Learning To Stop Anger BEFORE It Starts

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Learning To Stop Stress Before it Starts

Minimize Stress
Emotions are a valuable energy source, are you expending too much on anger?

Are your daily frustrations fueled by trivial things? – Many of our daily frustrations are
not caused by negative past experiences but by our lifestyle and our attitudes.

The relationship between stress and anger in life isn’t unusual. The more pressured,
burned out, overwhelmed, or busy we are, the more vulnerable we are to anger.

So what to do??

1) Eliminate Hurry
Sometimes we decide our course of action and we don’t want anything or anyone to slow
us down. We live a pack it all in, go for the gusto, the more the better, the bigger the
better world.

Have you ever felt like you wanted to be everywhere at once and then seem to go
nowhere? Is your life like a game where your spinning and spinning and then your so
dizzy to think straight so you end up in the wrong direction heading places upi didn’t
really want to go?

- Manage time better

- Prioritizing
- Pay attention to stress messages

Slow down and smell the roses.

2) Downsize Expectations

Write down your to do list… then cut it in half.

If we set out with unrealistic goals, we run the risk of feeling like a failure when we fall
short of them

Then it is time reevaluate, to loosen control, to delegate and to trust others more.

Stress is often created by our inability to say no because

1. We want to please others.
2. We want approval and fear rejections
3. We truly desire to help.
Did you know that boundaries can help strengthen relationships?

What are some ways to say no?

1) Ill get back to you on that, I need to think about it first.

2) Don’t over apologize.
3) Don’t put yourself down by refusing to do something. Ex. You should ask
someone else I’m no good at that.
4) Be specific about what you will and won’t do.
5) Be honest, don’t make excuses – communicate clearly and simply.
6) _____________________________________________________

3) Admit Your Mistakes

“The person that can own up to mistakes is greater than the one who knows how to avoid
making them.”

Admit to your humanity.

Our energy would be better spent simply acknowledging and admitting our errors which
actually tends to attract others.

Those hard to say yet helpful to hear words must be accompanied by a genuine desire to
discontinue whatever it is that we did wrong.

4) Laugh More
It forces anger away and helps us to regain perspective on what’s really important in life.

5) Take Care Of Yourself

The bottom line is that the healthier we are the better we feel about ourselves and life.

6) Know what Triggers Your Anger

We each respond to anger differently and we may respond to things with different
degrees of anger.

If you can foresee those things that provoke you then you can attempt to avoid, eliminate
or minimize them.

Identify how you might feel and what would be appropriate, healthy responses.

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