Plane and Relative Motion

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391 ¢ APTER TEN sta (M Solution: Borla (fF ye © hecloran ofthe centro yntar tee rting ets hen & = rer Besta (Fra) The resting maton no pane maton is equivalent to pure rlation about the cenrid ni (at {nis and a ransaton ofits center of gravy o ‘The rtaonal component of a plane motion is fea aaa efined by the equation of the centiodal cents mass moment For fee roling wheels EMc=Tear (he $Me or sotdcynsers rotation Su = Tor where Tis the centroids : rors ont nets na te anlar ete. Te teen Cope spice nln FW ae! wersaietny et 8 i te celeron oft conte of gol Dias SeM adn Seearaea HOULSLIEEIN moment of inertia is transfered from the center of gray C.G, trough he stance ro ‘he ntant center C) Wstping ces, te eho Eo = Te cues wed. F557] Pans ae A sold oyinder of weight W and radius ras witout slipping down a plane inclined at 6 2 ‘wih the horizontal aGgsno (© Determine the acceleration ofthe center of * the elndr. © Min. coeficent of sac rton © Determine the minimum coefficient of Fyn Sta fiction to prevent slipping. w Applying d Alembests principle thatthe result ofthe apo extemal orcas equal It is possible if sufcient ‘tetional to tata he etictve forces the motion ofthe resistance aéts at the instant canter C to holt roling bod 1s determined tho folowing that point instantaneously at rest. The value of evatons, this static ticional resistance 's unknown, Uerefore, 1s eoumenie to wie Ue ‘unknown by faking mattons about the instant centr C. age [PLANE MOTION) Nsng 0050) tno ai ‘A sold sphare of weight W and rads ois without sipping down a plane at @ with the horizontal (© Detering the acceleration ofthe center of ‘ne sphere, © Determine the minimum coefficient of Sse font prevent sping Solution: Acceleration of te center of sphere asSoan0 Min. oar f stat ton Foy e ne N=wowe N cos 2W pi w (am) E. N E. Ni = ‘A solid oyinder 2 n fameter and weighing F644 tb fs at rest on a 45" incine. The coefcent of static fricton is 0.25 and of ‘ete fictions 020. © Compute the acclereton of the center of gray. @ Compile the fction fore acting © Comput the time forthe eytnder to move 20 ft when released fom rest. Solution: © Acceleration of conte of gravity N=Wos 45° N=64.4 Cos 45" N= 4554, ‘Assume sipping woud occur Faun F =0.2045.54) F=9tth, Check slipping ooo DMe= he 2 4 ra (Therefore, our assumption Is corec that sipping occurs @ Freon force actng Foote, © Tine tomove 208 tam st Sevyie jae ol 20=0+5 (16.21)% = 1.482 500, Problem: ea A sphere of rads 0.2 m and a weight of 4100 Nis released with no intl velocty on te incline making an angle of 30° wih the horizontal an rls without Sipping. © Deterinine the minimum valie of the Coefcent of fcion compatible with the roling motion, @ Determine he veloc ofthe conte of the ‘sphere after the sphere has roled 4 ee, © Delemine the velocity ofthe center of the sphere it it were to move & m. dow a ficonles 30" inne i 394 Solution: Fay © dn valve ofthe coetelent of fon 1427 = ys 60) compel vit the ig mosin uses © Vet of ong sere Vieve 2s v20422510 ‘2 ra. ven the sphere rls wihou sing Me = lar FOE Fet2rN N= 100 Cos30" N=86608 v 20m ® Velocity sicing sphere wsine Sin30° 81) 905 mis Ve=vi2+208 v=0+214.905)4) 28mis En ‘AL what height "ht above the biliad fable surface should o baad bal of radius 3 om be sink by a horzonal impact in orcer Wate bell wil start moving with no fiction between the ba andthe table? An ecoentc onder weighs 40 fb, and rats ‘about an axis i. from the geomet cnter and perpendicular to the op view as shown in the figure, The oylinder is subjected to an angular veloc of 10 radisec and an angular acoelratin of2radsec? © Compute the necessary coupe appfied to the ofindor byte sha. @ Compute the horizontal reaction ofthe vetcal shat onthe cyfnder. ® Compute the vertical reaction of the varcal shat onthe cytnder a6 Solution: © Couple applied to the cylinder Male beg gRteme 40_(8)?, 40/2)? veata( 8) *S3(8) 10,1898 396 @ Horizontal eacion ofthe vera! shat on Ihe oyinder mle (© erica eacfon ofthe vertcel shaft on he ojtncer me ‘Acold homogenous ayinder weighing 644 ib. rals without sipping on the incned rails as ‘hawnin te fou. IMo= as “ IM, = 302)-1.6F © Compute the mass cenle ace'raton, ae ® Compute the angular acceleration © Compute the angular vosty 301, 60-1.5F = 26578 e Equating 08 © 58673 =-384 H=-676 ips? (is indicates at be cider cs dom) © Angular acceleraton aera? 678=20? = 1 trade. Bhema F -W Sin 30" + 20.Cos 20 F-44 Sin30"+ 30 Gas a0°= © §2m08 26 ° 25678 25671678) EM, = 1208 BM her 2 =e there isn siping vee 397 Inthe fe shown, the honegensouseyinger rofs without sipping onthe hertzonlalsurece, © Determine the accooralion of the mass center. @ Detemine the angular acelrain Determine the plane reaction on the finder. Solution: @ Acceleration of he mass center ‘Assume te cylinder rls to height Brena F+900-1100= F=199.8a+200 1960 ost? EM y= ee -F0s}=2( 2g i rosi3(3) {iitrots without sipping) 398 00409) (198.8 + 200)0.9) (Bas 22.59 atisec? @ Plane reacon onthe oyind F= 199.80 +200 00.82.33) +200 5.53N | 565 | Problem; A oylinder shown has a weight of 100 Ib. Assuming the cylinder to be solid in cetemining the moment of neria © Determine the velocty of the ofinder ater ithes led 10 fom rest ifthe horizontal force P appied at Ais 1010. ® Detenrine the veosiy ofthe onder ater ‘hes roled 10 fom rect the horizontal force P= 101b. applied at & Determine the veloc of he ofinder ater ithasroled 10° fom estf the horizontal force P= 10h. is apf a. Solution: © Velocity of ender is apa at A F = 10-3108 EM,= le 2 a? Fi) 10,0) = 82 (10-3,1060)6)-20= 6.212 1806040 =20 a= 107 bs? Veavaenas =o 2.07410) V= 4826 fps © Voloty of cfinder it i acting at c. Mek e (8) + 10(2)= lee (70-3.1060}4 + 20= 82 40-12424a+20= 6218 22 pst 399 eave +208 ve=0+2(3.22)10) v= 802s. © Velocity of eyinder it Pis acing at C ¢ Pa101 0-2 40-12.424a+40=621a 188340=80 824.29 tps? ve 12 +248 + 26-2910) V=928 6s ‘The compound pulley shown weighs 180 N ‘and has a conlroidal radius of gyration of 050m, 0.6m _0.2m 250 © Which ofthe folowing gives the angular acrelration of tha puley in racsec® ‘nich of he flowing gives the tension in ‘he con supporting the 250" load ‘© Which ofthe flowing gives the tension in ‘the cordevpporing the 360 toad 8 Solution: 350 2s0Ve — | 350(02ve © Arepar acceleration of ue ogg «NDZ T2880 gat T2=38047.46 a. (ws)-v2ig Ty -02T 4.59.0 0.6(250- 16294) -02(950 +7140) 459 a= 160-9.174a-70- 142801 15.192 «= 80 = 5.21 radlsec? @ Tension inthe cord suporing the 250 N toad: Ty 2280-18290 50 15.25(527) y= 46942N (© Tension in Uwe curd supper the 960 8 Tq= 360+ 714(627) = 387.63 he pastengereireot Bis fying east wih a ‘edy Vs ~ 800 Koh, Amity jt ravling -uth wit a velocty Vq = 1200 kph passes er B ata sight lower aude. What vlocy does A appear to have toa passenger in 8? 9 What ig the dtecion of that apparent veodly? j Y ae Vq=800e9H Sctuti Velocity that A appear to have to a Passenger at. £00 50h Vaae? = (800)? + (1200)? Vag * 142 © Died ctbatopparent vty ao ‘an i200 osssarw ma The jet transport 8 is fying north with a velo Vg = 600 kph when a smater aircraft A passes undemeathte transport needed inthe 80° direction shown to passenger in B, however, A appears to be fying sidesways and maving east. © Determine the acual veloc of A @ Determine the velocity which & appears to have eatve lB, 402 Solution: © Actual velocity of A ¥y=600 koh Ye 1608 ih ‘Tho sill pane A italy fying orth with @ ‘ground speee of 225 kp encounter 75 koh west wind (Voning cast). Aplane B fying ® Determine the velocity which A appears to have to piot of. @ Determine the direction ofthe velocity which A appears tohave tothe plot of. Solution: ® Velocty which A appears to have to pot ofB Vp2270-75-195 byt Vaca. 18 gh We= O87 + (257 V4=257181gh Using Cosine law: (Wave)? = (1957 + (237.16)? -2(195) (237.18\Cos 108.43" ya 351 kph ® Direoton ofthe velocity which A appears tohaveto the pltof 8 1954p Using SheTaw: 495, 351 Sn a” Sin 1084 a=319t Direction = 31.81 + 18.43, Direction = N 50 14'E oe ‘A sail boat moving in the diecton shown is tacking o windward again! a north wind The log registers @ hut speed of 6.5 knots. A ‘alta ght sing tid othe riggirg) inccates, thatthe drecon ofthe apparent wind is 35° ‘fom the center tine of te boa. © Whats the te wind weoaty Vy =? @ Whatis the velocity of the apparent wind? 403 Solution: © Velocity of tue wind Vy 1440 knots ® Velocity of apparent wind a Sno. “Sn Vq= 1924 knots PMs ‘Car As mavirg cast at 70 kph whe car Bs ‘moving inthe directon of N. 45° E. For a passenger in car A, B appears to be moving away na drecton of. 30° W. ‘© Which of he fallowing gives the veloiy of Ainmis, | Which ofthe folowing glues tha vale ‘at B appears to the passenger in A. ® Which of the folowing gives the ime velocity of 8 Solution : 404 @ Volocity of Ain ms: 70000, Va "3660 Vq= 19.44 mis ® Yelocy that B appears to te passenger nk Using Sine Law: as Ys vy Ly + Ng 70 na * Ss Van = 51.24 ph (Inve votety ot: Ma. - 0 Sney * Ts Vp=6276Kh ‘Car Ais accoleratng in the deecton of ts moton at the rate of 1.2 mis2, Car 8 is rounding @ cure of 150 m. radus at a constanl speed of 4 kph ® Which of the faloning gives the velocity that car B appear fo have to an observer ingar AWA has reachod 2 speed of 72 kph or the postions presened. .® Which ofthe folowing gives the direction ‘of Vaya tom te path of car A. @ Which of the following gives the acceleration fat car B appears to have to ‘en obsererincarAifcar A has reached a speed of 72 kph for the positions resented, Solution: © Vetociy of oar 8 with eopestto A Vi VY Vaud Vp=15 mis Using Cosine Lave Wain = ny (192 Vaya = 18.0815 2120) 18) Cos 60° ® Direction o Vay rom path of 20 mis Ye oN/ 1803 mis 1S mis 15 1003 Sng She 02461 ® Acceleration aaa: aiy1.5 mis? any" 421.2 wis? an=15 mis? (ena? = (1572+ 1292-21154.) 0830" jn =0.257 ms? wa ‘Automatic A is traveling east ata constant speed of 36 kph. As aulomobile A crosses the secon shown, automobile B slats frm rest 35 m. noth of he intersection and moves south witha constant acceleration of 12 ms Five seconds afer A crossos te ntrsacton, © Delernine te usta of 8 retewve 1A @ Determine the velocity ofB eave to A @ Determine the acceleration of B relate to x “Bef Solution: © Distance ofB reatve to Fork: 36000 Ya> 3600 Vq= 10m (Motion of is uit) (othe sgt) 406 For ag=+ 1.2 ms? (towards the intersection) Vp= Vos agt Va =04 (+1215) Vp= +6 mis (downward) SEV Saut 12 s-0+ Zee 1 yg=95-15=200. tom T Distance of Beatie to A 9-20} Ta50 an Vico? + Go faq"589m, ® Velocity of Brlatve to Vg=lOrvs Vas6mis Vowa= Vito + (6) Van = 1.68.5 © Acceleration of Brolatve oA ox ‘ana p=. aaa = VOR ACIP aq 12m8? ae Train A travels with 9 constant speed Vg = 120 kph song the staight and level track, The dtver of car B, antcpatng the railway grade crossing C decreases the car speed of 90 kph atthe rate of Sms? © Detormine the velocly ofthe train relative fothocar, @ Determine the acceleration of the vain ‘eltive to theca. 407 Solution: © Velocity of vain lative tothe car ‘Using Cosine Law: ‘Waal? = (1207 + (207? 2120}80}C0s 45° Vqn= 85kph © Acceleration of ain lave to the car, Using Cosine Lave na? =0 + (9P-210K3}008 45° ayn 3m? MAE Gat A rounds a curve of 150 m. radius at a constant speed of 64 kph. Ar the instant ‘represented, car 8 is moving at 81 kph buts ‘lowing down at rat of mi, © Determine the velocity of car A as fom carB. ® Determine tha acceleration of car A as. ‘observed from car B. © Velocity of car Aas observed fom ea 8 Va=54 ih vit Va2 15mis Yo venga Wa (157 + 225)? Veu=27.06 mis ® Acceteraton of car A as observed fom car ais sok Tas anda ae Dag = 45st wee ‘The car Aas a forward speed of 18 kph and is sccolorating at 3 m2. An observer 8, as shown in the figure, cides in @ non-olaing Chair on the Fers wheel The Feri wheel has @ constant angular rai of 3 revolutions perminute. © Compute the tangential velocity of serve 8 at ths instant @ Compute the velocity ofthe car elative to cbserve 8. © Compute the eccsleration of the car relative to observer Solution: Vero @ Velacy ofthe car lave to observer B Using Cosine Law: : Waal? = (2897 + (1)? - 212.83} 1)C08 135° Vpp = 381 mis Acceleration ofthe car relative to observer B ay? ag= MO34P 2, 0.887 mis? Using Cosine Laws nal? = (0.887F + 4.2547 - YO.ETKS.254) Cos 48° yg £388 mis? SLATIVE MOTION) AN he inslant shown, cars A and B are teavelng at speeds of $5 mph and 40, mph respectvely. © 118 is decreasing ts spood at 1500 mt Uwhile A ‘i Increasing at 800. mph elernine the acraeraion of Bath respect 19 A, Car B mavos along 2 cure having radi of ouvatue of 050 mals, 118 is ncreasing is speed by 1200 mit? wie A maintains. at constant speed, determine the veloiy of B with respect to a Ceterine also the acceloron of B with respect o A whe A mbinzin at constant sonad ‘Solution: »»- Beceleration of B with respect to A: 408-4 (aan? = (00 + (9534)° ~ 2800)(9594)00s 167.84° maa = 4319 mph? (© Velocy of 8 wih respect to A any (an) (55) + 40 2(55N40}Cos 30" Ven= 28.54 mph @ Acceleration of 8 wi respect to A: un 2418 mph ED Cartons having a mass ofS kg are rquired to move along the assembly Ine at constant speed of 8 ms, Detorina the smal! radius, Of curvaiure for, the conveyour so that the carons wil not sp. The coefcionts of stale and Kinet fcfon between @ carton. and the coweyor are ps = O7 and pe = 05 400 EE ‘Aa given instant the car has a speed of 25 mist and acelaraon of 3 mis acting in he ‘eon shown, © Compute the rale of increase of the cats ‘speed. @ Compute the noc aceleation ofthe ear, © Compute the radius of curvature of the \ \ \ Solution: © Rate ofincrease ofthe car's speed: a= 360820" < aszeoms? ae © Neral acceleration of he car: a@=38n30" ae 1S mist 08-5 © Radus of curvature ofthe path AA tain traveling at a retoad tact on ‘verpass ol 2 constant speed of 60 kph ‘eosses over a read 2s shawn which makes ‘an angle of 45" with the raitoad track. Car Ais traveling at 45 kph along the roa. ‘D Determine the magne of ie veloc of the tin wit respec to Be ca @ Determine the drecton of the relative veloc ofthe train with spect ofthe car Determine the component ofthe veloty ofthe rin with especl the car onthe recon paral ote raload track Solution: © Veoay of te A with respect o 8: Yost ¥, ao (Van = (60) + (48) 2160}45}00s 45° Van= 425 ph © Direcion ofthe welocty of B with respect bok: fea Yan + Sud , St ® 5 o=4as" ® Component ofthe velocity ofthe train with respec fo te car which Is parallel othe railroad rack Y= 425 C0485" Ves 28.16 koh Ema PAL plane fies along a staighl in pat, whe (Cebu Paciic plane fies along a crodar path heaving a radius of curvature r= 400 km, 35 shown in the figure, Velocty of PAL plane Is 700 toh and tat ofthe Cebu Paci plane i, 600 kph. The PAL pane increases is speed at 50 kmh? while Cebu. Pacife plene is eereasng its speed by 100 kf. Distance between the tuo planes 64k, apat © Determine th velocity of he Cebu Pace plane wth respectto the PAL plane. @ Determine the acoelerafon of the Cebu Pacifc plene with respect to the PAL plane. (@ Getermine re drecson of ie acetrason ofthe Cebu Pacc plane with respect the PAL plan. Solution: "Velocity of 8 wit respect to A rade one \" Ver Vin 2¥e Ven 600-700 Vy Vex=-100kph | tr, > pesderaton a8 wih eset aN aaven ws Aa seo? (150? S 2d km ht Ditton of acnseroton of B wih respect 900 kv u 9124 fa? 130 kit ton 0 a= 9s6 (Car Ais accteratng in the recon of moon atthe cate of 12 mi. Car B is rounding 3 ‘une of 200 m. rads ata constant spend ot 54k © Determine tha vetocty fat car 8 appears Inhaun nan oharverincarAif ae A as reached a speed of 72 koh forthe poston represonted @ Dalemine the drecton of the velocy of car 8 wih especl tocar A @ Deterice the aoceeration that car 8 ‘appears to have oan observer inca A. © Determine te direction of the acceleration ‘of car B wih respect to ca A, Solution: {Velocity of 8 with respect toca A: Vg=20 mls Mi Yeu ‘sme V2 ES nave 00 Nara)? = (207? + (15)? ~ 2(20}15}Co: 50 Van 18.03 mls Oe (RELATIVE MOTION] cae En 15, 1006 ase 125 mis? s25ye+ (4.292 21425) 1.2008 967 ‘Alte iastan shown inthe fgure cars Aand B ‘are raveling with speeds of 18 ms and 12s sospecvely. © Determine the velocty of 8 with respect to A @ Dele the decbon ofthe velocity of with respect oA, @ Delermine the soceleraton of 8 wih respect 19 A i at tis Instant, A has @ decrease in speed of2 mis? and B has an increase in speed of mis, © Dateeine te dracon ofthe accleraton ‘of Bwith respect to A. Soiution: Velocy of B wit respect to A mc isms 2s 4 Cue? Va= Vas Vou 18Cos607~18 Sin 0+ Van Van= 18 Cos 607+ 358) =) +3588) fo? +asee? meat oun 1441-3) =2 C05 607+ 2Sin 6074 ze aan? 44-4732) sons (lass? o(6reeP aan= 8.32 mist ® Directon of aux Gea. 732 For the instant represented, car Aas 2 speed of 100 koh, which is inceasing a arate of 8 kh por second, Simultareousy, car 8 ato thas a speed of 100 kph 2c it ound the tum ‘and fs slowing down atthe cle of 8 kh pet ‘second. © Determine the acceleration that car 8 appears to an observer in car A. @ Daterine the horizontal componentot the acoeleraton of B with respect io A. © Determine te drecton of the aosleraton (of Bwitn respect to A Solution: © Acceieraon of B with respect to A: ay=2. i mis =2.22 ma=ant aan -2571+222]=-222)+ 360 STi+ 444 lesn? + (444? 18 mist © Horizontal component of 25x (@onh= 2.57 mis? © Dircton of au conan Made td 4108-6 Train A travels wih 2 consant. speed Va = 120 fh along the staigh and level track, The driver of ear 8, andcpaing the raiway grade crossing C, decieases the car speed of 90 kph at a corain rae, If the Scztraon of he Un ele fe cars © Determine the velocty ofthe train relaive ‘othecar © Delenine the drecton of he velcly of the Wain relative to the car. ® Determine the rate of change of the veloay of ca 8 Solution: © Velocity of tan etatve tothe car 408-8 [RELATIVE MOTION} 408-1 Va Vo Va 129 Sin 75+ 129 C08 75')= 99 Sin 307 + 0Cos 07+ Vis 0911 46.85) wos yas? +4688)" Ma " Dimelon ofthe velocy of A win respect : sot a ee 708 ™ a soon & Rate changooftowioty of ca: 450 (rosstan! elon) antoet te \ Oe apSerMT a Cos 30+} Ylasa,)? rioeeay)? =3 a= det ont chawdh, cas A and B. are Trail ot cpeads of 70 kph and 20 Fah 5 sdualy TB decraesing 6. spoed of CF nj ho he 86 erases. a SpeEd at vj arb (ones lang 3 eave eng, rahis et naata aGT 2 [termine the volcty of B with respect to A Determine the acceleration of & with respect A Dolermine the direction of the acceleration of Bwith respectto A. Solution: VetoiyofB with respect fo Vo Vat Van {50 Sin 301+ $0.Cos 30> 70/+ Ven 25) + 43.30)~ 70+ Vas Van = 251-28.) Vans (a5)? + e267 Vea= 36.58 kph ‘Acceleration of with respect oA: sias B17 Coe? 100 Coe 49181749 Sin a n= on can 2393/2998) = £00) + ax [A the inant shown, cae A has 2 speed of 20;pa, which fs being increased al the ale of 300 km, as be car eners en expressway. 1A fhe same instant, car 8 is decelerating ai 250 kmh wie raving forward 3100 km © Determine the velo ofA with respectto 8 © Detemnine the acceleration of A wth respect B. @ Determine he econ ofthe acceleration af Awih respect to B. a 300 km/h? 08-1 ans ant ane = 4000/~ 300) 280) + 0 ay = 4000150) axa= yf 40n0}? + s0F aug = 4000.3 kv? @ Diceton of wecalevalon of A with espect oe 4900 tno2 8 ‘AL the instant shown, evs A and 8 are teavelng atthe speeds of 20 kph and 65 kph respectvely IFB is accsleraing al 1200 kph? Wile A rant a constant speed © Determine the voli ofA with respect R © Delermine-the dracon ofthe velocity of wit respect lo & with rolerence fo the ‘recfon of & 3 Delecmine the accsierton of A with rospectio 8 x Solution: 2 Velociy of & with respact to 8: pi Vn= 65 (xa)?= (05) + (207 2(65}20}005 13.5" Vue = 804 kph Direcion of velocity of A with respect lo B wih reference to érecon of: Veuve 169.87" 1013" Vj=6ign 2, 04 Sno * Sno 8 10.13 or 16987" ‘Acceleration ofA wih respect fo a= 4009, ue ‘iy = 1200 pn (anol = (12009 + 4000)2 ~2(1200)4000}C0s 45° ua = 2284 kph? [RELATIVE MOTION} ‘Ale stating ftom the poston marked with he “c;@ football receiver B runs the slantin pattem shown, making a cut al P and {hereafter runing with a constant speed Va = 7 yilsec. inthe direction shown. The (quarterback reledces the ball wth a horontal ‘velocity of 100 fps atthe instant the receiver pases pun! P, Neglecing any vrica moven ofthe ball tye] ji tem. 4 Lee ee Guerre © Determine the angle @ at which the quarterback must tow the bal in order (ortheraceiver to catch te bl ® Determine te distance the reoever had to rn frm P to catch te bal. @ Determine the velocty of the bal relative tothe receiver when the ball was caught. Solution: © Angle @ at which the quarterback must theow the ball 409 a+90-9+ 26040 AAC+ BC= 33.33 ga ee {03920080 goo n=26039)008 01 30+ 7t= 66.86 Cos Ot oe 293331 Po ‘Sig60 + 6)” Sn(90-6) see Te Sin(60 + 0)” Cos 0 410 [RELATIVE MOTION] 2 15-15tn@ 7 ‘Sin G0" Cos 0 + Cos 60" Sin” Cos@ ag 5 os 6 nt ‘Sin 6° Cos 6+ Cos 60° Sin 6 Cos 6 _19(C05 8 -$in =n 000 cos 0+ 055in0" i Tyo=3r 30+ 71268-66005 3331 4g711= 30, 10816 sec Check 15{00s 3.3'-$in 333} TA Cas 385° +05 Sn 39. 4202 BE rosie) 4312431 (OK) 016) Angle 0 = 333 Distance the recover had run from P te cach the ball PB=Tt 7 PB=7(0616) PB=431 yds, Velocity ofthe ball elative to te receiver when the ballwas caught Using Cosine Low (Yuu = (1007+ 292-2 100,21}00s 985° Vis = 103.38 ps. ‘An automobile and a tain travel at the ‘constant speed shown. Three seconds aftr the train passes unde the highway bridge the ‘ulomobile crosses the bide, Determine the velo of he tan ative {othe avomobil. © Determine the change in postion of the train relative to the aufomable during 24 ‘second intra @ Determine the distance betwoon the tain and the automobile § seconds afer the aulomobile cosse the bride. 4ur Solution: 9) Velocity of train relive tothe autorebile 12013). 00 = Fay 0.10 c= 100m, Velocity a tin aiong OC = 5° mis ‘Velo of rain along OC = 0033 kph Ung Cosine La: (Wag)? = (967 + (120.033)? 795112009 Cos 120 Vie =874850h <® Chang in gston of te tan rate to Se auamosi ite 4 sex ‘2 04 = 1220 tog = 19838 = 209 coy 03 284 omy = 10867, (ue? = (10857 + (133337 -2{106:57)133 33} Cos 120" Ong = 208, 3 Distance between train and automobile 5 sec. after the automobile casses the bnege (a8)? = (133.33) + (266.67? 2198 384265 67 Cos 1207 AB=3528m,

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