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Group #1

Bachelor of Engineering Technology major in Welding Engineering Technology


Bonayog, Harvey

Laurente, Arvin

Amacio, Kean Jansen

Magbanua, Jay-Ar

Bansag, Egie

Topic: Quality Control and Inspection System

Date: March 23, 2022

Written Report of Group 1

 Quality Control and its definition

 Understanding Quality Control

 How to Establish Quality Control Processes

Quality Control and its definition

When we buy things that we need, especially the things that are meant for

survival, we should be careful on picking one. We must ensure that it must be of top

quality or else, we’ll only be wasting our money. For that to happen, the businesses are

doing their part in ensuring their every product’s quality. A system of maintaining
standards in manufactured products by testing a sample of the output against the

specification. That’s where the quality control takes place.

But before tackling things about quality control, let’s look into its beginning: why

and how does quality control started?

Walter A. Shewhart

Quality management systems first started to be developed in the 1920s, as

statistical sampling techniques were introduced into quality control methodology,

pioneered by Walter A. Shewhart. Sometimes, he’s referred to as the father of statistical

quality control. As the history of quality control has progressed, knowledgeable

manufacturers have worked to stay up-to-date with the ever-changing standards and

regulations for product quality and safety. Quality Control not only helps to improve the
quality of goods for consumers, but it can also help to improve production processes and


Quality Control (QC) is not only about manufacturing businesses monitoring

product flaws and ascertaining corrective actions. It is also a process that strives for

business perfection through well-defined controls. A quality control process ensures that

a business is delivering a consistent product, service, and customer experience. It makes

it easier to monitor your operations, delegate duties, and even expand to new locations.

As we can see, the history of quality control is long, dating all the way back to

medieval times. QC not only helps to improve the quality of goods for consumers, but it

can also help to improve production processes and efficiency. By looking at the evolution

of QC throughout history, we can see that quality control has played a major role in the

advancement of manufacturing, and its existence is still vital to the industry today. This

process forms a key component of a well-run business.

Understanding Quality Control

We’re done tackling about Quality Control. Now, let’s look into its advantages

and disadvantages so that we can have deeper understanding of it.

Advantages Disadvantages

It can help to prevent faulty goods and It does not prevent waste of resources when

services being sold. products are faulty.

It is not disruptive to production- workers The process of inspecting the goods or

continue producing, inspectors do the service costs money, e.g. the wages paid to

checking. the inspectors, the cost of testing goods in

the laboratory.

As with any quality system, the business It does not encourage all workers to be

may benefit from an improved reputation responsible for quality.

for quality and and this may increase sales.

Advantages points out that having the quality of the products or service controlled

benefits both company/business and the customers. First, it will not affect the production
of the company because there will be a assigned person who are certified to inspect. It’s

like two birds in one stone: the production won’t be disrupted, and the products will be at

their best quality. With that, as the customer being satisfied with the the service or

product, the customer might share it to its friend, telling that a company’s product/service

isn’t a fluke. It’s what we call word-of-mouth in the business.

While all disadvantages of conducting Quality Control falls into one thing: it may

or it costs money. Despite that, most businesses and companies are having it because it

saves the companies’ name by having their good reputation in customer’s view. It is more

practical to spend money on controlling the quality of a company product/service than to

just produce product/service without any checking of its quality.

Importance of Quality Control

We all know that it's not easy building a business and before running a business,

we need to consider some things that can make our business run smoothly and to get

feedback on what we are expecting. The important thing to consider is quality because it
is a major consideration in all products and services. As a result of the high level of

competition on the market, quality has become the market differentiating factor for

almost all products and services. Quality control is key to a company's success in

delivering products that meet or exceed customer expectations.

Quality Control in Fashion Manufacturing

It also forms the foundation of an efficient company that minimizes waste and

runs at high levels of productivity. Quality control also ensures that faulty goods are not

sent to the public. Companies that have implemented quality control procedures often

have employees who pay particular attention to their work. For example, in the

production of food and medicines, quality control prevents products that make consumers

ill, and in manufacturing, quality control makes sure that accidents do not occur when

people are using a product.

Example of a FAILED Quality Control

Did you know that the BNPP known as Bataan Nuclear Power Plant has the

biggest quality control issue in our country? Bataan Nuclear Power Plant is one of the

infrastructures that the Marcos regime has built. The reopening of the said nuclear power

plant is prohibited due to some reasons. First reason is that it is costly and the other one is

due to the quality control issues.

The power plant has been inspected by William Albert, an adviser from the

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), and the inspection showed issues about the

welds, base plates, pipe hangers, water valves and transmission cables. In this event, we

can prove how important quality control is. Aside from safety issues and risks, billions of

pesos were wasted in this project of the Marcos regime just because of the said quality

problems. We prepared a short video clip about the mentioned power plant.

Bataan Nuclear Power Plant

Quality Control is critical on the industries that produces and use toxic chemical

such as nuclear energy, this type of energy produces a harmful substance known as

nuclear waste. Quality control is the one responsible for verifying the overall structure,

components and system of a power plant that follows the requirements formulated by

IAEA. One single error or carelessness upon assuring the quality control of the power

plant can cause disastrous events that may affect not only us humans but the environment

as well. The Chernobyl accident in 1986 is an example of how important quality control

is, the said power plant exploded due to a flawed reactor design that was operated by a

personnel with insufficient training. This event is clearly caused because of poor quality

control measurements.

How to establish Quality Control?

The QC process, or quality control process, refers to the steps involved with

upholding consistent standards and specifications for the products and services you
provide to consumers. Any business can have a QC process, regardless of the type of

goods or services it offers. The QC process involves identifying standards for quality,

regularly reviewing products to ensure they meet those benchmarks and removing any

products that don't meet quality expectations.

It also involves ensuring that the people creating goods or offering services have

the necessary skills and training to provide an excellent experience. In a short description,

to establish a procedure to control the quality of a products, it should begin analyzing the

production process itself. Then, when you already know what materials have been used in

the final product, define the quality standard, the batch, and sample.

Example of faulty product

Carry out the corresponding quality controls with that sample to detect possible

deviations that make you discard units and having those results, make decisions about

what to improve. Without strict quality control, goods can go unchecked, resulting in
faulty components or poor product performance. These issues not only reflect badly on a

business but can significantly impact customer retention. However, a detailed quality

assurance plan can mitigate production risks to ensure all materials, processes, and final

products are up to the expected quality standards.

For more detailed assessment about the steps on how to establish Quality Control,

let’s wait for our next reporters. That is all for the group one’s report, thank you.

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