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[ | It Ba process Qath and | nN fofosimatfon on targete Yoscfab lel Ena Been (Rennes, which then enabl les one Ta eal _ sulevant gucstions and. evaluate outcomes Slepa fo colkeion of data Cle Sdlendily Lis wer ond oppostuntties fox looks dala. , =PPS dé colleckin, Q+ Select Linus ox + eppoiiturties Biol S 3. Planning 4+ Collect -valizd cata eo} lhovsts Analyse: cand 9 interpret cata.» _G. Laeluing ee dati collection. = AO HO9)o4 To There axe two souxces of data collection 1 Psdmany Sorixces \_ by ok@ ‘as Secondary: Sources isie5 ois\ sArc-tono_xsweg aon < sno | St gs + collec lose. “the. subs time Sn its _Osdg?nal Jom by &n “inva gatos {wom the Oségifial Souxée! giants ys es Po thotshas Figo. belleted: by someone ~eall and Now sxeusedl lox own > puxpese “som - @ scanned with OKEN Scanner Second 8 Souxent | Colaba) £ Techs yf Lota Collection “she hu’ techniques ifn dato collection axe ~ Consus -Lechoi ‘ Undlex “the Consus Ox Complete enumero} —a2Swuuy smethed ; data ‘axe colleckecl jose Lach _ and euesay unte C peson, houreholl? fietol Shop ftosy ted In this technigyo © 100 + 7 Tnape 0 8) the population bs Casocied cud o re while Liv er! lgating Advan akol Stow’ be Rota axe > abbalodel joom each andl every Soe) Seid _ the: Pop Lin fepaae “hs sequined poe ee rE ies thes only methool & lot callecon, Lot] Pep ation, de money , mon powex ancl other sBousicses. a. Net cufoble %/ he population ts “Hoftotbels ' —_ 7 eS UMethodl “o 0) _ Samplin @ scanned with OKEN Scanner = o 1@4 “Pnobobiltty os sxandom sampling Pee Om Ft & bared on. theos { piobabiity | whee um each anol euny ele, mht of popal labion cs giveo fen hance o Bing " Selected fos Utnolusion uf the § amples The féllowyng ase olf//exont fypes of 7 _pxcbabit fete sampling \ oe CFD Simple xanclom Sampltn A Simple xandom sam, ling us one in which [each efrment ‘of. the pepulétion hai -an equal. and Independered.. cpeosuclly “4 being focludlsed fo the Sample = _ D> Sta ‘lied oe | Sn this Method of Sampling one in which Lea ment is not Yonsidued . In this method | of sampling, Shes pipatation as subd sviled §nlo i Obome en u FOU, Ae\ a college otudents wD bd axvanged_as_bo: rolls: “bas oh oi exon i ctl age ibe #8 oodisvat \o doddq sat 09 Pe Syste matteiasna dab Samp t method ofne¢ampling us co. Known oy Jixed fotervall Hated i eStores in every flem Din the cell asxsan ds popalation vs n consi setitbus Se feltoh of sample. Joao otvsdy * @ scanned with OKEN Scanner Non srohabsliley 0, Ox pon mont Salndons Somp SY co axe pes baseol_on “theory ais ee pth do not provide Lach, evexy Phim Fn She. population an equal | ehahce a befn faclicsed ?n the Seemplig” The following av diffewnt types of oy I now probability semmpling i 7 H ja 1 | >-\ Convenience Sampling : ] =) Judgement. Sample > Qucta Sampling. J > Snow ball saizpling Y edt mote Be & cede data collect’on. [9.92 save labour: through" Jescex Lielol work. \ ‘ O: Lt Sampling sug experience § exper dise | on the pant of rule « As ‘compilecdech sompile Sexvey may ia Segui moore: tine. » Uacd | p * A } cabion sacno \ Waitas\ Geant Une Pocus of soxting and. axx&nying data actoxdling O to thot attributes of alos & soaking” out mow loiter nts: héméfenous 9 gscou) and Sub qxoupe iF wi FT @ scanned with OKEN Scanner —lé fjetiver (Od Puxpoge ee Spy jand co condenge .¢ -the: laxge e data, To pow the fects etl In tend bvelendkil a ating) | To allow Comparision a qo swlatr the’ vasciables mone the dota. To hele cthex analy sis. 3 cla iLicoHons \ The fio main P flavus of dota classiffeation |S Dobe. Clessificabion] bandits] Quaplilalive hod “AY ix Qualitative I ato T Oiscute Continous? > Simple Composite Arbitary Ctolequs) (faction) Caged) (mateo) Coobtaral)) “Buaallelive | Rata chals with Anobens and: thing, youcan s mens tue Such \ass\age helght a [9 lengthietad ole 1s J “ Quantitative data Jb + Jether classified into bwo types shag a O I T | H Se Bie re . i” - Vasfable takes only Fobegens and whole @ scanned with OKEN Scanner ee —— numboxs' ouch os ©; 1, 253, Ae 2E does not take _ffeactional valu ede L8) S.o ce. Men Vosfable take oll the possible | values, Pnbegercs g Jaa ckions a1 well as | ease bien ee) dod 7 | Qualtative 3 | Rota Yat droly watt this Ox | choxocteritiis ox oualities Bat edn be easily measwud suchas Smell, loste, colour et... Qualitelive data is clos recl Préo Simple ~ Classification Hak favelves orly | ottetbattes os Ye basis. I Example is ee | ; Male ~ 7 a. Composite Wis \ Tioisd “Clawification, involves «mos than | tivo —ithib ache ~batiss: \ Vhs. 1 “gio 9 a a n Fale Females. +4 DPN var ged ohh ¢ ~. p> masoeteol’ unmarried mascded ~eamawied @ scanned with OKEN Scanner Tete bitaxy Crvetional) a clanificotion Dr - he atbihals “which ase nol chrasly: fed. &xample _ Age 4 ailull ee of Kids. TT Sieequaney_Dihthution. i b aS “The clastifieation. g gf data. according | fe group of. vaxiap le Ushowing suspedt’ve Jsequency4 Fp each class fos Jag, ney distriblition. 5 i { ye at: Freguency ees & usually \ may be *betdeonLonkinous=veorables ‘has ¢ cot Hnous unlimited numbex of: possible values \ Nbehveen “the dowesb- § highest class [mit with Nos 0x books - Beals le— age, weight tem exatuxe etc. fi 0-10 (0-15 pe fa © wo Thexclo se Hie vosdables which can take all wible values iN @ given ange Axd i “ald condiious Vaxiabl Ys. They Gan be Lexpsusseol ta Jrect Pons os dec? ‘ thervasbiables.: which cancok take all ossible values fn_a given $n specilie senge axt_calledl © heats | Uaetables. @ scanned with OKEN Scanner igest “valu > A,OH example: — take ‘the’ class, (0-40) te lowest valees 4 tthe, class \38 20> and he @ scanned with OKEN Scanner _higesh value of he claws ui | 7 Bourdosies? of the class Ln the lowex. lim? and upper [7 ey th class ) A 4 “5 7 class intervalus i> Whe dffevence belivean the __uppex SeAnp locwex > [2ani Ug) thesclas sis Kroowe, 03 class © iaberverl- f ab clasi\ lox exam “In the \ clas) Cloos00).\ he olah ene loo Citecs 800 loo’: (90! 100) The Important At denition Ne cconstyacking 1a /sceguencuy ~ obéity? bution us Jewiol te sop the lass: thlerval | shouldbe 20; :§05100, 500 ob cébeniA: Simplex: lee to -obtata the | etimate of app opsdicile class interval. \oS is Smalesé value roth \ Wee tio 4 classes @ scanned with OKEN Scanner Type of class tobe ie) 0 Thexe | classi fg-ce dota accoxcling 12° clas ~ ~Gnler' 0 Exel lusive methool ol een Whenw'the Cl ou ents ha : «type that the» uppex limit of on ass i ~ alt on clowex', [mit 6/ nent clans then the Clowes aru Stu tp Ober tn vexclusive meth) con €tampilé ~ Cro-90) (20-30) (20-46) ete Li Heal, sCto2'90) class consirte o/ deck fron Stork 14 4924\\ and ‘vartable0>.is dh reroluded=Jxomocthe bla Phe svaxtoble .gor38 4 coultted\ andl \indbuefeolt fo C20 30) ou abe: ze\o a ; 1. Tnclusive (method \ — = 4 af 1 When the’ lowex Timid andl upper shliwtt eed acloss ax0 included in that dass iteetl then it is called fnelussve method ’ ues “Example - Gio-@) (20=29:).(3 0-34) eke. a «Hex IOrtAD, Ase» sineludedd fey the Hous sold jtselfesc o |, Is 900 2/580 dy tnd Wl tis the next clas 725-50) and §0 on. ¥d blo _ Class ifoiequency © > = OT one dumb ex of tia cosaaspond ing. os a —Pwtiolax class is Knowl — at clan ae ene 4.9 the class gee Scanned with OKEN Scanner ial bY he cleno ol “by (sf! ox Tn i ts Closs_mid point ox ] HH | | i l 4 Pre pxation of -a table oS Qn axt which needs ee An Oxpext Banell?ng 0} clata, “the malt pads oho table inig I Samco alu ad how. Wok Table pamberxsi ca nila * tinbexsionas oiiign 7 fe “phen ve bable'ox a book cantaiw more @ scanned with OKEN Scanner than one e table ach table. must be namberad Ina sequencer so thet they mou be east ily sled 4 Tile Every table must eis Q Suitable head?ng The heat ing Should be ghoat, cleax and. Convesy the _puxpoze ol the table i Should cortowin 4 bypes ol Yolo mation. Ow “Sabjeck matty ao Times sos i i iste Bastso oh, ol fat fon , cs _Souxcis"” Q * CapHons JE sake Lo column heading .9E exiploims lohat +he Zoluins Sep swienb. Gt Mow consists al | “one 0% moxe Column sheodlfings unix. The. Caption should beiclearlyt Aeltnedd » anol placed at the middle, PEE 53 & 4 24 gf 9} * Stubs at poke They aie caignkiong oh ‘he HOW OX _ How heading | ied si Ee) ihe ibediy of op \sthe Fablesedptatns the. oumedcal Infos Thos mosl Vital paxt ie cthe table Wata posiented go the boa eovtanged acco scding to clase iiaos @ scanned with OKEN Scanner rao nO | Head note A * ee agethe. bots) explanalion ctoLement Tapplyfn'g to all os) the major poxtol the mateccl fn -the table and is“ placell boi [the potot contac! and endosed Fo tL bcadkutg. ov: oldos eave | ; | ae | Foot nobes's, vido Bogen 9A I 3b there 8. any thing spectal about the | Liquxss 0X. whole table Yo- which’ attention | PRas to be gpectally. dxawin Ceondlusions ). The | Same maiyloe done by giving the foot note: Fook not axa “folentilie d iby“numbéeing . eo "shoves, Howe stoss dhol 8S 0n-- | + The! sbuxice iui ugiven to’ caseo) secondaxy | date. Se -give the Souter loom which the | _ stake wets daa obtaindd si | @ scanned with OKEN Scanner L Riagxamg 3 | “One of fhe most. convencing and apelies ways fn cohi Yh clabirtion carl uy he ee Vas ‘thecugh 5 goa he G oliagnams. “Input at dliagroms & Za “Le Riagveans and. gtaphs athook to tho we. » They hate. GSE em memosuring al lect 2 SE jee Jos easy conaxtiion © dota I O Jorn. Doris pesttddd to’ arcthex U we IE gives bias étye view of entire: clala i S+ GE Cony méarhin te tee | \ Diagrams a prepareel on ‘o Riagra mroxa abhiadtive t Miles ‘ebween i Liagrams § Gaapl DIAGRAMS yd \soo4, 9 GRAPH . bo Gsxagh> ghould be 2 Perpar ed on gph pe Graph suited __patin jpope,” vate Ff, Dladgra md Convery meaning | [in paurentation of: Hime — | yebesn Sb ) \ Too yal 226 dds Seda “and Area query ~ of chisby‘ bution le Sn Bieanbal dings pre | mn Two Rimarbonal disten | Lea erin aera tram _4 @ scanned with OKEN Scanner —= —— ——_ \vale 7 7 } _t One Aimaotional oliegrarn U Only length o] the Bax Geb 7 “not ith. ¢ 2 Ba ds baken Gnto count but Types of Bos diagacam | a Simple bax chiagaam Jk sepscsents only one voxtoble , Since Haw axe “ol the se idt and °, be ¢ o| the same w and vary only in huighb, te _ Vhecomes voxy cary lox corrpaxadive study. sap aun vey pepultd Yin psacdice a box chaxt canbe eux vertical ox Hosxironatal.. le) The following table gtve the Bisoth sate pex | 1000 of diferent countries Ovex a pedtod of time | U O X [courhy | Sndial Germany] OK | Newraland| Sivedlen odd Uo T 4 [eiathvor | 33 16 ao | 30 ts lee A | | os batupoll 11> eden chfaa. @ scanned with OKEN Scanner —— ~ ® Sub divided bax diagsam > Sn a Sub divided ax dogram, each bax 8 pscesenting the magnitude of given value Jy urther“oub wide “nto Metous Componunt. Each’ Components oceupy the poxtof the bax, pee to to 5 aie 1H total. | Present Re ellowing data 9n a Sub divided | bar diogram . ij Hl I] {| | @ scanned with OKEN Scanner _yeox/faculty | Seience | humanitier | Commexa ~ | aoiy2ao1s 240 SCO p2°220 2o1s-doleé | ago glo | ago “| Science hum coo, eee L lp 26004 ba t { uo S60 , 7 a 7, ort | 2 = DX ] @ scanned with OKEN Scanner ® Multiple box & — —S\ | _ Sna rrallple axe degra m Duro 0x moog on ol salotbecl data aro seepsesented the com Onent Mponenty ase shown as seprale odfoining bax. | 7 J The table below give data sulating Lo the _export_and. impo” iin_coun export ancl Imposds of 0 certain country x 3 Rin | lakhs} QDweing the Vy yeaxs ending ¥n A007m __ Soils Represent? the daka by sutoble diagram iT J oF Yeas Export Ym port Q007-2008 | B14 250 9008-2009 | 33% | 263 200.4 = at010 ays | ass do1o2anrn| goa: || R06 \f ~ So 4 - j* I : 350 Bigot 300 pots yg yoo | oes | s00-t— CA | : | b~| - _ S369 1} SS EES O00 2 Yeae LAT 2008-2010 515. sax @ scanned with OKEN Scanner Pexcontage Bax olfagxam ° = ae In wrantage eo “bax ci agxam the lon, segmedt- "5 each ia Paap oe Coe up Storene "g nd supa _ pbmods on a agaouile oe J _ frepsusent. the following population of city A oT | by a percentagd’ ” iH yeove Men Women Aden T iiaas YS7-| 357 207. | 100% ‘Liaae | yyy. | ayy | aay | 100%. | 1497 |. yey | 364. 167, | 1007. | ai \ i | aa) I ao ip TT EIT a [6 [fo Ap | | t eo —s 20 r cd lomb got : RX Parsi (AEs ANIAT rt @ scanned with OKEN Scanner two _Oimansfonal diagxam In two climansenal cliogxasn botB length anol cofolth axe taken {n_counk. @ Aimansional ara aslo Suxlac om awa fagram. i “The +¥per of diagram ass I Yo Ue Rectangle I ae fe higgram I 3s Square 4s Circles |_ Pie Chavt LA Pie dfagram sa chcclax diagaam hich 3; La oxcle o (SC divicld by the siclff. iniu cen, The qua ola sector da pxopobional to the size 4 each cofhponent. Steps tho dkaw pie cliagram | te Vaxtous Component value can be transp ° © 7 into Covrosponoling oltgree on the cbeele. Se angk oT sector _corrosponoling to a Componink = 2 Qaxaw otucle of appropxiake sive with a Compu m 7 fe eo she _size of sxadit’d depends upon the available | paw and? lodor 0 3+ The sector of the cixcle that 0 Pre chaxk axe ordedl _/xom forget to the smallet lor easy nlerpration of data G they must bY draw in | the counter clock boige Blixscfion @ scanned with OKEN Scanner uselel cto shoes sulloctive hi which makes otal. also cweful when many in the nu exe « U the componnt Jy 4 @: A Rupee spent on SIKHADI? J dikribotsd oy lollow, ty farmer | 0p = 80% ToT. ge | Spinnex | aep || = 30x foo | = 108° | weaver asp asx % foo] = 90° | dyer lop tox hoo | = 36° | | agent ise =x 36hi00 | | Mead toor| |= a | Pos mex Spianer Weausx clyex agent @ scanned with OKEN Scanner but. nok qoalitatis date Limftabions ©, Statis bes ABT + yaa > Falishes clea only with quantitative clots de” Staliebial Seateol fi Ose Huse wwe nly on am quexages toy eee > Stabistical cast mi, coh be “nica, Ye Sifficlont axc.on is smnot excrcired.” _ | dleaisfon oluvetng inference... weg ~ DS Statiodiin’ peaenndn Soe pple te 2_heterogencst -Aadio Ms => Only a peson veoh waa ext “Knowledge | 4 Statistics can handle alata ffictent Ie>* Some exx099 1250 pesstbla fn Statistical @ scanned with OKEN Scanner Yr | | pare [ [| T (ertear= lw Claniloeke_§ Titer . a pen “yc By Pabulebron 1% te ack 2f | iit id ‘ing Oa Vs: Pauswckings do Sp tabulad “ch con) ‘4 clad wank tos = _f > Pate! dy #4 Bt Sn Columns ~ [se a bles ing 2 mI 2 he espa cleat rodion 127 the Pipetite to splcsnk: data! Bie *afude, aa ov Sk dafiseat deta _ Sto tal ted £ bub — headings ste oye § fading € data. fll us. 2 cena afer "Collection - clacpieskin a fate oe Scanned with OKEN Scanner

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