22 Dec 2022 Class 10 & 11

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KEEP NAT Cycle can substantially help to 1

BEFORE PE .. BURE addms the environmental Issues as It ls a I

l\l '
no-pollution vehicl,. Many developed coun· :
INTERESTS "\ - · - trl,s are using cycl@s on a luge scale. While 1

NR MURTH \ In India It Is known as a poor man's vehicle, It should :

I :, Narwy1111
Murthy ha
~ ·•

be our aim to ll'insform this Into a rich man's vehicle.
" It needs to be mad, a 'passion' from 'fuhlon', lei us
make cycling a part of our Ille for a Green and
healthy Earth
Q) :

urvo,I sb1Nnt1 to wn t_, -.roYIIMJ • M1nsukh M1nd1viy1, Union htollh minister :

tilt pmllllnf condlt1oll1 In tilt country,
lddl1141 11111 It WIS thtlr l'tlponslblllty to ,,_. ------------------------------------------------·
111 I ..... rullty", "In lndll, rullty -
coma,tlon. dirty IONI Ind poftutloft 1110ft1j
otlltr llllmJL Thtnlon, It II your rupoa,11111·
lty to crult 11111 nn runty; ht told mi-
_ ,...._ ear-old Cherisha Chanda
dents I I Giil lnstltutt ol Tldlnoloqy <&lllm
It RljlmIn Vllilnlqlnm district. Oft Its
Sliver Jutlllee Yw ctltllmlons. YOUIIQ peop1t
, /v ~ •
dwjns ~ Eco Teen Pageant
' "'- \,
"'°"Id ue, 1 lllndstt to brtncJ 1bovt t a;.,,.,,,,,,=~ - Seventeen- year-old Indian teenager Cherisha Chanda has won the
clll1191 In IOCltty 111d llllloft lltlon ptf'IOIIII
lnt1rt11J, ht llrtuld. ,< , Miss Eco Teen Pageant. She is the first Indian woman to win the
' coveted crown... ,
Atrue leader does not
wait for anybody else of th• world's l•rv•st bffuty
to take responsibility. Imagine
yourself as a leader, and don't
lest, Miss Eco r..n, 1115 lb
ldquort•rs In Eqypt. Thff• or•
p.1rtlclp.1t1119 n1tlons In Ult
tltlon. Ch<rislll Ch1ncll,
-- .

wait for anyone else to take DIYI 2021's runner-up,

it. Reality is what you hOffll to roprosont
In the MIS5 Eco
make it

n\arging UNS
............... ~'
pessimistic ab
---·--- .................

N secretary 1enenl An-
tonio Gutern-s uld on
Monday that the possl•
bUlty or onlarelng the
Security CouncU ls now ~scrlous•
ly on lhe table" but expressed pes•
slmlsm over the tASue of right or
veto bolni add..rftsed. Guterres was
The UN chief added th•t rerorm of the Security
Council no•ds two-thirds of tho vot•s ol the
G•nml Assembly plus tho llv• positIv• vol•• of
th• p•rm• n•nt membm of tht Security Council -
Chln1, Fram, Russi•. UK and :~·- us
~•~ t~
J}1.'~1tl ~ .
'f~~J ll\t!'t~~-,
' •"fi.111•·
9 v•n th•
Tht reclpltnt b

unity to portklp.1t•
1dlnly In UNEP
KIin wltll lltr
.................. ............
111.111 ...... l'llllc-ll

c:.llr-.Wl(IJjct ...


respondln,:: too questlon during

his end or yl'ar press conference
on UN Sec-urlty CouncU reform to
make the UN body mon:- nt for pur
poaeto dooJ with er!~ such as the
A c-,,1 -
UNSC-iot~ .....
tllltUNroltnll11111ttn Tht nllllbtr of dusty n>dl
WhatsApp working

=~ M
Ukraine war, He added that there
was a proposal f'rom t'rnnce nnd
tho UK some tlm" nli,-u ror some re-
strictions tn the use or thl" right of
veto. "Out I remoln pess lmlsclc
... , _ _ tllt
"" ,,.."IIIN4 ·"-•
1MllllON tillt fttw Into spa dlr-
ln'I NASA's DART mtsslan.
Ion new 'kept
about the po!-slblllty of lhe rlwh t
• of Vt!lo to be seriously put Into
question," he sold
FACTOID ,·ra-owneJ messaging plar/on11

A dedicated fund to halt and ■ The DART spacecr,ft smashed Into Dlmorphos while
tr1vellnq 14,000 milts per hour and sl ue~ the- asteroid he-ad·on
■ The- space probt used ktnttlc Impact. 11thich involvts sendi11q
Dlmor""'5- Tht Doublt
Amn,ld flldrlctlon 1"t
(DAIT) on s.,,ttmbtr 26
I \VhutsApp is reportruly working on u
rrdrsignrd 'k,pc m=iges·ft-ocun, on
Android, wl,ich wiU giw users rhe ability 10 kttp or

reverse biodiversity loss one or mort l1rqe, hlqh·speed spuecraft into the path of an
approachlnq ntar-Nrlh object
ilto, tht lnljtctory ol t
undo a k,pc nlt'SSII/!", \Vieh 1he new fev.Curt, ir will
be possible to ke,p a disoppev.ri"8 m,ssai,., Co

ilffl Is on .,...1 nttd tocn•t• • cltdJc,tod fund to 111111 ~ COIII'
trtts sucms1ut1y lmplt,Mftl I post-2010 91obal I r - ' lo 11111 and
rM<W-..Jtr loss, lndll ills Slid It lilt UN -rslly codfflfl<t,
popu11rty - a, cor,5, cwrtfltly btlnq 11tW In MontrNI. c-dL "Indio Is
■ Before the impact Dimorphos took 11 hours and SS minutes
to clrclt Its parent asteroid. Oidymos
hwntous lsltrold
hNdtd for £trth
Iprevmt its expirucion. reports ll'A&culn/o. 'lhe
n1('SS(Jjting platfonn is worki"8 on bringi"8 this
fean,n, for a /urure up.Jar, ofthe appliruli0tL

flllylllllOIIIINto..U.,dostfylllt tllllllt,-U.,sotllllwnll~lolll1aqo ut
•-atdrNilstlcGlobal-..rslt yrr-tiltC0,15," Unlon--, HUMAN'S FIRST
• MS! atd clnllt1,___,,"""1ldr11• SIMI on s.turdly In hbllldms to
■ DAIT Is tht WVl!d'• 111st pllMllry
FRAMEWORK? dlflta test mlssJon.
■ TIit Globol loclwnlty lllllllW0R Is I Pl1t' ■ 1 1 ~ 1Sllefflttlhltcmhlcl
pos,,l rw s,t" 1a9f1s Ind oolls to hilt nf Into tht SIIIIII moonltl 11tll'Old
• rMnt bioclwnlty toss. Tlffl 11M bNn
Dlmor!ihOS, which onlts I llrQtr COlllpll1" U1t11lotlltcomon.ttlonunu-,1
In tllf ConlnOn llut lltllmftllllld
lltsponslliltlt (CIOR) nf
Ion asttrold cJlltd Dldymos
■ TIit Slltflltl lnltn- l'ltlln-. tht 1 diuPPH~"9 MIJ09t or undo I ktpt
11t""91 lly Yilwl"' tfllt - - optloft.
Clmntfr, 196 CIIUllb1ts ft
=== tlonllly cmlled Into tht


DlnlorJlhos ts lbout 525 Ml
--r11II• •IIIIIJllill::I c111ntJt In DlnlorJlhos'

JtclDly-llttlwd by
l3 mJnutts■ This dtmonstr1tlon of
_,,lltlleyundo1.,_t,...1141,t lllt
....... will tulOffiltkllly bt Nltttd for
tftri- tod It will not bt 110111111t to

. _. .
rtcowr It, tlll , - t IIIL
Nr11tr 11111-._ tllt 111111411141
111opt111 ■ 1pmdplt
In 1992. IICIIUlllrlts
t-, Md ~ II doesn't pose I dlnoer pllaftlrY dtltnce wlll lnlona fvturt
ID Elrth. NASA Wits ID -.1111 lllulons 11111 could 011t Illy SIVI C.rtb
utfflld's llttlld orllll clUMd by 1111 col- from I dHdly llttrold Impact
3 _.., •Ulltt -
nn '111p-
pLttfonl W 1ttrtld t9 roll NI I
OIi Alldrold Nto.

Tht NW lhortart II pl.tctd wltllln tilt

lslon ■ 11o1111t II I Nit of --,.eta ......
■ ~obsanltloftlflanlt:lrtl t- Ndll•,i.taJ--,aclllr
IIINll lllitbllllllcapas•........, .... Sllln
4 Stontt' MCtloo - 11 _..., ti

• I I
02 Chemistry states the more energy you put Into a
bond, the harder It is to break.

Guest edition
.:. ...BL~GA1\1R.U

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STAYING AlERT Decoding Genetics
='':·:- t ·.s ... · •,: :~t:e C:,... · .,: ·:: \\·'ITH LIVE
WI '- f,'"1;_5 ' ,•ri': t ,...
5,-.,: •-,: 1: .. ·,.: S..: ♦.! .. J"'.: 1
TRACKING i i i i
0 'i • :. i
.: h :,~ : .:S.S \ j !'-f-~-. t:
• .:~~ ;.,": !'Sy:,~: l"j~ ~ •ot
";i tii • •
=~ t,·,: .-.s.:~-- ;~ :'"f .: ..°!.)"':"-!:,:,;, Q he study of life Is called bloloqy - the field of natural
ii,.:.Sr-:._·~ a!S :~1:;i·,i-.:. lie
r.?-.: :---.: 5;,.:.,_"5..., ~-:cr!::-::-o; t:'l Scr.ool be~ equip~ with a trac~er
e-OfencinQ IS IM
T science. It is a broad domain that unifies several
other themes into a single, coherent field. The cell ls
the basic unit of life for any li'linq orqanlsm. Cells process
t..J.•: ::,_.... !;."!."-:,,::~

r--reatres ~ Gsetting up boundaries

for a trac..,r-r b-e\·or-j t1. ..,,:ri
hereditary information encoded In the genes. The latter Is
what is called the study of genetics. This class Xchapter is
Ltre trac\ing o! S1uetooth Tracker

: GETTING STARTED~ 1f tmelled. a, auto-ge,e·· Automation designed such that it sparks the curiosity of students.
• We used a Bluetooth ated messaqe ~,11 be tr,g·
qered. alerting parents. Here are a few tips for stude nts
tracker, smart phone GPS _ _t_o _leam genetics efficiently
and a smart phone to For instance 1! the rarent
Integrate the software and
the hardware.
• Our automation was
.·' _J
has set a radius cf cne km
around the school as
ge-0fence and 1f the student
• Build-up your genetics
vocabulary: There are so
many new and content-spe-
crosses this threshold, then cific words which you have
designed keeping affordabili· a iressaqe '"" be sent to never heard anywhere else.
ty in mind. We designed the Tension-free Parents the parent alerting about them with those of other
Bluetooth tracker this incident. • Spend a little time students. This can be done
reviewing or skimming in groups.
automallon for children who
·. . -.·- -, .. -- . ., r -·- .,. . •~ through Cell Theory or how
do not have smart phones. • Distinguish between
The trackers are not very -_,, ., ..•. ..'.l,.CHALLENGES,,mu~ui: DNA is structured.
inherited and learned traits
expensive and cause no \11 te, ·•e st~:te-i ..,,xalilQ oo the l)fOfKI '" N,rendra Modi. The projKI wiS a htJQe hrt a~d i • To explore Mendel's by creating a "family tree
pea theory in more depth,
distraction making them n r.c;! JCS! ~:n'.t SfUSll proqramminq. So"~ ~amered apll«(iation from the eucutire p:mel
I • • ••
solve a series of genetic
of traits", using handprints.
Ideal to carry to school. t.c-e<.l ""3'l'f t,if!O!lties.. n-..n "~ times ,.hen of the nodal centll! at Si~kim 11in1pal lnstrtute of
• For those who have a tr.. pm;Kt cac.>e to a standstiD or triSlled. But TechnolOQY. We won a cash pn:e of Rs 25000.
rt gave us immenst wtisfaction to
I~ mysteries.
• Group Discussion:
• Traits Bingo Activity: In
this review activity, cross
smart phone, we designed a tmxlq!t ois rel·e<:ltess efhxts ind quidan<e of off or colour bingo squares
o-s tea~~;s. "' qd t~e ~tct-l'jpe worunq. contnbute to society, ensunng peace of mind Genetics lesson would not In response to questions
smart phone automation.
-«e snon,:as~ rt at the Smirt India for parents and sa"tv of children usinq our location-based alert of be complete without a about their traits.
• We carried out real-time debate on the ethics of
HKl.ltr-0n tZ02ZI lll.ltJQUlated Oy Pnme Minister SAV4Secure •utomalion. Smartphone Automation
testing to ensure that genetic modification. • Take a quiz: Self-
the alerts were on time automat,M tiat "' ha1e based auto·qenerated messages to Assessment at the end of
WHY THIS Thedes,;ic,ed
cses tne r a~ V. v
~c Jeter·
the parent makinq the ~hole
process hands-free.
• Exf)loll! the varieties of
Punnet! Square: Ahelpful tool
the chapter.
On the completion of
that l)ll!dicts the variations
SALIENT rr ire t,,e c..:rrt' ~t 1\.e The parent need not and probabilities that can this lesson, you will be able
FOR THOSE go to anv arp manu· to give a basic explanation
FEATURES :,:.ca1 1ci ct tf"e come from cross bll!edinq.
CARRYING A sra 1 t~h(%? ,,h1Ci ally to chec. the live· of heredity, dominant and
. • Provides llvt tracking cc ... es prc·11sta:,ej INat,on as our acp • Take an Inventory of your recessive genes and can
PHO ~E WHEN own easily-observable
·~ l' ' •--~v,a:p
- -.-.
-buedaler\s 'TH F V 1: .-... ~ _ 1 l I c;,.
1, ' se"lj a1ert r'T'('S·
~ ,F describe how a Punnett
u1a1tlc traits and compare "Squire Is used.
;;, n 11 ~n v h t.lu. dnll lr'it' IU,\l)01dl1un ma,.es th1\ v-no1e
• Glvts lim~ fr; me-based - 1s tngoered 11n,:n senos locattcn· llOIIWSltllATl£Llll. \c\tnte lat ult;- ' ': -..~
LOCATIOii? process Automated'
""iiollftc'it1ons. ... Alts M1qn~tt1 lluru\l Pubr1c Sthoo\, aen,,i.ruh·~
. ~~k
Sl!IISH UHUI. HUUDII, ci.n IIL A[CS lll tntlli IIMlwtJ Mlic Sct.iot l tnQtllaru
ngland defcaled Pakistan

had , urr~roo adrruruitlcoollapsc in lhelr pointments. ln their first Tost series
by eight wicket.\ In the n- !iLICOOd !Ming which saw them lase lhclr
nnl Tosi of lhe t.lm.,e.match In Pakistan since 2005. they de-
Inst 1 wickets for sz runs. extending their stroyed a frnglle PaJd.st.anl team.
series to complete n 3-0 lood too paltry 166-run whJch wns nev- Pakistan now has a shor1 turn-
clean sweep nner 1heir er going to be enough ogalnst the rree- around before their Boxing Dny
comprehensive perform- nowing English b.::ittlng line-up. Oebu-
Mee throughout tJ1e series here nt the match against New Zealand.
Ulnt Rehnn Ahmed was the wrecker-in-
Nallona1 Stadium, Karachi on T u ~ chief a. he scalped Ove wickets and
Pakistan sufTen..'d thelr Clrst series while-
wash on home soil aner the English
made an excellent start to h.ls Test ca- REMOVING FEAR OF
roer. Following the final match of his ll-
tcom pln)'cd nn amazing brand or ag- lustrlous career for Pakistan, Azhar All FAILURE HELPED
grcssh·e cricket to trounce them thrice was cheered off the field while holdlng England hend conch Brendon Mc-
In the Tust series. On the fourth morn- a souvenir stump. The rormer Pakistan Cullum said removing the fear or
lnG In Karachi, EncJand l'<'qulred38 min- captain appeared, ln 97 Tests and scored rnnure has helped tho talent in his
utes to flnlsh orr a dcclslveelght-wick- '1fS1 runs at 42.49, including 19<X!nturlcs. 1eam come through aner they be-
et victory, eventually reaching their Harry Brook. who amassed '168 runs ln came I.he first Test side to complete
fow'th-lnnlngsto.rget of 167ln28.IOvt?rS. Ove lnn1ngs to lead the tour. was dcclnn:!d a 3-0 whitewash in Pakistan on Tues·
Player of the Series after scoring throe da}I. England comfort.ably chased a tar·
STOKES, DUCKETT SHINE hundreds in the series. SlnccStokesand get or 167 to win the third and final
Brendon McCulhun took over as cap. match in Karachi. adding 10 their wins
Afier an unsuccessful bid to win the taln and coach, respectively, England in Rawalpindi and Multan The high•
third Test in three days, England were hns won nine om of ten Test matches, risk hlgh•reward approach that has
a llttlc more cautious on the fourth a remarkable turnaround from a run of brough t England nine wins from 10
morning, but sUU took only ILi oven Just one victory in 17 prior to their ap. Tests has been dubbed 'Dazball' in a
to complete the clean sweep with cap. nod to McCullum's style but the New
tain Ben Stokes undefeated on 35 a.tone Zealander shlfied the credit to new cap- ~ •.. i • • 'a •• ,j
end w hlle Duckett with unbeaten 82 tain Oen S1okes. "The side Is very much ·,:.
runs, at the otherC'lld. England reswned In the image or 1he skipper," McCul-
their inning on the fourth day at 112-2,
wtth Stokes at 1s• and Duckett on-so•.
lum said. "He wants the guys to go out
there and play with as much rreedom
~ . -- .
The duo took England to victory with- as they can. He has Identified that talc·
in an hour only requiring close to 12 ing a\\•ay that pressure and rear or ran.
overs ror the remalnlng 55 runs. 1n an ure allows the talent to come out."
incredibly spectacular return to Test That fearlessness ts not limited to !
crlcket.. Duckett continued to sweep, the pitch. After a shirt bo had signed
reverse-sweep, and paddle-sweep Abrar
Ahmed whl1e Stokes aet the tone by
muscling the third ball he faced
for a ro.n got stuck on a chain link fence
on Monday, the 41-year-old head coach
scaled the barrJer 10 retrieve It and
~\ ·: ;...: ;,~ ·._

throua,h midwlckeL Earlier, Pak.lslan throw it over the other tide...-

~ r . . -· ------~<3i<:◊>-E>,--- -
-- oQ~
C) Final farewells v ~=

. THE BEST PLAYERS BM THE COVETED AWARDS AT FIFA WORLD cup"'(?' :Deaths in sport in 2022 :
-~ 2022 saw many sports icons pass away.
A look at the legacies of s~me ~ports stars.

eglltdcd b)'"many In sports-mad AustraJla

Brndman. Warne mlxed legendary cricket d
lines away from the pitch, earning him the
reer as bc\\1tchlng as his fomed wrong ·un.
Warne took 708 wickets in a 14S-Test career: Ml
n a lot of great cricketers, great spinners an
nle wlll always be, certnlnly from my point or v
uing, who was at the wrong end of Warne's·

I Australian wicketkeeper _ nick.no.med 'I

he made his lnternalional dobut ln 1970 agal
fore rellrln~ In Hl64 with what wns then a wo
lsmWals, 95 otT the bowling or Dennis LWee.
man ellber becoming the flnt Aussie wick.elk
tury, against Paklstan ln um.

e was the legmd.ary coach who helped deve.l

as Andre Aausl. Marla Sharapova,
Wllllams. Jim Courier and Monica Seles.
e training at the Korean War veteran's academ
t abo drew crillclvn, DoUettlerl, though, rema
did what ~d to be done. Tennis Is not a span for

e played ln all rour World CUpe ln which Pelc appeared (1958-10) but

H unlike the Brazllian legend never llf\ed the trophy. The closest he
came was captalnln.g lhe side lhat lost to EnG}nnd in the 1966 rlnal
Like his father, Sceler played ror l·lambw,; rrom I~ to 1972 where he Is
ref"erred to fondly as 'Uns Uwe' (Our Uwe) making 416 appearances. "Uwe
Seeler stands ror even-thin£ 1hat characterl.w a good person: Down•to-
eanhness, loyalty. Joie de vivre, phu he was alwo)'s approachable,· 11t1ld
llambW'(I board member Jonas Boldt.

e won a record 11 NBA crowns as a cornerstone or o Boston CelUcs

\\ 111n, 1 I 11 :.. l.111d

H dynasty, 0\-en:ame raclsm to become • supentar and was a prominent
clvfl rights acth1sL lie wu the first coach or Arrtca.n descent to wtn the
NllA Finals In 1968. Just ~,,.lu Rller civil ri&)lts leoder Mru-tin Lulhcr Klni(e
nssasslnatlon. "A pt man and iJftl American who dld everything he oould to
llw l'l .1\11 •: I, \1111· deliver the promise of America ror all Amcrltarul." said US Pre,ldem Joe BU!en.
.\ l ,11! h ,11, , 11 I I ,' Ill
\ \Inn• • 1 11 , , , 1, 1 11, 1r11I•,
I h•· • 1t \
1,tn 1
t,11 1 l 'i.1• 11 <1
w---M · I0 h1lme'io~
ll shook my kWotk' tn Africa," remarked M~~i
their l9T1 heavyweight world Litle bout which All won after 1s pulatJna
~ s . One o( IO chlldnm. Shaven' ramUy Oed Alabruna under threats f'tom the
I tt1, Ku Khu
C;1~~ =." Klan. He only look up 00.r.ina In bis terly 20s but his reorsome punch loft not Just
,.1 was ln the land ot mako-bcllem. I hcard aa.r.opbones and U"Ombones IOUDdlna
sald another opponenl. Jo.mes 'Quick' Tillis.

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