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Let’s talk about work.

- Where do you work?

- What responsibilities do you have at work?
- What is the most interesting aspect about your job?
- How might the industry that you work in change in the future?

Where do you work?

I work at a tech company. It's a dynamic environment that aligns with my passion for
innovation and technology. It's a fulfilling job that allows me to apply and expand my
skills in a field I'm truly enthusiastic about.

What responsibilities do you have at work?

In my role at work, I have a range of responsibilities. I'm tasked with managing and executing

project timelines, ensuring that deliverables are met efficiently. Additionally, I collaborate with

team members to problem-solve and enhance project outcomes. Communication plays a vital

role as I liaise with clients, providing updates and addressing any concerns to ensure a smooth


What is the most interesting aspect about your job?

The most interesting aspect of my job is the constant exposure to cutting-edge technologies and

innovations. Being part of a dynamic industry means that I get to work on projects that push

boundaries and contribute to advancements in technology. This aspect keeps my work engaging

and provides opportunities for continuous learning. The ever-evolving nature of the tech field

ensures that each day presents new challenges and exciting developments, making my job both

stimulating and rewarding.

How might the industry that you work in change in the future?

The industry I work in, the technology sector, is poised for significant changes in the future.

Continuous advancements in artificial intelligence, automation, and data analytics are likely to
reshape how we approach projects and processes. Increased emphasis on sustainable practices

and environmental considerations may also influence the development and implementation of

technology solutions.

Let’s talk about happiness.

- Are you a happy person?
- What usually makes you feel happy?
- Does the weather ever affect how you feel?
- Do you think that people in your country are generally happy people?
Are you a happy person?

Yes, I am a very cheerful person even in the face of difficulties. I never get
disappointed and always face difficulties positively, and this thing really enhances my
confidence and makes me happy.

What usually makes you feel happy?

Watching television, spending time with friends and playing with my baby always
make me happy. I always feel over the moon whenever I play a video game with my
baby as well as we both do painting and draw different objects on paper and fill
different colours in them. These things make my life colourful.

- Does the weather ever affect how you feel?

The weather does influence my mood to some extent. For example, on sunny days, I
often feel more energized and positive. Conversely, gloomy weather can sometimes
have a slight impact on my overall mood.

- Do you think that people in your country are generally happy people?

Regarding the happiness of people in my country, I would say that, in general, there
is a diverse range of emotions. While many individuals find contentment in various
aspects of life, it's essential to acknowledge that happiness can be subjective.
Factors like cultural influences, personal experiences, and individual perspectives
contribute to the overall emotional landscape of the population.

Now let’s talk about hobbies.

- Do you have a hobby?
- What equipment do you need for it?
- Did you have a hobby as a child?
- Why do you think that people have hobbies?
Do you have a hobby?

Yes, I do have a hobby. I enjoy photography, capturing moments and scenes that
inspire me.

What equipment do you need for it?

For my hobby, I primarily need a good camera. I also use additional equipment like
lenses, a tripod, and sometimes editing software to enhance the photographs.

Did you have a hobby as a child?

As a child, my hobby was drawing. I used to spend hours sketching and coloring,
expressing my creativity through art.

Why do you think that people have hobbies?

People have hobbies for various reasons. Hobbies provide a means of relaxation,
self-expression, and a break from the routine. They can also foster personal
development and serve as a source of joy and accomplishment in one's leisure time.

Cue Card 1
Talk about the biggest traffic jam that you have experienced. Please say
- Where and when was it
- What you did during this time
- How you felt about it
and why you remember it.

One of the most memorable traffic jams I experienced was in Seoul, Korea, during
rush hour. It happened a couple of months ago when I was commuting home from
work. The streets were jam-packed with cars, buses, and motorcycles, creating a
chaotic scene.

During this prolonged traffic jam, I found myself stuck in my car for over two hours.
To pass the time, I listened to some music, tried catching up on a podcast, and even
made a few calls to friends. It was a frustrating experience, but I tried to make the
most of it by staying entertained.

Feeling stuck in the traffic jam was quite annoying. The constant start-and-stop
movement, the honking of horns, and the slow progression added to the overall
sense of frustration. I remember looking around and seeing fellow commuters
sharing similar expressions of annoyance.

some common expressions related to the traffic topic:

1. **Describing Traffic Conditions:**

- "During rush hours, the traffic tends to be quite congested."
- "There's often a gridlock in the city center, especially in the morning and evening."

2. **Talking about Commuting:**

- "I commute to work using public transportation."
- "I usually take the highway to avoid the traffic jams in the city."
3. **Expressing Frustration:**
- "Dealing with traffic can be quite frustrating, especially when you're running late."
- "I often get stuck in long queues during peak hours, and it can be quite exasperating."

4. **Discussing Solutions:**
- "Implementing better public transportation systems could alleviate traffic congestion."
- "Encouraging cycling or walking might be a sustainable solution to reduce traffic."

5. **Comparing Traffic in Different Places:**

- "Traffic in my hometown is more manageable compared to the bustling city I currently live
- "I've noticed that traffic etiquette varies between urban and rural areas."

6. **Impact on Daily Life:**

- "Traffic conditions significantly affect my daily schedule and productivity."
- "Finding parking spaces in the city is a constant challenge, adding to the overall traffic

Discussion 1
Let’s talk about traffic.
- How can traffic jams be reduced in cities?
- Do road extensions reduce traffic problems?
- Can you tell me about some initiative by your local municipal authority
to reduce traffic?


1. **How can traffic jams be reduced in cities?**

Traffic congestion in cities can be mitigated through strategic urban planning and
transportation policies. Investing in and expanding efficient public transportation systems
offers an alternative to private vehicle use. Implementing smart traffic management systems,
including synchronized traffic signals and real-time traffic updates, can optimize the flow of
vehicles. Encouraging eco-friendly modes of transport such as cycling and walking, and
introducing congestion pricing during peak hours, are additional measures that can
contribute to reducing traffic jams. A holistic approach involving community awareness and
government initiatives is essential for sustainable traffic management.

2. **Do road extensions reduce traffic problems?**

Making roads longer might help a bit in the short term, but it might not fix traffic
problems for good. Longer roads can just bring more cars and make things crowded
again. Also, building lots of new roads can mess up traffic while they're being made.
It's smarter to do different things, like improving buses and trains, giving rewards for
carpooling, and using smart tech to manage traffic better. Planning cities with a mix
of things and pushing for different ways to travel is key to really dealing with traffic in
the long run.

3. **Can you tell me about some initiative by your local municipal authority to reduce

In my local area, the municipal authority has implemented a multifaceted approach to

alleviate traffic congestion. They have focused on improving public transportation by
expanding bus routes and introducing a more efficient subway system. Additionally, the city
has invested in developing dedicated bike lanes and promoting bike-sharing programs to
encourage environmentally friendly commuting. The municipal authority has also initiated
awareness campaigns to educate the community about the benefits of carpooling and the
use of public transportation. These measures collectively aim to create a more sustainable
and less congested urban environment.

Discussion 2
- What’s the traffic like in major cities in your country?

Traffic in major Korean cities, such as Seoul and Busan, can be quite intense. The
high population density and widespread urbanization contribute to congested roads,
especially during peak hours. Despite the efficient public transportation system,
many people still prefer using their cars, further adding to the traffic volume.
Implementing measures like expanding public transit and promoting alternative
modes of transportation could help alleviate these traffic challenges. Overall,
managing traffic in major Korean cities remains a complex but crucial aspect of
urban planning.

- What are the main reasons for heavy traffic?

Traffic jams occur due to numerous reasons.

Sometimes, it can be because of a road closure or diversion which can cause all the
vehicles to divert into a smaller space which causes congestion. On the other hand,
sometimes there can be an accident which occurs due to which the vehicles have to
slow down. Also, occasionally it can be due to unpleasant weather such as rain
which causes flooding and water logging. Out of all the reasons, I believe
construction work and road closures are the most prominent ones.

- What difficulties does the government face when addressing traffic


Absolutely. In Korea, the government faces several problems when dealing with
traffic. Firstly, as cities grow, more people and cars cause traffic jams, making it hard
to create better transportation. Secondly, a lot of money is needed to build better
roads and public transport. Thirdly, finding the right mix of public and private
transportation is tricky. Lastly, it's important to make people aware of how they can
help reduce traffic issues.

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