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Task 1.
Listen to a radio interview with Mike Reynolds, a caver who explores underground caves. Listen and decide whether
the following statements are TRUE (T) or FALSE (F).
1. Mike Reynolds explores underground caves exclusively as his hobby. T
2. Underground spaces explored by cavers can be as long as eighty kilometers. T
3. The best caves for exploration are mainly found in countries like Ireland, Australia, and the Philippines. T
4. Cavers often face very large gaps in the rock that they need to crawl through on their hands and knees. F
5. Caving is a sport primarily for the young and fit. F
[Total: 5 points]
Task 2.
Listen to a radio interview with Mike Reynolds again. For questions 1-5, complete the sentences with the appropriate
1. Cavers explore underground places such as mines and 1)____tunels_____ as well as caves.
2. When cavers camp underground, they choose places which have 2) _fresh air____ available.
3. As a physical activity, Mike compares caving to 3) ______Climbing_________________ .
4. Mike recommends buying expensive 4) _________ strong boots___ to avoid having accidents.
5. The need for safety explains why people don't organise caving 5) _____ competitions _________ .
[Total: 10 points]
Fill in the gaps with the words in brackets in appropriate grammatical forms.
1. By the time we arrived, they (prepare) ____had been preparing______ for the meeting for hours.
2. If she (know) ____had known______ about the consequences, she wouldn't have taken that risk.
3. The new policy (implement) _____ will be implemented_____ by the end of the month.
4. He (live) ____ had lived______ in Paris for five years before moving to London.
5. I can't imagine (be) _____being_____ in such a challenging situation.
6. If you (be) ____ were______ Katie, what would you suggest?
7. When I started my new job, it took me a few weeks to (use)____get used to ______ working from 9 to 5.
8. Despite (face) _____facing_____ many difficulties, they completed the project on time.
9. If it (rain) ____rains______ tomorrow, the event will be cancelled.
10.The book (read) ____will have been read______ by everyone in the class by next week.
[Total: 10 points]
Reading and Use of English
Task 1. Read the text and choose the correct answers (A, B, C, or D).
The rise of Airbnb
In 2007, design graduates, Joe Gebbie and Brian Chesky, were struggling to pay the rent for their San Francisco apartment.
When they heard that there was a conference coming to town and there were no hotel rooms available, they came up with the
idea of putting their living room floor up for rent. The next day, they created the website where they
advertised three airbeds in their home at $80 each a night, breakfast included. Only six days later, they had three guests
sleeping on their floor. They knew immediately that this was the start of something big.
Being budding entrepreneurs, the pair decided to take their idea further. They enlisted Gebbie’s former flatmate, Nathan
Blecharczyk, a computer science graduate, to develop their website. Their idea was to target conferences and festivals across
the USA, getting local people to list their rooms and travellers to book them. The new website was completed just in time for
the 2008 Democratic National Convention in Denver, at which Barack Obama was due to speak in front of 80,000 people.
Within a week, they had 800 listings, an achievement which dealt in part with the shortage of hotel rooms, but did not solve
their financial problems, as the site was not making any money.
The team decided that they would have to handle payment for the bookings if they were to make their venture financially
viable. They began to charge three per cent to the host and between six and twelve per cent to the traveller, depending on the
price of the booking. Meanwhile, investors had started showing interest in the company. By April 2009, Gebbie, Chesky and
Blecharcyzk were making enough money to cover their living expenses. When larger investments began to arrive, they
moved the company out of their flat into a new state-of-the-art office and hired more staff.
Airbnb hit one million bookings in January 2011, and since then it has gone from strength to strength. It hasn’t been plain
sailing, however. When one host complained on her blog later that year that her house had been trashed by an Airbnb renter,
the story was reported internationally in the press. The company responded by announcing that in future hosts would be
insured and there would be a 24/7 manned helpline to deal with any complaints. A month later, another victim of vandalism
was compensated immediately and has gone on to rent out his apartment through the website again. Thanks to quick thinking
like this, the company now has over 1.5 million listings in 34,000 cities in 190 countries, and is rumoured to be worth around
$20 billion.
1. Gebbie and Chesky decided to rent out floor space because
A they wanted to attract people to a conference in their area.
B they needed money to redecorate the living room.
C there weren’t any hotels near their local conference centre.
D there was a temporary need for accommodation in the city.
2. The new website designed by Nathan Blecharczyk enabled Gebbie and Chesky to
A accommodate most of the guests at a Denver convention.
B make a huge profit as soon as it was launched.
C rent out properties nationally.
D put travellers in touch with hosts abroad.
3. When booking a room with Airbnb,
A it is only the guest who pays.
B both the guest and the host have to pay.
C the guest pays a fixed percentage of the price.
D the guest and the host share the cost equally.
4. Until April 2009, Gebbie and Chesky were running the business from
A a brand new building.
B a friend’s house.
C their own home.
D a flat on Wall Street.
5. In paragraph four, the writer mentions the two acts of vandalism
A to illustrate the speed with which the company reacts to problems.
B to highlight how irresponsible some of the travellers are.
C to emphasise the different treatment that some hosts receive.
D to show how quick the media are to criticise the company.
[Total: 5 points]
Task 2. Complete the second sentence so that it has the similar meaning to the first one, using the word given. You
may change the form of the verb if needed.
1. It’s been 5 years since I saw Mario.
1. Mario and I haven’t ______ seen each other for___________ 5 years.
2. She feels much better after resting for two weeks in Italy.
After ________ recharging ___________ for two weeks in Italy, she feels much better.
3. Jasmine is adapting to living on her own.
3. Jasmine is ____________ getting used to living___________ by herself.
4. We didn’t go to the cinema because of the train cancellation.
4. The train cancellation __________ prevented us from going__________ to the cinema.
5. The director had the respect of everyone in the play.
5. Everyone in the play _________ looked up to______________ the director.
Task 1. Complete the sentences using the words from the box.
1. He was ___annoyed________ at the way she tried to interrupt him during the whole meeting.
2. I'm absolutely _____delighed______ that you can come to our anniversary.
3. She was ____ disappointed _______ to see her essay returned with a mass of corrections in red ink.
4. He was visibly _____shocked______ by the incident that happened to Mike.
5. They don't seem particularly ____worried_______ about the situation. Such sort of things happens, however, it is
important to be calm.
6. Don't ____upset_______ yourself by thinking about what might have been.
7. After a heart attack you have to be careful not to _____overweight______ things.
8. I'm only a few pounds _____overweight______, but I just can't lose them so easily.
9. I went with my friends hiking, and because of my obesity I just couldn’t ____keep up_____. Their pace was too quick for
10. I'm trying to _____cut down on ______ caffeine.
[Total: 5 points]
Task 2. Complete the sentences with the appropriate word. Keep in mind that some words may change their form.
1. After my first trip to the mountains my legs were ______aching____ a lot.
2. She seems to find it difficult to form _____long lasting______ relationships.
3. The crowded train is a familiar scene for the daily _____commuter_____, who travels to work in a rush hour.
4. Arriving in a different time zone, he experienced some ___jet lag______, feeling a bit tired and disoriented as his body
adjusted to the new schedule.
5. I realised that I needed to ___cut back on_________ processed food, like all those burgers I was eating!
6. Your hilarious anecdotes always____makes my mood____; I can't help but burst into laughter every time you share one!
7. Sarah ______takes after_____her mother not only in appearance but also in her love for gardening and passion for
8. After a series of disagreements and misunderstandings, Jack ______broke up_____ with Emily, deciding it was best to go
their separate ways.
9. Realizing the exam was just around the corner, he had to ____work his hand of _____ all night to cover the extensive
course material.
10. From the gripping prologue to the unexpected twists in the plot, the novel was a true masterpiece__ that kept me
captivated until the very end.
[Total: 10 points]
In your English class you have been talking about social media and its significant impact on society. Now your teacher has
asked you to write an essay. Teacher tells that young people these days tend to be more interested in spending time online
than offline. Do you agree?
Write about:

● kinds of social media

● their influence on your life
● where you spend more time
● your idea

Write your essay in about 150-200 words in an appropriate style on your answer sheet.
In the contemporary era, the prevalence of social media is undeniable, providing platforms for
communication, self-expression, and information dissemination. While it's true that many young people are active
participants in the online realm, suggesting that they are more interested in spending time online than offline oversimplifies
the intricate relationship between the two.
Various kinds of social media, such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, offer diverse ways to connect
and share. These platforms undoubtedly impact my life, providing a virtual space to maintain relationships, stay informed,
and express creativity. However, this doesn't overshadow the significance of my offline engagements.
I find a delicate balance between my online and offline worlds. Social media serves as a convenient tool,
but I equally cherish the moments spent offline – engaging in face-to-face conversations, appreciating nature, and delving
into books. It's not a matter of prioritizing one over the other but rather understanding the unique value each sphere brings to
my life.
While the online world offers a plethora of opportunities, offline experiences are equally vital for holistic
development. Time spent offline contributes to genuine connections, self-reflection, and meaningful experiences. In essence,
the dichotomy between online and offline is not a matter of preference but a harmonious blend that enriches the fabric of our
[Total: 25 points]

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