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Task 4 Research in ELT (BAB 1 revision)

Name : Awalia Rahma

Nim : 2020310413

Class : 20A English Education

Implementing Instagram in Increasing student's Vocabulary at the ten grade MA PP

Nurul Falah Borongganjeng

A. Reaserch Background

Now we live in the era of globalization or it can also be called the era of

modernization. In this modernization era, English is part of the international language.

Especially in Indonesia, English is a foreign language so that more schools are

incorporating English into their curriculum. Learning English is very important for us

because English is used for communication in international affairs. Almost all nations

around the world use English.

In learning a foreign language, vocabulary plays an important role. It is one of the

elements that link the four language skills of reading, speaking, writing and listening

simultaneously. Vocabulary can be defined as the words one must know in order to

communicate effectively; words in speaking (expensive vocabulary) and words in

listening (receptive vocabulary) (Aminatun & Oktaviani, 2019; Novanti & Suprayogi,

2021). To communicate well in a foreign language. Vocabulary is a basic skill that must

be possessed by students to acquire other language skills. By understanding vocabulary,

we will know the meaning and understand what someone said. It is difficult to master

other competencies without knowing and understanding vocabulary.

In everyday life, lately students often find new vocabulary through various online

media, one of which is social media. We all know that the phenomenon of using social

media among students occurs. Nowadays, the younger generation are becoming

celebrities themselves. It is clear that social media has a very important role to play in

attracting anyone to spend hours on it, this situation is exacerbated by the current

pandemic. There are many types of social media that are found and used today. Among

the various online tools available for communication, Instagram has become the most

modern and attractive tool for connecting people around the world.

Instagram is one of the popular social networking sites that provides a broad,

attractive and innovative example of web-based services. Instagram is a photo and video

sharing social media site. Matthew & Pittman (2016); Hiram Ting (2015) says that

Instagram is one of the most popular social media channels for teenagers today and there

are more than 400 million active users on Instagram. From there we already know that in

a relatively short time, Instagram has attracted many people to use it. Instagram as the

most used social media among students is sharing photos and online mobile video

sharing, providing a variety of short messages about a myriad of subjects that can be

read, therefore users are faced with reading new words, encountering changing phrases,

and jargon , all of which help in building and expanding the English vocabulary. Azwar

and Sulthonah (2018) ; Marlina & Sirait (2018) Instagram was designed for mobile use

with the intention that users take photos on their mobile devices and then upload the

images “instantly” through the Instagram application.

Social media has many positive effects such as giving someone the freedom to talk

on the internet while allowing someone to be more updated with news around the world

or just making friends with their friends (Henley 2010; Khan, 2018). Apart from
being used to update news about the world, Instagram can also be used as a learning tool

so students tend to be more interested in understanding things related to learning.

Based on observations made by researchers at MA PP Nurulfalah Borongganjeng

many problems make it difficult for students to learn English. First, Poor of mastery of

vocabulary the cause is student’s too lazy to memorize because they often forget.

Hermayati (2010), there are five varieties student difficulties in studying BI in the

Guidance and Study program counseling namely: feel forced, lack of understanding of

basic concepts, environment, forget (less intensive), lack of opportunities to

practice.Apart from that, student also difficulty reading vocabulary or sentence in

english, making them poor in vocabulary. Ishak dan Warji, (1987) Difficulty reading,

especially if the sentence is a passive sentence, sentence Active is easier for students to


The second, Ineffective teaching the cause is taking more notes, students tend to

take notes more than they practice so tha the learning becomes ineffective. Abin

Syamsudin M(2010), cases of background difficulties negative attitude towards teachers,

lessons, and learning situations. Cases of difficulty with background wrong study habits.

Lack of motivation, students always need learning motivation so that they are inspired to

acquire knowledge, especially in terms of increasing their vocablary. Tasnim Lubis

(2017) Difficulty is closely related to motivation because the difficult meaning can

change into challenge if one's motivation is greater rather than the obstacles obtained.

And the last is The media is less interesting, the cause is not utilizing technology,

in the current era, students tend to be more interested in technology-based learning. Sri

Trisnaik (2022) The use of technology in learning activities needs to be sought by

teachers according to the capabilities of each school so that educational goals can be

achieved. Just focus on the textbook or whiteboard, it makes students tend to feel bored.
Ita Widyawati (2012) Besides that, teacher The use of media or learning methods must

be varied so that it can be achieved creating a good learning atmosphere, students will be

more active during the process teaching and learning.. So researchers are interested in

establishing the Instagram method to increase student vocabulary in class 10 MA PP

Nurul Falah Borongganjeng.

Based on this background, researchers will conduct research entitled,

“Implementing Instagram in Increasing student's Vocabulary at the ten grade MA

PP Nurul Falah Borongganjeng"

B. Problem statement

Based on the background of the problem above, it can be concluded that the

problem formulation is:

Does the implementetion of instagram increas student’s vocabulary at the ten grade

MA PP Nurul Falah Borongganjeng?

C. Objective of the Research

Based on the problem formulation above, this research aims to determine the

effectiveness of implementing instagram in increasing vocabulary at the ten students

MA PP Nurul Falah Borongganjeng.

D. Significance of the Research

Importance of this research:

1. Theoretically

This research can be used as a reference for those who want research on increasing

vocabulary via Instagram. Therefore, this research will be refined by other researchers.
2. Practical

For students, this will be an interesting technique to increase students' vocabulary

because Instagram is a very popular medium at the moment, and there is a lot of content

that we can access to increase vocabulary.

E. Scope of research

This research will be conducted to find out and solve the problems behind students'

lack of English Vocabulary. This research will be conducted at the high school level.

This research will focus on students' vocabulary progress, especially on mastering

adjectives, noun and several verbs that we often encounter. And the researcher only used

features reels in one of the Instagram posts

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