Unit 041 Liquifaction and Fractionation

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Unit 041 Liquifaction And Fractionation

The purpose of Gas Liquefaction/Fractionation Unit is to liquefy a natural gas to

produce liquefied natural gas (LNG), refrigerant make-up components, produce LPG,
produce LP fuel to hot oil burner and condensate streams. main equipment and
support equipment are consist Main cryogenic heat exchanger (041-E-1001),

Tag. Number Unit

041-E-1001 Main cryogenic heat exchanger

041-T-1001 Scrub column

041-T-1003 De-ethanizer column

041-T-1004 De-prophanizer column

041-T-1005 De-buthanizer column

041-D-1005 LPG reinjection drum

Dry gas from unit unit 031 is cooled by HP and MP C3 chiller (041-E-1002 and 041-E-
1002) until -8 o C and enters to scrub column (041-T-1001) then will separated methane
from other heavy hydrocarbon and BTX. overhead vapor from scrub column will to
combined with `buthane before enter to condenser (041-E-1004) The two-phase stream
exiting 041-E-1004 is phase separated in the Scrub Column Reflux Drum (041-D-1001).
The liquid is normally returned to the 041-T-1001 as reflux by the Scrub Column Reflux
Pump (041-P-1001A/B). then small portion vapor from Reflux Drum (041-D-1001) will
sent to refrigrant circuit as make-up methane and main vapor will combine with LPG re-
injection to up HHV of LNG, in the MCHE the swet natural gas will be liqufy by warm and
cold bundle until -151 o C, then LNG product will safe in LNG storage (071-TK-1001)
Than, the product of LNG inside the tank with composition as follow :
 High heating value (HHV) 1060-1170 Btu/scf
 Methane (C1) 90 mol % minimum
 Butane (C2) 2 mol % maximum
 Pentane and heavier (C5+) 1,6 mol % maximum
 Nitrogen (N2) 1 mol % maximum
 Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) 0.25 grains/100 scf
 Total Sulfur 1.3 grains/100 scf or 17.5 ppmv maximum
Spesilly Case Process Re-Starup 041 And 051
In 13 juni 2022 in 12 juni the IR sytem of LP MR compressor is fallty and send signal to
SIS system which causes compressors trip, therefore other compressor which is HP MR
compressor and C3 compressor trip and several unit shall to be trip to ensure safe of
the equipment, that is include scrub column, MCHE and unit fractination, as well as the
load of feed gas is reduce until 50% from total load.
 During compressors of C3, LP MR and HP MR is trip that mean, refrigrant system is
not avalaible to service, that causes srcub column and MCHE shall to be trip, then
the feed gas shall to be reduce until 50% and will to thrown to atmosphere used
wet flare trough by 031-HVD-2150 and to avoid Temperature of MCHE increase
then to done BOX UP
 next step is shall to re-start up compressor C3, during C3 compressor prepare ready
to running, feed gas still falring to wet flare trough 031-HVD-2150, and then the
compressor will be running in short loop through in anti surge line with speed 3503
RPM by control speed, then next is to adjusting speed and dischrage to increase
the load of the compressor until the pressure compressor is sattle out approx +/-
5kgf/cm2 and then continue to edjusting suction pressure by speed control until
achive 0.6 kgf/cm2, then system control will change to automactic suction control
 when C3 Compressor is ready to service, by ensure check vibration, seal gas
(premary, secondary and separation), and discharge preassure is stady. then 031-
USVE-2080 will to open to flows the feed gas from dehidration and mercury
removal unit (unit 031) to unit (041) feed gas chiller and 051-LV-1116 and USV-
2880 will be ope by automataclly, the compessor will to long loops and anti surge
valve will to close by slowly. then 041-HVD-2450 will be slowly to open and 031-
HVD-2150 will be slowly to close, on this step scrub column will prepare to re-start
up with start the ovehade condenser, reboiller and reflux pump, that running to
achive purity of methane (on spec), during this process/gas product is of-spac the
gas will flaring by wet flare through on HVD-2450
 while scrub column is being to ready then LP and HP compressors will to start but,
bleed valve stuck causes compressors canot to start, so that bleed valve will to take
out and reparation on work shop, after that compressors preapered to ready then
compressors will to start and running on short loop by opening anti surge valve.
 the LP and HP compressors to permisive to long loop operating to achive final
cooling down is when temperature shell on MCHE is below -33 degree celcius and
ensure quality / purity of methane achived or on-spec. then compressors will to
running long loops and FV-2740 and FV-2940 will to open by slowly until
temperature achive -151 degree celciuss at the same time the sweet gas from
scrub colum start flows to MCHE by slowly.
 when process final cooling down achive -151 degree celcius and LNG can be
produce where temperature outlet of LNG achived and during normalize preasure
and process rump-up of the load, but in this condition LNG still of-spac will flaring
by dry flare through in 041-PV-1210.
 the LNG of-spec pasing by 041-PV-1210 will flows to Dry Flare KO Drum (086-D-
1001). in this process the overheade vapor from scrub column late to on-spec,
therafore created level in bottom suction of MCHE then will drain to Dry Flare KO
Drum (086-D-1001), then defrost gas will be supplay by ACO-45 using eletric heater
041-E-1016 to vaporated the liquid in Dry Flare KO Drum (086-D-1001)
 when the cooling down is finis and quality of methane is on-spec, then MCHE
available to produce LNG, so that 041-HVD-2450 and 051-PV-1210 will to close,
then rundown line will to cooling down (FV-2410 will to open), after that LNG can
flows to LNG tank (071-TK-1001)
 then fractination unit will be star to operated until normal condition and the last
step is to adjust condensate until on-spec.

 Fractionation Unit it is a separation process between light components and heavy

components based on boiling point in a mixture. For the needs of the gas delivery
process to the buyer, one of them is by sea shipping using ships, therefore the gas
will be liquefied first through the liquefaction process, where the liquefaction
process melts methane gas into a liquid form called LNG. LNG is natural gas that is
liquefied by cooling at a temperature of around -152 (during Holding Mode) and -
161oC (during Loading Mode) and at atmospheric pressure. Liquefaction consists of
the scrub column (041-T-1001) and main cryogenic heat exchanger (041-E-1001)
which is designed by Air Products and Chemicals Inc. (APCI) and Fractionation
process are consists of de-ethanizer column (041-T-1003), de-propanizer column
(041-T-1004) and de-butanizer column (041-T-1005).
 The sweet Temperature sweet natural gas from unit 031 Dehydration and Mercury
removal, will be reduced with high and medium pressure propane in the HP C3
chiller (041-E-1002) and MP C3 chiller as initial cooling from 34 C to -8 C, before
entering to Scrub Column (041-T-1001). the purpose of the scrub column is to cool
the sweet natural gas from downstream mercury after filter and separates light and
heavy components from sweet natural gas. The light component is the flow of
methane (C1) to the top of the scrub column at a temperature of -15 oC and a
pressure of 48 kg/cm2 and forwarded to the condenser (041-E-1004) and the Bottom
product will be sent to the Fractionation Unit with a temperature of 106 oC . before
entering the condenser (041-E-1004) gas will be injected butane recycle from the De-
butanizer pump (041-P-1005) for reflux in the top scrub column for deeper removal
of heavier hydrocarbon and BTX to increase the purity of methane. The two-phase
stream exiting 041-E-1004 is phase separated in the Scrub Column Reflux Drum (041-
D-1001). The liquid is normally returned to the 041-T-1001 as reflux by the Scrub
Column Reflux Pump (041-P-1001A/B).
 A small portion of the overhead vapor from 041-D-1001 provides methane make-up
for MR refrigerant circuit. The main vapor stream, which is combined with LPG
Reinjection stream flowing from the Fractionation Unit via the LPG Reinjection Pump
(041-P-1006A/B), flows into the warm and cold bundles of Main Cryogenic Heat
Exchanger (MCHE, 041-E-1001) where it is further cooled and liquefied. The
temperature of LNG at the outlet of the MCHE (041-E-1001) is controlled at approx. -
152 oC in Holding mode and at approx. -161 oC in Loading mode. The stream is let
down to LNG rundown line and separated in the LNG storage tank. The product LNG
meets the following specification.
Specification LNG Product

Item Specification
HHV 1060 Btu/scf minimum
C1 90 mol % minimum
C4 .0 mol % maximum
C5+ 0.075 mol % maximum
N2 1 mol % maximum
H2S 0.25 grains/100 scf maximum
Total Sulfur 1.3 grains/100 scf maximum

Fractionation Unit
Performs fractionation to provide refrigerant makeup and a heavy hydrocarbon
condensate product. Fractionation produce ethane as a mix refrigerant makeup,
propane as a refrigerant and initial cooling during start-up, LPG reinjection, and butane
as a condensate product. Fractionation unit consists of deethanizer to separate light
hydrocarbon (ethane) and heavy hydrocarbon (C2+), depropanizer to separate light
hydrocarbon (propane) and heavy hydrocarbon (C3+), and debuthanizer to separate
light hydrocarbon (buthane) and heavy hydrocarbon (condensate). Ethane as refrigerant
make up in refrigerant system and LPG reinjection. The temperature of the deethanizer
column overhead is around -6,5 0C and pressure is 25 kg/cm2, while the bottom section
is around 152 0C. Propane from depropanizer column overhead is used for refrigerant in
cryogenic section. The propane is transferred to propane (C3) system in unit 051
(refrigerant system) to use as cooling media in chillers. Propane as a refrigerant media in
overall condenser of unit 041. The temperature of the deethanizer column overhead is
around 47 0C and pressure is 15 kg/cm2, while the bottom section is around 133 0C.
Liquid hydrocarbon from the bottom of 041-T-1004 (depropanizer) is routed to
debuthanizer column. Buthane as a top product of debuthanizer will transfer to scrub
column as butane recycle to scrub the heavier component inside the scrub column or to
minimize C5+ and BTX component. Butane also as an LPG reinjection transfer to LPG
reinjection cooler. The overhead vapor from 041-T-1001 is designed that the benzene
content in LNG product does not exceed 1.6ppm. Also, C5+ in the overhead is
maintained low. So, the C5+ content in LNG loaded into the ship does not exceed
required limit (0.075 mol %). Bottom product of debuthanizer column is C5+
(condensate) streamed to unit 079 (condensate storage tank). The RVP of condensate is
12.35 psia.

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