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Thrayambika Vidya Mandir, Kulasekharam

Subject : General Science

NOTES : Unit 7 Solids, Liquids And Gases
Grade : 5

Exercise Questions

A. Choose the correct answers.

1. A substance that dissolves in another substance is called solute.

a. solute b. solution c. solvent

2. A change that produces new substance(s) is called chemical change.
a. physical change b. chemical change c. both
3. The basic building block of all matter is atom.
a. molecule b. atom c. element
4. The force of attraction between molecules is the least in gases.
a. solids b. liquids c. gases
5. Liquids have fixed volume.
a. shape b. size c. volume

B. Write T for true or F for false.

1. Physical change is a permanent change.
Ans : F
2. Melting of ice is a chemical change.
Ans : F
3. Carbon dioxide does not dissolve in water.
Ans : F
4. In solids, the molecules are loosely packed.
Ans : F
5. The movement of molecules increases on cooling.
Ans : F

C. Give two examples for each of these.

1. Solids that are soluble in water : sugar, salt
2. Gases that are soluble in water : oxygen , carbon dioxide
3. Chemical changes : burning of paper, cooking
4. Physical changes : boiling of water, melting of ice candy
5. Uniform solution : salt solution, sugar solution

D. Answer these questions in brief.

1. What are molecules?
Ans : Matter is made up of tiny particles called molecules. These
molecules are made up of even tinier particles called atoms.
2. Why do liquids flow easily?
Ans : The force of attraction between the molecules in liquid is weak.
Molecules in liquids can move making the liquids to flow easily.
3. Why do solids have fixed shape and size?
Ans : In solids, there is a strong force attraction between the molecules.
Therefore, they are tightly packed giving solids a fixed shape and size.
4. What is a solution? Give examples.
Ans : A solution is a mixture of one or more solutes dissolved in a solvent.
Eg: Sugar solution
5. What is condensation? Explain with an example.
Ans : When a gas is cooled, the molecules lose their energy and slow
down, and gradually change into liquid. This process of a gas changing
into a liquid on cooling is called condensation.
Eg: Water vapour changes into water.
E. Answer these questions in detail.
1. Why do bubbles come out when we open a bottle of soda?
Ans : Soda water contains carbon dioxide that has dissolved under high
pressure. When the pressure is released by opening the soda container,
the liquid cannot hold as much carbon dioxide, so the excess bubbles
out of the solution.
2. With the help of diagrams, explain the molecular arrangements in solids,
liquids and gases.
Ans :

In solids, there is a strong force of attraction between the molecules.

Therefore, the molecules are tightly packed.
The force of attraction between the molecules of liquids is lesser than
solids therefore, molecules in liquids are loosely packed as compared to
In gases, there is negligible force of attraction between the molecules.
Therefore, the molecules are far apart from each other.
3. What happens when a liquid is heated?
Ans : When a liquid is heated, the molecules gain more energy and move
vigorously. On further heating, the molecules move so fast that they lose
contact with each other and the liquid changes to gas. The process in
which a liquid change into gas on heating is called evaporation. This
leads to an increase in the volume of the liquid.
4. Write the difference between miscible and immiscible liquids. Give two
examples of each.
Ans : Liquids that easily dissolve in water are called miscible liquids.
Eg: milk, glycerine
Liquids that do not dissolve in water are called immiscible liquids.
Eg: oil, petrol
5. What is the difference between physical change and chemical change?
Explain with the help of examples.
Ans : Physical change is a temporary change, in which no new substance
is produced. It involves a change in the state of matter and is usually
Eg: when we cool water, it turns into ice. Thus the liquid state changes into
solid state. Ice in turn changes back into water on heating. Thus, it is a
reversible change.
Chemical change is a permanent change in which one or more
substances are formed. It cannot be reversed.
Eg : when we burn leaves, we get ashes that are very different from
leaves, baking a cake using different ingredients.

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