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“The fundamentals of work and energy is expressed a8 the resultant work on ‘ranting body is equa tothe caresponding ‘ange in Ina cnory. Post Wok Negalve Work» Chane i KE 4 ag" 2 w, ves afte. ymve-ve) a vere: SAS «restart work Smv?-ViA = sang nbn onery. Relaton of Distance, Veusily and Acceleration of tock A and B supported by cables. MN ‘Mr the block inthe figure has moved 3m. from rest, the constant force P = 600 N is removed, Fin the velo ofthe block when it returns to ina postion, ‘constant force P= 750 N acts onthe body ‘hown during only the fst 6m. of ts mot0r Fe station. ng tem fet: rd heey Steetodyaterhhas noedstaatdsince | w=st0($) =.00n an F020 400) =80 8 FromAloc: Woz. eed 10(3)-80 3 +8)-st0(8) +8) = (2-04) tan0-240-205-600-200S+0 Solution: i= 1600-750 (2) = 1808 Fy £020 (1180)=220N tip = 1600 F_=020 (1600) = 920 N POS, WORK- SHES. wor =f Nev?-W) From cto: 3Po8.woak. Ses, work= 1 8iy.v,9) 1022.8~ 25.48 Vy? V5 =64 mise. (velocity oftlock whenit telus tos inal poston) 413 ‘What force P wil give the system of bodios, ‘shown a velocity of 8 msec after 6 m, fom res? Solution: Ny=250N, Fy =0.20(250) =50NN Ng 1000 (cos 457)= 707 N Fy =02(T07)= 16.16 Ng=500N Fs = 0.20 (500) = 1008 ‘SPOS. WORK. E NEG. WORK: Ev) W=2504 100 500= 1750 P (6) - 50 (6) - 14.14 (6) - 1000 Sin 45° (6) 100061" Fay 9? =) P=2203N Find the velocity of body Ain the Fre ator t has moved 3m. om rest. Assume the puleys tobe weightless and tlonless. 414 415 [WORK AND ENERGY} Solon: me 2000 ‘Terugh what distance wil body A move in 7 changing is velocty fom 1.8 msec. to S6misee? Patsy | Pe Usps OP vena t902)- 2. S098 ' 241500 y,2_ 92) 41 20001, 9 i Solution: i “agar Ne O12 gare | SPOS. WORK. NEG, WORK = 22=(8F + 1872= 76.45 Vg? + 101.96 Vy2 i | : a1 ee 7 mer | a Solution: 1072= 7645 2V4i+ 101.94V42 o a 7 POS, WORK FNES. WORK = E 3 Hoy?) 14 msec. ssn = 2 ai Ye tagiY) (Sy _ 4 (1000) ‘ tena 15o(8) 21 C2 yo67. 92) F x0 3 (09 Sa OVA gave +5 eer? 92) 2a0 32 1508 =6812 31 misec. ig $=272m, In what cistance wil block A attain a velocity of q 36 mises starting fom rest? Find he vec of bay An the gre tir it Determine the velocity atsned by block A hab moved, arg fom rest atte ven ater moving a ditance of 36 m-slaring fom positon, for 9 fg along lhe Witness ae id sue shen Pes Werk Neg Wor = Change in KE. Ts act -10)-0= Brae -0) + Brg =O) I 2005 Z == 00 = S90 EG COVA? woo =sz16v¢2 Ss a= 155TH a= 1600(02)= 3206 when Amoves Set Brnoves 2 mers. 0s work Bea. work =x Hay vy ‘0m 99) - 201) =} 1502 (729-014 52? 1367-04 5008-5084 s=t02m ‘The 150 kg catage hasan init velocity of 3 ils doun the incine at A, winen a constant force of $60 Nis enpied tothe hoisting cable as shown, Calevlate the vlocily of the ‘cage when lt reaches B Ssasanriens oo \olL Solution: 100) 14715 Sn 0 8) = 5 180} (9) 99 HEEL ve wr V=55t mis ES In the dosign of a convoyar-belt system, smal metal blocks are discharged with a velocity of 1.4 mis onto a ramp by the upper conveyer belt shown. The kinetic coefficient of fcton between the locks and the ramps is 0:3, © Calculate tre angle @ which the ramp must ‘make with the horizontal so hal he blocks wil transfer without sipping tothe lower ‘conveyor belt moving at the speed of O.44mis, ® Compute the angular velocity of the conveyer pulley at, © Compute the angular velocity of the ‘conver pulley at Solution: © Anges sg wa enero eon fom Ato Pee wotk-Nogabve werk 32-2)“ 1 Weos0=03Wex80 wsnes-ro=fug-9 1sesn9 ‘4.90 kg bungee jumper jumps fom a briige 40m. above a ever. The bungee cord has an unstetched engi of 18 m, and ha asifness f200 Nin. © How fr above be rivers the jumper when the cord brings him o stop? @ Determine the maximum veloiy of the [umper during hs fl. @ Determine the maximum force that the con exert on im, © Determine the maxim acceleration of the man dung his al 417 f 18m he Solution: Distance of the jumper above the vor en the cond bing int stop Foy 418 Atpoint2: VeVi #201849) vi=0+ 29118 +9) v= VaK8 9) 20032 39784.4 2 1765.5 yP- 88257-18892 =0 yeti 240 1777-18 n=423m, °® Moxinum vos ofthe jumper v=29(8 +) va= 28041841777) Vp= 28.48 mis 8) Maximum force that the ood exert on him Fey 22000777) F=3654N © Maximum acceleratone! the jumper A biock weighing 100 N shown at A is subjected toa horizontal force P= 100 N. if the velocity ofthe lock at is 10 ‘ich ofthe folowing ges the veloc of the Block at. 2 Which ofthe fobowing gives the velocity of the block et (Ito fore Ps released a, which ofthe Ioeawing gives the toa since tat the black has ravele unl wl step. Solution: 1 Ung wr energy gto fem Ata 8 Prove wok sega work vehi e : 1 109(10)-0=3 By Vegan (OF Vg= 1121 as ® Using wrk every equation fom B10 1015) Pcie 100 (85)- 100 (293) =i Cnr} (@2) na Yoo t982 ne © Using work energy equation fom Co. cen so inte 419 Positive work - Negative work = Change in KE. o-teoxsnas=} (22) op +7.85 +2832 Total distance 46.17 m, Ba A small rocket propoted test vehicle with a toa mass of 100 kg, sas fom rest at & and roves wit negiile con along the rackin tte vertical plane as shown. ithe propling rocket exerts a constant thst T of 1.5 kN from A to postion & where itis shutoff ‘elomine the distance S thal he vie ols 1p the ince before stopping. The loss of mass due tothe expuision of gases by the rockets smal and maybe nalete. Solution: jg ge AB =€2832m. a to gest 6891607959 a(spea(i Solving for $= 160m, ‘Aboy sles down a ater chu, stating from rest at A. Neglecting friction. © Which fhe folowing gives he velocty at tho ond ofthe cute at 8 © Which ofthe flonrg gives the veloaty on ‘enlering the water aC. @ Which of te folowing gives the horizontal distance of C tom B, 420 Solution © Velocity at: . 4 10% It iG Using Work- Ene Eqn fom to w(t0-2)=$8 ge vg (2) 89.81) = Ve? - (0? Vp > 1253 mis Veloty st Using Wort Energy Equation tom Ato WIO)=3 5 Woe-Vad) 10424981) = Vo? Vo= 1601s oy. distance of C fom 8 —3% 2ve costo gare 201253) Cones -220577x-0.062%2 9218 7381-4762= x= 1661 m, yextane~ -2=Ktan 30) ‘A500 N block i esting on an incned plane and is subjected to a constant fore of 600 N ‘acing paral to the Incfned pene, Afler the block has moved 3 m, fom rest along te inclined plane, the force 600 N is removed, ‘The incined plane has a slope of 3 vertical to Ahoviontal. Coeficint of fio i 020 500 N © Wich ofthe folowing gives the distance thal the block wil move futher long the incined plane unt itl stop. ® Which ofthe iclowing gives he volcty of the block when the force 600 N was romaved. ‘Wich of to fotowing gives the velocity of the block wnen 1 rewums 10 KS inal poston, Solution: © Distance te block wi move further unt will stop 500 N al 600 N WORK AND ENERGY] 421 N F=0.20)¢00) Feaow Use ot Ene eam At Pon rt Woke? 9). +)-59 580+) 1800-240-80x- 5229) (363 x74, © Velocity of the bock whan the 600 N force wes removed 6543) -80(3)- 20003} = 9 (Ua? VIP) oe We -0) & Velodiy of block when i returns to its original poston: Veo S005 Ve DS F=50 14m Pos, Work Neg. Work= 9 & (4A) 09674-80674) = 4.22 2-0) Ve= 6400s. ‘Awooden tock staring rom rest, sides 6 th. dawn @ 45" slope, then 3 m. along level surface and then up @ 30° incined unt it ‘comes forest again, The coefelet of fon 18 0.15 foral surfaces of contrac. (© Which ofthe folowing gives the distance the block moves up the 20° inclined section uti stops. ® Wihich of the following gives the total, since traveled und ston, {© Which of hefotowing gives the volt of the block as it moves backward from D ‘anda harizntel stance of 2m. fom C. Solution: © Distance the block moves up the 30° Incined plane unlit sop: 4s, Pos. Work Neg Work= (Vz? V42) W Si (0-28) - Fa) -FS)-W Sh 99'S Ww 340-0 422 [WORK AND ENERGY) Sea 1, . soo Solution: Pos. Work- Neg. Work = (Ve®- VF Work 30(1500) = eg 887-0) © Velocity of package at : Wm 2018) Fal) Ful) =p WA eee 2.50048 Woe 16-0602 2 Adsonal werk done ihe back oping w Fah 1550051 Ve Ves 551 mis. Pg, Woom AD L Jo: A train on a level track weighs 1800 kN. The {ol ficial resistance at any speed is ‘Wor 30 (1800-1600 (150) Feevt ONAN. 800 a Pate © Wich of efooing gs wd “anantsora Us watery tuto: W Sin45 (6-0: Cos 456) -018W() inbsingng up vebay oft a fom Sin 0=tan0 (or sal ares) Paw wort: Nog work = Changein KE -0.15 1 Gos 30" (8}-WSin 20" S=0 rest lo 60 kph if the change of speed is Sin =001 wsina0(-Fi) =! ve2-vad) aay deitamin ie Ganesd Sccomglshed in done of km : ; 20 ® Which of he folowing gves the additonal Werk = 30(1500)-$800(001)(1800) Fepn s5m work 10 be done Ibe track were an = 00. 572.0) £090 ca590 ‘pgade of Din 10, ai F026 * Tolaldtance traveled fom At Work = 97494 kN wos) 0.2647(5) =; (vg2- 0) eee pee Adina work one = 2494 95866 Westen =m ‘aeal werk cone = 805m © Voniyetbiedk te: ue Distance te package traveled en the harzetal sutace. Wis Vpat85 is ‘coefcent of Kinet fction between the vackage and the surlace is 030. ifthe >ackage i released fem rest at A. Which ofthe flowing gives the speed of aow Ww 7 F Ne * wees vee ES tg gee dace | gaa. bene wegeeaseee ee | oe: HM ae pecsatemenseecemsionis | Rep Ng + Wich ofthe fofoning gives the velocity of pl Wy. .56) eee ieeiog enoniSmonbaey | 28M zaayt Hh Fee pai reemans fa 424 [WORK AND ENERGY] Veloty of package at point D. Pepi F=030" 0-03000) 5 ve oo? == 17658 Vp= 24m Bea ‘nig package, init at rest at A is (opeled between A and Bby a consian force ©, Neglecting tition, © Which ofthe folowing gives the smaest \elue of P which te package wl each 0. 'D Wich ofthe fotowing ges the velocity of the package at C ‘© Which ofthe folowing gives the velocity of ta package at. Solution: © Va of to reach the package at, 20) aig re Using wor-energy equaton: Pos. werk- Neg, work= change in KE. 1", Pra)-We)=3 5 oe Vee) 2P- wean foyeo =7848N © Velocity of package al B wy, 7848(2)-0= 7 0c?-0) 50081) 13895 Fea) Vo Venez ns © Velocity of package al: 78402)- (9 8NKH)= 5 VE2-0 Tacd(2)-(eK@80N1)= Sige YEP Ve =403is [WORK AND ENERGY) 425 Ea The Deck sown slated att and moves oad the right 1000 N f+ ~-3.0m © Wheto the flowing gives te vlociy of block Bas it touches the ground, ® Vitich ofthe fotowing ives the distance thal Bock Al ravel along the bavizontal surface if the cooiclent of rion between Dock A and te surtace is 0.20. Assume pulley lobe fictonless © Which ofthe fotowing gives the tension of the chrd, Solution: © Velocity of bck vae=vie 20s vP=0-+ 2105824K1.2) V2=097 msec. © Distance that block A wl travel along the horzotal surtace: Iniial KE, + Pos, Wock- Nog. Work al KE $000 war2+0-aaox=0 x02 Distance travelled by block Distance travelted by block. © Tension oto r 170.88 rez. 2808000 [si] fo T=20N i .WORK. IN.SPRINGS... A block weighing 500 N is dropped from a height of 2 m_ upon a spring whose modulus is 20 Ninn. What velocty wil the biock have atthe instant the spring fs eterna’ 100 mm? 426 WORK AND ENERGY] Solution: : 121 Mey 2 = 20 nm=20,000 Nn 272 Vo 1800 (1032 =5 20 Vax 2) incine 2 2 Slope of 3 vertical to sherzontal Islas + fram rest and afer moving 1.2 m stikos a soving whose moduus is 1500 Nim, I the coefien of kinetic icton is 0.20, fnd the marimam veoay ofthe tock? Solution: =f 200N F200 (02)24008 To? 0A soon) -con.2)-ssonsy?= $8 $=108m, Vina, = 329 msec ca [Aweight Wis suspended from a vertical sping ‘whose modulus is "K* Nin.This weight Is pulled down *S*m from is equisum postion and then released. Determine fs veloc when Trotums tots equim positon, ‘Neglecting ftion of the 200 N colar against its vertical guide, compute the veloc of the collar after it has laflen 2.10 m stating fom rest onthe postion shown, The unstretched length of the spring is 0.80 m, 842 1.27-090= 0.37 m, 822 15m-090=060m, P08. worK-ENES. work =f Hoy?-v) 2 2 re «MGT, seen = 00) “2981 1-9) B28 =Vy? p= 550 msec, iia ‘The car shown is moving loward the bumper sting and has a Koti energy of 12500 Nom The maln shield "a - a Is connected fo the main spring which caries a modulus of 200,000 Nim. The two auxitary bumper shields “b-b" are 0.30 m. bind a - and ate attached to secondary springs, each of ‘which has 2 modulus of 100,000 Nin. When the caris Bought to rest, what wil have been ‘the greatest movement of 'a - a°? What percentage of energy has Been abserbed by ‘he main spring? a7 Solution: ka=200000 Nim, o= 190000 Nin i 2 ago =Ke +0302 , 2K 8 2 2 E 12500-42068 +009) + 100,000 s? 0.12525? +068+009+S2 282+08S-0035=0 $=0050m. Greatest distance moved by aa = 030+ 005 035m. ene eat ns BDOODE =12250N.m. ‘The block of mass m=1.6 kj ses ang the horizontal rough plane shown in the figure. The positon coordina x is measured fom the underfomed positon ofthe idel spring, which has etree of ‘K= 30m. ALx= 6 te Bek nly moving be i wih 29 Hy=0.36;ny=0.20 © Which ofthe foowing gives the valuo of sen Be block fst comes fo et. @ Which of the folowing ves the ‘acederaton of the block upon reacting the distance x. @ Which ofthe ftoning gives the speed of, Block when ireaches x= 0 forthe second tine 16(9.81}=15.656N vo ft = 215.696, Solution: © Value ofx Fen F =0.20(16 596) F=3.438N \ .Pyzkx Using Work Energy Eouaon Pos. work- Nog. work = Change in KE k 9-302 : x42) Fx 25 m(Ve2- V9?) -Bee2-0) -an9m=4(18) 0-67) “162-3190 9 2-288 w020tng-180=0 wetz66m, © Acceleration oftoc. P, #201288) = 98.55 Fema 98550= 16a 2= 409s? ® Spoed of block when it begins the move let Pox woo. wk mv 0 -3.130(1.205)= 3 (16) 92-671 -806= 0812-95) vs2-36- 1008 Vs=500ms Mae ‘The 2g cotaris given a downward veloc of 4 mis when itis at A. The spring has an unstretched lengh of 10 m. anda stiness of k=30Nin. © Determine the velocty of the colar at x= 1m. @ Determine the acceleraon ofthe colar at x= 1m. @ Determine: te normal eacton oft cal lo hestatatx= 1m, Solution: © Velocity of colar when.x= 1 m ria KE + tl PE= Fina KE + Final PE Kx -xg)? + WOO) Sv? +4 (apex)? = PINE + Ce)? Wi Leaya? + Leona? +0 = Lan? Blah + 5e00v2 AF 60 = Seay (202.286. 1)? -21981\1) 2 B= Su? + 19(1.205)? -20081), $28m/s {© Acceleration of colar abx= 1m, 20981)=19.62.N : “fe Pe FeKs $22236-+ S=1236m, F = 3h(1.238) F=S708N 1962-37.08 Sin =2(0) sino= 226 on 2657 49162 32.0800 = 9g 238 a= 152m/st © Norma eaten corte shat Ne Foe 0 370806287 Nes 38070 Ea ‘A.9 kg alder is released trom rest along a Vertical shat without fcfon. The spring alached to the slider has an undeformed fength of 100 mm and 2 spring constant of 540 Nim,” 200 ram © Compute the potential energy of the systamat point 5 @ If the slider Is released ftom rest at postion 1, compute the potental energy fer it has moved 150 mm downwards to postion 2 & Compute the veloc ofthe slidr ater it has moved 150 mm lo postin 2. Solution: © Potental energy ofthe system at point. “Total energy = Potent energy + Kinetic energy E=PEy+KE, PEs=Ve+Vg ea pke x=200-100 x= 100mm x=0.10m, Potent energy = Ve + Vo Potential energy=27 +0 Polen! energy = 27 Joules © Petia energy 212 PE =Ve+ Vg dks? Ve = 6.08 Joules vgewh Vg = 910.81) 0.18) Vg=- 18:24 Joues +¥g 08-1324 6 Joules ® Velocity of sider at paint 2. Toll energy = PE © KE Consent of Energy bawoen and 2 PLE + KBy = PE2+ KEy_ 1 edmve MATa ‘The 3 kg sider is eased rom rest point A and sides with negigbe fiction ina vertical plane aiong the ciclar rod. The atached ‘pring has 3 slifness of 360 Nim and has an cnsteiched Feng of 75 m, © Which of the following gives the ‘raitatone potential energy tthe sider passes positon 8, @ Which of the folowing gives the elastic potential energy, if the slider passes postion 8 @ Which ofthe folowing gves the veocty of Ser as passes postion B. [WORK AND ENERGY] 431 orm i Solution: © Geavatialpotental enecgy AY, = HS81-075) AYy=-2207 Nm or Joules @ Ease petental energy: 61-075, 31m, (350) (0.3192. (0757 81.51 Joules Voty fier anit passes B atelnone2) T=} Veto} AT-BVph aye 3 vet. za07-a15t=0 Ve astes MN ‘The sping has an unstretched length of 6.4m, and asiness of 20 Nin, The 3kg sider and altached spring are released fom rest al A ‘and move n he vorcal plana. © Compute the change in elastic potential energy fom AID. ® Compute the change in gravitational polenal energy for Ato B © Compute the velocity ofthe sider as it reaches Bin the absence officon. asm Solution: © Charge in casi 8 Potential energy at A lal wowrgy om A Ve, =18 Joules Polenial energy t B: Veq2 bh? Ve = 38 souls Change in potential ener = 2D Jules 432 ® Change in gravitational potent! energy fomAtoB ‘ Vqp®- 23.544 Joules Change in grittional potential energy = -23.544-0=- 20.584 Joules ‘Using Consarvaton of anergy om Ao B @ Veloty othe 3 ka sider at 8 Veg Vey #KE1 = Ve Voy KE 1 ie Ve Mg PVA Uy th (16-40-40) 2536-25544 +3 ,V2%) Sot mis ‘The 1.2 kg slider is released fom test in poston A and sides witout con along the veal plane guide shown. Determine the roxmal force exerted by the guide on the sides, @ Susi before passes point. @ Just afr passes point C. Gust efore i pasees poi ‘Solution: © ‘Norma force exerted by the guide on the side before passes C Pea ‘J a Ve=Vagh he34 150590" heaso vo- Yamane). Vc=919 mis nes ME wos 2129.19" No tS nee +1.2(9.81}0o8 30" @ Normal force exerted by the guide onthe lor just flor tpasses C Wo 30" No= 4.2(981) Cos 30° Ne=A0.18N 433 (© Normal force exerted by the guide onthe ‘sider just before passes E mvt ve= Vgh Ve= 2900) vert : veswee : vee MLE 292103590 The 10 ig slider A moves with ragigibie fickon up the inclined guide. The alached spting has a stifess of 60 Nim and is setched 06 m-in postion A where tho Séer 's released from rest. The 250 N force F is constant and the pulley olfes negigible resistance to the motion othe chor, © Compute the change in gravitational oto energy ofthe sider 2s it passes tC. ont @ Compule the change in elastic potential nergy ofthe sider ast posses point. © Compute the velocity ofthe sider as passes paint. Solution: © Change in gravitational potential energy of the sider as passes point: h=075m, ‘Gravitational polenta energy AVg= 1019811075) AVS 78575 role (Um) ® Change inelastic poten! energy ofthe ‘ier ait passes point C: avy2ik ug AV = (60) (2.1)7- (087 ‘Av 1218 Joules (Nir) @ Velocity of ser as it passes point ©: while the sider moves fiom & to C, the 250 N force moves. a dstance equal tb 4877-675 =0827 m, Non potent fore ing work = 250827) U=23,75joues (Change n KE of he hier: 4m (vc? -ve2) aT = $ (10KV,?-0) sat WORK AND ENERGY) Wark Change nt energy + change in gravatorl pte energy + change in das poe energy Work = m(Vc2- Wee + wh + =O) T+ Ag Me 21.75 ={(10)Vc2-0) + 70575 +1215 ‘The 80 kg bck a Ais mounted on rollers so thal moves along the xed hoon all wi negligible vielen under the action of the conslant 300 N force in he cable. The Blacks ‘lensed from rest al A, withthe spring to which tis attached extend an nial amount 233m. The spring has a stfness of ¢_30N, © Compute the work dane by the spring force © Compute the werk done on the sytem by the constant 300 force inthe cable. © Compute the velocty of the block as it ‘reaches pot. Solution: 4) Wr don hy he sping area ng21.2+0.280=1.439 x)20233 Warns: tas wef Fax aan 1 ee (eciee aes ee us anatase a 0 [43072-0237] 737m @ Work done onthe system by the constant, 3001 ere nthe cable. V(n2F +(099 -090 s 808m, @® Valocty af te lock asf reates pol B. wyema=soeva) spar seo 0 2-0) rtm rai ‘The unilor 20 4g slender AC shown oltes Ina vorical plane about the smooth in at 8. ‘The deal sping connected between And the fred point D has 2 sping constant K= 30 Nim ‘and an undeformed tengh Lg = 0.90 m. When the bari tres inthe inital postion @= 0,1 is given a small angular displacement and released, 435 © ‘Wich ofthe folowing gives he work done to is weight when the bar reaches the horizontal poston. 1 Which of te fofowing gies the work done by the spring when the bar reaches the hatzontal postion, 1 Which of the flowing gives the angular velociy of the bar when it reaches the hoizonil postion, Solution: ‘Work done by the weight Work done = 2018.01)0.45) 2 Wes done bythe srg ( =} Feo? -at%) xgs3-09 wge2im 12-08 We-5 0 12-0377 W=-648Nm W=-648,oules- © Angular velocity when i reaches the nerzota poston: Postve work- Neg. wrk =i w?-0 ipeleme? sans-samne Sez? ert Gave ‘AS kg collar slides wihout fiction along a rod which makes an anle of 30" withthe vertical © Compute the potntal energy at. & Compute tne vabe ofthe sping constant K forwhich be velocty ofthe calla at B 1.5m, © Compute the potential enégy at. 436 [WORK AND ENERGY] Solution: © Potent energy at Inia poten energy at A= 0 © Value of he sping constant Kor wtch the wei of ie colar at Bis LS ms (05}?+(05)?-405}05)c08 120 & Potenia! energy atB. PE =O007K-2124 PE, =0067(239)-21.24 PE. =- 5.620 Joules iia ‘The 2g collars relensed fom rest at Aand sides down the inclined fixed rd in the ‘eral plane, The coefcint of Kine ction 1504, © Compute the veloriy ofthe callar as i tes the sing © Compute the maximum defecton ofthe spring, © Compute he wrk dane by te spring Solution: © Velocity of tre cor ast siete spring N=2981)Cos60" 2280-1962 Nest o aN 40 (9.81) 24 1 fmueeva hewe-a Pos, work -Nog. work 1962 Sin 60" (05) -3.9240. V22255 mis ‘® Maximum defecson ofthe spring, osm 1860 Sno0" e+ 05)- Sang +09) stat ] lk 16.99 (x+ 05)-2 90405} = 5 (160) 13.006 (x + 0.5) = 8002 13,066 (x + 0.5) = 800.2 + niet 0.m68 0 x 2O1GBBEDABNAT 2 x= 0.0989 m. 32383" @ Wr done bye song wedi w=4 eooyo.oseay W=T82Nm (ols) The 6g ofnica colar is reloased from rest {in the poston shown and drops onto the ‘ring, Calculate the velocty of the eyinder when the spring has been compressed 50 mm, Solution: Velocity f the cylinder when the spring has been compressed by 50 mm, w0ssy Lit qv 0.819050) -j 12000,0.057 = $1¥2-0) V2.4 mis 437 ‘The system is released from rest withthe ping inal sketched 75 mm. Calculate the velaty of the cylinder after it has dropped 12, im. The sping has a sitness of 1050 Nin Neglect he mass ofthe pute. Solution: Iria velo of eginder Livaat Jive tee 3Wve=} pve =} cosmy0075? Vs =0.2623 mis Jove-va=$ioorz? 214502 (0.823) =3 rosy 014° V,2037 mis 438 3 ‘Atrainwoighs 16,000 KN. The Wain resistance is constant at 86,000 N. I 8000 hp are ‘hla to pul his ain up 2% grade, wha Sabo speed in koh? 16.000 Solution: (90) 500080) - 000000 (25) 300) = 2-4 P=auaN tp = 330002) Pea hearty tis expermmentaly cetemined that we ove wheels ofa car must exert tractive force of 530 N onthe road surface in order o maintain 2 steady vehicle speed of 90 kph on 2 horizontal roa. if tis known thatthe overal chive train efficiency is 0.70, determine the Solution: 2 = 96000 + 16,00 (1000 (55) ‘2 misee, in @ distance of 300 m. Find the maximum horsepower developed by the ‘econo [WORK AND ENERGY] 438-4 ew ‘The power winch A host he 360 tg fog up tha 25" indined ata constant speed of 12 ms. the power output ofthe winch s 4k. lame © Wich ofthe fatlowing gives the tension in the cable, © Which of te folowing gives the value of the cocticient of Knot feton yy the log andthe ince. poner is suddenly inceaced to 6 RW, what isthe comesponding inslantaneous acceleration ofthe lg. Solution: © Tension n cable 4000 = 7 (12) = 9333 N @ Cool of inet ctor: = 3200 ug +1493 5000-1499 1840 = 3602 63 mist | ‘10000 ig aiplane must wach a weloty of 60 ms fo take of I be hozntal force xed by the panes egies 60 IN ai eecting oer honor aces. © Whatlengh ofruneayisnaedea? ® Suppose you want 10 design an audiay ‘rocket uit at wil alow the alan to ‘each fake off speed srg only 109m. of runway, what hokzontal compet of frst must the rocket unt provide? Assume Bat fe combined mast ofthe rocket and i alplane i 10500 1g © Delering the masimim power transered tthe aiane ven Rakes of, 2.60 mis wha Rezo force extod by the plane engine ia to 60 14. Solution: © Long of runway needed: 1 tm i 1 3 (on0xsor L=300m. @ Horizontal ist needed to reach a take off speed of €0 mls wis a 100 m. length of away. = 60000 (60) = 3600000 watts 603 ‘Ta force exerted on a car by-a protype cash barier as. the barier crashes. is F = (4400 + 500006) N, where S is the distance in meters from the inal contact ‘Suppose that you wat to deson the barter so tat can sp @ 2400 kg car traveling at 100 iph, © What isthe necessary effective length of ‘he barter? That is what isthe distance rquied forthe barter to bring the car to stop. Dai th fe ext on te cr by 2 groloype crash banter as the barr ashos. What average power is transferred from ‘ha car during the pact ithe duration of ‘he impact of te caris 0:23 sec. Solutic:, © Distance requied for the barr to bing the carta sip: alia 2 ~(eos + S288") = 280 (yt -cr709] worse? «sare s somes.s70120 sem. Force exerted on a car by a prototype crash baer. F=4490 + 500008, F =4400.+50000(6) F=304400 FeSOLAKN Average power transmitted fom the car during impact if the duration ofthe impact 15033cec. Work Tere Wark fds * wares ico toes) ds 3 439 ‘Acar wih mass of 1500 kg sta from rests athe botom of a 10% erede and acquires a speed of 50 kp ina distance of 100 m. wth Constant acceleration up the grade, What i ‘he power P delivered lo the dive wheels by ‘he engine when to car reaches this space? Solution: 00 -8602.Sn @1001=2 mq? V.) px $000, 3.89.5 0D) - 1500101100 = $1041 697-0} Fs201850 P=ev P=2018.5(13.80) = 40508 watts P=40.5¢KW L621 [ee © A 80 kg woman cides a 7 ky bicyele up a 3% slope ata constant speed of 2 mis. Hew much power mus be developed by the woman? @ 904g man ona 9 kg beye’s stats down the 3% siope and maintais a constant speed of 6 mis by braking. How much pone IsuSspaed by te bekes? © AS4 kg woman jogs up the fight of stake ‘nS see. Determine her average power ‘output if the tol! vertical distance ofthe slaivay is 275 , Solution: © Power developed by be women 440 Feort.s9sing F971 198in 172" F22915 P=FV P=29.15(6)= 1749 walls @ Average power output ofa 54 kg woman p=Wort “Tine p= SMO811275 3 P=294.4 watts ee ‘train weighing 100 tons is being pled up a 2% grade. The tin cesisance is constant at 40 ib. por ton. The speed of the tain is ‘nreased fom 20 fps to 40,psin a distance of 1000 A. find the maximum horsepower developed bythe oomatve, Wet00 ons (P1000 25000 sin 100) 20000, =F (P-COP 100 200000 = 728.71 Peerzart Water flons through a nozzle 4 in, in iam, under a head of 400 ft to dive a turbine, “Tutbine is 90% efficient and Is connacted toa generator which i, 64% ecient. What is the horsepower cuutin Kowal? Solution: veV 25h v= ¥2(922(400) V= 160.50 ps asav 22(4) oF (i) eos ascs7s tse, 441 Water eners 3 hycraulc reaction turbine with 2 velociy of 12 (ps and leaves Wt 3 ft. lower wid a volcty offs. 1400000. of wate {ow the turbine each second, compute the orsepomer ouput. Assume the wrbine is 80% efficent. MOE Pay. WE Pye 223)"y,*9* 2022)", 2243-0208 = HE HE=499f. iE Hp: Se = 182 69 ay cay 2 a 350, p= 7259 Moancnae gent PNPM a ‘4.50 N weight is swung ina voricel cc at the end of the 1.8 m cord, The maximum sen of he cords 20081. © Determine the minimum velocity at which the cord wil break. Can the weight be ‘hung through a complete cle? © What must be te minimum evenath ofthe cord for the weight fo be swung in a ‘complete vercal cc? ial f l | A ear Ly Yo {sore power 0 a ; vaya ~ f= er 442 ‘Solution: © Minimum volocty at which the cord wil break 594M Tess : EY 20080 +9 E777 mise ® Mininum strengh ofthe cord AA, TO 50 v2 S09 or Veest vavieezgn veP= ar + 20721) vss ree Bogieann 2 Tho woight cou nofbe swung ia a complete vertical cele. Ea Aweigh of 100 Nfs swung in a vertical cee atthe end of 2 1.2 m card, As the lowest postion ofthe weight the tension in the cord is 400N, .® Howhigh above the fonest poston wil the \woight ice on th cela path? (@ Wrat would tis rosut be if the cord is replaced by a stif rod of neglighbe weight? Bulvy?=V_2-2gh netzeszen0 ; neizei2(3) heiem ‘NB, Vp=0 Ve? = Vi? 2h 0=369-20h n=tm Solution: F negligible weight that is 6 Hat se te at rte vsptembecaie sh Re Ten : a= 0010 Yeo vass80 AB T=0 : OVE ncaa vg2= 129 Cose 12g Cos 0=3.6g-2g (1.24 1.2C0s 6) Cos 0=3-2(1 + Cos 8) @ Result i the cord is replaced by a sit rodof negigible weight A500 N weight is atlached fo a stiff rod of hinges at one end ‘The fd is released ‘rom rost in @ horizontal postion and allowed to swing freely in a etcl are. Though what angle must i swing ‘cause a tension in itof 1000 N? on iH f Solution: Eclvad or wa sn =sopsng SOE T= $00 Cos (90-0) + et 2=8in0+ 5 ° vp2=Vy2+ 29h v22=0+29(rSine) Ve? =2grsing e Substitute @ in @: 2arsino 2sgngs7e 2=38n0 2 sina=3 onus WEES ‘Acar stating fom rest at Ais to attempt the frictionless loop-theoop shown. The car weighs 760 N and cares 750-N man. ats000 © Detanine the height hin order forthe car {oust clear be gap. © What wil be the pormal pressure of Ure track against he carat 8? & Whatis the maximum force exerted by the ‘man against his seat during We entre tip? (eet i > teen (7) Nh? vier ae Bee a \e ‘Solution: 4 Hoight in oder forte cart just clear the 2983 =2(@81)(0-15) h=1670m, «a Noral pressure ofthe track against the carat? Vee = Vo? #29 (h-12) Vpr=a4g zA,20 w Wellgey © Maximum force exerted by the man agaist his seat during the ene tip A parte of weight W, moving a velocity of gt ses, lhe tp sides vertically along the surface ofa moo! ofinder of edus “7. Find ‘he versal height of the parc fats bore it leaves the onder. Solution: vey +2gh veel s2otoreae0 We=Bs2g-2q1c00 vitsfor2cos0 0 (WORK AND ENERGY) 2 woosoett Ye vP=gr Caso ° ite 0.80 gr Cos0= 2yr-247Cas8 cma Sy 26m 08 Apart of weight W moving with a volocty of Yo bs at A, sides vticaty along the surface ofa smooth cylinder of 8. rads, leaves. ‘hs surface at 8, © Determine the velocity of the block 2s it leaves the surtace. @ Determine te inital veloc V, Measured from the center of he cylinder, how far wil te pete travel horzonialy before tikes the ground? 445 Solutic © Velociy of the block a leaves the sufece eaves 6891 ye Woes = A 2 Con 0" = 325) V= 1498 fps @ nial velocity, of the block veev2+6891 (1494)? V,2 +8891 Vg 1242s 446 ® Distance te partite travel horizontally. ‘before strikes the grind - 14.93 = 0577x-0.096%2 x2 §01x- 15552=0 x=982 D=4+982 b=13a28. the cylinder. Solution: h=24-24.C0s6 Ve? = V9? + 29h Vee = (15 +29(24-26Co80) ‘Vg? = 49.338-47.088Cos0 jE cos Va? = 984 24) (Cos 0 Vg? =23 54.0050 ° quate © and-@: 49.398 - 47.088 Cos 6 = 23844 Cos T0632 Cos 6 = 49.338 e=4asr 5 mise al A, determine the angle ‘AaB at whch the particle leaves the surface ch ‘time in seconds Yp= ia vaoety ¥, nia velocity W= weight of object SEP E FW (tonal tosh Pate F eH) Tas RCO Waa) CME) 0 Freely) sneitee © aeMiy) trons © FF nettree SFsP-F es Al Ra

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