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Available online at IJEE (Indonesian Journal of English Education) Website:


Maya Defianty1*, Kate Wilson2
Received: 24th April 2022; Revised: 29th May 2022; Accepted: 29th June 2022
It has been over a decade since the Ministry of Education and Culture in Indonesia mandated teachers
to foster critical thinking; however, studies document that in Indonesia, students’ critical thinking still
lags behind other countries. This condition led us to investigate teachers’ understanding of critical
thinking as they hold the central role in promoting it. This qualitative research survey involved 64
English language teachers who had signed up for a webinar about critical thinking. The respondents
varied in terms of gender, educational background, and teaching experience. The questionnaire was
distributed online, and their participation in filling out the questionnaire was voluntary. Questions
were divided into two categories: the respondents’ demographic data, including gender, educational
background, and teaching context. The second category focused on teachers’ understanding of critical
thinking and its implementation in the classroom context. The study found that teachers do not yet
have comprehensive knowledge about critical thinking, and this is reflected in their teaching practice
and assessment of students’ critical thinking. Interestingly, the study revealed that only a few teachers
realized that their difficulties in promoting critical thinking might derive from their limited
understanding about the notion.
Key Words: Critical thinking; Indonesia; teachers’ understanding; English language teaching;
pedagogy; assessment
Sudah lebih dari satu dekade sejak Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan di Indonesia mengamanatkan guru
untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kritis; namun, beberapa studi mendokumentasikan bahwa di Indonesia,
tingkat kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa masih tertinggal dari negara lain. Kondisi ini mendorong Kami untuk
meneliti pemahaman guru tentang berpikir kritis mengingat guru memegang peran penting sentral dalam
mempromosikannya. Survei penelitian kualitatif ini melibatkan 64 guru bahasa Inggris yang telah mendaftar
untuk webinar tentang berpikir kritis. Responden bervariasi dalam hal jenis kelamin, latar belakang pendidikan,
dan pengalaman mengajar. Kuesioner disebarkan secara online, dan partisipasi mereka dalam mengisi kuesioner
bersifat sukarela. Pertanyaan dibagi menjadi dua kategori: data demografi responden, termasuk jenis kelamin,
latar belakang pendidikan, dan konteks pengajaran. Kategori kedua berfokus pada pemahaman guru tentang
berpikir kritis dan implementasinya dalam konteks kelas. Studi ini menemukan bahwa guru belum memiliki
pengetahuan yang komprehensif tentang berpikir kritis, dan hal ini tercermin dalam praktik mengajar mereka
serta dalam menilai kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa. Salah satu temuan menarik dari penelitian ini adalah hanya
sedikit guru yang menyadari bahwa kesulitan mereka dalam mempromosikan berpikir kritis pada siswa
kemungkinan besar dikarenakan pemahaman mereka yang terbatas tentang konsep berpikir kritis tersebut.
Kata Kunci: Berpikir kritis; Indonesia; pemahaman guru; pengajaran bahasa Inggris; pedagogi; penilaian
How to Cite: Defianty, M., Wilson, K. (2022). Critical Thinking in ELT: Indonesian Teachers’
Understanding and Practice Ten Years Down The TracK. IJEE (Indonesian Journal of English Education),
9(1), 120-139 doi:10.15408/ijee.v9i1.26673

* Corresponding author
IJEE (Indonesian Journal of English Education), 9 (1), 2022, 120-139
P-ISSN: 2356-1777, E-ISSN: 2443-0390 | DOI:
This is an open access article under CC-BY-SA license (
IJEE (Indonesian Journal of English Education), 9 (1), 2022

INTRODUCTION reported a promising result. For

example, Indah and Kusuma’s (2016)
In the last decade the notion of study reported that students’
critical thinking (CT) has been widely argumentative essay writing did not
recognized as one of the pivotal skills in reflect critical thinking features. In
the 21st century. Several countries in addition, several studies document that
Asia such as Singapore and Hong Kong teachers are still having difficulties in
(Mok, 2011), China (Lin, 2018) and Iran fostering critical thinking in classroom
(Afshar & Movassagh, 2017), have contexts. Defianty and Wilson (2020),
made critical thinking part of their who focused their study on teachers’
education reform. In Indonesia, critical competence in fostering critical
thinking has been mandated in several thinking through questioning, found
policies (see MoEC Decree No.17/2010, that teachers often missed the
Article 77 and MoEC Decree opportunity to capitalize on their
No.23/2016). questioning strategy to improve
Further, the government also students’ critical thinking skills.
changed the national examination from Apparently, teachers still consider
UN to Asesmen Nasional, specifically critical thinking to be challenging
AKM. The national examination was (Zainudin, Vianty, and Inderawati,
designed to emulate questions in PISA; 2019), and thus it is little surprise that
Indonesia ranks the tenth lowest among students too have limited
other countries who applied the test. As understanding of critical thinking
in PISA, the current national (Mbato, 2019; Zainudin et al., 2019). In
examination required students to use fact, Gandana, Nafisah, and Ayu’s
higher order thinking skills to be able to (2021) study revealed that
answer the questions (Kementrian disseminating critical thinking can be
Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 2020). challenging. The study focused on
Under these policies teachers are exploring teachers’ understanding of a
expected to incorporate critical thinking critical thinking model which was
into classroom practice. disseminated to 13 EFL teachers.
Drawing on data from teachers’ lesson
Nevertheless, although it has been
plans, the study found that embedding
more than a decade since the first policy
critical teaching is still challenging
about critical thinking was issued,
because teachers have only modest
current studies, specifically from the
understanding about critical thinking
ELT (English language teaching)
(Gandana et al., 2021).
landscape in Indonesia, have not yet

120-139 | DOI:

P-ISSN: 2356-1777, E-ISSN: 2443-0390 | This is an open access article under CC-BY-SA license
IJEE (Indonesian Journal of English Education), 9 (1), 2022

It is important to note, though, that conceptions of CT and those of teachers

several studies also document success in Western countries reported in the
in enhancing students’ critical thinking. literature. Although Ilyas’ study has
For example, Saputra, Joyoatmojo, provided some insights into Indonesian
Wardani and Sangka (2018), who teachers’ understanding of critical
focused their study on improving thinking, it was based on a limited
students’ critical thinking through a sample of 59 teachers, and did not
jigsaw problem-based collaborative explore how these teachers
learning model, found that their model implemented their understandings of
was effective. Similarly, Kurniawati, CT or the challenges they experience in
Sugaryamah, and Hasanah (2020), who teaching CT.
focused their study on incorporating
This current study extends the
critical literacy pedagogy (CLP), found
current literature by further exploring
that CLP can enhance students’
English teachers’ understanding of
engagement with critical thinking.
critical thinking as well as their
Studies so far suggest that implementation and assessment of CT
enhancing students’ critical thinking in classroom settings. Difficulties
skill is viable provided that it is encountered by teachers are also
supported by teachers’ understanding surveyed.
of the concept. Needless to say,
It is understandable that teachers
teachers’ professional development or
may find it hard to define critical
training can potentially facilitate the
thinking. Although the term has been
process. Like all training programs,
adopted world-wide in education
professional development for teachers
policies at all levels, it is notoriously
should start from participants’ current
hard to pin down. However, it is
knowledge and understanding as well
acknowledged widely that critical
as their concerns. However, although
thinking skills – skills in solving
extensive research has been carried out
problems, decision-making and
on critical thinking in ELT in Indonesia,
deciding what to believe or do and why
only a few studies have explored
– will be essential in the uncertain
teachers’ current conceptions of critical
world ahead. In our modern globalized
thinking. For example, Ilyas (2018)
world, the rapid pace of technological
focused on identifying how teachers
change and the ubiquitous spread of
recognize and conceptualize critical
information and new ideas mean that
thinking, and found similarities
individuals need to be skilled at making
between Indonesian teachers’ | DOI: 121-139
P-ISSN: 2356-1777, E-ISSN: 2443-0390 | This is an open access article under CC-BY-SA license
IJEE (Indonesian Journal of English Education), 9 (1), 2022

judgments based on sound reasoning terms – especially in the context of their

and responsible, ethical behaviour. The own discipline. This task is not self-
OECD (Vincent-Lancrin et al., 2019) evident for many teachers. Anderson
also argues that CT is essential for the and Krathwohl (2001, cited in
well-being of individuals, as it enables Krathwohl ,2002) provide a list of
them to lead “good and happy” lives, cognitive processes associated with
and to fulfill their roles in a democratic each level of the taxonomy. For
society. Importantly, critical thinking in example, “understanding” is described
education also enables students to as “interpreting, exemplifying,
engage more deeply with their subject classifying, summarising, inferring,
matter which, in turn, engenders comparing and explaining”. However,
motivation and enables learners to it could be argued that it is impossible
transfer their learning to other contexts to “understand” something if you have
(Biggs, 2011). not first “analysed” it. Similarly,
analysis arguably entails a wide range
At one level, critical thinking can
of cognitive processes, such as
be seen as the application of cognitive
identifying the component parts,
skills. The best known skills-based
comparing, categorizing, identifying
approach draw on foundation of
cause and effect, to name a few. Thus, it
Bloom’s taxonomy of educational
seems that the taxonomy has to be
objectives (Bloom et al. 1956) and
conceptualized and interpreted with
Anderson and Krathwohl’s subsequent
some flexibility. Nevertheless, it has
revision of the taxonomy (Krathwohl,
been widely applied to classroom
2002). Bloom’s taxonomy was
teaching, and its associated cognitive
developed in reaction against the
processes can provide a platform for
prevalence of rote learning in many
teachers in both explaining and
education systems and has been
assessing critical thinking.
enthusiastically adopted in many
contexts, including in the Indonesian Another skills-based approach to
education system. It presents a CT, which has its roots in the discipline
hierarchy of thinking skills: lower order of philosophy, emphasizes the role of
skills of remembering and logic in drawing conclusions and
understanding, and higher order skills making judgments. From this
of applying, analysing, evaluating, and perspective, students need to be taught
creating. In order to interpret these the skills of logical reasoning including
skills in their pedagogy, teachers need identifying assumptions, recognizing
to be able to unpack these portmanteau fallacies, drawing inferences, and

122-139 | DOI:

P-ISSN: 2356-1777, E-ISSN: 2443-0390 | This is an open access article under CC-BY-SA license
IJEE (Indonesian Journal of English Education), 9 (1), 2022

identifying gaps in arguments. One Another widely applied approach

particular skill emanating from this to motivation and CT is that of John
school of thought is “reading between Biggs, (2011) whose work focuses on
the lines” (Patrikis, 2003). the distinction between deep and
surface learners. While surface learners
However, focusing simply on
tend to learn by rote memorization and
thinking skills is arguably a reductive
are inclined to do the minimum
approach to teaching critical thinking.
necessary to pass, deep learners engage
Davies and Barnett (2015) and others
with their subject matter and are
emphasise that students not only need
motivated to explore and think deeply
to learn skills for CT, but also to
rather than simply performing the
develop a disposition for CT. In other
required task. However, the notion of
words, students need to develop habits
“deep” learning is another portmanteau
of critical thinking and to be motivated
term which is hard to apply to
to put them into practice. They need to
classroom teaching and assessment.
develop CT traits such as open-
mindedness, curiosity, scepticism and An enduring discussion in the CT
an inclination to reflect, as well as the literature is whether CT is a generic or
sensitivity to know when to apply CT. discipline-specific practice. McPeck
Paul and Elder (2019) also emphasise (1981) claimed that CT was not
traits such as fairmindness and transferable across disciplines.
“intellectual humility, integrity and However, others, such as Moore (2011),
empathy.” Harvard University’s Project have argued that CT thinking skills are
Zero project proposes that one way to generalisable, although there are
build up habits of CT is to train particular cultures of thinking germane
students to follow “thinking routines” to different disciplines. Most national
(Harvard School of Education, 2016) curricula and university policies
which are easy to apply and easy to maintain that CT should be developed
transfer to different contexts. These in every discipline. However, often CT
routines include patterns such as “ I is not made explicit by teachers in their
used to think …; but now I think …”, pedagogy or in the textbooks they are
“See, think, wonder” and “Circle of required to use (Ilyas, 2017).
viewpoints”. The project advocates that
In the field of English language
students also need to build familiarity
teaching, in particular, there has been a
with CT tools such as concept-mapping
growing interest in recent years in how
and using tables and charts.
critical thinking should be integrated | DOI: 123-139

P-ISSN: 2356-1777, E-ISSN: 2443-0390 | This is an open access article under CC-BY-SA license
IJEE (Indonesian Journal of English Education), 9 (1), 2022

into classroom pedagogy. Defianty and genres, how features of English

Wilson (2020) argue that CT in ELT compare with their mother tongue, how
applies in two respects: thinking pronouns are used to construct
THROUGH the language and thinking relationships, how tenses provide
ABOUT the language. Especially at context about action, how topic
more advanced levels, such as in EAP sentences assist writers to communicate
(English for Academic Purposes), with clarity, how subtle use of
students have long been encouraged to vocabulary can add nuance to a text,
apply critical thinking in their reading and so on. By using skills of analysis
and writing. Students are typically and evaluation, students can gain
asked to structure their paragaphs and greater awareness of the language,
essays according to CT processes such improve their skills in meaning-making
as “compare and contrast”; “for and in the language, and increase their
against”; “cause and effect”; and motivation to learn. As Li (2019) puts it,
“problem and solution” (see, for
learners need to take charge of the
example, texts such as Oshima and
why and how in learning by making
Hogue, 2006). Such tasks require
deliberate efforts in their learning so
students to apply CT to diverse
that they do not simply remember and
common topics such as global warming,
recall language in its abstract form, but
television advertising, junk foods and
rather engage in critical and creative
so on. Defianty and Wilson (2020) call
analysis and evaluation of material at
this thinking THROUGH the language,
hand in order to internalize and
as students are required to use the
appropriate the language. (Li, 2019,
English language to mediate their
thinking. However, Defianty and
Wilson (2020) argue that students Thus, incorporating CT into
should also be challenged to think English language teaching has clear
critically ABOUT the language itself benefits for the students’ immediate
and how it is used to make meaning, development of language resources, as
from word and sentence level through well as for their general development of
to the level of discourse: how the critical thinking skills and dispositions
language is used to construct concepts, in the face of a fast-changing world
negotiate relationships, and modern world. Yet, despite this, and
communicate information. For example, the fact that CT has been mandated in
students should be encouraged to think the Indonesian education system for
critically about the differences between more than a decade, English language

124-139 | DOI:

P-ISSN: 2356-1777, E-ISSN: 2443-0390 | This is an open access article under CC-BY-SA license
IJEE (Indonesian Journal of English Education), 9 (1), 2022

teachers still appear to have questionnaire concerned respondents’

rudimentary understandings of CT and demographic information, including
pedagogies for CT, as discussed in the gender, teaching experience, and
introduction. In order to further teaching context. The second part,
promote CT in ELT in Indonesia, then, consisting of principally of open-ended
it is crucial to learn more about how questions, focused on teachers’
teachers perceive, implement and understanding of critical thinking and
assess CT. its implementation in their practice. The
questions included how the
respondents perceived critical thinking,
METHOD how they foster the notion in the
This study employed qualitative classroom context, how students were
survey research. This design was assessed, and the challenges they may
selected because it enabled the encounter in implementing critical
researchers to gain information from thinking. The respondents were invited
unknown and diverse respondents to answer in English, as they were all
(Braun, Clarke, Boulton, Davey & English language teachers. After the
McEvoy, 2021). Respondents were questionnaire was designed, it was
recruited from a planned webinar about reviewed by a potential respondent and
critical thinking. Prior to the webinar, modified accordingly.
the 271 participants were asked to fill Thematic analysis was used to
out the questionnaire, distributed via a explore the data following
Google form. Sixty-four responses were recommendations by Braun and Clarke
received. The online mode made it (2006). The survey responses to each
possible to recruit respondents from question were entered into an Excel
varied backgrounds and diverse areas spreadsheet. Each researcher, both well-
of Indonesia. Table 1 shows the versed in the theory of CT pedagogy,
respondents’ profiles. coded the responses individually. Next,
Table 1. Respondents’ backgrounds the coding was jointly reviewed and
merged, and clustered and re-clustered
into a number of themes in order to
capture important patterns. Although
instances of the recurrence of these
themes were quantified, the numerical
The questionnaire was divided into count was regarded as indicative only.
two parts. The first part of the As Braun and Clarke (2006) emphasise, | DOI: 125-139
P-ISSN: 2356-1777, E-ISSN: 2443-0390 | This is an open access article under CC-BY-SA license
IJEE (Indonesian Journal of English Education), 9 (1), 2022

the ‘keyness’ of a theme is not Sixty-three of the 64 respondents

necessarily dependent on quantifiable answered the question, “What is your
measures but rather on whether it understanding of Critical Thinking?”,
captures something important in however, many respondents (17) gave
relation to the overall research question. vacuous, irrelevant or circular
responses. For example, Teacher 7
wrote “think critically on something
FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION that we read, we listen, we see, etc.”.
Findings The majority of those who
This research aimed to identify EFL responded gave answers which
teachers’ understanding of critical reflected a skills-based perspective on
thinking and how it is implemented in CT, and these respondents generally
their classroom settings. In addition, used terminology from Bloom’s
this study also explores teachers’ taxonomy in defining critical thinking.
assessment practice and the challenges For example, Teacher 8 stated that “CT
encountered by teachers in fostering is the process of conceptualizing,
critical thinking. applying, analyzing, and evaluating
based on observation or experience.”
The overall response to the survey
Ten respondents considered critical
was poor; among 271 respondents in
thinking referred to skills of applying
the critical thinking webinar to whom
logic; as stated by Teacher 12 “It is kind
the survey was distributed, only 64
of skill that should be introduced to the
respondents filled out the
students in order they can to think
questionnaire. Nonetheless, these
clearly and rationally, understanding
respondents have provided a valuable
the logical connection between ideas”.
insight into how they perceived and
Interestingly, “reading between the
practice the notion. This section will be
lines” was also a recurring theme in the
divided based on the set of questions
responses to the survey. Moreover, 5
from the questionnaires.
respondents were perplexed in
The research design is clearly distinguishing between critical and
described and appropriate for the criticize to define critical thinking. For
purpose of the study. The purpose, example, Teacher 47 defined critical
content and usage of data collection thinking as “The way of thinking in
tools are explained and justified. criticizing things”.
Teachers’ understanding of
critical thinking
126-139 | DOI:
P-ISSN: 2356-1777, E-ISSN: 2443-0390 | This is an open access article under CC-BY-SA license
IJEE (Indonesian Journal of English Education), 9 (1), 2022

Thirteen out of 64 respondents website which came up immediately in

defined critical thinking in terms of a Google search (
dispositions. For example, Teacher 59
said that critical thinking can mean Applying critical thinking
“Empowering students with the way Besides identifying teachers’
they act and react to some issues”, conception of critical thinking, this
while Teacher 3 defined CT as “The research also
way of thinking that triggers curiosity,
investigated how teachers apply
creativity, problem solving etc”. In
their understanding in classroom
addition, Teacher 6 also believed that
practice. A rather unexpected result
critical thinking can enhance students’
from the survey was that this question
participation in learning. The data also
attracted the highest number of
revealed that “deep” thinking was a
responses. This suggested that some
recurring keyword in defining critical
respondents who still had fuzzy
thinking, used by 8 of the respondents.
understandings about critical thinking
For example, Teacher 3 defined critical
felt able to implement the concept in
thinking as “…deep thinking about
their teaching practice.
something based on evidences.”
Data from the research showed that
However, only a few
there was a wide array of classroom
respondents (7 of 64) perceived critical
activities applied by the respondents in
thinking as both skills and dispositions.
promoting critical thinking, reflecting a
For example, Teacher 23 stated that:
broad approach to communicative
It's the way students think in language teaching (CLT). Many
learning something. Not only responses focused particularly on
learning at school, but learning speaking activities such as discussion
anything in their lives. How can and debates, or generally on asking
they gain any knowledge by their students for their opinions. In fact,
own and apply it to understand questioning to promote critical thinking
another knowledges. Then, they was cited as the most prominent
use their knowledge to solve any teaching strategy. For example, Teacher
problem. 43 used questioning to explore
students’ thinking; s/he stated

Of these 7 respondents, two had One of activities that can be applied

copied their definitions verbatim from a is in "giving opinion". While a part
of students agree with a statement. | DOI: 127-139
P-ISSN: 2356-1777, E-ISSN: 2443-0390 | This is an open access article under CC-BY-SA license
IJEE (Indonesian Journal of English Education), 9 (1), 2022

Ask them if they have to disagree As the respondents mostly

with it, what reasons they should promoted critical thinking through
explain”. reading, it is little surprise that reading
texts were the most commonly cited
Among the four language
learning materials. However, some
macroskills, many of the respondents
respondents were using other learning
mentioned reading as a means to
materials such as video; as Teacher 52
practice critical thinking; as Teacher 11
We give a video of a very short
Asking my students to read "fake
movie to students, then we give
news" articles and asked them to
chance for them to ask questions or
analyze the article, do they think
we ask some questions to them (
that the article is true or it's not,
e.g Why ... happened? or What
then I will ask them to tell the
makes a main character change his
reason why do they think so.
behavior? etc..) which required
Teacher 13 also used narrative text them to think not just take it for
as a way to promote critical thinking; granted.
she stated,
The majority of the respondents
When we discuss the contents of a focused on classroom activities that
story in a narrative text, it is very could be categorised as critical thinking
important to look for its parts: THROUGH the target language
characterization of function, story (Defianty & Wilson, 2020), that is,
crisis, etc. These all need problem encouraging students to interact
solving. critically about diverse topics in the
Another set of responses focused medium of English. Teacher 22 gave an
on writing as a vehicle for CT. For example of how she applied critical
example, Teacher 35 wrote: thinking THROUGH the target
language; as she stated,
Yes, for example in writing or
taking notes. It takes more than just when a teacher introduces or wants
a wide range of vocab to convey to discuss about an issue, then ask
one's ideas, the content must also for the students' opinion related to
show our understanding of the the issue, then they try to speak up,
topic being written. Good writing it's a critical thinking in learning
activity is a long process of process.
thinking and discovering things.

128-139 | DOI:

P-ISSN: 2356-1777, E-ISSN: 2443-0390 | This is an open access article under CC-BY-SA license
IJEE (Indonesian Journal of English Education), 9 (1), 2022

In comparison, data from the critical thinking skills. This finding is

questionnaire revealed that only 15 rather disappointing since assessment
respondents’ responses concerned can provide valuable information both
critical thinking ABOUT the language, for students and teachers about
that is with a focus on how the students’ current critical thinking level.
language is used to make meaning. The information can then be used to
Teacher 10 illustrated how she provide an insight into how to alter
implemented the activity; as she teaching (and students’ learning) to
claimed, enhance students’ critical thinking
competence (Brookhart, 2010).
If you find the word 'does' in
negative & interrogative simple present Moreover, data from the research
sentences, it means you don't need to showed that only five respondents
have the ending ~s in the verbs for considered questioning as a means to
third person singular (your verbs must assess students critical thinking
be back to the infinitive ones). competence, even though it was widely
mentioned as a teaching technique. This
Similarly, Teacher 34 wrote
finding is somewhat counterintuitive
“Evaluate how language shapes
because questioning can be used as a
understanding (idea), like the
productive assessment instrument
representation of gender in canonic
because it is flexible, and teachers can
literature: Snow White story, Cinderella
apply this instrument at any stage of
learning, whether for formative or
Assessing Students’ Critical summative purposes (Wiliam & Leahy,
Thinking 2015). However, three out of these five
respondents were aware that they could
The overall response to the
apply Bloom’s (revised) taxonomy in
question on assessment of CT was poor.
implementing the technique; as the
Among 64 respondents, 28 respondents
respondents stated:
did not answer the question; moreover,
18 respondents did not address the By checking their answers to HOT
question in a meaningful way. For questions (Teacher 18)
example, one of the respondents’ By designing the questions require
answer was “CT comes first before critical thinking skills such as using
language skills”. This finding implied graded Bloom's taxonomy in the
that more than half of the respondents assessment. (Teacher 19)
were unsure of how to assess students’ | DOI: 129-139

P-ISSN: 2356-1777, E-ISSN: 2443-0390 | This is an open access article under CC-BY-SA license
IJEE (Indonesian Journal of English Education), 9 (1), 2022

I give the HOTS items whether issue being discussed and express
spoken or written in short, long their opinion about it.
answer and can be essay. Then I
Similarly, Teacher 34 said that
check their answer with the rubric I
students’ competence contributed to the
have made. (Teacher 52)
difficulties in fostering critical thinking;
Besides questioning, other tools the in the questionnaire she claimed that:
respondents used in assessing students’
I think because some students
critical thinking skill were debates,
didn't have a good comprehension.
projects, journals and problem solving-
If we want to promote about the
based learning. Only two respondents
critical thinking, I think we should
mentioned the use of rubrics in
start from the basic, so that
assessing CT.
students can have a same
comprehension to understand
something before they apply the
The next question in the critical thinking.
questionnaire was about difficulties
In particular, students’ limited
encountered by teachers in fostering
vocabulary was considered to hamper
critical thinking in their classroom. The
teachers in promoting critical thinking;
total number of responses for this
as Teacher 37 said “The challenge is to
question was 47; this means that 17
ensure that the students are equipped
respondents did not answer the
with adequate vocab to express
something when it comes to
The themes that emerged from the discussion.” In addition, the disparate
question about teachers’ difficulties in levels of language ability within the
promoting critical thinking are class, as well as the size of large classes,
presented in Table 2. By far the most were also frequently mentioned.
frequently mentioned challenge related
The most striking result to emerge
to students’ level of linguistic
from the data is that only a few
competence. For example, Teacher 26
respondents considered their own
limited knowledge about CT and CT
The ability level of most of my pedagogy to be one of the factors that
students in understanding the basic can be a barrier in promoting critical
area of the language itself is still thinking. Of those who admitted their
very limited, so commonly, it is not own limitations, some also complained
easy for them to understand the about other factors as well. As Teacher
130-139 | DOI:
P-ISSN: 2356-1777, E-ISSN: 2443-0390 | This is an open access article under CC-BY-SA license
IJEE (Indonesian Journal of English Education), 9 (1), 2022

36 said: “I really want to promote CT respondents were willing to complete

but it's not easy due to lack of my the survey and, of these, 17 gave
creativity and lack of Ss' learning vacuous answers like CT is “a method
motivation, as well the limited time that forces someone to think critically”
allotment”. (Teacher 64). Others gave vague
Table 2. Source of difficulties
definitions like “deep thinking”, or
over-precise definitions, focusing on
only one narrow aspect of CT, like
“reading between the lines” (Teacher
42). Overall, the results confirm the
findings of Defianty & Wilson (2019)
that Indonesian teachers of English do
not have a clear understanding of CT.
It was also somewhat
As Ilyas (2018) found, the data disappointing that such a small
from the survey indicated that proportion of respondents recognized
Indonesian ELT teachers have a range CT dispositions in their definitions.
of ideas about how to define critical Qualities such as open-mindedness and
thinking which reflect concepts in the curiosity are fundamental to the
literature, particularly those drawn transference of critical thinking skills,
from Bloom’s taxonomy. However, and a recognition of the importance of
more than a quarter of the respondents CT dispositions is crucial in engaging
showed only limited understanding of students in CT practices. Wilson (2016)
CT. This is concerning, especially as the in a study of critical reading in EAP
sample group of teachers in the study (English for Academic Purposes) found
was biased towards those who were that students who were not engaged
already interested in the concept of CT. were marginalized from the classroom
They were a group of committed activity and only minimally able to
teachers at all levels of ELT education, apply CT in their reading of the text.
who participated voluntarily in the
online forum from which they were In addition, when asked about the
recruited because they were keen to challenges they faced in teaching CT,
improve their professional learning. most teachers failed to recognize their
Further, they had made the choice to own limitations, although a few did
join a webinar on critical thinking. Yet, confess that their limited understanding
despite this, only 64 of the 271 webinar | DOI: 131-139

P-ISSN: 2356-1777, E-ISSN: 2443-0390 | This is an open access article under CC-BY-SA license
IJEE (Indonesian Journal of English Education), 9 (1), 2022

of CT was a barrier to incorporating it A further challenge for teachers in

into their teaching. Indonesia, as Ilyas (2017) points out, is
that CT was not traditionally a feature
It is understandable that teachers
of education in Indonesia either during
might find it difficult to encapsulate
the colonial era, nor during the three
their conceptions of CT in an online
decades of the Suharto’s “new order”.
survey, given the widely ranging and
So teachers themselves were not
diffuse definitions in the literature.
exposed to CT during their own
Definitions such as “deep thinking” do
schooling. The sometimes vacuous
little to demystify CT or to give teachers
answers in the survey may point
any indication as to how to enact
towards this issue.
teaching for CT in the classroom. Most
teachers in Indonesia are familiar with Without a clear understanding of
the idea of higher-order thinking skills CT, it may be very difficult for teachers
(HOTS) from Bloom’s taxonomy which to incorporate it into their teaching. As
has been widely promoted. In fact, Vincent-Lancrin, S., et al. (2019) have
teachers are now required to assess explained,
HOTS. However, as discussed above,
it often remains unclear for
the HOTS terminology involves
teachers what creativity and critical
portmanteau terms which are hard to
thinking… actually mean and entail in
unpack into the multiple cognitive
their teaching practice. Rather than a
processes which they imply. “Analyse”,
problem of “resistance to change” or
for example, could imply breaking
“innovation fatigue”, the lack of
something into the component parts,
implementation comes from a lack of
categorising, seeing how something
clarity about what these big concepts
works, identifying the problems
actually mean, and how they translate
inherent in something and deciding on
into teaching, learning and formative
possible solutions, identifying the
assessment. (Vincent-Lancrin, S., et al.,
causes of a phenomenon and
2019, p.20)
speculating on its effects, and so on.
Moreover, the way in which analysis is The teachers’ limited
applied in different disciplines varies, understanding of CT and their lack of
and this is a conundrum for English confidence was also apparent in the
teachers who may not be not specialists examples they gave of implementing
in the discourse areas in which their CT in their classrooms. Although some
students are participating. of the teachers gave rich and
knowledgeable responses, generally the

132-139 | DOI:

P-ISSN: 2356-1777, E-ISSN: 2443-0390 | This is an open access article under CC-BY-SA license
IJEE (Indonesian Journal of English Education), 9 (1), 2022

respondents gave little elaboration of developing, in other words

their teaching of CT. For example, “scaffolding”.
Teacher 43 wrote “Writing is an
Given the teachers’ vague
excellent example to nurture CT”.
definitions of CT, and their restricted
Many answers centred vaguely around
approach to teaching CT, it is not
“discussion” or “asking for an
surprising that they were generally
opinion”. For example, Teacher 55
unsure of how to assess CT, with more
wrote “By giving my students many
than half admitting that they either did
questions and ask their opinion related
not assess it or were not sure whether
to the theme that we are going to
they assessed it or not. Given that it is
compulsory for ELT teachers in
The vagueness of these responses Indonesia to assess their students’ use
gives some insights into why teachers of higher order thinking, this finding
found it difficult to elicit CT in their was both surprising and concerning.
classes. Although discussion is clearly Once again, their answers to the
fundamental to CT, it can be difficult to question were often vague, for example
stimulate substantial interaction in class “I assess my students when I am asking
if students have not been provided with my students to think the best answer”
sufficient scaffolding (Wilson, 2016). (Teacher 45). Only one teacher
The respondents’ most commonly mentioned the use of rubrics for
stated challenge was the generally low assessing CT.
level of language skills amongst their
The results of this survey, as
students, as well as differential levels of
recommended by Ilyas (2018),
English language skills, particularly in
demonstrate clearly that there is a need
large classes. The teachers mentioned
for further professional development
lack of relevant vocabulary, in
for teachers in the area of CT. Teachers
particular, but the students’ reluctance
need to have a clearer understanding of
to participate may indicate more than
CT, but importantly they also need to
just a paucity of vocabulary. They may
know what it really means to teach for
be tongue-tied because they do not how
CT: what classroom practices support
to respond to the teacher’s questions, or
CT; what tasks can be used to engage
what is expected when they are asked
students in critical thinking; what kind
for “an opinion”. CT, although it is at
of scaffolding is needed to enable them
root a basic human skill does not just
to achieve these tasks successfully; and
happen: it needs nurturing and | DOI: 133-139

P-ISSN: 2356-1777, E-ISSN: 2443-0390 | This is an open access article under CC-BY-SA license
IJEE (Indonesian Journal of English Education), 9 (1), 2022

how to assess students’ development of challenging textual material. This kind

CT skills and dispositions. of scaffolding can be planned into a
lesson sequence. Teachers also need to
Professional development
build skills in what Hammond and
programs also need to take into careful
Gibbons call “contingent scaffolding”.
consideration the barriers to teaching
This is the “on-the-spot” ability to ask
CT which were identified by the
questions that push students towards
respondents in this survey. In order to
deeper CT. Defianty and Wilson’s
support students with low language
(2020) research found that EFL teachers’
skills and lack of exposure to CT,
ability to ask such questions was
teachers need to understand the
concept of “scaffolding”. According to
Hammond and Gibbons (2005), Importantly, the teaching of CT
scaffolding involves both “high needs to be made explicit. Abrami et al.
challenge” and “high support”. They (2008) in a meta-analysis of 117 studies
advocate the use of high challenge tasks of CT instruction should follow the
which extend the students’ abilities and “infusion” approach in which CT
engage students of all abilities within learning objectives are explicitly
the class. Project-based learning, communicated to students. In a later
debates, and essay-writing, as study, Abrami et al. (2015) found that
mentioned by the respondents in the effective strategies for teaching CT
survey, can all be all good examples of included exposure to authentic
high challenge tasks. However, it is problems and examples, rich
crucial that students are also provided opportunities for dialogue and on-
with plenty of support so that they can going support.
achieve these high challenge tasks
Professional development activities
successfully. High support can be
need to be enriched with achievable
“designed-in” if teachers prepare
models of good practice. Teachers need
stimulating input material, thought-
to be to see how CT pedagogies can be
provoking questions, and carefully
implemented in Indonesian contexts,
sequenced sub-tasks which build the
including with large classes and in rural
language resources and CT skills that
and regional areas. This suggests that
are necessary language resources for
further research is needed to identify
rich participation. For example, they
examples of good practice that can
may benefit from analysing model
serve to inspire EFL teachers and help
texts, or from engaging with visual
them to recognize how teaching for CT
material before engaging with more

134-139 | DOI:

P-ISSN: 2356-1777, E-ISSN: 2443-0390 | This is an open access article under CC-BY-SA license
IJEE (Indonesian Journal of English Education), 9 (1), 2022

can be enacted in contexts similar to developed. Good professional

theirs. Such models could assist development with a focus on practical
teachers to develop their own applications in the classroom, as well as
repertoires of practice that will enable assessment strategies for CT, has the
them to infuse their pedagogy with CT. potential to enable Indonesian teachers
of English to infuse their teaching of
English with critical thinking.
Hence the study suggests that there
This study has lent further support is a need for further research focusing
to previous research (Defianty & on classroom strategies for teaching CT.
Wilson, 2020; Ilyas, 2018; Zainudin, Teachers would benefit from real-life
Vianty & Inderawati 2019) which has examples of how teachers can
shown that, although ELT teachers in successfully integrate CT into their
Indonesia are familiar with some of the pedagogy. In particular, it would be
terminology from the literature on CT, useful to have more examples of the use
their understandings may still be of scaffolding as a pedagogy to support
“fuzzy”. In addition, the data suggests the development of CT, including
that teachers have a limited repertoire strategies for developing students’
of pedagogical strategies for CT, and in language resources and at the same
particular, that they lack understanding time engaging students in critical
of how to assess CT. The sample group thinking activities. Further, future
for the study was biased towards research should focus on productive
teachers who were committed to strategies for assessing CT, both
quality teaching and who had an formatively and summatively.
interest in CT, so the findings may be
somewhat optimistic as a portrait of
ELT teachers nationwide, and given
that CT has been mandated in Abrami, P.C., Bernard, R.M.,
Indonesia for more than a decade, it is Borokhovski, E., Wade, A.,
concerning that these teachers were still Surkes, M.A., Tamim, R. &
limited in their understanding of Zhang, D. (2008) Instructional
interventions affecting critical
pedagogies for CT.
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fairly positive view of CT in ELT in Educational Research 78 (4) ,
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understandings of CT, albeit not well- | DOI: 135-139
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