AuditReportSummary - 46600 - Arya Fin-Trade Services (India) Private Limited-1

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Part-II Executive Summary Reporting Format

Member ID : 46600
Member Name : Arya Fin-Trade Services (India) Private Limited

I.For Preliminary Audit

(To be on the letterhead of the Auditor)
Cyber Security & Cyber Resilience Audit Report for the period 01-April-2023 to 30-September-2023

I/We, Ankit Chauhan - Essential Infosec Pvt Ltd have conducted the audit of Trading facility/ies of the trading member
of Multi Commodity Exchange of India Limited in accordance with the provisions and scope laid down by the
Exchange. The detailed audit report has been submitted to the trading member. The summary of findings are grouped
under the broad categories as below and classified as "High Risk", "Medium Risk" or "Low Risk".

Status Deadli
Descri Risk Sugge
/ Root ne for Manag
Obser ption Rating Audit Impact sted
Audit Depart Nature Audite Cause the Verifie Closin ement
vation of of TOR Analys Correc
Date ment of d By Analys Correc d By g Date Comm
No Findin Findin Clause is tive
Findin is tive ents
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All the branches/locations trading software facility is provided have been audited.
There is no conflict of interest with respect to the member being audited. If any such instance arises, it shall be
brought to the notice of the Exchange immediately before undertaking the audit.
With regard to the areas mentioned in the Terms of Reference (ToR), compliance / non-compliance status has been
specified. Observations on minor / major deviations as well as qualitative comments for scope for improvement also
have been specified in the report.

_________________ Seal & Signature

Auditor Name:Ankit Chauhan

Company Name:Essential Infosec Pvt Ltd
DISA/CISA/CISM/CISSP/CERT-IN Registration Number: 221902735
Unique Document Identification Number (UDIN): NA


Digitally signed by Ankit

Ankit Chauhan
Date: 2023.12.07
Chauhan 14:54:16 +05:30

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