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It is the kind of fallacy that appeals to pity or emotions of the listener or audience in order to favor on
one’s proposed argument/s as true.
A. Argumentum Ad Bacculum
B. Argumentum Ad Misericordiam
C. Argumentum Ad Hominem
D. Argumentum Ad Populum
2. The belief on the cycle of births is very common in Hinduism. It is also known as _______.
A. Atman
B. Brahman
C. Karma
D. Samsara
3. Hinduism believes that the soul is imprisoned in the body. Why?
A. The body limits the soul.
B. The soul is inside the body.
C. The body is not eternal.
D. The soul is not body’s property.
4. The science of beauty in its various manifestations - including the sublime, comic, tragic, pathetic and
A. Aesthetic
B. Epistemology
C. Ethics
D. Metaphysics
5. Which of the following belongs to the group of Greek “triumvirate”?
A. Aristotle, Plato, Thales
B. Plato, Socrates, and Anaximenes
C. Aristotle, Heraclitus, Socrates
D. Socrates, Plato, Aristotle
6. Philosophy comes from two Greek words “Philos and Sophos” that mean.
A. Love of being
B. Love of reason
C. Love of ethics
D. Love of wisdom
7. It is the branch of philosophy that explores the nature of moral virtue and evaluates human actions.
A. Aesthetics
B. Logic
C. Ethics
D. Metaphysics
8. The following are the objective definition of philosophy, EXCEPT.
A. Science
B. Study of Consciousness
C. Study of all things
D. Study of Natural Light of Reason
9. It is a branch of philosophy that deals with the study of the first cause of all things. Aristotle also called
it as “the first philosophy”.
A. Aesthetic
B. Logic
C. Ethics
D. Metaphysics
10. “It is impossible for a thing to be and not to be at the same time,” expresses.
A. Principle of Excluded Middle
B. Principle of Non-Contradiction
C. Principle of Identity
D. Principle of Sufficient Reason
11. The distinction between the knower and known is essentially artificial for the _______.
A. Eastern Philosophy
B. Western Philosophy
C. Medieval Philosophy
D. Both A & B
12. The term “Logic” comes from the Greek word, which is __________.
A. Logikere
B. Logos
C. Logike
D. Loikeli
13. He is a Socratic Philosopher who claims that “everything is water”.
A. Anaximenes
B. Heraclitus
C. Demetrius
D. Thales
14. The Greek word for Epistemology is called _______, which means knowledge.
A. Epesteme
B. Episteme
C. Episkeme
D. Epistemerare
15. “what we experience in the physical world with our five senses is real” who said this?
A. Aristotle
B. Socrates
C. Plato
D. Heraclitus
16. According to Hinduism, “Man has dual nature, ie. ________.
A. Action and spirit
B. Empirical and Spiritual
C. Duty and Enlightenment
D. Pleasure and Wealth
17. President Duterte had stated his third presidential address among Filipinos last July of last year. Schools
around Quezon City were affected for having no classes. Others are affected as well, for having no
jeepneys to ride back home. What a sad experience back then.
A. Argumentum ad Ignorantiam
B. Hasty Generalization
C. Argumentum Ad Populum
D. Post Hoc
18. Which of the following does NOT belong to the group?
A. Atman
B. Karma
C. Moksha
D. Vishnu

19. Humanity suffer to congenital ignorance that can only be elucidated with the help of ________ .
A. Atman
B. Moksha
C. Karma
D. Vedas
20. Buddha wants to reach “a perfect bliss or state where suffering does not exist”, that is called ____ .
A. Brahman
B. Moksha
C. Nirvana
D. Mahabharata
21. Buddha (in his persistence to reach Enlightenment) tries to answer the question on _______ .
A. Life
B. Money
C. Suffering
D. Wandering
22. Mayor Estrada had a clean-up drive at Pasig River last year. He was being tapped to see his good
example of starting a kind of ‘change’ in their place. However, everything becomes questionable upon
seeing in media some people who were asked by the mayor to throw garbage into the river so that he can
be video as essentially cleaning the river. What kind of fallacy that this situation belongs?
A. Argumentum ad Bacculum
B. Argumentum ad Misericordiam
C. Argumentum ad Populum
D. Argumentum ad Hominem
23. Hinduism’s goal for every single person is to be free. What does it mean?
A. Freedom of our body to be born rich.
B. Freedom of doing things for our own.
C. Freedom of our soul to be rebirth again.
D. Freedom of doing what we want without restriction.
24. For Hinduism, what is the root of the universe and everything that exist?
25. Lester is known to be legally resident of Marawi City. He happened to transfer to Manila for his
education due to the commotions at his place. Unfortunately, he finds it so hard to be accepted at schools
knowing where he came from. What kind of fallacy does Lester experienced?
A. Composition
B. Equivocation
C. Division
D. Hasty Generalization
26. Continuous cycle of births or Samsara is one of the beliefs in _______ .
A. Ancient Philosophy
B. Oriental Philosophy
C. Greek Philosophy
D. Pre-Socratic Philosophy
27. In Eastern or western thoughts, they believe with the term ‘abundance’ that has become so influential
with the flourishment of their philosophy. Which of the following is NOT an expression of ‘abundance’
of the Easterners?
A. Abundance is NOT a choice.
B. Abundance is to evolve into a higher being.
C. Abundance is NOT what we give, but what we scatter.
D. Abundance is NOT what we keep, but what we give away.
28. He has contributed relevant ideas on phenomenology such as consciousness is intentional, and through
phenomenological reductions, we can see the truth in the thing itself and its appearance.
A. Edmund Husserl
B. Jean-Paul Sartre
C. Hans-Georg Gadamer
D. Martin Heidegger
29. A Filipino terminology that shows the fulfillment of the reason of the heart in practicing interpersonal
and social being of man.
A. Bahala Na
B. Loob
C. Karma
D. Positive and Negative Aspects
30. He is a German Existential Phenomenologist that is commonly known as the Founder of Existentialism.
A. Edmund Husserl
B. Jean-Paul Sartre
C. Immanuel Kant
D. Martin Heidegger
31. Which of the following is INCORRECT?
A. Postmodernism believes that truth is outright.
B. Analytical Tradition, truth is based on person’s consciousness.
C. Logic defines truth as based on critical thinking or logical reasoning.
D. Existentialism believes that truth of things is based on the practice of human freedom.
32. He has mentioned that truth is based on phenomenon, i.e., based in ‘the world of experience.’
A. Edmund Husserl
B. Jean-Paul Sartre
C. Immanuel Kant
D. Martin Heidegger
33. Pre-Spanish Filipino people believe in a Supreme Being that is called _________.
A. Bathala
B. Sinukuan
C. Mallari
D. Lam-ang
34. The following are parts of the three great center of Philosophy in the world, EXCEPT?
A. China
B. India
C. Greece
D. Philippines
35. It is a Spanish tradition that Filipinos take a nap after our lunch break.
A. Sesta
B. Siesta
C. Seista
D. Sista
36. Which of the following best described ‘Epoche or elimination by suspension’?
A. Elimination of the questions on the thing
B. Elimination of the empirical view of things
C. Elimination of the thing itself
D. Elimination of the doubts on things
37. “Gulong ng Palad” in Filipino context blends with foreign philosophical ideas like Indians. Which of the
following does not belong in the group?
A. Juan Tamad
B. Series of ups and down
C. Karma
D. Pilosopo Tasyo
38. It is a Filipino value that indicates “helping others in times of need”.
A. Bahala Na
B. Gulong ng Palad
C. Bayanihan
D. Loob
39. Leah had discussed the proper use of saw. Everyone was so amazed and moved to practice sawing. All
of a sudden, Leah saw her mother. With a smile in her lips, Leah was so glad for teaching the class the
proper use of saw. Which of fallacy does this statement belong?
A. Composition
B. Equivocation
C. Division
D. Post Hoc
40. Ludwig Wittgenstein has arrived to his thesis that language can objectify truth by its responsible and
proper use. The following are the evidences on his thesis, EXCEPT…
A. Truth is socially constructed.
B. Language is socially conditioned.
C. Problems started on the wrong used of language.
D. Responsibility connotes taking one’s action subjectively.
41. The following is TRUE on Heidegger’s notion on being ‘free’, EXCEPT?
A. We should fear the thought of death for it can make us depressed.
B. We should not fear the thought of death for it can make us focus once again.
C. We should not fear the thought of death for it can encourage others to help us.
D. We should fear the thought of death for it allows everything at our last breath.
42. The following examples expresses ‘being free in the light of Heidegger’s Existentialism’, EXCEPT
A. Bernard’s persistence in doing his project.
B. Dianne’s suicide inside her room
C. Clyde’s cowardice in facing her fear.
D. EJ’s successful achievements
43. It is a kind of fallacy that shows inconsistency with the use of a particular term that creates vagueness in
a given statement or logical reasoning.
A. Composition
B. Equivocation
C. Division
D. Post Hoc
44. It is a kind of reasoning that gathers information from specific to general views of things that gives us
probable conclusion.
A. Conductive Reasoning
B. Inductive Reasoning
C. Deductive Reasoning
D. Productive Reasoning
45. An expression of Socrates’ notion on being free.
A. Dishonest Accountant
B. Half-hearted Teacher
C. Frustrated Lawyer
D. Hard-headed student
46. During Socrates Era, he mentioned something about ‘authenticity of oneself’. What is it?
A. Arete
B. Self-knowledge
C. Genuiness of one soul
D. All of the options
47. It is a kind of reasoning that gathers information from specific to general views of things that gives us
certain conclusion.
A. Conductive Reasoning
B. Inductive Reasoning
C. Deductive Reasoning
D. Productive Reasoning
48. He has fortified the essentiality of being free, regardless or power of other people to influence and
coerce our desires, beliefs, and decisions.
A. Edmund Husserl
B. Jean-Paul Sartre
C. Immanuel Kant
D. Martin Heidegger
49. He is the Prince of Sakya Clan in the Kingdom of Magadha that choose to search for the answers to the
riddle of life’s sufferings, disease, old age and death.
A. Siddharta Gautama Buddha
B. Gautama Siddharta Buddha
C. Brahma Siddharta Gautama
D. Atman Gautama Buddha
50. Postmodernism calls us to be practical in doing one’s assessment on the truth of things. Why?
A. Because truth is not absolute
B. Because reason has no limitation
C. Because truth is undefinable
D. Because truth is contested

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