BOD Comments

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Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND HIGHWAYS CENTRAL OFFICE List of Deficiencies for Correction Date Project Name Name of Implementing Office Name of Consultant Type of Deliverables Manila BAGONG PILIPINAS. November 3, 2023 Final Geological and Geotechnical Investigation Report and Soil & Materials Survey Report for SP-9 Manuangan - Parang Road Consulting Services for the Road Network Development Project in Confiict-Affected Areas in Mindanao (RNDP-CAAM) — SP-2, SP-7, SP-8, SP-9, JICA Loan No, PH+F-P1 (2™ Submittal) RMC-I (Bilateral), UPMO 1.V. CTI Engineering International Co., Ltd. and Oriental Consultants Globel Co., Ltd. Geological & Geotechnical Investigation Reports with One (2) bs contaning: Main Report & Appendices 1 - 4 2 Faced Report of Geological & Geotechnical Investigation Report (Appendices 5.1) 3, Factual Report of Soils & Materials Survey Report (Appendix 5.2) Comments/Deficiencies BOD previous comment dated September 8, 2023 Consultant’s Response BOD Comments GEOLOGY ASPECT 1. Seismic Considerations for 1@8 and Embankment Project it is noted that the consultant considered the Cotabato Trench for the derivation of PGA. However, to be more conservative in the design, this office suggests that the consultant should also consider at least 2 to 3 more active feults/earthquake generators (50 km radius) within the proposed project location. Si For the computation of PGA refer to the Fukushima and Tanaka 1990 equation as specified in the DPWH DGCS Vol. 2A. Furthermore, correction factors for PGA must be applied based on the soll type results of the borehole data, Noted and added two more faults with kH of the Table 4-4 of the report, Complied. @ Website: hups:// | (@ G Tel, No(s): $304-3000 / (02) 165-02 | | (o Final Geological and Geotechnical Investigation Report and Soll & Varin Sey Raper oS nanan tng ead * Submit) Page 2 of 3 i ‘Comments/Deficiencies 2. In connection to comment #1, it | is also suggested to include the Seismic Horizontal Coefficient (KH) for Roads, Slopes, and Embankment Projects. | 3. Liquefaction Analysis - the|Noted and added the | Upon checking the consultant has presented liquefaction analysis result | liquefaction analysis, there liquefaction analysis for 30 using DGCS-2A method in are inconsistencias in the boreholes only. However, upon | APPendix — 4. Kindly see | identified liquefiable soll checking the geotechnical | attachment-2 in a separate | layers as per DPWH BSDS. report, the boreholes in the Page of this response as an | method. ‘Kindly recheck le the celculations and reflect laboratory test report were B9- | &%#™P! 01 up to B9-39 and B9-S1 to B9- fap lle aeraperat | $5. The consultant is advised to Se ie tell || provide the liquefaction analysis computation able | firall boreholes conducted. (Appendix 4). For |4. The Consultant’s Liquefaction reference, the calculations analysis wes noted. However, for checking made by this the liquefaction analysis office is uploaded in the conducted by this office was stil link below: suggested as this method is tepi/ nyu com/a4rezay based on the DGCS Volume 2A | | and BSDS 2013. Screening | Criteria, for the consultant || reference the liquefaction analysis conducted by this office were uploaded to the link below: | I htto://tinyur comn/4ér6 24 GEOTECHNICAL ASPECT 1. Calculate the bearing capacity, | Submitted in Draft Design | Noted and complied. stability (global and overall), | Report for SP-9 scour, seepage and settlement analysis for the project site (embankment, box culvert, cut section and bridge site) based on the geotechnical parameters indicated in the report, Moreover, please include/attach the said analysis. in the | submitted report. Final Geological and Geotechrical Investigation Report and Sol & Materials Survey Report for SP-3 Manuangan » Parag Road (2 Supmittal) Page 3 of 3 OIC-Chief, Suzléys anttayestigation Division

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