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The Potential of Lemon

(Citrus limon) Peel

Extract as an
Alternative Source of
Electrical Energy

It is an indicator of how much electricity is important in this world.The main objective of this
study is to determine the potential of lemon peel extract as an alternative source of electrical
energy. Specifically this study aimed to find out if the lemon have an alternative way such a
volaic cell which change chemical energy into electrical energy. By using a parallel
light the different volts of bulb. And the project present form is the result of chemical
experimentation of lemon can be a battery. The initial idea was to determine if the lemon can
produce electricity or not. Lemon have been the expirement substance because they are such a
volaic cell which change chemical energy into electrical energy. By using a parallel circuit, a
conducter like a copper used firmly insert into the lemon to flow the electrical current.This study
aimed to know the voltage of eah experiment.

And there are 3 set-ups,set- up A which is 3 volts of bulb,set- up B 6 volts of bulb and set-up C
12 volts of bulb. The result showned that the lemon can light up 3 volts of bulb and it cannot
light up the other other set-up like set-uo B and C. Therefore the researcher concluded that the
lemon have a potential to produce electricity to power a light bulb.There for the researcher
conclude that the lemon have an alternative way to produce electricityor power a light bulb.
This is an indicator of how much electricity is important in this world.being universal
energy resource electricity is obtained from methods such as solar power,hydro
power,mind power,natural gas and the like.All devices facilitate our life impact a big
portion of our life require ` electricity rates in Asia.According to the meriam
dictionary ,an energy is ability to be active the physical or mental strength that allows to
you to do things and it is also a natural enthusiasm and it is also usable power that comes
from heat and electricity.Citric acid is a acid comes from heat and electricity ,citric acid is
a acid comes from the lemons,calamansi ,oranges and other citrus fruits ,this kind of
citrus fruit can also use to produce power electricity and to power a light bulb .Lemon
can do this because they contain citric acid ,an electrolyte that allows electricity flow.The
power actually comes from the electron exchange between a pair of electrodes that you
insert in the lemon.

Lemon is the first most important species of citrus fruit after orange and mandarin.The
peel of citrus fruit is physiologically important in fruit growth and maturity in that
vascular system is confined chiefly to the mesocarp,which thus serves the important
function of transporting water and solutes from the extraction of citrus juice in industrial
Significance of the Study
General Objective
The main objective of this study is to determine the potential of lemom peel extract as alternative
source of electrical energy

Specifically this study aims to answer the following questions.

1.Does the lemon peel extract has a potential to power a light bulb?

2.What is the amount of current flows in lemon peel?

3.What is the effect of lemon as an alternative source of electrical energy?

4.What is in the lemon that has the capacity to produce electricity?

5.Does the lemon has a potential to power a light bulb?

Significance of the Study

This study drives young minds to new discoveries and develops their scientific altitudes, like
curiosity, perseverance, and open mindedness. This study was to see if there was an Alternative
way to have a battery source. And this study wanted to know what else could be used to power a
light bulb.
Scope and Limitations

This study is only limited to the investigation of the potential of lemon peel as Alternative
source of energy.

There is no significant effect between the lemon peel extract as alternative source of electrical

Experimental Design

The researcher use single group design. The single group design is a design which a group of
subjects are administered.
Gathering the materials.

Place the lemons in the table and the other materials like copper wire ,alligator clip,small
galvanized nail,wire stripprer and tester.
Step 1 roll gently or squeeze the lemon to help release the juices,inside it.Step 2 insert the
located nail in each lemon .(this become the negative end ).Step 3 insert the copper in each
lemon .(this become the positive end ).put the copper wire into the coated nail the same to the
copper wire and clip the alligator clip in the copper wire and roll it.Step 4 get a different voltage
of bulb and test that how many volts of bulb that lemon can light up.
Table 1.No. of volts of diffirent light
bulbs that lemon can light up.

Sample The bulb light

Yes or no
T1 T2 T3
A Yes Yes Yes
B Yes No No
C No No no

*copper wire

*small galvanized nail

*alligator clip

*wire stripper
*teser (voltmeter)
Table 1 show the different kind of volts of bulb.In set up A (3vlts) trial 1 to trial 3 the bulb light
and the set up B(6vlts) in the first trial the bulb light and to the another trial the set up B or the
bulb did not light up .And the set up C (12 vlts) did not light up the bulb from trial 1 to trial 3.It
means the lemon can light up only the set up A and B.
Therefore the researcher conclude that the lemon have a potential to produce electricity in this
experiment .Because lemon have an acidic content and the more acidic it is better for conducting
Based on the result of the study te following are highly recommended by researcher. It is
recommend that the lemon as an alternative source of electrical energy.
See D. L. Anderson, Discovery of the Electron: The Development of the Atomic Concept of
Electricity (1964); W.T. Scott, The Physics of Kaufman and
J.A. Wilson, History of Theories of Aether and Electricity (1954 , repr. 19870).
Based on the result of the study te following are highly recommended by researcher. It is
recommend that the lemon as an alternative source of electrical energy.
The researcher would like to thank these persons who have been a part of this study. If not for
them, we would not have made it.

To Ms. Myra M. Blegario, our research 1 teacher for all the acknowledgement, consideration and
understanding and for all those time the adviser had spent for this study.

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