Science in Construction Management



Pradeep Bhattarai
(PU Reg. No.:2020-1-06-0036)

Lumbini Engineering, Management and Science College

Tilottama-7, Rupandehi

November, 2023
Thesis for the Degree of Master of Science in Construction Management



Supervised by: Er. Manish Khanal

Co-supervised by: Er. Roshan Adhikari

Thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for

the degree of Master of Science in Construction Management

Pradeep Bhattarai
(PU Reg. No.: 2020-1-06-0036)

Lumbini Engineering, Management and Science College

Tilottama-7, Rupandehi

November, 2023

I hereby declare that this study entitled INVESTIGATING SURFACE DRAINAGE

study. Related works on the topic, by another research, have been duly acknowledged. I
owe all the liabilities relating to the accuracy and authenticity of the data or any other
information included hereunder.


Name of Student: Pradeep Bhattarai

P.U Registration Number: 2020-01-06-0036



This is to certify that this thesis entitled INVESTIGATING SURFACE DRAINAGE

Bhattarai, in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of Master of Science
(M.Sc.) in Construction Management awarded by Pokhara University, has been completed
under my supervision. I recommend the same for acceptance by Pokhara University.


Name of the supervisor: Er. Manish Khanal

Organization: Tilottama Municipality

Designation: Civil Engineer




ROADS IN SAINAMAINA MUNICIPALITY prepared and submitted by Pradeep
Bhattarai, has been examined by us and is accepted for the award of the degree of Master
of Science (M.Sc.) in Construction Management by Pokhara University.

Er. Gunanidhi Pokhrel ……………… ……………………

External Examiner Signature Date Signed

Er. Roshan Adhikari ……………… ………………

Co- Supervisor Signature Date Signed

Er. Manish Khanal ……………… ………………

Supervisor Signature Date Signed

Er. Raj Kapur Shah ……………… ……………….

Principal Signature Date Signed
Lumbini Engineering, Management
And Science College


I would like to express special gratitude to my supervisors Er. Manish Khanal and Er.
Roshan Adhikari for their invaluable suggestion, guidance, encouragement and support. I
am influenced by his knowledge and attitude that guided me to complete this task and gain
my graduate degree.

I am highly thankful to all the faculty members of Lumbini Engineering, Management and
Science College (LEMSC) for their helping hand to complete my post-graduate studies.
The heartiest acknowledgment goes to Dr. Babu Ram Gyawali (Coordinator MSc (CM)),
Associate Prof. Krishna Prasad Parajuli and for his cooperation and support along with
invaluable suggestions for refinement during the research process.

I am indebted to the support of all family members for their patience, guidance, and
motivation that served me as my inspiration to accomplish this study. I am also grateful to
my all colleagues for their support which made this work possible.

Similarly, I am very much thankful to all my respondents for their kind support.


Name of the Student: Pradeep Bhattarai

P.U. Registration Number: 2020-01-06-0033



The road side and cross drainage system are frequently utilized to pass the surface runoff
water properly to natural river/stream. Proper drainage can be used to minimize flood
problems. The proper road drainage system along earthen road, gravel road as well as
bituminous pavement road is less in Nepal. It is used as an essential factor of road design.
The study has been carried out in a selected area of Sainamaina, Rupandehi.

Drainage Systems are approaches put in place to manage the water quantity (flooding),
water quality (pollution) and amenity issues in the environment. Sustainable drainage is a
concept that includes long term environmental and social factors in decisions about
drainage. Sustainable Drainage Systems are intended to regulate surface water runoff close
to where it falls and simulate natural drainage as closely as possible. They provide
opportunities to reduce the causes and impacts of flooding, remove pollutants from urban
runoff at source, and combine water management with recreation and wildlife. They also
help to enhance water quality while protecting natural flow regimes in watercourses.

Result shows that the previous drains are not of proper functioning to pass the surface
runoff of catchment area. This concludes that the lack of poor design the study area is
facing the flooding problem and pavement distortion. The size of the north side drains
width is 1.10 meter less than that of redesigned drain. The method used to assess the
existing drainage system of the studied roads is field survey. Based on field observations
and discharge calculation test conducted on road side and cross drain, it can be concluded
that the drains are suffered from improper inlets and outlet channels, blockage with
dumping wastes and bed erosion which cannot pass the surface runoff water from
catchment area. This critical situation of drainage, leads to flooding problem and damages
of the investigated roads. The results revealed that the causes of drainage problem were
found mainly linked to poor design, construction, and maintenance of drainage structures
as well as negative attitude of residents. Finally, based on the investigation results, some
recommendations are provided to design and construct adequate drainage system and
apply proper maintenance in order to eliminate flooding problems and extend road
pavement durability.

Key words: Poor Drainage, Re-Design, Flood, Budget

Table of Contents

Title Page

DECLARATION ................................................................................................................... i
RECOMMENDATION ........................................................................................................ii
CERTIFICATE ....................................................................................................................iii
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ................................................................................................... iv
ABSTRACT .......................................................................................................................... v
LIST OF TABLES .............................................................................................................viii
LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................................. ix
ABBREVIATION ................................................................................................................. x
UNITS AND CONVERSIONS ........................................................................................... xi
CHAPTER 1 ......................................................................................................................... 1
INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................ 1
1.1 Background ................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Statement of the problem ............................................................................................ 1
1.3 Research Questions ..................................................................................................... 3
1.4 Research objectives ..................................................................................................... 3
1.5 Significance of the study ........................................................................................ 4
1.6 Scope and Limitations ............................................................................................ 4
CHAPTER 2 ......................................................................................................................... 5
LITERATURE REVIEW...................................................................................................... 5
2.1 Theoretical Review ..................................................................................................... 5
2.1.1 Surface drainage system .................................................................................. 8
2.1.2 Subsurface drainage system ................................................................................. 9
2.1.3 Cross drainage system .......................................................................................... 9
2.2 Types of Cross-drainage Structures: ......................................................................... 10
2.2.1 Box Culverts ...................................................................................................... 10
2.2.2 Aqueduct ....................................................................................................... 11
2.2.3 Syphon Aqueduct ............................................................................................... 12
2.2.4 Super passage ................................................................................................ 13
2.2.5 Canal Syphon ................................................................................................ 14

2.2.6 Level Crossing .............................................................................................. 16
2.2.7 Canal Inlets and Outlets ................................................................................ 17
2.2.8 Minor and major bridges ............................................................................... 17
2.2.9 Causeways ..................................................................................................... 18
2.3 Empirical Review .................................................................................................. 19
CHAPTER 3 ....................................................................................................................... 23
METHODOLOGY.............................................................................................................. 23
3.1 Research Design ........................................................................................................ 23
3.2 Research Approach ................................................................................................... 23
3.3 Study Area................................................................................................................. 23
3.4 Method of Data Collection ................................................................................... 27
3.4.1 Primary Data Collection ................................................................................ 27
3.4.2 Secondary Data Collection............................................................................ 27
3.6 Data analysis ......................................................................................................... 27
3.6.1 Tools for Analysis ......................................................................................... 28
CHAPTER 4 ....................................................................................................................... 29
RESULT AND DISCUSSION ........................................................................................... 29
4.1 Main causes of flooding and pavement failure ......................................................... 29
4.2 Dimensional parameters of road side drain and cross drain ..................................... 32
4.3 Remedial measures to control the floods and pavement failure ............................... 36
4.4 Budget for solving the flood problem ....................................................................... 40
CHAPTER 5 ....................................................................................................................... 48
CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION .................................................................. 48
5.1 Conclusion ................................................................................................................ 48
5.1.1 Dimensional Parameters Comparison between Old Drain structure and New .. 48
Redesigned structure ................................................................................................... 48
5.1.2 Budget for Demolition of one wall of North Drain and reconstruct new
expanded drain ............................................................................................................ 49
5.2 Recommendations ..................................................................................................... 49
5.2.1 Recommendations for Improvement .................................................................. 49
5.2.2 Recommendation for further study: .............................................................. 50
REFERENCE ...................................................................................................................... 51
Annex-I: Detail district rate and Rate Analysis .................................................................. 53
Annex-II: Study Photographs .............................................................................................. 63


Title Page

Table 4-1: Runoff Coefficient ………………………………………………………30

Table 4-2: Auto-Level Data………………………………………………………...33
Table 4-3: Manning roughness coefficient…………………………………………35
Table 4-4: Detail Cost Estimate of Redesigned Drain……………………………...40
Table 4-5: Detail Cost Estimate of Drain with 20% extra surface runoff………….45


Title Page

Figure 1- 1 Example of drain Problem in Mahendra Highway ............................................. 2

Figure 1- 2 Flooding Problem in study area (Sainamaina-06) .............................................. 3
Figure 2-1 Road edge cracking due to poor drainage system ............................................... 6
Figure 2-2 Surface drainage systems .................................................................................... 8
Figure 2-3 Sub-Surface drainage systems ............................................................................. 9
Figure 2-4 Cross drainage system ....................................................................................... 10
Figure 2-5 Box Culvert ....................................................................................................... 11
Figure 2-6 The Pont Du Gard Roman aqueducts, Southern France, 1st century CE .......... 12
Figure 2-7 Siphon Aqueduct ............................................................................................... 13
Figure 2-8 Super Passage .................................................................................................... 14
Figure 2-9 Canal Siphon (Siphon Super Passage) .............................................................. 15
Figure 2-10 Level Crossing................................................................................................. 16
Figure 2-11 Inlets and Outlet .............................................................................................. 17
Figure 2-12 Bridges (Tinau River) ...................................................................................... 18
Figure 2-13 Causeways ....................................................................................................... 19
Figure 3-1 Flow Diagram of Research ................................................................................ 24
Figure 3-2 Map of Rupandehi District highlighting Sainamaina Municipality .................. 25
Figure 3-3 Catchment area of surface ................................................................................. 26
Figure 3-4 Distance measurement of Road side drains from Google ................................. 26
Figure 4- 1 L-Section of Road Side Drain .......................................................................... 34
Figure 4- 2 Plan and cross section of Current and Proposed Drain .................................... 38
Figure 4- 3 Flow Chart of Surface Runoff through Cross Drain and Longitudinal Drain .. 39
Figure 4- 4 Plan and cross section of Current and Proposed Drain with 20% extra surface
runoff ................................................................................................................................... 44


LEMSC : Lumbini Engineering, Management and Science College

PU : Pokhara University

DOR : Department of Road

DHM : Department of Hydrology & Meteorology

HFL : High flood Level

LPCD : Liter per capita per day

VAT : Value Added Tax

O2 : Oxygen

CO2 : Carbon dioxide

R. C. C. : Reinforced Cement Concrete

P. C. C. : Plain Cement Concrete

n : Manning roughness coefficient

S : Bed Slope

D : Depth of Canal

C : Surface Runoff Coefficient

R. L. : Reduced Level

H. I. : Height of Instrument

Inst. : Instrument

Stn. : Station


m : Meter

m2 : Square Meter

m3 : Meter cube (Cubic meter)

Sec : Second (Time)

Min : Minute (Time)

Hrs : Hours (Time)

Sq. ft. : Square feet

m/s : Meter per second

m3/sec : Cubic meter per second

mm/hr : Millimeter per Hour

Ha. : Hectare

Sq. km : Square Kilometer

Lit. : Liter

K.G. : Kilogram

Nos. : Number

Mt. : Metric Ton

Q : Quantity of storm water (m3/sec)

C : Coefficient of runoff

I : Intensity of Rainfall (mm/hr.) for the duration equal to time of concentration

A : Drainage Area in hectares



1.1 Background

Drainage is considered as the proper structural way given to escape out the water from the
respective catchment area. Drainage is very essential in design of roads since it affects the
road’s serviceability and life time. Drainage design involves providing facilities that
collect, transport and remove runoff water from road pavement. There are two major road
drainage systems, surface drainage and subsurface drainage. It is essential that adequate
drainage systems provisions are made for road surface to ensure that a road pavement
performs satisfactorily. Thus, a drainage system which includes the pavement and the
water handling system must be properly designed, built, and maintained. Though water is
very essential for all life on earth, it can also cause disasters through erosion and flooding.
In fact, the surface runoff water is greatly increased in urban areas as a result of the
development of infrastructures. The presence of water in pavement is mainly due to
infiltration through pavement surfaces and shoulders, capillary action, and seasonal
changes in the water table. Thus, the water needs to be drained from road surface and
safely disposed to rivers or outlet channels and thereby avoid the damages which might
occur to the road and property. Moreover, providing adequate drainage in urban areas has
been proven as a necessary component in maintaining the general health, safety, welfare,
and economic well-being of the residents of the region. Poor drainage poses serious
challenges in urban and suburban areas worldwide. The drainage problems in roads can
cause early distresses and lead to structural or functional failures of pavement, if counter
measures are not undertaken. Excessive water on road surface can cause one or more
forms of pavement deteriorations such as reduction of sub grade and base/sub-base
strength, differential swelling in expansive sub grade soils, and stripping of asphalt in
flexible pavements (Abhijit and Jalindar, 2011, Toryila et al., 2016).

1.2 Statement of the problem

Sainamaina Municipality is located in North west side of the Rupandehi District with high
population and increased rate of transportation needs. The road network in Sainamaina
Municipality has to sustain more traffic load every day. In fact, poor drainage in most of
the roads in Sainamaina Municipality greatly accelerates deterioration of pavements.
Recently, Sainamaina is facing very serious drainage problem during the rainy season
(June to August, Fig 1.1). The Municipality area has been experiencing drainage
congestion and water logging (Fig 1.2) for the last few years which cause serious
problems. Increased urban development’s without providing sufficient drainage facilities
results in water logging leaving parts of the Municipality area inundated for several days.
The logged water becomes polluted with solid waste, soil and contaminants, leading to
unhealthy environment and spreading serious diseases. Thus, this problem becomes a
burden for the residents and the public authorities in Sainamaina Municipality. In the last
year, heavy rains caused potential and severe damages in many roads in Sainamaina.
Consequently, damage of properties as well as residents' injuries occurred. Moreover,
traffic flow was completely ceased (Fig 1.1) for a period due to inaccessible roads. Even a
single closed road has an impact on transport system and can also affect other social
activities. The main reason of these problems and challenges faced the residents is the
inadequate drainage system of roads in Sainamaina Municipality. Therefore, the purpose
of this study is supposed to assess the current situation of drainage structures and road
conditions and to find out probable causes of drainage problem in Sainamaina roads.
Moreover, it is supposed to minimize the possible damages of pavement through proper
drainage structure provisions.

Figure 1- 1 Example of drain Problem in Mahendra Highway

Figure 1- 2 Flooding Problem in study area (Sainamaina-06)

1.3 Research Questions

a. What are the main causes of flooding and pavement failure in Sainamaina
b. What are the appropriate dimensional parameters of road side drain and cross drain
of study area?
c. What are the remedial measures to control the floods and pavement failure in study
d. What will be the Budget to solve the flood problem?

1.4 Research objectives

To achieve the general objective following specific objectives were set.

a. To find out the main causes of flooding and pavement failure in study area.
b. To study the dimensional parameters of road side drain and cross drain of study
c. To explore the remedial measures to control the floods and pavement failure in
study area.
d. To Calculate the Budget to solve the flood problem.

1.5 Significance of the study

The importance of the proposal research topic Investigating Surface Drainage Problem of
Roads in Sainamaina Municipality is to benefit the public of affected areas by providing
proper way of the surface runoff water, decreasing the maintenance cost of the road
pavement, to provide the residence to live in without dangerously at their home or going
through the roads, to minimize the flooding problem, to increase the serviceability of the

1.6 Scope and Limitations


The present research will help to understand the cause and effects of drainage Problems in
Sainamaina Municipality.


• The Study will be carried out only on the particular section of road of Sainamaina
municipality so that data available may not be generalized.
• Time availability for research by the Pokhara University is only six months, which
affects to collect the required data and its manipulation.
• As Study is conducted only in limited area, it cannot solve the entire problem of
• The Study is not done with the alternative solutions.



2.1 Theoretical Review

Whenever there is a rainfall, some of the rain water infiltrated into the ground and stored
as ground water and some of the portion may evaporate into the atmosphere. Other than
these losses, the water left on the surface is called as run off. The method of estimating the
run off is called hydrologic analysis. To estimate the maximum quantity of water expected
to reach the drainage system is the main objective of hydrologic analysis. For this, one
need to know the factors affecting run off and they are

 Rate of rain fall

 Moisture condition

 Soil type

 Ground cover presence

 Topography
Other than the above factors, rain fall intensity, occurrence of storms in that area are to be
studied from the old records. Hence, maximum run off can be estimated to build safe
surface drainage system. (

A functional and adequate drainage is a major factor to be considered in envisaging and

constructing a good road as well as ensuring a good layout of streets at any geographical
location (Zumrawi, 2014).

Drainage is considered as the proper structure to collect, travel and escape out storm and
waste water from the respective catchment area. There are systems that convey excess
water from its point of origin to other places for disposal. It is designed based on the
concept of draining waste water and storm water from the urban surface as quickly as
possible through channel networks (Rokade et al., 2012).

The road drainage system is used for the removal and disposal of water from the surface as
well as subsurface water. It maintains the stability and durability of the road, by keeping it
dry as possible. The longer water sits on a surface, the more susceptible it is to
contamination. The installation of suitable surface and sub-surface drainage systems is an
essential part of highway design and construction. The Sources of water ingress on roads
are as follows

• Capillary action of water

• Rainwater falling on the road surface
• Water accumulated from the surrounding area
• Sub-soil water collection
Road drainage systems are installed to capture surface water run-off to alleviate flooding
and protect the surface and sub-surface of the road. It is required for the following reasons:

• Prevent flooding, ponding and seepage

• Keep the carriageway, cycle way and footway free of water
• Keep the underlying road structure as dry as possible.
• Prevent damage caused by hazardous surface water
• Stopping surface water flooding adjacent properties
The improper highway drainage leads to the deterioration of the road (Fig 2.1) in the form
of the following defects:

Figure 2- 1 Road edge cracking due to poor drainage system

• The formation of erosion, causing dismemberment along the roadsides
• Dislocation of pavement edge due to the presence of excess water.
• Stripping of bitumen from aggregates like loosening or detachment of some of the
bituminous pavement layers
• Formation of potholes
• Failure of soil slopes because excess moisture causes an increase in weight and
• Formation of waves and corrugations in flexible pavements.
• Softening of sub grade soil bearing capacity
• Reduction in soil mass
• Shoulders are pavement edge distress

Following are the essential requirements of a good highway drainage system:

a. The surface water from the carriageway and shoulder should effectively be
drained off.
b. The surface water from the adjoining land should be prevented from entering the
c. The side drain should have sufficient capacity and longitudinal slope to carry
away all the surface water collected from the roadway.
d. The flow of surface water across the road and shoulders and along slopes should
not cause erosion or form cross ruts.
e. Seepage and other sources of underground water should be effectively
intercepted and drained off.
f. In water-logged areas, special precautions should be taken.
g. The road surface should be provided with suitable camber to drain off quickly.

The main functions of highway drainage system are:

a. To remove water from the road surface.

b. To prevent ingress of water into the pavement.
c. To pass water across the road, either under or over.
d. To prevent scour and/ or washout of the pavement, shoulder, batter slopes, water
courses and drainage structures. (

There are many different types of drainage systems with different design features and
attributes that can be used to manage flows and treat water quality. Each of them is
discussed below;

2.1.1 Surface drainage system

Surface drainage system (fig 2.2) refers to the drainage wherein surface water is collected
and disposed of. It is useful to carry rainwater away from the carriageway. It is applicable
in heavy rainfall areas. The water in this drainage system is removed by providing a
camber and cross slope to the pavement. The camber and slope depend upon the type of
pavement and the intensity of rainfall. This type of drainage system prevents the
infiltration of rainwater. It includes interception and diversion of water from the road
surface. Different types of drainage used for surface drainage systems are:

• Closed drains
• Ditches or open drains
• Side drains
• Catch basins
• Inlets

Figure 2- 2 Surface drainage systems

2.1.2 Subsurface drainage system

Subsurface drainage (Fig 2.3) is used to remove water that has infiltrated into the soil in
excess of the amount. It is useful to carry ground water away from the subsoil. It is
feasible in water-logging areas. This type of drainage system helps to keep the pavement
layers in dry conditions by avoiding a rise in the groundwater table. Different types of
drainage used for surface drainage systems are;

• Sub grade Drain

• Longitudinal Drain Trenches
• Subsurface pipes
• Interceptor drains

Figure 2- 3 Sub-Surface drainage systems

2.1.3 Cross drainage system

Cross drainage (Fig 2.4) is provided whenever streams have to cross the roadway facility.
The water from the side drains is also often taken across these structures to divert the
water away from the road to a water course or a valley. The need for constructing cross-
drainage structures arises to ensure that the water flows beneath the road without causing
any inconvenience or instability to the highway structure.

Figure 2- 4 Cross drainage system

2.2 Types of Cross-drainage Structures:

2.2.1 Box Culverts

Box culverts (Fig 2.5) are made up of concrete and especially, RCC (Reinforced
Concrete). The most challenging part in constructing a box culvert is that dry surface is
needed for installing it. However, due to the strength of the concrete floor, water direction
can be changed when a large amount of water is expected. This feature makes box
culverts, one of the most commonly found types of the culvert.

Advantages of Box Culvert

• The box culvert is a rigid frame structure and very simple in construction

• It is Suitable for non-perennial streams where scrub depth is not significant but the
soil is weak.

• The bottom slab of the box culvert reduces pressure on the soil.

• Box culverts are economical due to their rigidity and monolithic action and
separate foundations are not required.

• It is used in special cases, weak foundation.

Figure 2- 5 Box Culvert

2.2.2 Aqueduct

A conduit used to convey water over a long distance, either by a tunnel or more usually by
a bridge. A structure, usually a bridge that carries such a conduit or a canal across a valley
or river is called aqueduct. Origin of Aqueduct came from Latin aquaeductus, from aqua
water + dūcere to convey.

Aqueducts (Fig 2.6) transport water from one place to another, achieving a regular and
controlled supply to a place that would not otherwise receive sufficient quantities.
Consequently, aqueducts met basic needs from antiquity onwards such as the irrigation of
food crops and drinking fountains. Ancient aqueducts took the form of tunnels, surface
channels and canals, covered clay pipes and monumental bridges.

Ever since the human race has lived in communities and farmed the land, water
management has been a key factor in the well-being and prosperity of a community.
Settlements not immediately near a freshwater source dug shafts into underground water
tables to create wells and cisterns were also created to collect rainwater so that it could be
used at a later date. Underground aqueducts and those built as bridges on the surface,
however, allowed communities not only to access clean and fresh water but to live further

from a water source and to utilize land which would otherwise have been unusable for

Figure 2- 6 The Pont Du Gard Roman aqueducts, Southern France, 1st century CE

2.2.3 Syphon Aqueduct

A siphon aqueduct (Fig 2.7) is a type of cross drainage work that combines the features of
both an aqueduct and a siphon. It is designed to carry water over an obstacle, such as a
valley or a depression, using the principle of a siphon. In a siphon aqueduct, a pipeline or
conduit is constructed with one end higher than the other, creating a slope or gradient. The
higher end of the pipeline is connected to a water source, while the lower end is connected
to the receiving water body on the other side of the obstacle. The siphon aqueduct operates
based on the principle of gravity and the partial vacuum created by the siphoning effect.
When the water level in the source side is higher than the water level on the other side,
gravity causes the water to flow down the pipeline, creating a siphon effect. This allows
the water to be carried across the obstacle without the need for pumps or external energy.

Figure 2- 7 Siphon Aqueduct
The siphon aqueduct is particularly useful in situations where the terrain or topography
makes it impractical or costly to construct a conventional aqueduct or bridge. It offers a
cost-effective and energy-efficient solution for transporting water over natural depressions
or valleys. In case of the siphon Aqueduct, the HFL of the drain is much higher above the
canal bed, and water runs under siphonic action through the Aqueduct barrels. The drain
bed is generally depressed and provided with pucci floors, on the upstream side, the
drainage bed may be joined to the pucca floor either by a vertical drop or by glacis of 3:1.
The downstream rising slope should not be steeper than 5:1. When the canal is passed over
the drain, the canal remains open for inspection throughout and the damage caused by
flood is rare. However during heavy floods, the foundations are susceptible to scour or the
waterway of drain may get choked due to debris, tress etc.

2.2.4 Super passage

A super passage (Fig 2.8) is a type of cross drainage work designed to provide a passage
for both water flow and the movement of wildlife or aquatic organisms across an obstacle
such as a road, railway, or canal. It is constructed to mitigate the negative impacts of
infrastructure development on the natural habitat and ecological connectivity. The
hydraulic structure in which the drainage is passing over the irrigation canal is known as
super passage. This structure is suitable when the bed level of drainage is above the flood
surface level of the canal. The water of the canal passes clearly below the drainage.

Figure 2- 8 Super Passage
A super passage typically consists of an elevated structure, such as a bridge or culvert,
with specialized features that facilitate the safe and unobstructed movement of wildlife. It
may include vegetated slopes, artificial streams, and other elements that mimic the natural
environment and encourage the passage of various species. A super passage is similar to
an aqueduct, except in this case the drain is over the canal.

The FSL of the canal is lower than the underside of the trough carrying drainage water.
Thus, the canal water runs under the gravity. Super passages are essential for maintaining
biodiversity, promoting ecological balance, and reducing the fragmentation of habitats
caused by human activities. It is the reverse of an aqueduct.

2.2.5 Canal Syphon

A canal siphon, also known as a syphon, is a specific type of cross drainage work used in
irrigation or water distribution systems. It allows water to be carried under pressure from
one side of an obstruction, such as a river or a road, to the other side. A canal siphon (Fig

2.9) consists of a pipe or conduit that is partially submerged in the water source on one
side of the obstacle. The water in the canal is then allowed to flow into the pipe, creating a
siphoning effect. The siphon carries the water under pressure, over the obstacle, and
discharges it into the receiving canal on the other side.

Figure 2- 9 Canal Siphon (Siphon Super Passage)

In Cross Drainage Works, Canal siphons are commonly used when the elevation on the
downstream side of the obstacle is lower than the upstream side. They provide a cost-
effective and efficient solution for conveying water across obstacles without the need for
pumping stations.

• If two canals cross each other and one of the canals are siphoned under the other,
then the hydraulic structure at crossing is called “canal siphon”. For example,
lower Jhelum canal is siphoned under the Rasul - Qadirabad (Punjab, Pakistan)
link canal and the crossing structure is called “L.J.C siphon”

• In case of siphon the FSL of the canal is much above the bed level of the drainage
trough, so that the canal runs under the siphonic action.

• The canal bed is lowered and a ramp is provided at the exit so that the trouble of
silting is minimized.

• Reverse of an aqueduct siphon

• In the above two types, the inspection road cannot be provided along the canal and
a separate bridge is required for roadway. For economy, the canal may be flumed
but the drainage trough is never flumed.

2.2.6 Level Crossing

When the bed level of canal and the stream are approximately the same and quality of
water in canal and stream is not much different, the cross drainage work constructed is
called level crossing (Fig 2.10) where water of canal and stream is allowed to mix. With
the help of regulators both in canal and stream, water is disposed through canal and stream
in required quantity. Level crossing consists of following components:-

(1) Crest wall

(2) Stream regulator

(3) Canal regulator

Figure 2- 10 Level Crossing

2.2.7 Canal Inlets and Outlets

When irrigation canal meets a small stream or drain at same level, drain is allowed to enter
the canal as in inlet. At some distance from this inlet point, a part of water is allowed to
drain as outlet which eventually meets the original stream. Stone pitching is required at the
inlet and outlet. The bed and banks between inlet and outlet are also protected by stone
pitching. This type of CDW is called Inlet and Outlet (Fig 2.11).

Figure 2- 11 Inlets and Outlet

2.2.8 Minor and major bridges

According to NEPAL BRIDGE STANDARDS-2067, The Bridges (Fig 2.12) are

classified as follows:

Minor Bridge: The Bridge having length ≤ 50 meter (with span ≤ 25 m)

Major Bridge: The Bridge having span >25 m or length >50 m (with smaller spans)

Figure 2- 12 Bridges (Tinau River)

2.2.9 Causeways

Causeways are embankments or raised pathways constructed across wetlands, marshes, or

shallow water bodies. They are typically made by filling in the area with earth or other
suitable materials. Causeways (Fig 2.13) can provide a cost-effective solution for crossing
relatively low-lying or less significant water channels. These are some of the common
types of cross drainage works used in hydraulic engineering. The selection of the
appropriate type depends on factors such as the nature of the obstacle, the volume of water
to be conveyed, the topography of the area, and the cost and engineering feasibility of the
structure. (

Figure 2- 13 Causeways

2.3 Empirical Review

Rono (2010) carried out an investigation “to examine the adequacy of the drainage system
in Narok-Mai Mahiu road”. He studied the effects of inadequate drainage systems on
roads and the surrounding environment due to inadequate drainage systems. He conducted
the research to find the state of drainage infrastructure in Narok Maai Mahiu road and how
poor drainage affected the surrounding environment and the road users. He found that
drainage system in Narok Maai Mahiu road was not adequate to satisfactorily drain the
runoffs. As a result, the surrounding environment was greatly affected as exemplified by
runoffs washing away some sections of the road and bridges, creating gullies on peoples’
land, blockage of the road, loss of life and property and washing away of the fertility of

the land. Poor design, workmanship, and maintenance were the main challenges.
Furthermore, he redesigned of the whole drainage system in Narok Mai Mahiu road
should be considered (Rono, 2010).

Patil Jalinder et al, (2011) studied the effects of bad drainage on roads with precision on
some roads in India. This was found to “increase in moisture content increases the
chances of road failure before the stipulated or expected design life”. It was observed that
on Service road to Mumbai Pune Expressway the blockage of drainage channels leads to
accumulation of water on pavement thus, leading to the stripping of bitumen. He
concludes the results as follows (Abhijit and Jalindar, 2011):-

 The improper drainage system causes the failure of the road at its early edge.
 Proper drainage system provided to the road increases the life of roads.

Siddhartha, (2012) carried out a research on drainage and flexible pavement
performance. In their research, they pointed out that “providing adequate drainage to a
pavement system has been considered as an important design consideration to prevent
premature failures due to water related problems such as pumping action, loss of support,
and rutting, among others”. They continued that most water in pavements is due to rainfall
infiltration into unsaturated pavement layers, through joints, cracks, shoulder edges, and
various other defects, especially in older deteriorated pavements. Providing adequate
drainage to a pavement system has been considered as an important design consideration
to ensure satisfactory performance of the pavement, particularly from the perspective of
life cycle cost and serviceability. To minimize premature pavement distresses and to
enhance the pavement performance, it is imperative to provide adequate drainage to allow
infiltrated water to drain out from the base and sub-base, thus avoiding saturation of base
and sub grade soils (Rokade et al., 2012).

Jitendra, (2013) carried out a framework for quantification of the effect of drainage
quality on structural and functional performance of pavement. They identified “a simple
framework for quantification of the effect of drainage quality on structural as well as
functional performance of the pavement”. They presented the structural and functional
performance of the pavement in predicted terms of deflection and roughness respectively.
Their study was useful to reduce the maintenance cost of highway pavement system and to
preserve huge highway network in India (Gurjar et al., 2013).

Dipnoan, (2014) studied highway surface drainage system and problems of water logging
and concluded that “adverse roadway elements contributing to highway accidents were
substandard roadway alignment or geometry, lack of shoulders and shoulder defects,
absent or inappropriate pedestrian facilities, narrow and defective lanes and bridges/bridge
approaches, roadside hazards, undefined pavement center and edge lines, poor sight
distances and visibility, unmarked and inappropriate design of intersections, serious
allocation deficiencies along the route, haphazard bus shelters/stops, and others are causes
of water logging problem in highway”. This research traced that Proper drainage is a very
important consideration in design of a highway. Inadequate drainage facilities can lead to
premature deterioration of the highway and the development of adverse safety conditions
such as hydroplaning. It is common, therefore, for a sizable portion of highway
construction budgets to be devoted to drainage facilities (Mukherjee, 2014)., (2014), they research on drainage on roads. Which was found that “well-
designed and well maintained road drainage is important in order to: minimize the
environmental impact of road runoff on the receiving water environment, ensure the
speedy removal of surface water to enhance safety and minimize disruption to road users
and to maximize the longevity of the road surface and associated infrastructures”. Water in
the pavement system can lead to moisture damage, modulus reduction and loss of strength.
In order to prevent such damages to the pavement, it is essential to provide proper
drainage to the roads. They maintained that the presence of water in a highway layer
reduces the bearing capacity of the road, and in doing so it also reduces the structure's
lifetime. Highway drainage is used to clear surface water from the highway. They
concluded that Roads need to be well drained to stop flooding; even surface water can
cause problems with ice in the winter. Water left standing on roads can also cause
maintenance problems, as it can soften the ground under a road making the road surface
break up(Dr. R. R.Singh, 2014).

Getachew and Tamene (2015) made a study on Assessment of the Effect of Urban Road
Surface Drainage using Ginjo Guduru Kebele of Jimma Town in Ethiopia as a case study
and found that “road surface drainage of the study area was found to be inadequate due
insufficient road profile, insufficient drainage structures provision, improper maintenance
and lack of proper interconnection between the road and drainage infrastructures thereby
resulting damages to road surfacing material and flooding problems in the area”. (Warati
et al., 2015).
Zumrawi, M. M. (2016) investigated surface drainage problem of roads in Khartoum state.
Based on field observations, the drainage structures suffered from blockage with dumping
wastes, inadequate inlets and outlet channels, failure of side walls and bed erosion. This
critical situation of drainage, leads to severe distresses and damages of the investigated
roads. The results revealed that the causes of drainage problem were found mainly linked
to poor design, construction, and maintenance of drainage structures as well as negative
attitude of residents. Finally, based on the investigation results, some recommendations
are provided to design and construct adequate drainage system and apply proper
maintenance in order to enhance pavement performance and life time (Zumrawi and
Technology, 2016).

Mohammad Awwad (2021) studied on the Effects of Roads Geometry and Design
Parameters on the Pavement Drainage System. The paper discussed on the water floods
and rainfall effects on roads and highways in Jordan as well as the drainage system on
road sustainability and performance. The main aim of the paper was to investigate and
analyze water as rainfall or floods affecting roads and highways in Jordan. The result
concluded that a good drainage system and repair operations and maintenance generally
have a positive impact on road sustainability and survival age. The effects of slopes of the
road and surface of the asphalt, rainfall intensity, and water flow velocity on drainage
length and drainage time and water depth were discussed (Awwad, 2021).



This chapter describes the methods and procedures that are adopted to complete the
research study. From the beginning of the statement of the problem to the conclusion and
recommendations, this chapter provides the systematic process of describing the research
question, research objectives, methods of data collection, data analysis, and defining
results and discussions along with the process of literature review and supervisors’

3.1 Research Design

Research design is a guideline to specify the methods and procedures for collecting and
analyzing the data to produce the best outcome which can address the research problem.
The primary and secondary data were collected through the methods of lab tests,
observation, and questionnaire. The questionnaire survey obtained from the concerned
stakeholders was then analyzed and interpreted to achieve the research objective. This
basic research methodology was carried out for obtaining research objectives as the flow
chart is (Fig 3-1).

3.2 Research Approach

In this study, quantitative research method was used. Quantitative research method was
used for the analysis of collected data. This was the case study research design for flood
problem in the study area.

3.3 Study Area

The case study is around Sainamaina Municipality ward no. 06, Ramapur Colony area.
The flooding affects the various water logging problem in Sainamaina ward no. 06 and 08.
The 250 m. portion of the Mahendra Highway within Sainamaina Municipality 06, from
Devi Chowk to Sahid Narayan Pokharel Multiple Campus, area is affected by water

Figure 3- 1 Flow Diagram of Research

Figure 3- 2 Map of Rupandehi District highlighting Sainamaina Municipality

Figure 3- 3 Catchment area of surface

Figure 3- 4 Distance measurement of Road side drains from Google

3.4 Method of Data Collection

The data in this study is made up of both primary and secondary sources.

3.4.1 Primary Data Collection

Primary data collection involves the direct gathering of first hand and original information
from the source or individuals for a particular research or study. It includes a systematic
approach to collecting data through methods like field surveys, observations and
measurements. The main objective of primary data collection is to acquire up-to-date and
pertinent information that is tailored to the research goals. This enables researchers to
obtain distinct insights and make precise conclusions based on the collected data. Data
collected are rainfall intensity, discharge of the catchment area and dimension of culverts
together with drains.

3.4.2 Secondary Data Collection

Secondary data collection involves the gathering of pre-existing data that was originally
collected by others for different research or study purposes. It utilizes various sources such
as hydrological data from Department of Hydrology and Metrology, published research
papers, government reports, books, articles, databases, and other accessible information
repositories. Researchers gather secondary data to enhance or corroborate their research
objectives by analyzing and interpreting data that has already been collected by others.
This approach can be advantageous in terms of time and resource savings compared to
primary data collection since the data is readily available and does not require direct
interaction with research subjects. The analysis would also include a comparison between
the previous data collected by the manufacturing company and the current research
findings. This comparison aims to identify areas that require improvement and enables the
implementation of appropriate measures.

3.6 Data analysis

Data analysis involves the utilization of diverse statistical and analytical methods to
explore data sets, extract valuable insights, and unveil connections or patterns within the
data. The primary goal of data analysis is to derive significant information from data that
can aid in decision-making, problem-solving, and the generation of new knowledge.

3.6.1 Tools for Analysis

Following the collection of primary and secondary data, the information was analyzed
using Microsoft Excel, SWDTM and Cost Analysis. Table, Graph and Bar Chart are used
as representative forms for the frequency and percentage.

The discharge of surface runoff of the catchment area and present culvert are calculated by
using the working formula as shown below.

Discharge of Study Area (Q) = CIA/360

Where, A= Catchment of study area

I= Intensity of Rainfall

C= Coefficient of surface runoff

Discharge of Culverts (Qc) = a x V

Where, a= Cross section area of the culvert

V= Velocity of water passing through culvert

Where, n= Manning roughness coefficient

R= Hydraulic Mean Depth

S= Bed Slope



This chapter deals with the analysis and interpretation of data that had been gathered to
meet the following objective of the study.

4.1 Main causes of flooding and pavement failure

The first objective of the study was to find out the main causes of flooding and pavement
failure in study area. Total Inlet discharge of catchment area and total outlet discharge
from the exit data are measured, and interpretation of results.

Catchment area of the study area is measured by Google earth, Intensity of rainfall is
measured directly in field of four stations and dimension of culverts are taken out of the
cross section area as well as velocity of exit is taken average of float object method by
using stopwatch and floating object. The results were represented using following

Catchment area of study area (A) = 4.0 Sq. Km

= 4.0x100Ha.

=400 Ha.

Intensity of Rainfall (I) = 269 mm in 24 hour

= 269/24

= 11.20 mm/hr.

Coefficient of surface runoff (C) = 0.5 (from Table 4.1 for Agricultural Land)

Table 4-1 Runoff Coefficient

Land Use Runoff Coefficient (C)

Built –up 0.9
Agriculture 0.5
Open lands 0.6
Moist Deciduous Forest 0.15
Evergreen to Semi Evergreen forest 0.1
Forest Plantation 0.6
Agriculture Plantation 0.5
Dry Deciduous Forest 0.15

Discharge of Study Area (Q) = CIA/360

= (0.5 x 11.20 x 400)/360

= 2240/360

= 6.22m3/s

Outlet Discharge from the catchment area from 3 Culverts is calculated below:

Discharge outlet from first culvert attached to Mega Lake (Malmala Road)

Discharge from First Culvert (Q1) = A1X V1

=∑ x (D1/T1)

=∑ ( ) X (D1/T1)

=( )

={ | }

=3.68 x 0.384

= 1.41m3/s

Discharge outlet from Second Culvert Santi Tole (Mahendra Highway)

Discharge from Second Culvert (Q2) = A2 X V2

=∑ x (D2/T2)

=∑ ( ) X (D2/T2)

=( )

={ | }

=4.32 x 0.384

= 1.13m3/s

Discharge outlet from Third Culvert near Devi Tole (Mahendra Highway)

Discharge from Third Culvert (Q3) = A3 X V3

=∑ x (D3/T3)

=∑ ( ) X (D3/T3)

=( )

={ | }

=2.144 x 0.206

= 0.946 m3/s

Total Outlet from catchment through exit three culvert=Q1+Q2+Q3



Here we have, Total inflow is greater than total outflow

I.e. Q > (Q1+Q2+Q3)

Amount of excess discharge which causes flood, which is not drain out properly through
culverts and flow through road side drain = Q - (Q1+Q2+Q3)

= 6.22- 3.486


Victor (2010), furthermore redesign of the whole drainage system in Narok Mai Mahiu
road should be considered. Same as in my research the drain provided are not sufficient, so
these should be redesigned. It can be said that my research is appropriate to solve the flood

Siddhartha et. al. (2012) carried out a research on drainage and flexible pavement
performance. He concluded that “to minimize premature pavement distresses and to
enhance the pavement performance, it is imperative to provide adequate drainage”. My
result is also showing inadequate drainage in the study area causing the flexible pavement
distressed and having less pavement performance.

4.2 Dimensional parameters of road side drain and cross drain

The second objective of the study was to study the dimensional parameters of road side
drain and cross drain of study area. The dimensions of the road side drain and cross drain
(Culvert) were measured directly by the measuring tape.

The slope of the drain was taken out by auto level. By using manning’s formula, the
velocity of road side drain was calculated. The Manning roughness coefficient was taken
by table 4.2. The results were represented using following calculations.


Field Measurement

Width of canal WH=1m

Depth of Canal DH=0.9m

Area (AH) =WH x DH = 1 * 0.9 =0.9 Sq. m.

Wetted Perimeter (P) = WH + (2 * DH) = {1+ (2*0.9)} = 2.8 m.

Hydraulic mean Depth (R) = = = 0.3214 m.

Table 4-2 Auto-Level Data
Inst. Height of
Chainage Fore Intermediate Back Level
S.N. Stn. Instrument Remarks
(0+000) Sight Sight Sight (R.L.),
At (H.I.), m.
1 107.000 B.M.
2 Stn. 1 1.394 108.394
3 0+000 2.362 106.032
4 0+005 2.360 106.034
5 0+010 2.358 106.036
6 0+015 2.357 106.037
7 0+020 2.355 106.039
8 0+025 2.354 106.04
9 0+030 2.352 106.042
10 0+035 2.352 106.042
11 0+040 2.350 106.044
12 0+045 2.348 106.046
13 0+050 2.343 106.051
14 Stn. 2 2.335 108.386
15 0+055 2.344 106.042
16 0+060 2.34 106.04
17 0+065 2.338 106.042
18 0+070 2.337 106.043
19 0+075 2.334 106.046
20 0+080 2.332 106.048
21 0+085 2.33 106.05
22 0+090 2.298 106.082
23 0+095 2.295 106.085
24 0+100 2.292 106.088
25 0+105 2.290 106.09
26 0+110 2.287 106.093
27 0+115 2.285 106.095
28 0+120 2.281 106.105
43 0+185 2.210 106.126
44 0+190 2.208 106.128
45 0+195 2.206 106.130
46 0+200 2.205 106.131
47 0+205 2.203 106.133
48 0+210 2.200 106.136
49 0+215 2.198 106.138
50 0+220 2.195 106.141
51 0+225 2.193 106.143
52 0+230 2.190 106.146
53 0+235 2.187 106.149
54 0+240 2.185 106.151
55 0+245 2.184 106.152
56 0+250 2.179 106.157
Vertical Height Difference (V) =106.157-106.032=0.125m.
Horizontal Height Difference (H) =250.00-0.00=250m.

Slope (S) = 1 in 2000, (0.125 V: 250.00 H)

= (1 V: 2000 H), taken from the auto level H.I. method from field measurement.

Figure 4- 1 L-Section of Road Side Drain

Discharge outflow capacity (QD) of single road side (North or South) drain of Mahendra


= (1 x 0.9) x

= 0.9 x , Where n=manning roughness coefficient from table 4.3

= 0.9 x

=0.9 X 0.874

= 0.786m3/sec

Table 4-3 Manning roughness coefficient

Manning roughness
coefficient (n)

Concrete 0.012

Gravel bottom with sides

- Concrete 0.020

- mortared stone 0.023

- riprap 0.033

Natural stream Channels

Clean, Straight stream 0.030

Clean, winding stream 0.040

Winding with weeds and pools 0.050

With heavy brush and timber 0.100

Flood Plains

Pasture 0.035

Field Crops 0.040

Light brush and weeds 0.050

Dense brush 0.070

Dense trees 0.100

Discharge from the length of Mahendra Highway along its catchment is given below:

Catchment area of Right of way of Mahendra Highway (A) = ( ) Sq. km.

= 0.0125 Sq. km.

= 0.0125 x100 = 1.25 Ha.

Intensity of Rainfall (I) = 269 mm in 24 hour

= 269/24 = 11.20 mm/hr.

Coefficient of surface runoff (C) = 0.6 (from Table for Open Land)

Discharge inflow of Catchment area (QH) of Right of way of Mahendra Highway

(QH) = CIA/360

= (0.6x 11.20 x 1.25)/360

= 8.4/360

= 0.0233m3/s

Since Discharge inflow of Catchment area of Right of way of Mahendra Highway (QH)
<Discharge outflow capacity of road side drain (QD) of Mahendra Highway

This data shows that Road side drain can easily handle the discharge of Catchment area of
Right of way of Mahendra Highway.

I.e. So Road Side Drains should handle further discharge of 2.73+0.0233= 2.75m3/s

But, South Road side drain is only collecting the discharge of Road Right of way
catchment area (not overall cultivated catchment discharge),

I.e. 0.786m3/s

So, North side drain should handle the excess discharge of catchment area discharge and
Road Right of way catchment area discharge.

i.e., further handling excess discharge (QEF) = 2.75-0.786=1.96m3/s, this causes the flood.

4.3 Remedial measures to control the floods and pavement failure

The Third objective of the study was to explore the remedial measures to control the
floods and pavement failure in study area. Excess discharge of catchment area which is not
hold by cross drainage and road side drain was calculated. By using appropriate empirical
formula and the calculation the result was interpreted.

North side drain should handle the discharge (QEF) of 1.96m3/s to prevent flood. So north
side drain should be redesigned, thus this discharge passes through natural water way of
cross drain (Culvert) which is located on Mahendra Highway of 105.00 m. downstream
from north side drain end point.

Let us check either the natural water way can pass this excess discharge or not.

Discharge from natural water way (Q4) = A4 X V4

=∑ x (D4/T4)

=∑ ( ) X (D4/T4)

=( )

={ | }

=7.812 x 0.40


Here, (Q4) > (QEF), natural water way easily passing the excess discharge causing flood.

So, Let us redesign North side rectangular shape drain accepting the existing Parameter of
drain with only changing the width of drain.


QR = (WR x DR) x , Taking DR=0.90m, n=1/0.012, s=1/2000 existing


1.96= (WR x DR) x

1.96= (WR x 0.9) x ( ) ( ) , Where AR=WR x DR and PR= WR + 2DR

1.96= (WR x 0.9) x ( ) ( )

Solving this equation, we get,


Let take WR=2.00m.

So to prevent this flood problem the remedial measures is to redesign the Northern side
drain (fig 4.2) of road of following data:-

Redesigned Northern drain dimensional parameters are as follows:-

Width of drain (WR) =2.00m.

Depth of drain (DR) =0.90m.

Bed slope (S) =1/2000

Figure 4- 2 Plan and cross section of Current and Proposed Drain

Victor (2010), furthermore, redesign of the whole drainage system in Narok Mai Mahiu
road should be considered. Same as in my research the drain provided are not sufficient, so
these should be redesigned. It can be said that my research is appropriate to solve the flood

Siddhartha et. al. (2012) carried out a research on drainage and flexible pavement
performance. He concluded that “to minimize premature pavement distresses and to
enhance the pavement performance, it is imperative to provide adequate drainage”.
Flooded flexible pavement is more distressed and having less pavement performance in
my study area, it can be concluded that, the problem of pavement failure can be solved by
providing adequate drainage.

Figure 4- 3 Flow Chart of Surface Runoff through Cross Drain and Longitudinal Drain

4.4 Budget for solving the flood problem
The fourth objective of the study was to find the Budget to solve the flood problem in
study area. Excess discharge of catchment area which is not hold by cross drainage and
road side drain, So the north side drain should be demolish and reconstruct as per above
calculation, i.e. width is expanded by 1.00m. By using District rate of Rupandehi and
Standard rate analysis the calculation of budget of redesigned drain was interpreted.

The demolition of North side drain and reconstruction of new redesigned drain is found to
be Rs. 6,445,447.87 (Amount in Words Six Million Four Hundred Forty Five Thousand
Four Hundred Forty Seven Rupees and Eighty Seven Paisa Only). So if the concerned
authority should allocate the above mentioned budget, the flooding problem will be solved
in the study area.

Table 4-4 Detail Cost Estimate of Resized Drain

S. Length Breat Height Quant Un Rate Amount Re

No No. (L) h (B) (H) ity it (NRs.) (NRs.) ma
. (m3) rks
1.1 Clearing the site of all the vegetation, roots and other un useful materials including
excavation of top soil to a depth of 15 cm, removing bushes, trees and leveling the
Site for stacking the useful items in specified space and disposing other item before
commencing the construction work as per instruction of the site engineer all
complete including layout of buildings, roads and ancillary services.
1 250.00 2.000 500.00 m. 17.31 8,655.00
2.1 Earthwork in excavation for foundation in Boulder mixed Hard soil with Excavator
including necessary lead and lift as per instruction of site engineer..
1 250.00 1.200 1.200 360.00 m. 52.11 18,759.60
2.2 Earthwork back filling in trench of foundation, floor after excavated soil of
foundation layers of 15 cm and watering as per instruction of site engineer.
1 250.00 0.200 0.900 45.00 m. 377.77 16,999.65
2.3 Providing & laying stone soling in foundation & floor including voids filling with
sand all complete as per instruction of the site engineer.
1 250.00 1.200 0.200 60.00 m. 3,334.09 200,045.40
3.1 Providing, laying, compacting and curing plain cement concrete M10 (1:3:6) in
foundation with cement, sand and stone ballast 20mm gauge finishing to approved
level, lines and dimensions all complete as per drawings, specifications and

instruction of the site engineer.

1 250.00 1.200 0.100 30.00 m. 11,143.01 334,290.30
3.2 Providing, laying, compacting and curing plain cement concrete M15 (1:2:4) in
Solid Floor with cement, sand and stone ballast 20mm gauge finishing to approved
level, lines and dimensions all complete as per drawings, specifications and
instruction of the site engineer.
1 250.00 0.450 0.075 8.44 m. 12,457.23 105,107.88
3.3 Providing, laying, compacting and curing M20 (1:1.5:3) plain cement concrete for
foundation Lintel Sill of R.C.C. works with cement sand and stone ballast 20mm
down finishing to approved level, line and dimensions all complete as per
specifications, drawings and instructions of the site engineer, all complete.
1 250.00 2.900 0.150 108.75 m. 15,632.77 1,700,063.74
3.4 Reinforcement bars (Grade Fe500) work including straightening, cleaning, cutting,
bending, binding with 20 SWG annealed wire & fixing in position as per drawing,
bar bending schedule for raft foundation column, beam, wall, stair, slab in all R.C.C.
works as per specification, drawing & instruction of site engineer. Approved brands:
Himal Iron, Panchakanya or equivalent.
24 250.00 0.888 5372.40 L
2001 2.90 0.888 5152.98 B
12 mm dia. Bar at long K
(L) and Short (S) Span .
Total 10525.38 . 135.90 1,430,398.49
4.1 Centering and shuttering with plywood for Column, Beam, Slab & other RCC work
including all necessary propping, scaffolding, staging, supporting, dismantling and
clearing from the site, including shuttering all complete as per design drawings,
specifications and instruction of the site engineer .
2 250.00 0.075 37.50 T
1 250.00 2.000 500.00 B
2 250.00 0.150 75.00 E
Top (T), Bottom (B) and Sq.
Edge ( E) Total 612.50 m. 959.81 587,883.63
5.1 Providing, laying and curing stone masonry works in cement, sand mortar (1:6) in
ground floor finished in perfect lines & level as per specification, drawings &
instructions of the site engineer.
1 250.00 0.450 0.900 101.25 m. 10,008.59 1,013,369.74
6.1 Providing, laying & curing 12.5 mm cement sand (1:4) Plastering on walls to perfect
plumb, lines & level including raking the mortar joints and wetting the masonry
surface all complete as per design drawings, specifications and instruction of the site

engineer all complete:

1 250.00 0.975 243.75 m. 360.13 87,781.69
7 Demolition
7.1 Demolition of old cement mortar brick wall and lead/lift up to 10 m. including site
clearances work all complete as per instruction of site engineer
1 250.00 0.450 0.975 109.69 m. 1,596.89 175,158.87
7.2 Demolition of old PCC and lead/lift up to 10 m. including site clearances work all
complete as per instruction of site engineer
1 250.00 0.450 0.075 8.44 m. 3,013.00 25,422.19

Sub- Total 5,703,936.16

VAT @ 13% 741,511.70

Grand Total Amount 6,445,447.87

Amount In Words: - Six Million Four Hundred Forty Five Thousand Four Hundred
Forty Seven Rupees and Eighty Seven Paisa Only.


The urbanization is increasing day by day in the terai region. Due to the urbanization the
surface runoff will be increase. Let we have the discharge will be increased by 20 %.

Then, total surface runoff of the catchment area (Q) = 6.22 x 1.2 = 7.46m3/s.

Total Outlet from catchment through exit three culvert=Q1+Q2+Q3 (Same as above



Here we have, Total inflow is greater than total outflow

I.e. Q > (Q1+Q2+Q3)

Amount of excess discharge which causes flood, which is not drain out properly through
culverts and flow through road side drain = Q - (Q1+Q2+Q3)

= 7.46- 3.486

= 3.98m3/s

Discharge inflow of Catchment area of Right of way of Mahendra Highway

(QH)I = 0.0233 x 1.2 = 0.028m3/s.

Discharge outlet capacity (QH) of single road side drain (Mahendra Highway).

(QH)O = 0.786m3/s.

Since Discharge inflow of Catchment area of Right of way of Mahendra Highway (QH)I
<Discharge outflow capacity of road side (Mahendra Highway) (QH)O.

This data shows that Road side drain can easily handle the discharge of Catchment area of
Right of way of Mahendra Highway.

I.e. So Road Side Drains should handle further discharge of 3.98+0.028= 4.00m3/s

Since South side road drain can handle the discharge of 0.786m3/s

So, North side drain should further handle excess discharge of 4.00-0.786=3.214m3/s,
which causes the flood.

Let us redesign North side rectangular shape drain accepting the existing Parameter of
drain with only changing the width of drain.


QR = (WR x DR) x ,

Taking DR=0.90m, n=1/0.012, s=1/2000 existing parameters.

3.214= (WR x DR) x

3.214= (WR x 0.9) x ( ) ( ) , Where AR=WR x DR and PR= WR + 2DR

3.214= (WR x 0.9) x ( ) ( )

Solving this equation by scientific calculator directly,

We get,


To handle this discharge the dimension of the drain should be redesign as following

 Width of drain (WR) =2.85m. (Provided in roundup digit)

 Depth of drain (DR) =0.90m.
 Bed slope (S) =1/2000

Figure 4- 4 Plan and cross section of Current and Proposed Drain with 20% extra surface runoff

Table 4-5 Detail Cost Estimate of Drain with 20 % extra surface runoff

Adding 20 % extra surface runoff

S. No. Length Breath Heig Quant Unit Rate Amount Re
No. (L) (B) ht ity (NRs.) (NRs.) m
(H) (m3) ar
1.1 Clearing the site of all the vegetation, roots and other un useful materials including
excavation of top soil to a depth of 15 cm, removing bushes, trees and leveling the
Site for stacking the useful items in specified space and disposing other item before
commencing the construction work as per instruction of the site engineer all
complete including layout of buildings, roads and ancillary services.
1 250.00 2.650 662.50 m. 17.31 11,467.88
2.1 Earthwork in excavation for foundation in Boulder mixed Hard soil with Excavator
including necessary lead and lift as per instruction of site engineer..
1 250.00 2.050 1.200 615.00 m. 52.11 32,047.65
2.2 Earthwork back filling in trench of foundation, floor after excavated soil of
foundation layers of 15 cm and watering as per instruction of site engineer.
1 250.00 0.200 1.200 60.00 m. 377.77 22,666.20
2.3 Providing & laying stone soling in foundation & floor including voids filling with
sand all complete as per instruction of the site engineer.
1 250.00 2.050 0.200 102.50 m. 3,334.09 341,744.23
3.1 Providing, laying, compacting and curing plain cement concrete M10 (1:3:6) in
foundation with cement, sand and stone ballast 20mm gauge finishing to approved
level, lines and dimensions all complete as per drawings, specifications and
instruction of the site engineer.

Cu. 11,143.0
1 250.00 2.050 0.100 51.25 m. 1 571,079.26
3.2 Providing, laying, compacting and curing plain cement concrete M15 (1:2:4) in
Solid Floor with cement, sand and stone ballast 20mm gauge finishing to approved
level, lines and dimensions all complete as per drawings, specifications and
instruction of the site engineer.

Cu. 12,457.2
1 250.00 0.450 0.075 8.44 m. 3 105,107.88
3.3 Providing, laying, compacting and curing M20 (1:1.5:3) plain cement concrete for
foundation Lintel Sill of R.C.C. works with cement sand and stone ballast 20mm
down finishing to approved level, line and dimensions all complete as per
specifications, drawings and instructions of the site engineer, all complete.
1 250.00 3.750 0.150 140.63 Cu.

m. 15,632.7 2,198,358.28
3.4 Reinforcement bars (Grade Fe500) work including straightening, cleaning, cutting,
bending, binding with 20 SWG annealed wire & fixing in position as per drawing,
bar bending schedule for raft foundation column, beam, wall, stair, slab in all R.C.C.
works as per specification, drawing & instruction of site engineer. Approved brands:
Himal Iron, Panchakanya or equivalent.
31 250.00 0.888 6882.00 L
2001 3.75 0.888 6663.33 B
12 mm dia. Bar at long K
(L) and Short (S) Span Total 13545.33 G 135.90 1,840,810.35
4.1 Centering and shuttering with plywood for Column, Beam, Slab & other RCC work
including all necessary propping, scaffolding, staging, supporting, dismantling and
clearing from the site, including shuttering all complete as per design drawings,
specifications and instruction of the site engineer .
2 250.00 0.075 37.50 T
1 250.00 2.850 712.50 B
2 250.00 0.150 75.00 E
Top (T), Bottom (B) and Sq.
Edge ( E) Total 825.00 m. 959.81 791,843.25
5.1 Providing, laying and curing stone masonry works in cement, sand mortar (1:6) in
ground floor finished in perfect lines & level as per specification, drawings &
instructions of the site engineer.

Cu. 10,008.5
1 250.00 0.450 0.900 101.25 m. 9 1,013,369.74
6.1 Providing, laying & curing 12.5 mm cement sand (1:4) Plastering on walls to
perfect plumb, lines & level including raking the mortar joints and wetting the
masonry surface all complete as per design drawings, specifications and instruction
of the site engineer all complete:
1 250.00 0.900 225.00 m. 360.13 81,029.25
7 Demolition
7.1 Demolition of old cement mortar brick wall and lead/lift up to 10 m. including site
clearances work all complete as per instruction of site engineer.
1 250.00 0.450 0.900 101.25 m. 1,596.89 161,685.11
7.2 Demolition of old PCC and lead/lift up to 10 m. including site clearances work all
complete as per instruction of site engineer
1 250.00 0.450 0.075 8.44 m. 3,013.00 25,422.19

Sub- Total 7,196,631.26

VAT @ 13% 935,562.06

Grand Total Amount 8,132,193.32
Amount In Words: - Eight Million One Hundred Thirty Two Thousand One
Hundred Ninety Three Rupees and Thirty Two Paisa Only.

The demolition of North side drain and reconstruction of new redesigned drain with 20 %
increment discharge is found to be Rs. 8,132,193.32 (Amount in Words: - Eight Million
One Hundred Thirty Two Thousand One Hundred Ninety Three Rupees and Thirty Two
Paisa Only).

Despite of having proper drainage system in some area, due to clogging in drain it may
cause the flood. So Sanitation program should be organized by local bodies for removal of
clog from drain on weekly or fort night. Monitor the sediments deposition and vegetation,
Preventive and Routine maintenance of the drains should be done.



5.1 Conclusion

The main objective of the study is to investigating surface drainage problem of roads in
Sainamaina municipality.

The conclusion and respective recommendations of this study are based on a critical
review of the literature and the analysis of the data collected and interpreted as per above
calculation wherever possible.

5.1.1 Dimensional Parameters Comparison between Old Drain structure and New
Redesigned structure

The dimensional parameters comparison between old drain and new drain for easy
removal of water discharge without causing flood, The dimensional parameters of North
side old drain was Width of drain (WR) =1.00m, Depth of drain (DR) =0.9m, Bed slope
(S) =1/2000, while the dimensional parameters of North side new drain is was cost for
clay brick masonry is Width of drain (WR) =2.00m, Depth of drain (DR) =0.9m, Bed
slope (S) =1/2000. It is evident that new drain can easily pass the discharge of rain water
properly without causing flood.

Based on this analysis, it is recommended to redesign the north side road drain. By opting
for new drain, flooding problem can be eliminated from the study area.

Furthermore, By providing the adequate drainage system it will reduce the road pavement
failure like edge cracking, map cracking, pot hole etc. as well as there will be easy access
for the vehicles in rainy season also with minimizing the chance of accident. Proper drain
also offers aesthetically pleasing appearance as well as fearless urbanization for the

5.1.2 Budget for Demolition of one wall of North Drain and reconstruct new
expanded drain

The Budget for demolition of one wall of North Drain and reconstruct new expanded drain
with 150 mm thick slab cover is calculated as per district rate and its analysis with
standard norms. The Total budget for this project is Rs. 6,445,447.87 (Amount in Words
Six Million Four Hundred Forty Five Thousand Four Hundred Forty Seven Rupees and
Eighty Seven Paisa Only).

5.2 Recommendations
5.2.1 Recommendations for Improvement

From the study, following recommendations are made:

• Data Analysis: Further explore the factors influencing doubts about the future
planning and construction of road side and cross drainage system. Conduct
hydrological data, soil type analysis, urbanization policy to identify potential
barriers and challenges to drainage system. This will help develop strategies to
address concerns and promote the acceptance of proper drainage system.

• Collaboration and Guidelines: Foster collaboration between local government and

road department and construction professionals to develop guidelines and best
practices and enhance the effectiveness of road side drains. This will ensure proper
implementation and maximize the socio-economic benefits, reduce the
maintenance cost of road pavement, minimize the accident associated proper drain

• Support: Explore opportunities to incentivize the researcher, such as providing

financial incentives or training that incorporates proper drain construction. Support
research and development efforts to improve construction technology and address
any perceived limitations.

• Sustainability Focus: Design is the main focus that withholds the adequate
discharge. Right of way of road with proper site location, layout with the national
planning will provide the sustainability to drains. Promote proper design criteria
and check listing with project commissioning and testing. As the Butwal-
Chandrauta section of Mahendra Highway loan agreement for six lanes

Construction had done, this shows that this research is less useful. As an example
Manigram and Bhalwari of Siddhartha Highway is also facing the problem of
flooding even after a six lane road construction along with drain as well as other
many places of the country. So while constructing road side drain, it should be
considered the discharge of Highway right of way as well as the discharge through
the periphery catchment area along which it passes. Detail Project Report of six
lanes Construction of Butwal - Chandrauta section of Mahendra Highway had
submitted to Government of Nepal by World Bank, if proper drainage is not
considered during the construction, the project will face the problems like as in the
Siddhartha Highway. In this way, it should be considered proper drainage system
in this area as well as all over the country.

• Monitoring and Maintenances: Monitor the sediments deposition and vegetation,

Preventive and Routine maintenance of the drains by the local bodies. Sanitation
program should be organized for removal of clog from drain on weekly or fort

By implementing these recommendations, flooding problems were solved and promote the
safe and aesthetic appearance in community of study area.

5.2.2 Recommendation for further study:

• Investigating Decrease of the Agricultural Product Due To Poor Drainage Systems

in Sainamaina Municipality.

• Investigating socio-economic affects in the community due to poor drainage

systems in Sainamaina municipality.


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problem of roads in Khartoum state. 7, 91-103.

Annex-I: Detail district rate and Rate Analysis

Rate Analysis
As per District Rate of Rupandehi
1.1 Clearing the site of all the vegetation, roots and other un useful materials including
excavation of top soil to a depth of 15 cm.
Rate Analysis is taken for 1 sq. m.
Total of
Resources Level/Types Quantity Unit Unit Rate Amount
Labor Unskilled 0.023 Nos. 655.00 15.06 15.06
Actual Rate 15.06
15% Contractor Profit 2.25
Rate per
Total Rate 17.31
Sq. m.
Rs. 17.31 Paisa
2.1 Earthwork in excavation for foundation in Boulder mixed Hard soil with Excavator
including necessary lead and lift as per instruction of site engineer.
Rate Analysis is taken for 1 Cu. m.
Total of
Resources Level/Types Quantity Unit Unit Rate Amount
Materials Diesel 0.15 Lit. 137.17 20.57 20.57
Excavator (0.8
Cu. m. 0.0125 Hrs. 1980.00 24.75 24.75
Actual Rate 45.32
Rate per
15% Contractor Profit 6.79
Cu. m.
Rs. 52.11 Paisa Total Rate 52.11

2.2 Earthwork back filling in trench of foundation, floor after excavated soil of foundation
layers of 15 cm and watering as per instruction of site engineer.
Rate Analysis is taken for 1 Cu. m.
Total of
Resources Level/Types Quantity Unit Unit Rate Amount
Labor Unskilled 0.50 Nos. 655.00 327.50 327.50
Materials Water 5.00 Lit. 0.20 1.00 1.00
Actual Rate 328.50
Rate per
15% Contractor Profit 49.27
Cu. m.
Rs. 377.77 Paisa Total Rate 377.77
2.3 Providing & laying stone soling in foundation & floor including voids filling with sand
all complete as per instruction of the site engineer.
Rate Analysis is taken for 1 Cu. m.
Total of
Resources Level/Types Quantity Unit Unit Rate Amount

Labor Unskilled 1.50 Nos. 655.00 982.50 982.50
Block Stone 1.00 Cum. 1597.26 1597.26
Block Stone 0.20 Cum. 1597.26 319.45 1916.71
Actual Rate 2899.21
Rate per
15% Contractor Profit 434.88
Cu. m.
Rs. 3334.09 Paisa Total Rate 3334.09

3.1 Providing, laying, compacting and curing plain cement concrete M10 (1:3:6) in
foundation with cement, sand and stone ballast 20mm gauge finishing to approved
level, lines and dimensions all complete as per drawings, specifications and instruction
of the site engineer.
Rate Analysis is taken for 1 Cu. m.
Total of
Resources Level/Types Quantity Unit Unit Rate Amount
skilled 1.00 Nos. 965.00 965.00
Unskilled 4.00 Nos. 655.00 2620.00 3585.00
Cement 0.22 Mt. 13260.00 2917.20
40mm Crushed
0.65 Cum. 2436.51 1583.73
Materials 20mm Crushed
0.24 Cum. 2436.51 584.76
River Sand 0.47 Cum. 2116.80 994.89
Water 120.00 Lit. 0.20 24.00 6104.58
Actual Rate 9689.58
Rate per
15% Contractor Profit 1453.43
Cu. m.
Rs. 11143.01 Paisa Total Rate 11143.01
3.2 Providing, laying, compacting and curing plain cement concrete M15 (1:2:4) in Solid
Floor with cement, sand and stone ballast 20mm gauge finishing to approved level,
lines and dimensions all complete as per drawings, specifications and instruction of the
site engineer.
Including 30m lead
Rate Analysis is taken for 1 Cu. m.
Total of
Resources Level/Types Quantity Unit Unit Rate Amount

1.00 Nos. 965.00 965.00

Labor skilled
Unskilled 4.00 Nos. 655.00 2620.00 3585.00
Cement 0.32 Mt. 13260.00 4243.20
40mm Crushed
0.52 Cum. 2436.51 1266.98
Materials 20mm Crushed
0.22 Cum. 2436.51 536.03
10mm Crushed
0.11 Cum. 2083.71 229.20

River Sand 0.45 Cum. 2116.80 941.97
Water 150.00 Lit. 0.20 30.00 7247.38
Actual Rate 10832.38
Rate per
15% Contractor Profit 1624.85
Cu. m.
Rs. 12457.23 Paisa Total Rate 12457.23
3.3 Providing, laying, compacting and curing M20 (1:1.5:3) plain cement concrete for
foundation Lintel Sill of R.C.C. works with cement sand and stone ballast 20mm
down finishing to approved level, line and dimensions all complete as per specifications,
drawings and instructions of the site engineer, all complete.
Including 30m lead
Rate Analysis is taken for 1 Cu. m.
Total of
Resources Level/Types Quantity Unit Unit Rate Amount

0.80 Nos. 965.00 772.00

Labor skilled
Unskilled 7.00 Nos. 655.00 4585.00 5357.00
Cement 0.40 M.T. 13260.00 5304.00
20mm Crushed
0.57 2436.51 1388.81
Aggregate Cu. m.
Materials 10mm Crushed
0.29 2083.71 604.27
Aggregate Cu. m.
River Sand 0.43 Cu. m. 2116.80 899.64
Water 200.00 Lit. 0.20 40.00 8236.72
Actual Rate 13593.72
Rate per
15% Contractor Profit 2039.05
Cu. m.
Rs. 15632.77 Paisa Total Rate 15632.77
3.4 Reinforcement bars (Grade Fe500) work including straightening, cleaning, cutting,
bending, binding with 20 SWG annealed wire & fixing in position as per drawing, bar
bending schedule for raft foundation column, beam, wall, stair, slab in all R.C.C. works
as per specification, drawing & instruction of site engineer. Approved brands: Himal
Iron, Panchakanya or equivalent.

Including 30m lead

Rate Analysis is taken for 1 Mt.
Total of
Resources Level/Types Quantity Unit Unit Rate Amount

12.00 Nos. 965.00 11580.00

Labor skilled
Unskilled 12.00 Nos. 655.00 7860.00 19440.00
Rebar 1.05 M.T. 93000.00 97650.00
Bending wire 10.00 K.G. 108.00 1080.00 98730.00
Actual Rate 118170.00
Rate per
15% Contractor Profit 17725.50

Rs. 135.90 Paisa Total Rate 135895.50
3.5 Centering and shuttering with plywood for Column, Beam, Slab & other RCC work
including all necessary propping, scaffolding, staging, supporting, dismantling and
clearing from the site, including shuttering all complete as per design drawings,
specifications and instruction of the site engineer .
Rate Analysis is taken for 100 Sq. m.
Total of
Resources Level/Types Quantity Unit Unit Rate Amount

17.20 Nos. 965.00 16598.00

Labor skilled
Unskilled 25.70 Nos. 655.00 16833.50 33431.50
19mm Board 16.50 Sq. m. 1775.40 29294.10
Local wood 0.23 Cu. m. 45722.88 10607.70
Materials Iron Pipe
4.40 No. 1660.05 7304.22
(NMB 50-M)
Nails 25.00 KG 113.00 2825.00 50031.02
Actual Rate 83462.52
Rate per
15% Contractor Profit 12519.37
Sq. m.
Rs. 959.82 Paisa Total Rate 95981.89
5.1 Providing, laying and curing stone masonry works in cement, sand mortar (1:6) in
ground floor finished in perfect lines & level as per specification, drawings &
instructions of the site engineer.
Including 10m lead
Rate Analysis is taken for 1 Cu. m.
Total of
Resources Level/Types Quantity Unit Unit Rate Amount

1.50 Nos. 965.00 1447.50

Labor skilled
Unskilled 5.00 Nos. 655.00 3275.00 4722.50
Cement PCC 0.11 Mt. 11460.00 1214.76
River Sand 0.47 Cu. m. 2116.80 994.89
Materials Block Stone 1.00 Cu. m. 1597.26 1597.26
Block Stone 0.10 Cu. m. 1597.26 159.72
Water 70.00 Lit. 0.20 14.00 3980.63
Actual Rate 8703.13
Rate per
15% Contractor Profit 1305.46
Cu. m.
Rs. 10008.59 Paisa Total Rate 10008.59
6.1 Providing, laying & curing 12.5 mm cement sand (1:4) Plastering on walls to perfect
plumb, lines & level including raking the mortar joints and wetting the masonry
surface all complete as per design drawings, specifications and instruction of the site
engineer all complete:
Rate Analysis is taken for 100 Sq. m.

Total of
Resources Level/Types Quantity Unit Unit Rate Amount

12.00 Nos. 965.00 11580.00

Labor skilled
Unskilled 16.00 Nos. 655.00 10480.00 22060.00
Cement PCC 0.54 Mt. 11460.00 6165.48
River Sand 1.46 Cu. m. 2116.80 3090.52 9256.00
Actual Rate 31316.00
Rate per
15% Contractor Profit 4697.40
Sq. m.

Rs. 360.13 = Total Rate 36013.40

7.1 Demolition of old cement motor brick wall and lead/lift up to 10 m. including site
clearances work all complete as per instruction of site engineer

Including 10m lead

Rate Analysis is taken for 1 Cu. m.
Total of
Resources Level/Types Quantity Unit Unit Rate Amount
Labor Unskilled 2.12 Nos. 655.00 1388.60 1388.60
Actual Rate 1388.60
Rate per
15% Contractor Profit 208.29
Cu. m.

Rs. 1596.89 = Total Rate 1596.89

7.2 Demolition of old PCC and lead/lift up to 10 m. including site clearances work all
complete as per instruction of site engineer

Including 10m lead

Rate Analysis is taken for 1 Cu. m.
Total of
Resources Level/Types Quantity Unit Unit Rate Amount
Labor Unskilled 4.00 Nos. 655.00 2620.00 2620.00

Actual Rate 2620.00

Rate per
15% Contractor Profit 393.00
Cu. m.

Rs. 3013.00 = Total Rate 3013.00


Annex-II: Study Photographs

Figure A-1 Water logging along Mahendra Highway

Figure A-2 Water logging around Sainamaina Municipality, 08

Figure A-3 Water logging in new plot area behind Ramapur Haatbazar

Figure A-4 Water logging behind Ramapur Secondary School

Figure A-5 Pavement Distortion in flooded area

Figure A-6 Survey team

Figure A-7 Field Survey

Figure A-8 Field Survey of Drain

Figure A-9 Bench Mark location with GPS

Figure A-10 Auto leveling

Figure A-11 Measurement of first culvert

Figure A-12 Measurement of second culvert

Figure A-13 Measurement of third culvert

Figure A-14 Measurement of natural water way

Figure A-15 Rain gauge


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