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November 22, 2023

A. Preliminary Activity: Answer the following questions:
1. Does the school have a research agenda?
• Yes they have
2. What are the included in the school’s research agenda?
• Context
• Purpose
• Guiding Principles
• Research Themes
3. Is there a priority for teachers to conduct action research?
• Yes, we can see in the Research theme conceptual framework.
4. What is the focus of their action research?
• Teaching and Learning
• Child protection
• Human resources development
• Governance
5. Is there available funding for this action research?
• None

B. Analysis of Action Research

Examine the previous action research conducted by the teachers. Supply the information needed
in the below table:
Needed Information Data
1. How many action research are conducted Two or more
each year?

2. How many teachers are doing action At most 3

3. What are the topics of their action Focus in Teaching and Learning and Child
research? Protection

4. How many action research were funded by 0

the school or an outside agency?
5. How many action research were funded by 1
the school or an outside agency?

C. Conduct an Interview. Ask the following questions:

1. Are you aware of the action research process?
2. What prompted you to conduct action research?
• Many are non- readers and struggling readers.
3. What are your action research topics?
• Remedial Reading
4. Do you have enough time to conduct action research?
• No, because during my year in conducting action research, I need extra time.
5. Are their incentives for teachers who conduct action research?
• Yes, professional development
6. How did action research improve your teaching practices?
• The action research process has been invaluable in helping me to improve my teaching
practices and to become a more effective teacher.
7. How did action research enhance students’ learning?
• It has taught me the importance of data driven decision making and has enabled me to
make informed changes that have a positive impact on my students learning outcomes.
8. How did you disseminate the results of your action research?
• I used the results of my action research to inform my teaching practices and make
changes to my instructional methods, which helped to improve students learning
outcomes and create a more positive learning environment for my students.

Examine the data you have gathered. Answer the following questions:
1. Do the school and the teacher have a research culture?
• Yes
2. Are the teachers aware of the process in conducting action research?
• Yes
3. How did action research improve the teaching and learning practices in the school?
• Action research improved and teaching and learning practices in school by helping
teachers identify areas for improvement, involving students in the learning process and
creating a culture of continuous improvement.
4. What are the things that could be done to encourage the teachers to conduct action research?
• Show appreciation and support for their efforts
• Encourage collaboration
• Encourage reflection and self- assessment

Write your reflection by completing the following statements:
I realized that:
• Action research can be a powerful tool for improving teaching and learning practices in
the school.
I believe it is essential to:
• It can help to improve teaching and learning practices in school.
From now on, I am determined to:
• Understand action research can help to create a more student-centered learning
environment, where students feel valued and engaged in their own education.

A. Interview some research-teachers using the following questions. Summarize their responses
and write them on the space provided after each question.
1. Who influenced you to conduct action research?
• My self to raise the reading proficiency of high school students on by helping non-readers
2. What prompted you to conduct action research?
• Many are non- readers and struggling readers.
3. What was your experience when you conducted your first action research?
• Difficulty in getting the support from parents of non-readers.
• In terms of TIME, I need extra time for this.
4. How do you disseminate the results of your action research to other teachers?
• School - In service training
• Division - Join the division level presentations at Planta Hotel
• District - Submit final copy to be included in all level contents
5. How does action research help you as a teacher?
• The problem is identified and doing action research - the researcher will find out what
modifications will help to attain the objective (trial and improve)
6. What are the lessons you learned from your action research experience?
• Identify the main cause of the problems and thats will be the focus of the research.
• AR- G1 to G10

B. Interview the principals using these questions. Write his/her answers in the space below.
1. How did action research improve the research culture of the teachers?
• AR improves the research culture of the teacher by liking the AC and appreciating
its contribution to their job.
2. What are the positive benefits of action research to your school?
• Problems and its resolutions/ interventions were scientifically identified and
3. How did action research develop school performance?
• Because of action research, especially those that are directly related to school
performance manifest improvement.
4. How did action research improve the quality of students’ learning?
1. interventions/ innovations w/c are the product of action research develop and improve the
learners performance.
5. What curricular and instructional innovations were developed as a result of action research?
• Mathetenik
• Reading Ambassadors
• Math Park
• Language Avenue

C. Analyze sample action research in school. Read each action research carefully. Select atleast
five action research. Identify the purpose of each research.
Title of Action Research Purposes
Project DESK (Digital Education for Smarter The main purposes of the action research
Kinder): An Intervention Program for study "Project DESK" appear to be centered
around addressing phonological awareness in
Phonological Awareness in the Midst of the context of the pandemic, designing and
Pandemic implementing a digital intervention program,
and assessing its effectiveness in promoting
cognitive and educational development in

Enhancing Student Engagement: A Study on The main purposes of the action research
the Impact of Interactive Teaching Strategies study are likely centered around
in Mathematics Classes understanding, implementing, and assessing
the impact of interactive teaching strategies
with the ultimate goal of enhancing student
engagement and learning outcomes in
mathematics classes.
PROYEKTO REMEDYO PAGBASA: The purpose of this action research study is to
AN INTERVENTION FOR READING not only address the immediate reading
COMPREHENSION OF GRADE comprehension challenges faced by Grade 6
6-PUPILS pupils but also to contribute valuable insights
that can be applied more broadly to enhance
reading instruction and intervention strategies
in educational settings.
FLASHBACK CARD: A BRIDGE TO The action research study aims to understand,
STUDENTS’ LEARNING GAPS AND address, and improve Grade 8 students'
LOSSES IN GRADE 8 MATHEMATICS mathematical competencies by implementing
LEARNING COMPETENCIES” and evaluating the effectiveness of the
Flashback Card intervention.

(TAOCF) TECHNOLOGY The primary purposes of the action research

ASSISTED ORAL CORRECTIVE study are likely centered around improving
FEEDBACK:AN language education practices through the
ENHANCEMENT INTERVENTION strategic use of technology for oral corrective
FOR LISTENING AND SPEAKING feedback in the context of Senior High School

Examine the data you have gathered. Answer the following questions:
Questions Answers
1. How many action research aimed to 3
improve the curriculum content?
2. How many research aimed to improve the 5
3. How many action research aimed to 3
improve students’ behavior and motivation?
4. How many research aimed to improve 2
teaching practices?
5. How many action research were done 2
6. How many action research were 2
disseminated in conferences, seminars or
publications on journals?
7. What percentage of the teachers are doing 5% per year
action research?
8. how many teachers think that research are 100% in EBMNHS
Do you think action research helped a develop a culture of excellence among teachers and
students? Explain your answer.

Write your reflection by completing the following statements:
I realized that:
• Action research can be used to identify areas for improvement in teaching and
learning practices.
I believe it is essential to:
• Understand action research in order to improve teaching and practices.
From now on, I am determined to:
• Be an active participant in the research process and provide feedback and
suggestions to improve my own learning experience.

A. Preliminary Activity. Examine all the available action research conducted within the past two
years. Write the titles and the research questions for each title in the table below.
Title of Research Research Questions
“ LECTURE SERIES TO INCREASE THE 1. What is the level of awareness of students
LEVEL OF AWARENESS OF THE BILL on the Bill of Rights when grouped and in
OF RIGHTS ” terms of:
a. Civil
b. Legal
c. Political
2. What action plan can be recommended
to increase the level of awareness on the Bill
of Rights?

What is the level of awareness on the bill of

rights of students after the conduct of
proposed action plan when grouped and in
terms of :
a. Civil
b. Legal
c. Political
B. Interview the teacher-researcher using these questions. Summarize and write their answers in
the space below.
a.. How did you select your topics for action research?
• I selected my topics for action research by first identifying areas of concern or
interest in my classroom or school.
b. What prompted you to embark on these topics?
• The topics I selected for my action research were prompted by my desire to
improve teaching and learning practices in my school.
c. How did you select the questions for your action research?
• I selected the questions for my action research by first identifying the specific
issues or problems that I wanted to address.
d. How long did you conduct your action research?
• I conducted my action research over a period of several months.
e. What challenges and problems did you encounter while conducting your action research?
• During the conduct of my action research, I encountered several challenges and
problems. One challenge was ensuring that I had sufficient time and resources to
conduct the research, given my other teaching and professional responsibilities.

Examine the data you have gathered. Answer the following questions:
1. Do the topics reflect the educational issues and problems encountered in school?
• Yes
2. Are the research questions aligned with the research topic?
• Yes
3. What could be done to help teachers improve topic selection and the development of good
research questions?
• By providing feedback, offering to help with research, sharing your own interests and
concerns, participating in brainstorming sessions, and encouraging your teacher to
consult with other experts, you can play an active role in helping your teacher improve
topic selection and the development of good research questions for action research
Write your reflection by completing the following statements:
I realized that:
• Selecting topics and questions for action research is a crucial aspect of the research
I believe it is essential to:
• Choose topics and questions that are relevant, meaningful, and engaging for both the
students and the teacher.

From now on, I am determined to:

• To play an active role in helping my teacher select topics and questions for action
research. I will provide feedback and suggestions, offer to help with research tasks, share
my own interests and concerns participate in brainstorming sessions, and encourage my
teacher to consult by with other experts.
A. Preliminary Activity. Analyze previous action research. Look at the alignment between the
following parts of the research.
Research Topics Research Questions Methodology Data Needed
“ LECTURE SERIES 1. What is the level of The action research The action research
TO INCREASE THE awareness of students focused on improving requires data on
LEVEL OF on the Bill of Rights Grade 8 students’ Grade 8 students’
AWARENESS OF when grouped and in awareness of the Bill demographics and
THE BILL OF terms of: of Rights at E. B. their initial awareness
RIGHTS ” a. Civil Magalona National of the Bill of Rights.
b. Legal High School. The Information on the
c. Political study spanned from development and
November 2015 to validation of the
2. What action plan February 2016, research instrument,
can be recommended involving 34 details of the
to increase the level respondents. The intervention (module
of awareness on the researcher conducted and lectures), and
Bill of Rights? a pre-implementation post-implementation
survey, implemented survey results are
3. What is the a two-day lecture essential.
level of series with a module, Additionally, data on
awareness on and post- the content validation
the bill of implementation process, statistical
rights of retested the students, treatments, and any
students after using a researcher- collaboration with
the conduct of made test experts or teachers
proposed questionnaire for analysis should be
action plan validated by three documented for a
when grouped experts to assess comprehensive
and in terms changes in understanding of the
of : awareness. research process
A. Civil
B. Legal
C. Political

B. Evaluate a sample action research based on the following criteria:

Parts of the Research Comments
Introduction • The study traces the historical
• Are the background and rationale clear development of human rights
and logical? protection from ancient codes to
• Is there enough theoretical modern constitutions, with a focus on
background provided for the action the Philippines. It highlights the
research? importance of understanding human
• Do the research questions reflect the rights and the role of education in
variables based on the topic? promoting awareness and protection
• Is the study significant? of these rights.

• The study draws on historical legal

codes such as the Hammurabi Code
and Roman 12 tables, as well as the
current Philippine Constitution, to
provide a foundation for
understanding human rights. It also
highlights the role of the Commission
on Human Rights and the Department
of Education in promoting human
rights education.

• The study aims to assess students'

knowledge of the Bill of Rights in the
Philippine Constitution and their
understanding of the three types of
rights. It also explores the
effectiveness of human rights
education initiatives and legal
provisions in promoting awareness
and protection of human rights.

• The study is important because it

addresses the need for students to
understand their basic rights and the
importance of human rights education
in promoting a culture of respect for
human rights in the Philippines. The
inclusion of legal provisions and
human rights education initiatives
highlights the practical relevance of
the study in the Philippine context.
Review of the Literature and Studies • Unfortunately, the research that has
• Is there enough study to support the been given to us doesn’t have the
research? review of literature and studies. If you
• Does the study include findings of want I will provide you with the
previous research? SS(screen shot) of the table of
• Is there a logical presentation of contents as proof.
literature and studies?
• Is there no plagiarism?
Methodology • The study utilizes action research and
• Is the methodology appropriate for the a survey questionnaire to assess
study? students' knowledge of the Bill of
• Does the study observe ethical Rights. The methodology is
considerations in dealing with the appropriate for the study's goals.
• Are the research tools validated? • The study obtained consent, involved
• Are the data collection procedures the school, and maintained participant
clear? confidentiality. These are important
• Is the data analysis procedure valid? ethical considerations in research
involving human subjects.

• The study validated its research tools,

specifically the questionnaire, through
content validation by experts in the
field. The questionnaire was found to
have good validity, with a score of
3.56 on a scale of 1 to 4.

• The study had clear data collection

procedures, which involved pre-
implementation, implementation, and
post-implementation phases. The
steps, such as crafting the research
instrument, obtaining permission, and
administering the test, were well-

• The study employed statistical

treatments like frequency count and
mean to analyze the data. Involving a
Mathematics teacher for data analysis
added rigor to the process. The data
analysis procedure was valid and
appropriate for the study's goals.
Results of the study
• Is the presentation of the results • It's important to have a clear and
logical and based on the research logical presentation of results,
questions? especially when it comes to
• Is the statistical analysis valid? understanding the effectiveness of
• Are the results triangulated with the educational interventions. By
review of related literature and presenting the results in a way that
studies? aligns with the research questions, it's
easier to see how the intervention had
an impact on students' awareness of
the Bill of Rights.

• Using statistical analysis to quantify

the level of awareness is a great way
to get a clearer picture of how
effective the intervention was. By
using mean scores, you can get a
better sense of the average level of
awareness among students before and
after the intervention, which can help
you understand the extent to which the
intervention had an impact.

• Triangulating your results with the

literature can help you understand the
broader context in which your
findings fit. By referencing
educational policies and goals, you
can get a better sense of how your
results fit into the larger picture of
education and learning. It's also a
great way to identify potential areas
for future research or interventions.
Conclusions and Recommendations Sure, here's a paraphrased version of the chat
• Are the conclusions supportive of the history:
• Are the recommendations made based • The study's conclusions highlight the
on the results of the study? importance of addressing the lack of
• Are the recommendations helpful for attention to the Bill of Rights in
solving educational issues? schools and suggest that lecture series
can be an effective way to improve
students' awareness.

• The study's recommendations are

well-supported by the results and
emphasize the need for broader
dissemination of human rights
education and integration of the Bill of
Rights into various courses to enhance
students' awareness and

• The recommendations provide

valuable insights into how education
can be improved to better equip
students with knowledge of their
rights and responsibilities, which is
essential for creating informed and
engaged citizens.
Examine the data you have gathered. Answer the following questions:
1. Did the action research done follow the standard format?

• Yes, the action research followed a structured approach, which included pre-
implementation, implementation, and post-implementation phases. The research
methodology, data collection, and analysis procedures were carefully planned and
executed to ensure a thorough and rigorous investigation.
2. Are the teachers aware of the standards to be followed in conducting action research?

• It’s unclear whether teachers are knowledgeable about standards, but the thorough
approach and ethical concerns imply that there is some level of awareness or training in
conducting action research.
3. What could be done to help teachers improve the way they conduct action research?

• While it’s unclear whether teachers are aware of the standards for conducting action
research, providing them with training sessions or workshops on the methodologies and
ethical considerations could help enhance their skills in this area. Additionally, sharing
successful examples and offering resources could also be helpful.

Write your reflection by completing the following statements:

I realized that:

• The action research process involves a cycle of planning, acting, observing, and

I believe it is essential to:

• Conduct action research in a way that is respectful and beneficial to the community being

From now on, I am determined to:

* Use the action research process to investigate questions and problems that are relevant to my

Analyze the results of the previous action research conducted in the school. Identify the
recommendations made and what actions were done in relation to the recommendations.
Title of the Study Recommendations Action Taken
“ LECTURE SERIES TO • The government or • The government
INCREASE THE LEVEL OF the Department of should take steps to
AWARENESS OF THE Education should try ensure that the Bill of
BILL OF RIGHTS ” to expend more effort Rights is well-known
in the giving the Bill and understood by the
of Rights the widest public, such as
possible dissemination organizing seminars
through various or workshops to
activities such as educate people about
symposia and their rights.
seminars. • The Bill of Rights
• Bill of Rights must be should be integrated
widely- integrated into various subjects,
with other courses not such as history, civics,
only in Araling and social studies, to
Panlipunan but also provide a
with other subjects. comprehensive
understanding of its

B. List school programs and policies that were developed as a result of action research.
School Programs
• Reading Programs
• Remedial Reading
• Interventions Programs
• Lack of Sessions for Teachers

School Policies
• No changes of school policies

C. List the titles of actin research that were disseminated to other teachers and schools.
Title of the Action Research Type of Dissemination
(Presented in a faculty meeting, presented in a
conference or published)
Project DESK (Digital Education for Smarter Presented in the conference
Kinder): An Intervention Program for
Phonological Awareness in the Midst of
PROYEKTO REMEDYO Presented in a Faculty meeting
FLASHBACK CARD: A BRIDGE TO Presented in a Faculty meeting
(TAOCF) TECHNOLOGY Presented in a Faculty meeting

Examine the data you have gathered. Answer the following questions:
1. Are the results of the action research fully utilized for school improvement?

• Yes, the findings from the action research have been successfully implemented to
enhance school performance.

2. are the results of the action research disseminated to teachers and other schools?

• The findings from the action research have been shared with educators and other
educational institutions.

3. What could be done to help teachers utilize and disseminate results of their action research?
• In addition to sharing the findings from the action research, it’s crucial to provide
ongoing support for teachers, such as training sessions and collaborative platforms, to
ensure that they have the necessary tools and resources to effectively incorporate the
results into their teaching practices.

Write your reflection by completing the following statements:

I realized that:
• Action research can be a powerful tool for improving teaching and learning practices. By
involving teachers, students, and other stakeholders in the research process, we can
identify areas for improvement and develop effective strategies for enhancing educational

I believe it is essential to:

• Provide ongoing support for teachers and students to ensure that they have the necessary
skills and resources to implement the findings from action research. This support can
include training sessions, collaborative platforms, and other forms of professional

From now on, I am determined to:

• Play an active role in promoting the use of action research in my school and community.
I will work with my teachers and peers to identify areas where we can improve our
teaching and learning practices, and collaborate with other schools and educational
institutions to share our findings and learn from their experiences. By doing so, I believe
that we can create a more effective and inclusive learning environment that benefits all
A. Directions: Interview your cooperating teacher. List down five (5) preparation tips being done
by the teacher in planning for a successful classroom instruction.
1. Set specific and achievable learning objectives for the learners. Specify the knowledge and
skills you want them to have at the end of the lesson.

2. Know your learners. Know their individual needs and learning styles, their strength, and
weaknesses. You will find it easier to plan how to interest your students in a lesson if you are
familiar with them.
3. A plan for instruction ought to be flexible and ready for any challenges that may arise.
Consider what difficulties or obstacles the learners might encounter during the lesson and devise
a plan of action to overcome them.
4. Always get ready in advance. Make sure you have adequate time to review your work or
practice the lesson's flow. The amount of revisions you'll have to make to create a
better instructional plan will surprise you.
5. Make plans for interesting and motivating activities. Consider many approaches to introducing
new concepts. Always come up with new strategies to encourage learning.

B. Directions: Through the help of your cooperating teacher, determine how many minutes or
hours does your cooperating teacher prepare the following elements of instructional planning.
1. How many minutes or hours does your cooperating teacher take to prepare a lesson plan? Why
does it take your cooperating teacher that long?
• This will depend on whether or not she has previously taught the topic. If so, 30 minutes
to 1 hour is enough for she would just make a few minor adjustments to her old plan.
However, creating a fresh lesson plan takes more time. And that takes five to six hours.
This is because she would want to create a plan that starts with an activity (Motivation)
that is really appealing and exciting. Compared to other components of the plan, this one
takes up the majority of her time.
2. How many minutes or hours does your cooperating teacher prepare the learning activities for
effective instruction? Why does it take your cooperating teacher that long?
• It takes around 2 hours. The kinds of tasks that learners must do in order to meet the
desired learning outcomes should be taken into consideration while planning learning
activities. So, it would usually take long to create learning activities.
3. How many minutes or hours does your cooperating teacher prepare the instructional materials
needed? Why does it take your cooperating teacher that long?
• An hour is usually enough to prepare the instructional materials due to the availability of
electronic devices and the internet. Additionally, the cooperating teacher is in possession
of an ample supply of necessary instructional materials.

Examine the data you have gathered. Answer the following questions:
A. In your own words, how will you define instructional planning?
• Instructional planning refers to the process of designing and developing a roadmap for
teaching and learning. It involves identifying the learning objectives, selecting
appropriate instructional strategies, and determining the sequence of activities and
assessments that will help students achieve those objectives.
B. Which among the tips on instructional planning is the most difficult to follow? Why do your
think so?
• The most difficult tip on instructional planning to follow may be “identifying the learning
objectives” because it requires a deep understanding of the students’ needs and abilities,
as well as the broader educational goals and standards. It can be challenging to define
clear and measurable learning objectives that align with the curriculum and the needs of
the students.
C. What will happen if the teacher did not prepare for the classroom instruction?
• A teacher’s failure to prepare for classroom instruction can have significant negative
consequences for both the teacher and the students. Effective instructional planning is
essential for creating an engaging, effective, and efficient learning environment.
D. Which among the given tips above is the most important why?
• The most important tip among the given tips is “gathering data on student performance,
analyzing it to identify patterns and trends, and making informed changes to teaching
practices.” This tip is the most important because it allows teachers to make data-driven
decisions that are tailored to their students’ needs.

Write your reflection by completing the following statements:
I realized that:

• The traditional approach to instructional planning, where teachers rely on standardized

curricula and teaching methods, may not always meet the diverse needs of students.

I believe it is essential to:

• Involve students in the instructional planning process to ensure that their needs and
interests are taken into account. This can be done by gathering feedback from students,
observing their behavior and performance, and incorporating their suggestions into the
planning process.

From now on, I am determined to:

• Take a more active role in my own learning by communicating openly with my teachers
about my needs and preferences. I will also strive to be more mindful of my own learning
processes and advocate for myself when necessary. By doing so, I hope to create a more
personalized and effective learning environment for myself and my peers.

A. With the guide of your cooperating teacher, write six (6) instructional objectives composed of
behavior and content following the revised Bloom’s Taxonomy.
Instructional Objective 1 (Remembering)

Sure, here are some possible instructional objectives for a lesson on permutations, aligned with
the topic and the given Bloom’s Taxonomy levels:

Instructional Objective 1 (Remembering):

• Recall the definition of permutation and its notation.

Instructional Objective 2 (Understanding):

• Illustrate how permutations can be used to solve problems, such as scheduling and

Instructional Objective 3 (Applying):

• Apply permutation formulas to calculate the number of possible outcomes in a given


Instructional Objective 4 (Analyzing):

• Analyze the efficiency of different algorithms for solving permutation problems.

Instructional Objective 5 (Evaluating):

• Assess the impact of permutations on real-world scenarios, such as cryptography and data

Instructional Objective 6 (Creating):

• Design and implement a lesson plan or activity that teaches permutations to students.

B. Download the DepEd Curriculum Guide. Select one (1) learning competency for each
component of the revised Bloom’s Taxonomy. Encircle the behavior and box the content in each
learning competency.
Learning Competency 1 (Remembering):

• Recall the definition of permutation and its notation.

Learning Competency 2 (Understanding):

• Describe the process of finding permutations, including the use of factorials and
permutation formulas.

Learning Competency 3 (Applying):

• Apply permutation formulas to calculate the number of possible outcomes in a given


Learning Competency 4 (Analyzing):

• Analyze the efficiency of different algorithms for solving permutation problems.

Learning Competency 5 (Evaluating):

• Evaluate the effectiveness of different teaching methods for permutations, including

hands-on activities and technology-based tools.

Learning Competency 6 (Creating):

• Design and implement a lesson plan or activity that teaches permutations to students.

Examine the data you have gathered. Answer the following questions:
1. What difficulty have you encountered in formulating the instructional objectives using the
revised Bloom’s Taxonomy?
• Formulating instructional objectives using the revised Bloom’s Taxonomy can be a
challenging task, but with careful planning, collaboration, and feedback, it is possible to
create effective and engaging learning experiences for students.
2. What are the components of the DepEd Curriculum Guide? Enumerate and explain each.
As a student, the components of the DepEd Curriculum Guide are:

• Content Standards
• Performance Standards
• Learning Competencies
• Assessment Strategies
• Teaching-Learning Activities
• Learning Resources
• Assessment and Evaluation
• Curriculum Design and Development
• Implementation and Delivery
• Monitoring and Evaluation
The components of the DepEd Curriculum Guide work together to provide a comprehensive
framework for teaching and learning that is aligned with the needs of students, teachers, and
society. They provide a clear and concise outline of the knowledge and skills that students should
acquire, and the methods and tools that teachers should use to support student learning.
3. Which is easier to use in constructing the instructional objectives, Bloom’s Taxonomy or the
DepEd Curriculum Guide? Why?
• The DepEd Curriculum Guide easier to use in constructing instructional objectives
compared to Bloom’s Taxonomy. The DepEd Curriculum Guide provides a clear and
comprehensive framework for teaching and learning, which includes detailed learning
competencies, assessment strategies, teaching-learning activities, and learning resources.
This makes it easier for students to understand what is expected of them in terms of
knowledge, skills, and attitudes, and what methods and tools their teachers will use to
support their learning.

Write your reflection by completing the following statements:

I realized that:
• The DepEd Curriculum Guide provides a clear and comprehensive framework for
teaching and learning, which includes detailed learning competencies, assessment
strategies, teaching-learning activities, and learning resources. This makes it easier for
students to understand what is expected of them in terms of knowledge, skills, and
attitudes, and what methods and tools their teachers will use to support their learning.

I believe it is essential to:

• Use the DepEd Curriculum Guide as a tool for constructing instructional objectives, as it
provides a clearer and more comprehensive outline of what students should know and be
able to do in each subject area at each grade level.

From now on, I am determined to:

• Use the DepEd Curriculum Guide as a reference point for formulating instructional
objectives, and to explore ways to apply the framework in my own learning and in
collaborations with my teachers and peers.

A. With the permission of your cooperating teacher, paste a sample daily or detailed lesson plan.
Answer the following questions below.
1. What are the parts of the sample detailed or daily lesson plan?
- Daily lesson plan,
• Objectives
• Contents
• Learning resources
• Procedures

2. Which among the basic parts of a lesson plan does the sample lesson plan include?
• Objectives
• Procedures

3. What are the other parts of the sample lesson plan which is not included in the basic parts of
the lesson plan?
• Introduction
• Guiding questions
B. Interview your school principal. Ask the following questions:
1. What is the importance of writing a lesson plan?
• A well-crafted lesson plan serves as a roadmap for teachers, outlining the learning
objectives, activities, and assessments that will help students achieve academic success.
A lesson plan helps ensure that teachers are adequately prepared for class, which can lead
to more effective teaching and a more engaging learning experience for students.
2. When do the teachers write the lesson plan, daily or weekly? Why?
• Writing lesson plans weekly helps teachers to stay organized and ensures that they are
adequately prepared for class, which can lead to a more effective teaching and learning
experience for students.
3. How do they check, evaluate and monitor the lesson plans of the teachers?
• With the use various evaluation tools such as teacher evaluations, student assessments,
and peer reviews to monitor the effectiveness of the lesson plans and make necessary

C. With the guidance of your cooperating teacher, write a detailed lesson plan about the next
topic for the class. Paste your detailed lesson plan here.

Examine the data you have gathered. Answer the following questions:
1. What is the importance of writing a lesson plan?
• Writing a lesson plan is important because it helps us understand the learning objectives
and how they will be achieved. It also allows us to organize our thoughts and ideas in a
coherent manner, which enhances our comprehension and retention of the material.
2. In preparing the lesson plan, What is the most difficult part to prepare?
• The most difficult part of preparing a lesson plan as a student is identifying the learning
objectives and determining how they will be achieved. This requires a deep
understanding of the subject matter, as well as the ability to break down complex
concepts into smaller, manageable parts.
3. Which do you think is the most important part of a lesson plan? Why?
• The most difficult part of preparing a lesson plan as a student is identifying the learning
objectives and determining how they will be achieved. This requires a deep
understanding of the subject matter, as well as the ability to break down complex
concepts into smaller, manageable parts.

Write your reflection by completing the following statements:
I realized that:

• Instructional materials play a vital role in the learning process.

I believe it is essential to:

• Use a variety of instructional materials to cater to different learning styles and


From now on, I am determined to:

• Regularly seek feedback from students and peers to refine my teaching approach and
improve student outcomes.

A. Observe your cooperating teacher in one of his/her classes. List ten (10) teaching strategies
that he/she used and determine the level of participation of the students.
Teaching Strategy Level of Participation
1. Lecture Low
2. Discussion High
3. Question and answer Medium
4. Demonstration Low/High
5. Gaming/Quiz Medium
6. Brainstorming High
7. Assignment High
8. Seminar Medium
9. Team teaching Low
10. Project High
B. Explain the guiding principles in selecting and using appropriate teaching strategies.
1. Learning is an active process.
• In recognizing that learning is an active process, effective teaching strategies should
engage students in activities that encourage participation, critical thinking, and
application of knowledge.
2. The more senses that are involved in learning, the more and the better learning.
• Acknowledging that the involvement of multiple senses enhances learning, educators
should employ diverse teaching strategies that incorporate visual aids, hands-on
experiences, and interactive discussions to optimize the learning process.
3. Emotion has the power to increase retention and learning.
• Harnessing the impact of emotion on learning, educators should create a positive and
supportive classroom environment, incorporating emotionally engaging content and
activities to enhance retention and overall comprehension.
4. Learning is meaningful when it is connected to students’ everyday life.
• To make learning meaningful, teachers should relate concepts to students’ everyday life,
fostering connections that help learners see the relevance and applicability of the
knowledge being imparted.
5. Good teaching goes beyond the recall of information.
• Beyond mere recall, effective teaching involves promoting deep understanding and
application of concepts, encouraging students to analyze, synthesize, and critically
evaluate information for a more comprehensive learning experience.
6. An integral teaching approach is far more effective than teaching isolated bits of information.
• Opting for an integral teaching approach that interconnects various topics fosters a deeper
understanding of the subject matter, as opposed to teaching isolated pieces of
information, promoting a more holistic and interconnected learning experience.

Examine the data you have gathered. Answer the following questions:
1. Based on your observations, what is the common level of participations of the students to the
teaching strategies used by the teacher?
• It’s important for teachers to recognize that each student has their unique learning style
and preferences, and to incorporate a variety of teaching strategies to meet the diverse
needs of their students. By doing so, teachers can foster a more inclusive and engaging
learning environment that encourages active participation and promotes academic success
for all students.
2. Which among the guiding principles of selecting and using teaching strategies is the most
important? Why?
• I believe that the most important guiding principle of selecting and using teaching
strategies is to consider the diverse needs and learning styles of all students. This is
because every student has their unique way of learning and processing information, and a
good teacher should be able to recognize and accommodate these differences. By doing
so, the teacher can create an inclusive and engaging learning environment that promotes
active participation and academic success for all students.
4. Why do teachers need to use various teaching strategies?
• Teachers need to use various teaching strategies because each student has their unique
learning style and preferences, and a single strategy may not effectively engage and teach
all students. By using a variety of strategies, teachers can reach and teach students with
different learning styles, promote active participation, and foster a more inclusive and
engaging learning environment.

Write your reflection by completing the following statements:

I realized that:
• Teachers need to consider the diverse needs and learning styles of all students when
selecting and using teaching strategies.

I believe it is essential to:

• Use a variety of teaching strategies to reach and teach students with different learning
styles, promote active participation, and foster a more inclusive and engaging learning

From now on, I am determined to:

• Encourage my teachers to use a range of teaching strategies that cater to my individual
learning style and preferences, and actively participate in class to ensure that I am getting
the most out of my education.

A. List the top 10 most used instructional materials of your cooperating teacher in his/her
Top 1: Interactive whiteboards and markers
Top 2:Laptops and tablets for student use
Top 3:Online educational resources and websites
Top 4:Printed textbooks and workbooks
Top 5:Digital textbooks and e-books
Top 6:Educational apps and games
Top 7: Multimedia presentations and videos
Top 8: Online assessment and grading tools
Top 9:Collaborative software and tools (e.g. Google
Top 10: Traditional teaching aids such as flashcards, posters, and diagrams.

B. Evaluate an instructional material (IM) used by your cooperating teacher using the checklist
Evaluation of Instruction Material
Preview YES NO N/A
1. Did your cooperating teacher check in advance:
a) that he/she has not used too many IMs;
b) that he/she has not used too few IMs; and
c) that his/her instructional materials worked?
2. Can the IM be seen or heard?
3. It is used for too long or not too long enough?
4. Is the instruction clear (Does it aid learning)?
5. Will it work (blackout, bulbs, leads)?
6. Is there a logical sequence?
7. Is the time for use about right?
8. Can it be misinterpreted?
9. Is there enough or too much variety?
10. Is there enough or too much color?
11. Is it well made?
12. Has your cooperating teacher invited the cooperation of the
13. Does it attract attention?

14. Has your cooperating teacher decided how it will be introduced?

15. Does it supplement verbal information?

16. Does it hold information?

17. Is it challenging for the students?

18. Does it consolidate learning?

C. Explain the guiding principles in selecting and using instructional materials.

1. All instructional materials are aids to construction. They do not replace the teacher.

• This principle highlights the fact that instructional materials are meant to support the
teacher’s role in facilitating learning, rather than replacing them. Teachers should not rely
solely on instructional materials to deliver instruction, but rather use them as tools to
enhance their teaching and promote student learning.

2. Choose the instructional material that best suits your instructional objectives.

• When selecting instructional materials, teachers should consider the specific learning
objectives they want to achieve and choose materials that align with those objectives.
This ensures that the materials are effective in supporting student learning and helps to
avoid using materials that may not be relevant or useful for the lesson.

3. If possible use a variety of tools.

• Using a variety of instructional materials can help to keep students engaged and
motivated, as well as cater to different learning styles. This principle encourages teachers
to use a range of materials, such as videos, interactive simulations, and hands-on
activities, to promote active participation and foster a more inclusive and engaging
learning environment.

4. Check out your instructional material before class starts to be sure it is working properly.

• Before using any instructional material in class, teachers should ensure that it is in
working order and ready for use. This includes checking for technical issues, ensuring
that all necessary components are available, and testing the material to ensure that it
functions as intended. This helps to avoid any potential disruptions or delays during class

1. What is the importance of using the appropriate instructional materials in the class?
• The importance of using appropriate instructional materials in the class is to ensure that
students receive information in a way that is engaging, accessible, and tailored to their
learning needs.
• Yes, the top 10 most used instructional materials of my cooperating teacher engage
multiple senses, including visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learning. For example, videos
and hands-on activities engage the visual and kinesthetic senses, while discussions and
group work engage the auditory sense.
2. what common instructional materials does your cooperating teacher use in hi/her classes?
• My cooperating teacher uses a variety of instructional materials, including textbooks,
educational videos, online resources, and hands-on activities.
3. Do the top 10 most used instructio9nal materials of your cooperating teacher use more than
one sense?
• Yes, the top 10 most used instructional materials of my cooperating teacher engage
multiple senses, including visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learning. For example, videos
and hands-on activities engage the visual and kinesthetic senses, while discussions and
group work engage the auditory sense.

Write your reflection by completing the following statements:

I realized that:
• The importance of selecting appropriate instructional materials lies in their ability to cater
to diverse learning needs, engage students, and promote effective learning outcomes.

I believe it is essential to:

• Choose materials that are relevant, up-to-date, and align with the curriculum, while also
considering the diverse learning styles and needs of students.
From now on, I am determined to:
• Collaborate with my cooperating teacher and other educators to identify and utilize a
variety of effective instructional materials that cater to multiple senses and promote
engaging learning experiences for all students.

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