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Some people believe that hobbies need to be difficult to be enjoyable.

what extent do you agree or disagree?

어떤 사람들은 취미가 즐거우려면 어려울 필요가 있다고 믿습니다. 여러분은 어느 정도까지

동의하거나 반대하나요?

Some hobbies are relatively easy, while others present more challenges. I believe that

both types of hobbies are enjoyable in their own way, therefore I disagree with the

statement that in order to enjoy them, hobbies need to be difficult.

On the one hand, many people love to choose easy hobbies, as it involves low risk and

can retain results more easily. For example, sewing is an activity that is easy for most

people. It doesn't require a variety of accessories to learn it and can be achieved in a

short period of time. I remember when I was a child learning how to sew was not that

much difficult. Another hobby that is chosen by a large community is Photography. To

capture a beautiful photo a person doesn’t need that much skill to operate the camera.

Although there are many functions available in a camera, those are for professionals and

can be achieved by giving a little affordance.

On the other hand, Difficult hobbies can sometimes be more exciting. Many people in

society love to achieve something by putting lots of effort into it. If work is more

challenging, we might feel a great sense of satisfaction after achieving the task.

Computer programming involves lots of difficulties, a programmer has to concentrate

longer to solve a problem. For instance, ICPC ( International collegiate programming

contest) students from different universities around the world Arrange a contest where

participants have to solve many problems in a short time. After completing the task

they celebrated their achievements.

In conclusion, simple hobbies can be fun and relaxing, but difficult hobbies also give

equal satisfaction for different reasons.

Q. Nowadays many people have access to computers on a wide basis and a large

number of children play computer games.

What are the negative impacts of playing computer games and what can be done to

minimize the bad effects?

Today, people use computers more frequently than before and it is even readily

available for children to play computer games. It has a lot of damaging effects and the

main impacts are getting addicted to it and harming eyesight, which can be fixed by

parents by setting clear rules about playing time and warning them about potential

health hazards.

Generally speaking, the most devastating impact is the addiction to these games. For

example, computer games are made with an addictive design, which will attract children

and keep them glued to computer screens. As a result, many researchers comment that

children who spend their valuable time in video games, perform poorly in schools and

avoid social activities, which makes them less sociable. Furthermore, another detrimental

result is harming eyesight. To illustrate this, computer game addiction results in many

physical and mental issues, which include causing great damage to eyesight.

Though we cannot prevent its bad consequences, we can minimize it to some extent.

In this regard, parents can play a significant role, such as, to hinder their addiction, they

can impose strict rules about children's playing time. So, they will not get the

opportunity to be addicted to computer games. Moreover, parents can warn their

children about the possible risks of playing these games. Therefore, the children will not

get game addiction and thus, it won't harm their eyes.

To conclude, when computer games are played excessively by children, they become

addicted to them and it is proven dangerous for children's eyes. But we can solve this

by setting computer usage limits and warning them about its adverse effects.

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