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The Cybercrime prevention act refers
to a legislation passed by a philippine
government in 2012. this law aims to
adress issues related to cybercrime,
which includes offences committed
using the internet and other forms of
information and communication
Key provisions of the Cybercrime
prevention act include:

1. Illegal access – prohibits unauthorized access to computer system, networks, Or data.

2. Illegal interception – prohibits the interception of data without lawful


3. Data interference – criminalizes the intentional damaging, deletion, deterioration, or

alteration of computer data without permission.

4. System interference – prohibits the intentional alteration or interference

With the functioning of a computer or computer network.

5.Cybersex – addresses offences related to online child pornography

And the facilitation of cybersex.
The law also establishes legal
mechanisms for cybercrimes,
including provisions for law
enforcement agencies to gather
electronic evidence and
procedures for its admissibility
in court.
However the implementation and
enforcement of this law have
sparked debates and concerns,
particularly regarding its potential
impact on fredom of expression
and privacy. Some provisions, such
as those on online libel, have
criticism for possibly infringing on
free speech rights.
It’s essential to note tha laws
concerning cybercrime continue to
evolve to keep up with
technological advancements and
the changing nature of online

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