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A. Background of Study

Over one billion people live on earth, widely spread across continents

and countries. Some of them speak different languages. They speak other

languages with different alphabets, grammar, and pronunciations. For example,

many Saudi Arabian people communicate using their alphabet, and not only

that, we who are in Indonesia, which has ethnic and cultural diversity, also has

a variety of different regional languages, which is inseparable from one of the

greatness of Allah SWT which is shown in the Qur'an surah Ar-Ruum, verse:


ِ ِ ِ ‫اوِم ين اٰيٰتِهٖ اخ يل ُق الس ٰم ٰو ِت او ياَلاير‬

‫ف الي ِسناتِ ُك يم اوالي اوانِ ُك يم ان ِ يف ٰذل ا‬
‫ك ا َٰليٰت‬ ُ ‫اختِ اَل‬
‫ض او ي‬

‫ي‬ ِِ ِ
‫لِّيل ٰعلم ي ا‬

This verse tells us that the human beings are different each other. There

are a lot of differences in this world. One of the differences in the language.

There are a lot of languages in this world. However, although there are many

languages, there is a language that is agreed by most people to be the language


for international communication. The language for international

communication is English.

English is an essential language in the world today. English is an

international language that bridges people around the globe in interaction and

communication. Through English, people can interact and communicate with

each other well so that the message they want to convey can be conveyed and

accepted by their interlocutor. Not only that, but English is also one of the

subjects in the world of education, especially in Indonesia. In terms of scope,

one focus of learning English is on speaking skills, where when someone says,

it means they are communicating with other people. Therefore, speaking skills

are closely related to a person's communication skills. With communication,

information can be conveyed and received well, so when someone wants to get

information to other people and the community, he must have the ability to

communicate. Communication skills cannot be separated from good public

speaking skills so that the interlocutor can understand the information he

conveys and that there is an understanding between the two parties.

In Qur’an Surah Al-Rahman, verse: 1-4

َ‫علَّ َمهُ ْال َب َيان‬ ُۙ ‫س‬

َ َ‫ان‬ َ ‫اْل ْن‬ َ ‫لرحْ مٰ ُۙ ُن‬
ِ ْ َ‫علَّ َم ْالقُ ْر ٰا َۗنَ َخلَق‬ َّ َ ‫ا‬
The Qur'an states that speaking the truth, and conveying a true message

is a prerequisite for greatness, goodness, benefit, and charity. If we want to be

successful in our careers, we want to improve society, then we must spread the

right message. In other words, society will be damaged if the content

communication message is not the true content of the communicated message

is not true if people hide the truth for fear of facing establishments or regimes

that enforce their system on fraud or the closure of the truth according to the

Qur'an then it will not long-lasting.

Speaking is the process of interacting and constructing meaning that

receives and processes information Syafryadin et al. (2019). However, there are

still many problems that all English learners face. Speak a foreign language,

especially when using English. It is difficult for students to assess. Or choose

the right strategy to get them to speak well. Learning strategies are used by an

individual or student to assist them to be more comprehending and receiving

more information Graham (1997).

This research was conducted in one of the senior high schools in

Haruyan District, Hulu Sungai Tengah Regency, South Kalimantan Province.

The school chosen by the researcher was Madrasah Aliyah Pertasi Kencana NU

Haruyan (MAPK NU Haruyan). The research was conducted in odd semesters

consisting of class XII of senior high school majoring in Social Science (IPS),

with 20 students in the class. The researcher chose this school for the research

because many students are enthusiastic about learning English. However, many

of them still need to understand their English learning strategies, and not a few

of them still have an impoverished vocabulary. Hence, some of these problems

became why the researcher chose that school for conducting the research. This

was proven when the researchers conducted pre-observation at the school. At

that time, the researchers also briefly worked on teaching and learning activities

at the school, so the researcher was interested in conducting research there.

The ability to speak English is one of the essential things that everyone

must possess because the need for the world of work for human resources who

can speak English is getting more significant, especially in English

communication skills. The skill to communicate in English is also a goal to be

achieved from good speaking skills because when someone has the ability good

speak English, he is automatically able to communicate in good English. For

these reasons, the researcher is interested in conducting a study entitled “The

Use of Compensation Strategies in Learning Speaking Skill.” Because this

strategy can help individuals overcome problems when communicating based

on research conducted by previous researchers and several theories that

underlie this, such as Oxford's theory (1990). “Compensation strategies are the

strategies that enable learners to use the new language for either comprehension

or production even though the learners still have limitations in knowledge.

These strategies are intended to make up for inadequate knowledge of grammar

and especially of vocabulary.”


B. Research Questions

1.How do students in learning speaking skills apply the use of compensation


2. What are students’ purposes in using compensation strategy in learning a

speaking skill?

C. Objectives of Study

1. To find out how the process of using language learning strategies, especially

compensation strategies, is applied by students with the help of an English

teacher to improve the speaking skills of students in class XII of senior high

school majoring in Social Science (IPS) at MAPK NU Haruyan.

2. To discover what are the purposes of using this strategy in speaking and

communicating by the learner in learning speaking class of class XII of

senior high school majoring in Social Science (IPS) at MAPK NU Haruyan.

D. Significance of Study

1. This research is expected to help facilitate English learners in learning their

speaking skills, which cannot be separated from the help of the English

teachers themselves in teaching English and the implementation of

compensation strategies for English learners.


2. The results of this study provide an overview of how the implementation of

language learning strategies, especially compensation strategies, by

students during English language learning in the classroom, especially in

speaking skills.

E. Definition of Key Terms

1. The Use

This study raises the use of compensation strategies by students in

English lessons and what types of compensation strategies are often used

by students when learning to speak. How do they use compensation

strategies that aim to make it easier for them to speak English so that it can

be understood by other people and their interlocutors when learning English

in speaking class?

2. Compensation Strategies

Compensation strategies enable learners to use the new language for

either comprehension or production even though the learners still have

limitations in knowledge. Compensation strategies aid students in

overcoming knowledge gaps and continue authentic communication to

make up for a lack of knowledge in grammar and vocabulary.


3. Speaking

Speaking is a language skill that must be acquired when learning a

language, and the goal of learning a language is to communicate well.

Speaking in English is essential to our journey in learning English as a

foreign language.



A. Compensation Strategy

Compensation strategies are the strategies that enable learners to use the

new language for either comprehension or production even though the learners

still have limitations in knowledge. These strategies are intended to make up

for inadequate knowledge of grammar and especially of vocabulary (Oxford,

1990, p. 47).

The example of compensation strategies such as guessing from the

context in listening and reading, using synonyms and "talking around" the

missing word to aid speaking and writing, and strictly for speaking using

gestures or pause words will help the learner deal with their lack of vocabulary

and grammar. Oxford and Ehrman (1995) stated that compensatory strategies

are related to L2 proficiency significantly in their study of native-English-

speaking learners of foreign languages (cited in Murcia, 2001, p. 364).

Many of the initial studies on language learning strategies were aimed

at defining the "Good" language learner. The choice of certain strategies is also

crucial to building the students' skills. Furthermore, many factors influence the

choice of strategy, including the choice of compensation strategies in speaking

activities. These factors such as motivation, comfort, value, integrative

orientation and so many more.


A compensation strategy is a direct strategy. They use context to make

up for missing information in reading and writing. This strategy helps the

learner overcome knowledge gaps to continue the communication. They are

also problems solving techniques of various mental or physical activities

carried out by learners to resolve any language learning problems they

encounter. This includes guessing intelligently and overcoming limitations in

speaking and writing (Oxford and Rebecca:1990).


1. Intelligent Guess

The guessing meaning strategy helps the learner to intelligently

guess a word's meaning by using surrounding words as linguistic and non-

linguistic clues.

a. Using Linguistic Clues

The learners use “linguistic knowledge of suffixes, prefixes and

word order to guess meaning” (Oxford, 1990, p. 90).

For example, "I came across the term webinar do you think it is

an ICT term?” “Maybe it is a word made of ‘web’ and ‘seminar’

meaning online seminar.

b. Using Non-Linguistic Clues

The learners use this strategy by seeking and using clues that are

not language based to guess the meaning of what is heard or read in the

target language and including knowledge of context, situation, text

structure, personal relationship, topic, or general world knowledge

(Oxford, 1990, p. 49).

For example, "I heard the word 'Melancholy’ in the church. I

was not sure of the meaning. I had a rough guess like ‘sorrow' was

related to the situation.


2. Overcoming Limitation in Speaking and Writing

Overcoming speaking and writing limitations help learners make up

for the need for more knowledge. There are eight types of strategies for

crushing restrictions in speaking and writing, which are switching back to

the mother tongue, getting help, using mime and body movement/gesture,

adjusting or approximating the message, avoiding communication partially

or coining words, selecting the topic and using circumlocution or synonym.

a. Switching Back to Mother Tongue

This strategy is referred to as “using the mother tongue for an

expression without translating it in speaking” (Oxford, 1990, p. 94).


I don’t want to kawan you lagi! Because I tidak suka you!

b. Getting Help

This strategy is defined as “asking someone for help in a

conversation by hesitating or explicitly asking for the missing

expression” (Oxford, 1990, p. 95).


Reading a book

A: Do you know the meaning of cauldron?

B: I don’t know let me as my teacher


c. Using Mime and Body Movement/Gesture

This strategy refers to “physical motion, such as mime or

gesture, in place of an expression during a conversation to indicate the

meaning” (Oxford, 1990, p. 95).


Aliando uses hand movements when describing how to make fried rice.

He used his fingers to tell chronologically to count how much garlic and

onion that used in making fried rice.

d. Adjusting or Approximating the Message

This strategy refers to "altering the message by omitting some

items of information, making the ideas simpler or fewer premises, or

saying something slightly different with similar meaning" (Oxford,

1990, p. 96).


“I’m starving because I have not eaten since yesterday. I think I can eat

a horse. I have so many cravings right now.” It’s similar meaning with

“I am hungry I can eat a lot. I have so many things I want to eat”.

e. Avoiding Communication Partially or Totally

This strategy is explained as “avoiding communication with

difficulties are anticipated or encountered” (Oxford, 1990, p. 95).


"Look down Anis or the teacher will call out your name"

f. Coining Words

This strategy is defined as “making up new words to

communicate the desired idea” (Oxford, 1990, p. 50). Furthermore, a

strategy such as coining words is used when the students lack proper

vocabulary. Very often, a learner has to make do with the language he

or she has available to try and carry on with the speech. In other words,

he or she needs to coin words or expressions to maintain smooth

conversations. This strategy exploits and extends his or her

communicative competence (adapted in Dong and Fang (2010)).


OMG (Oh My God)

BTW (By the Way)

LOL (Laughing Out Loud)

SYL (See You Later)

g. Selecting the Topic

Oxford (1990) this strategy is selecting the topic, we can choose

what topic we want to choose who we understood the topic about.

Examples: Grammar, Vocabulary, Learning, and etc.

h. Using a Circumlocution or Synonym

In this strategy, the teacher comes to your home and gets more

money is better for students and they learn fast, (Oxford: 1990).


In this example, the learner was trying to refer to tutors by providing

easy definition and circumlocution of the word.

B. Speaking Skill

Throughout the world today, and especially in developing countries,

there is a great need for people to speak English well. In many countries,

secondary and higher education is taught in English. Many employers looking

for good English speakers, so it's important for students to learn to speak well

and for the teacher to know how to teach speaking well (Joanna Baker &

Heather Westrup, 2003:75).

Grice in Kronfeld and Searle (1990) stated that achievement of the

communication goals in speaking is by getting the audience in recognizing our

intentions for achieving those goals. In communication, speaking is a major

skill Hussain (2017).

Language is a medium of communication between humans. Language

is needed by humans because human language can find their needs by

communicating. As members of the community who are active in everyday life,

people are very dependent on the use of language. In other words, where

activities occur, there is also a language activity (Chair in Syahrin 2018).

Speaking is a language skill that must be acquired when learning a language


and the goal of learning a language is to communicate well. Richards (2008:19)

states that in speaking we tend to be getting something done, exploring ideas,

working out some aspects of the world, or simply being together. Speaking

English well also helps students access up to update information in fields

including science, technology, and health. The students have to master all

components of speaking skills (Sari,2019). This ability is an important indicator

ability to speak English correctly and fluently. especially for the younger

generation in general and students in particular in ledx64arning English

(Budiarta and Krismayani, 2014, Antony et al., 2015). This opinion indicates

that speaking skills imply someone knows a language (Moussu and Llurda,

2008, Sulam et al., 2019). By mastering good speaking skills, students can

communicate their ideas, both in class and with foreign speakers, and also

maintain good relations with others. These skills are closely related to

pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, discourse, listening skill, and so on (Páez

and Rinaldi, 2006, Syakur, 2018).


C. Review of Previous Study

The first researchers are Syafryadin, Feny Martina & Salniwati, they

conducted a study entitled “Compensation Strategies in Speaking Activities for

Non-English Department Students: Poor and Competent Speakers”. This study

investigated the compensation strategies which were used by competent and

poor speakers to avoid communication gaps in speaking activities. This study

used a descriptive quantitative design. Data collection used an observation sheet

and a questionnaire. The findings showed that the strategy which dominant used

by either competent speakers or poor speakers as their group tendencies that

were selecting the topic with the same overall average score of 4.0; competent

speakers mostly used selecting the topic with the overall average of 4.0,

adjusting or approximating the message with the overall average of 3.6 and

using mime or gesture with the overall average of 3.5; poor speakers also mostly

used selecting the topic with the overall average of 4.0 and coining word of 3.5.

Competent speakers much more used compensation strategies than poor

speakers. Thus, its major implication for pedagogy is that compensation

strategies are extremely useful as guidance to avoid communication gaps in

speaking activities.

The second researchers are Alireza Karbalaei and Tania Negin Taji-

Taji, this research was conducted entitled "Compensation Strategies: Tracking

Movement in EFL Learner's Speaking Skill". The present study aimed to

determine the compensation strategies used by Iranian elementary EFL learners


across the speaking skill. The participants of this study were a sample of 120

EFL elementary male and female learners whose ages ranged between 11 and

25 at a language institute in Rostam, Iran. The main participants were

homogenized through the Standardized Key English Test (KET). After the

administration of the proficiency test, some oral exams consisting of different

speaking topics were administered in the first and following sessions of the

course to observe and identify the compensation strategies used by the EFL

learners with the same proficiency level. Oxford's typology of compensation

strategies was prepared in form of a checklist to facilitate the fast recording of

observable compensation strategies in an oral examination. The students’

speaking on the given topics merely served as an opportunity to observe

students’ use of compensation strategies. The results indicated that Iranian EFL

students tended to use various kinds of compensation strategies in

communicating their intended meanings.

The third researchers are Ali Akbar Taheri & Mohammad Davoudi, this

research was conducted entitled "The Use of Compensation Strategies in the

Iranian EFL Learner's Speaking and Its Relationship with Their Foreign

Language Proficiency". Compensation Strategies (CPSC) are strategies that a

language user employs to achieve his intended meaning when precise linguistic

forms are for some reason not available at that point of communication.

Different factors may influence the use of CpSs, among which the level of

language proficiency is one of the most important ones. The present study

attempts to investigate the relationship between compensation strategies use

and the level of language proficiency and gender. To explore this relationship,

four distinct groups of learners – advanced male, advanced female, intermediate

male, and intermediate female, each containing 12 members– participated in

the study. The participants were interviewed individually and their

performances were tape-recorded and then transcribed. The findings of the

study indicate that "self-repetition", "direct appeal for help", and

"approximation" are the most frequently used strategies; there is a significant

relationship between the frequency of compensation strategy use and

proficiency in the frequency of compensation strategies use increases as the

level of language proficiency develops whereas no significant relationship was

observed between strategy frequency and gender.




A. Research Design

In this study, the researcher used a qualitative approach. A qualitative

approach was used to obtain meaningful data. This research is focused on

language learning strategies, especially compensation strategies used by

students in the process of learning English on students' speaking skills in class.

According to Emir, (2018: 28) states that the qualitative method only includes

a description of program problems and community experiences in the research

environment. The purpose of the qualitative description in this research is to

help the reader know what is happening in the environment by observation,

what the views of the participants are in the research setting, and what the

events or activities are like in the research setting.

B. Research Setting

This research was conducted in a senior high school at Haruyan sub-

district, Hulu Sungai Tengah district, South Kalimantan province. The school

chosen was MAPK NU Haruyan. The researcher researched students of class

XII Social Science (IPS). The researcher chose this school because many

students are enthusiastic about learning English, especially in speaking skills.

However, many of them still need help communicating English well due to

several factors. One is the need for more knowledge about the learning

strategies they should use in learning English, especially in speaking and

communicating skills. This was proven when the researcher was conducting

pre-observation at the school, where the researcher had time to carry out

teaching and learning activities in a short time and the researcher had time to

interact with several students from the school. So that in the end, the researcher

was interested in conducting research at the school.

C. Participants / Subject

In this study, the researcher used a qualitative method where students

were the main subject, and compensation strategies were the main object of this

research. This study consisted of students of class XII senior high school at

MAPK NU Haruyan, majoring in Social Sciences (IPS), who had 20 students

in each class of mixed gender. The researcher uses a qualitative strategy in this

study, namely a case study. In this study, the researcher explores an event,

activity, process, or one or more individuals in depth. Cases are limited by time

and activity, and the researcher collects detailed information using a variety of

data collection procedures over a sufficient period (Stake, 1995).

D. Data

The types of data are divided into 2, namely quantitative and qualitative,

and in this study the researcher used qualitative data. The data sources in the

study are divided into 2, namely primary data sources and secondary data

sources, Sugiyono (2015). Qualitative data is data in the form of words,

schemes, and pictures. The data needed in this study is about using English

learning strategies, especially compensation strategies that affect the learning

English speaking skills in class XII of senior high school at MAPK NU

Haruyan. This study comprised students in class XII of old high school

majoring in Social Science (IPS) and English teachers at MAPK NU Haruyan.

Still, the main subjects in this study were students in grades XII of senior high

school majoring in Social Science (IPS).

E. Technique of Data Collection

1). Observation

Sugiyono (2016:203), observation as a data collection technique has

specific characteristics when compared to other techniques. Data collection

is done with this technique to obtain information about actual human

behavior. Observation as a data acquisition tool gives you a clearer picture

of the problem and explains how to solve it. Observations are made by

looking directly into the field or coming to the school now to find out what

types of compensation strategy is more used by students in learning English

in the classroom, especially in speaking skills for students of class XII of

senior high school majoring Social Science (IPS) in learning speaking skills

using various types of compensation strategies at MAPK NU Haruyan.

Observations in this study used some senses where the researcher came

directly to the English class with the teacher's permission to take the

necessary data. Researchers see firsthand what the classroom looks like and

will be described qualitatively. Then, the researcher asked the students to

introduce themselves one by one using English as the researcher started the

introduction. Before the researcher asked the students to introduce

themselves, the researcher explained English learning strategies, especially

compensation strategies and their various types. Then, when the students

introduced themselves, the researcher observed their English-speaking

ability and what kinds of compensation strategies they used. The researcher

also observed how the teacher explained and delivered the material to the

learners and the learners' responses to the English teacher who taught in a

class that involved compensation strategies in communicating during the

learning process. In this study, the researcher also examined the driving

factors that influence the development of students' speaking skills and the

English teacher's role during the classroom learning process.

2). Interview

An interview is a meeting of two people to exchange information and

ideas through question and answer, so that meaning can be contracted in

certain data (Anufia, & Alhamid, 2019).

Sugiyono (2016: 194), interviews are used as a data collection technique

if the researcher wants to conduct a preliminary study to determine the


problems that must be studied, and also if the researcher wants to know

things from respondents who are more in-depth and the number of

respondents is not much.

In this study, interviews were used by the researcher to collect data

about how the use of compensation strategies used by English learners

during English language learning in the classroom, especially in their

speaking skills, as well as what obstacles made students less confident when

speaking or communicating English directly in front of an audience or

crowd. Whether the compensation strategy they use is appropriate to make

learning to talk easier, whether the compensation strategy is easy for them

to understand, and how helpful the strategies is in their speaking skills. The

researcher asked all these questions in the interview.

F. Data Analysis

After collecting documentation, interviews, and observation, the data

was analyzed. Data analysis is a simplified process in which data becomes a

form that can be read and understood easily.

1). Data Reduction

Data reduction is a selection process, focusing attention on

simplification, abstraction, and transformation of raw data that emerged

from written notes in the field. This process continued throughout the study,

even before the data was collected, as can be seen from the conceptual

research framework, study problems, and approaches to data collection

selected by the researcher. Then are summarization, coding, topic tracking,

clustering, and note-making. This process continues until the data then

recorded in the field. The final step in data reduction is the development of

a coding system.

2). Data Display

As Miles, Huberman, and Saldana emphasize, a view is an organized

and compressed collection of information that allows drawing conclusions

and actions. The presentation in this study also aims to understand the data

obtained and organize it systematically, from complex types of information

to specific but specific (Miles, 2014). In this step, the researcher displays

data that contains various types of compensation strategies used by students

during English language learning, especially in speaking skill.

3). Verification and Drawing Conclusion

All of these data were then collected to gain a deeper understanding of

the use of compensation strategies in English language learning for high

school level English learners. Finally, there are some conclusions and

explanations regarding the use of English learning strategies, especially

compensation strategies for high school English learners in learning English

in the classroom.



After presenting the data, this chapter discussed the results of this study.

The results were designed to answer research questions about compensation

strategies used by students in language learning classes in class XII of senior high

school majoring in Social Science (IPS), MAPK NU Haruyan.

A. Findings

This finding is the result of data analysis from the research process that

has been carried out by the researcher. The results of the analysis data were

collected based on research results by means of interviews and questionnaires

aimed at class XII of senior high school majoring Social Science (IPS), who

had 20 respondents which consisted of 15 female students and 5 male students.

1. How do students in learning speaking skills apply the use of

compensation strategies?

Based on the results of researcher observations and interviews

conducted at MAPK NU Haruyan, one of the secondary schools in Hulu

Sungai Tengah District, from 10 November 2022 to 10 January 2023,

during the last two months. The study was conducted at six meetings. Each

achieved different research analysis results.


The researcher conducted the first study on Friday, 11 November 2022.

In the morning, the researcher came to school early and then entered class

XII of senior high school majoring in Social Science (IPS) with permission

that the previous teacher gave. Then the researcher first got acquainted with

the students and greeted each other. At that time, the researcher also asked

questions about the research related to classroom language learning.

When the teacher enters the class, she first greets the students with

greetings and checks the students' attendance. Then the teacher asks the

students to remember the previous learning material before starting the new

material they will learn. The teacher also provokes students not to be

nervous and enjoy the language learning process by inviting them to discuss

hot news that is trending on social media but has a positive effect on those

who know the information. For example, when there was a case of a child

who had the heart to sue his biological mother in court because of the

inheritance from his late father that he wanted to fall into her hands. In that

case, the teacher advised the students not to do something like that someday

because it is terrible. Then, the teacher chooses a student to read the material

they will learn. Then beginning the lesson.

The teacher gives the students a short reading text from English news

on the internet containing many unfamiliar words and sentences. For

example, the term "Webcast," in the phrase "Webcast," many students were

confused about translating the meaning of the word. In addition, there are

other examples, such as "Web conference," students are confused about the

word's meaning, similar to the previous words. However, these two words

have different word meanings even though they both have the prefix "Web"

or both contain the prefix in the word. However, at that moment, the teacher

directs the students to observe words containing endings and prefixes that

can only be absorbed directly without opening an English dictionary as per

the teacher's request.

When students are confused by new words they recognize, they

spontaneously ask the English teacher what the word's meaning is. This

study shows the use of two different types of compensation strategies at one

time, namely "Getting Help," because asking for help by asking the teacher

who teaches in class or to the interlocutor when communicating is a strategy

communicating which is classified in the type of compensation strategy

"Getting Help."

It can be concluded that on the first day of this study, the researcher

found the use of two different types of compensation strategies, namely

"Using Linguistic Clues and Getting Help," by the students and the teacher.

After the English class was over, the researcher then asked for some

time to interview the English teacher and students involved in using

compensation strategies in the learning process that had just been

completed. The teacher and students were happy to take their time to be

interviewed. The researcher interviewed the teacher first then, followed by


interviewing the students with questions that had been provided by the

researcher before.

The interviews were conducted using a combination of three languages

by the researcher, namely, English first and then translated directly by the

researcher into Indonesian and interspersed with local languages. This was

done in line with the situation and conditions, and to facilitate the data

collection process by the researcher, which then the results of the interview

data were summarized by researcher, as follows:

Researcher I’m sorry before miss, do the students always use

compensation strategies during learning English in


“Sebelumnya mohon maaf mis, apakah para siswa selalu

menggunakan strategi kompensasi selama pembelajaran

bahasa Inggris di kelas?”

Teacher “Iya, some of students who are active in learning English

almost all use compensation strategies Jadi jenis strategi

kompensasi yang sering digunakan adalah "Getting

Help", karena ketika mereka menghadapi kesulitan

dalam berkomunikasi, maka bertanya kepada guru

adalah satu-satunya cara yang menurut mereka dapat


mengatasi masalah yang sedang mereka hadapi pada

saat itu.”

Researcher Okay, the next question. In your opinion, are the

compensation strategies effective in learning speaking

skill for students in the classroom?

“Oke, pertanyaan selanjutnya. Menurut miss, apakah

compensation strategies ini efektif dalam pembelajaran

keterampilan berbicara siswa di kelas?”

Teacher “Alright, karena strategi ini dapat membantu siswa yang

mengalami kesulitan dalam berkomunikasi, baik itu

dalam proses pembelajaran bahasa Inggris dikelas

maupun dalam komunikasi sehari-hari mereka jika pada

saat itu mereka menggunakan Bahasa Inggris

berdasarkan jenis-jenis strategi kompensasi yang sesuai

dengan situasi dan kondisi seseorang.”

Researcher Okay, thank you so much miss on your answers!

“Baik, terima kasih banyak atas jawabannya miss!”

It can be concluded, from the results of teacher interviews, the strategy

that students often use during the English learning process is "Getting Help"

type this is one of the strategies that students are most interested in the

English learning process because the teacher assumed when the students

facing difficulties in communicating, asking the teacher is the only way they

think can overcome the problems they are facing at that time. Compensation

strategies are also effective in learning speaking skills for students in the

classroom, both in the English learning process and in daily

communication, based on the type of compensation strategies that follow

one's situation and conditions.

Then, the interview was continued with 2 students who used this

compensation strategy in the learning process that had just been carried out

by them,

(the researcher & student 1)

Researcher What are your problems during learning English class?

“Apa masalah kamu selama belajar di kelas bahasa


Student 1 “Masalah yang Aldini hadapi selama proses belajar

Aldini S. bahasa Inggris dikelas yaitu, pertama, Aldini kurang

kosakata bahasa Inggris karena menurut Aldini, minat

belajar bahasa Inggris Aldini sangat rendah karena

belajar bahasa Inggris itu sulit. Kedua, banyak kata-kata

yang sulit untuk diucapkan, hal ini dikarenakan kami


jarang praktik sehingga banyak kosakata bahasa Inggris

yang jarang kami dengar itulah yang membuat Aldini gak

terlalu suka belajar Bahasa Inggris.”

Researcher Do you know about compensation strategies in learning

English for speaking skill in classroom?

“Kamu tau gak tentang strategi kompensasi dalam

pembelajaran bahasa Inggris untuk keterampilan

berbicara di kelas?”

Student 1 “I don’t know, hemm Aldini taunya tentang

Aldini S. pembelajaran bahasa Inggris aja tanpa tau strateginya,

kirain kalau belajar Bahasa Inggris, yaudah belajar aja

gak ada tuh strategi-strateginya, ooh ternyata ada

strategi khusus nya juga ya kak.”

Researcher Okay, next question. Has the English teacher previously

explained the compensation strategies to students before?

“Oke, pertanyaan selanjutnya. Sebelumnya apakah guru

bahasa Inggris pernah menjelaskan tentang strategi

kompensasi kepada kalian?”

Student 1 “Kayaknya gak ada sih kak, rasanya miss gak pernah

Aldini S. menjelaskan tentang strategi pembelajaran Bahasa ini,

cuman dia hanya bilang kalo misalnya kita bingung


dalam mengartikan kata Bahasa Inggris atau gak tau

maknanya, kita bisa menggunakan kamus Bahasa atau

google translate dalam mencari maknanya.”

Researcher “Terimakasih atas jawabannya Aldini!”

It can be concluded the first student interviewed said that the problem

she experienced in the English learning process was the need for more

vocabulary, which was due to his low interest in English learning. Secondly,

many words are difficult to pronounce because they rarely practice speaking

during the language-learning process, and there is so much English

vocabulary that they rarely hear. Some of these things become obstacles for

them in communicating, and the teacher should have explained this

communication strategy beforehand.

(the researcher & student 2)

Researcher What are your problems during learning English class?

“Apa masalah kamu selama belajar di kelas bahasa


Student 2 “Belajar bahasa Inggris itu sulit kak, terutama dalam

Silva A. pengucapan. Itu menurut aku adalah masalah besar aku

dalam belajar bahasa Inggris.”


Researcher Okay, Did you know about compensation strategies in

learning English for speaking skill in classroom?

“Okey, apakah kamu tau tentang strategi kompensasi

dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris untuk keterampilan

berbicara di kelas?”

Student 2 “Gak tau kak, aku juga baru aja dengar tentang strategi

Silva A. kompensasi ini pas kakak melakukan observasi,

sebelumnya aku taunya belajar Bahasa Inggris ya gitu-

gitu aja hehe,”

Researcher Okay, next question. Has the English teacher previously

explained the compensation strategies to students before?

“Oke, pertanyaan selanjutnya. Sebelumnya,, apakah

guru bahasa Inggris pernah menjelaskan tentang strategi

kompensasi kepada kalian?”

Student 2 “Gak ada kak, kita taunya cuman belajar Bahasa Inggris

Silva A. aja, mungkin kayak materi tentang procedure text, terus

itu tentang pengucapan, kosa kata Bahasa Inggris, nah

cumin materi kayak gitu yang dijelaskan oleh miss, kalo

tentang strategi gak ada sih.”

It can be concluded from the results of the second student interview data

the problems experienced by this student are almost the same as the first

student. She needs help pronouncing some English words, so she thinks

learning English is difficult.

The researcher conducted the second study on Wednesday, 16

November 2022. As usual, in the morning, the researcher came to class

early. The researcher observed the teacher who explained material using

English combined with Indonesian. When the teacher told a story in the

learning process, some students were seen guessing the meaning of the

words from the teacher's delivery, so the students took the English

dictionary they put in their desk drawers. The researcher observed that some

students did not understand the meaning of the English teacher's

explanation, so they had to open their English dictionary to convince them

about the importance of words conveyed by the English teacher.

The researcher asked the students for a moment after the lesson ended

to be interviewed regarding what they had just experienced in the English


(the researcher and both students)

Researcher During the English learning process in class, did you

experience any difficulties, such as confusion when

listening to the meaning of words conveyed by the

English teacher, then how did you overcome it?


“Selama proses pembelajaran bahasa Inggris di kelas,

apakah kamu pernah mengalami kesulitan, seperti

kebingungan saat menyimak arti kata yang disampaikan

oleh guru bahasa Inggris, lalu bagaimana cara kamu


Student 1 “Iyaa kak, itu sangat sering terjadi saat belajar Bahasa

Fatimah Inggris di kelas, ada beberapa kata yang membuat aku

kebingungan dalam menyimak artinya itu kak, sehingga

aku harus menebak-nebak arti kata tersebut dengan

mencocokkannya berdasarkan setting tempat, atau waktu

maupun biasanya dengan tema cerita tersebut untuk

memastikan kata-kata tersebut sesuai dengan arti kata

yang telah aku prediksi sebelumnya kak. Kemudian, aku

membuka kamus bahasa Inggris yang biasa diletakkan di

bawah laci meja untuk memastikan tebakan aku tuh

apakah sesuai atau tidak dengan maknanya, dan tentunya

hal itu tidak membuat miss marah, melainkan miss

senang karena aku berusaha menemukan artinya dengan

benar. Sebagai contoh gini loh kak, waktu pembelajaran

barusan tadi, nah itu ada kata "The doctor asks me to take

medicine", awalnya aku pikir artinya itu "ambilah obat

itu", tetapi menurutku arti tersebut gak sesuai sama latar

tempat dan waktu yang diceritakan dalam cerita yang

diceritakan oleh miss, masa orang sakit disuruh ngambil

obat yang ada kan diminum tuh obat bukannya diambil

doang hehe, sehingga aku menafsirkannya dengan

"minumlah obat itu", dan ternyata makna yang aku tebak

itu benar kata miss, nah jadi gitu sih kak menurut aku.”

Student 2 “Iya kak, pernah banget sering bahkan, aku sempat

Norhalisa kebingungan dalam menangkap beberapa arti kata yang

telah disampaikan oleh miss. Seperti contohnya nih kak,

ketika dikelas tadi miss menceritakan sebuah cerita

kemudian pada cerita tersebut terdapat kata “Have a

sweet tooth” nah, aku tuh betul-betul kebingungan dalam

memahaminya, namun pada cerita itu yang bisa aku

tangkap bahwa cerita itu tuh berisi tentang persahabatan

gitu, nah kalimatnya tuh gini kak “Bella and Tiara can’t

resist chocolate and ice cream! She has a sweet tooth.”,

jadi berdasarkan tema dan hal-hal yang mendasar dari

cerita tersebut maknanya itu si Bella dan Tiara sangat

beruntung bisa bertemu secara kebetulan, nah.. jadi gitu


menurut penjelasan dari miss yang aku tangkap tadi


Researcher Did you know what you have done is a type of

compensation strategy?

“Kamu tau gak yang kamu lakukan itu merupakan salah

satu jenis strategi kompensasi?”

Student 1 “Gak tau kak, kirain itu hanya hal yang terjadi secara

Fatimah spontan aja.”

Student 2 “Gak tau juga kak, karena apa yang aku lakukan

Norhalisa hanyalah hal spontan yang biasa dilakukan seperti

sebelum-sebelumnya, dan biasanya juga miss sering

menyuruh kita membuka kamus bahasa Inggris ketika kita

gak ngerti arti kata Bahasa Inggris.”

Then, the researcher explained to the students who were interviewed

that it was a type of compensation strategy, namely “Using Non-Linguistic

Clues,” which the compensation strategy included a kind of language

learning strategy; indeed, some facts have shown that unconsciously

humans can sometimes not realize the little things they do it is a strategy

used to be able to overcome the problems they are experiencing.

Unconsciously, their thinking skills can be pretty good because when they

use them, they focus on solutions to the issues they are experiencing and

how to overcome them, not just lament over the problem.

So, it can be concluded, during the English learning process, the "Using

Non-Linguistic Clues" type of strategy is also involved in the learning

process. It is proven by the results of observations and interviews conducted

by the researcher with several students who use the strategy during the

English learning process in the classroom.

The researcher conducted the third study on Friday, 18 November 2022.

As usual, the researcher comes to the class early and observes the learning

process. The English lesson was conducted as expected. The teacher entered

the grace to say greetings and check the attendance of students. Then she

always motivated his students to be enthusiastic about learning, then

repeating the previous lesson and then explaining the learning material.

After making sure the students understood the material she explained, then

the teacher gave assignments to students.

At that time, the teacher asked each student to be able to prepare a

sentence that could be used to interact and communicate with other fellow

students. Then the researcher observed that several students experienced

difficulties both in terms of lack of vocabulary and how to pronounce it, so

some of them chose to switch to their mother tongue to be able to continue

their communication, but without them knowing that it is part of a language


learning strategy that is classified as a type of compensation strategy namely

“Switching Back to Mother Tongue.”

Student 1 “I go to pasar today dengan my mother”


Student 2 “I go to school pagi-pagi today”


Student 3 “I wash my pakaian today because disuruh my mother”

Sri Yulianti

Student 4 “I want to buy a book in the toko today”


Student 5 “I want to cook pisang goreng today with my kaka

Aldini S. perempuan”

Student 6 “I don’t want to help you lagi because you marah-marah

Silva terus to me”

Student 7 “My brother memasak for me today”


Student 8 “My mother membawakan oleh-oleh from Bandung for

Asfiyanti me”

Student 9 “My father bekerja everyday”



From the results of the research observed by the researcher, it can be

concluded that the “Switching Back to Mother Tongue” strategy is widely

used by students in the learning process, especially in speaking skills, and

based on the results of interviews, the reason students switch to their mother

tongue when communicating is that students do not know the vocabulary of

the word what they want to say so that the student spontaneously switch to

their mother tongue to overcome the communication problems they are

facing, but without them realizing that what the students do spontaneously

is a language learning strategy.

This research was conducted at the fourth meeting of the research

schedule on Wednesday, 23 November 2022. At that time, the researcher

first consulted with the English teacher about the material that the teacher

would present during the lesson in class so that the researcher could first

prepare any additional questions from those that had been made previously

as complementary material. Interviews, and after observing the material that

the language teacher will present, the researcher matches what strategies

students will likely use in the learning process related to that material.

At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher gave instructions to all

students. The teacher asked each student in pairs to make a short

conversation which was then read in front of the whiteboard. Then three

teams had difficulty with English vocabulary. They did not know a few

words in English, so it required them to ask the teacher and their


Couple 1 (Muthia and Raysa)

Muthia : “Hi Raysa, do you want to go to the hmmm…. (school) today?”

This is a snippet of words one of the students spoke when practicing

conversation in front of the whiteboard with her interlocutor. When Muthia

did not know the English meaning of the word "school," Muthia

spontaneously asked her interlocutor, "Raysa, what is the English meaning

of the word "school," thus without realizing it, Muthia was able to solve the

problem she faced by using one type of compensation strategy "Getting

Help," namely asking the interlocutor for English vocabulary that she did

not know when communicated.

Couple 2 (Sri and Asfiyanti)

Asfiya : “What food do you want to eat today Sri?”

Sri : “I want to eat a… (noodle) today”

Sri did not know the English for the word instant noodles so she was

confused when she wanted to answer a question from Asfiya, but Sri

quickly turned to the language teacher who was teaching in class and then

asked directly the English for the word mie instan.


Researcher Why do you ask a miss when you don't know the English

vocabulary you want to say during English


“Apa alasan kamu bertanya kepada miss ketika kamu gak

tau kosakata bahasa Inggris yang ingin kamu ucapkan

saat komunikasi berbahasa Inggris?”

Student (Sri) “menurutku, karena bertanya kepada guru itu adalah

satu-satunya cara untuk mendapatkan jawaban yang

tepat saat mengalami kesulitan dalam berkomunikasi

berbahasa Inggris dan itupun juga merupakan hal yang

spontan dilakukan ketika udah bingung banget.”

Researcher “Okeh, Trimakasih banyak ya Sri atas jawabannya! See


After class ended, the researcher approached Sri and Asfiya and asked

them for a moment to conduct an interview, and during the interview, Sri

said that she often asked the teacher when she didn't know the English word

she wanted to say. Then the researcher explained again that he had just done

a learning strategy classified as compensation.

As for this study, the researcher also found the use of the "Coining

Word" type of compensation strategy. The researcher found that several

students used the "Coining Word" strategy in the English learning process

in class XII of senior high school majoring in Social Science (IPS). The

examples of the use of this strategy found by the researcher during English

learning took place, are:

Raysa (Student 1): “Miss, BTW, Mengapa bahasa Inggris sulit dipelajari

oleh seseorang yang tidak menyukainya?”

The researcher found a student named Raysa, asking the English teacher

using the coining words strategy. She used the word BTW in her

communication with the teacher. However, after interviewing Raysa, it

turned out that she did not know that the abbreviated English word she had

just said was a type of compensation strategy, namely coining words, which

is used when students need the correct vocabulary when communicating.

Norhalisa (Student 2): “OMG, Miss, materi ini terlalu sulit untuk


The second discovery from the use of the coining words strategy by the

researcher was that one of the students, Norhalisa, was talking to her

teacher, and she complained about the English subject matter, which she

found difficult to understand. At that moment, Norhalisa spontaneously

uttered "OMG" meaning "Oh My God." When she said the word, her

expression seemed challenging to understand, even though the teacher had

not explained the material. At that time, the teacher only asked all students

to open specific pages in their English textbooks, which the English teacher

would later explain. After interviewing this student, it turned out that he did

not know that the "OMG" word he had just said was one type of

compensation strategy, namely Coining Words. Then the researcher

explained to the student what type of compensation strategy is Coining

Words. After listening to the explanation from the researcher, the student

finally knew about the types of compensation strategies, included the type

of strategy that she used last time.

The fifth meeting was conducted on Friday, 25 November 2022. As

usual, the researcher came to the class early and sat in the back corner seat.

In the language learning class, the teacher explained the learning material

related to speaking skills: "procedure text." This material is a continuation

of the previous lesson. In the last meeting, the teacher gave the students an

assignment to make a procedure text, and later each student was asked to

come forward to the blackboard to present it.

Then, the researcher found the students using the "Using Mime and

Body Movement/Gesture" strategy when they presented the procedure text.

The hand is the body gesture they often play when showing or explaining

the material. Using hand gestures when presenting or explaining something

can make it easier for students to express their delivery.


The researcher found three students who were fluent in presenting their

material in front of the audience, and they used hand gestures and loud

voices when giving in front of the audience.

The first student who presented using hand gestures and a loud voice

was Lidya, and she explained the procedure text about "How to Make Fried

Bananas." During the presentation, Lidya calculated how much sugar, salt,

and water to be put into the fried banana batter using her fingers. Also, when

she explained the material, she used hand gestures to describe it. She did

this to make explaining the material easier because she thought using hand

gestures during the presentation could reduce her nervousness so that she

would enjoy presenting the material more.

The second student is Farhan. Farhan is one of the students who are

good at speaking English in his class. Farhan has loved English since he

was in junior high school. In his presentation, Farhan presented "How to

Make Fried Rice." Farhan explained in detail what ingredients were needed

to make fried rice. He played very agile hand gestures during the

presentation, which made his presentation easy to understand for the

audience as if he understood the material he presented; this proves that this

is one of the strategies that can help students communicate because using

body gestures can help relax the words they want to say and reduce

nervousness in front of the audient or interlocutor.


The third student was Maulida. Maulida presented "How to Make Fruit

Salad." She explained what should be prepared first before making fruit

salad step-by-step. She counted the first to last step using her fingers. That's

where the hand gesture comes into play.

After the class ended, the researcher asked the students to be

interviewed briefly. The researcher asked them about this type of

compensatory strategy. Almost all students did not know that the hand

gesture played when communicating with the interlocutor or audience was

one type of compensation strategy. Thus, the researcher again explained the

types of compensation strategies and their use.

It can be concluded that this type of compensation strategy is also

widely used by students in the learning process, especially in speaking

skills, but not many of them know that this is one type of strategy in


The last meeting is on Friday, 06 January 2023. At this meeting, the

researcher distributed questionnaires to 20 students of class XII of senior

high school majoring in Social Science (IPS), which from the questionnaire

contained observation checklists about the types of compensatory strategies

used by students in English learning classes.

Based on the results of the data collected from the observation

checklist that has been filled in by students of class XII of senior high school

majoring in Social Science (IPS), it showed that students in the learning

process rarely use several types of compensation strategies. Several types

of compensation strategies are often used in the learning process, and they

use one favorite strategy during the language learning process.

Some strategies that students least use when learning are "Avoiding

Communication Partially and Totally, Adjusting or Approximating the

Message, Selecting the Topic and Using a Circumlocution or Synonym" the

use of these strategies was not found by researchers in English language

learning. Several types of compensation strategies are widely used by

students in the learning process, among others, "Getting help, Switching

Back to Mother Tongue, Using Mime or Body Movement/Gesture, Using

Linguistic Clues, and Using Non-Linguistic Clues. Among several

strategies that students widely use during the learning process, one favorite

strategy that students like the most are "Getting Help." Researchers very

often find this strategy during the learning process.

2. What are students’ purposes in using compensation strategy in

learning speaking skill

In this study, the second focus of the researcher is the purpose of

students using compensation strategies in the language learning process.

Compensation strategies play a role in the language learning process in class

XII of senior high school majoring in Social Science (IPS). The researcher

used this strategy in the language learning process to examine the purpose

of student class XII of old high school majoring in Social Science.

The researcher interviewed to obtain data regarding the purpose of

students using compensation strategies in the language learning process,

"What is your purpose for using compensation strategies in the language

learning process?". It can be concluded that almost all students' answers are

the same, they use compensation strategies in the learning process to make

it easier for them to communicate, and they use compensation strategies to

deal with problems when speaking, such as some examples that a researcher

in the discussion of the previous discovery has found.

B. Discussion

In this discussion the researcher finds that students are using

compensation strategies as strategy in speaking class that based on Oxford and

Rebecca who write that students using compensation strategies in speaking

class, there are:

1. How do students in learning speaking skills apply the use of

compensation strategies?

Based on the results of researcher observations and interviews

conducted at MAPK NU Haruyan, one of the secondary schools in Hulu

Sungai Tengah District, from 10 November 2022 to 10 January 2023,


during the last two months. The study was conducted at six meetings. Each

achieved different research analysis results.

Observation in this study was conducted to find out how the use of

compensation strategies by students in the learning process in the classroom

in speaking skills, which there are two meetings in one week. Each meeting

has different materials and titles with other skills, but what the researcher

focuses on in this study is students' speaking skills related to the use of

compensation strategies in the communication process in the language

classroom and the purpose of students using this strategy in the learning

process. The researcher also made an observation checklist to get accurate

data on the learning process by using compensation strategies in the

classroom. The observation data that have been identified will be described

in the following discussion.

There are various types of compensation strategies used by students

during the language learning process in the classroom which; include two

types, namely Intelligent guessing and Overcoming Limitations in

Speaking, which follow the theory put forward by Oxford & Rebecca

(1990) compensation strategies as language problem-solving techniques

consist of various mental or physical activities carried out by students to

resolve any language learning problems they encounter, and are divided into

guessing intelligently and overcoming limitations in speaking and writing,


which each of these strategies has a more specific strategy, which will be

discussed in the following discussion.

In the first meeting, the researcher found the use of compensation

strategies during the English learning process. The teacher gives the

students a short reading text from English news on the internet containing

many unfamiliar words and sentences. For example, the term "Webcast," in

the phrase "Webcast," many students were confused about translating the

meaning of the word. In addition, there are other examples, such as "Web

conference," students are confused about the word's meaning, similar to the

previous words. However, these two words have different word meanings

even though they both have the prefix "Web" or both contain the prefix in

the word. This event follows the theory put forward by Oxford (1990),

"using linguistic knowledge of suffixes, prefixes and word order to guess

meaning," namely guessing the meaning of words by using suffixes,

prefixes or word order to think the purpose about. When someone is

confused when communicating or interpreting a word, they can guess the

meaning of the word based on the suffix, prefixes, or word order contained

in the word, such as the example that has been experienced in the learning

process in class XII of senior high school majoring Social Science (IPS).

"Webcast" is formed from the words "Web + Broadcast." The word

"Webcast" cannot be absorbed directly because the "st" at the syllable's end

is uncommon in Indonesian. We take the term from its element, webcast.


As another example, "Web Conference," a word formed by the combination

of "Web + Conference," is defined by the term teleconference or a web

conference. The word "Web" here can be interpreted as something related

to online. However, at that moment, the teacher directs the students to

observe words containing endings and prefixes that can only be absorbed

directly without opening an English dictionary as per the teacher's request.

When students are confused by new words they recognize, they

spontaneously ask the English teacher what the word's meaning is. This

event follows the theory put forward by Oxford (1990), "asking someone

for help in a conversation by hesitating or explicitly asking for the missing

expression." This study shows the use of two different types of

compensation strategies at one time, namely "Getting Help," because asking

for help by asking the teacher who teaches in class or to the interlocutor

when communicating is a strategy communicating which is classified in the

type of compensation strategy "Getting Help."

Based on the results of interview data that has been summarized by

researcher, the strategy that students often use during the English learning

process is "Getting Help" type, this is one of the strategies that students are

most interested in the English learning process, because the teacher

assumed when the students facing difficulties in communicating, asking the

teacher is the only way they think can overcome the problems they are

facing at that time. Compensation strategies are also effective in learning


speaking skills for students in the classroom, both in the English learning

process and in daily communication, based on the compensation strategies

that follow one's situation and conditions.

It can be concluded that on the first day of this study, the researcher

found the use of two different types of compensation strategies, namely

"Using Linguistic Clues and Getting Help", by the students and the teacher.

Based on the research observed in a second meeting. When the teacher

told a story in the learning process, some students were seen guessing the

meaning of the words from the teacher's delivery, so the students took the

English dictionary they put in their desk drawers. The researcher observed

that some students did not understand the meaning of the English teacher's

explanation, so they had to open their English dictionary to convince them

about the importance of words conveyed by the English teacher. Then, the

researcher explained to the students who were interviewed that it was a type

of compensation strategy, namely "Using Non-Linguistic Clues," which the

compensation strategy included a kind of language learning strategy;

indeed, some facts have shown that unconsciously humans can sometimes

not realize the little things they do it is a strategy used to be able to overcome

the problems they are experiencing. Unconsciously, their thinking skills can

be pretty good because when they use them, they focus on solutions to the

issues they are experiencing and how to overcome them, not just lament

over the problem.


An example of the use of compensation strategies of the type "Non-

Linguistic Clues" experienced during the language learning process by

students in class XII of senior high school majoring in Social Science (IPS);

An example of the use of the "Non Linguistic Clues" type compensation

strategy experienced during the language learning process by XII grade

high school students majoring in Social Sciences (IPS) based on the results

of interviews conducted by the researcher to a student named Fatimah, she

was confused when listening to the meaning of the words "The doctor asks

me to take medicine." Fatimah said, "at first I thought it meant "take

medicine," but I thought that meaning was not appropriate based on the

setting of the place and time told in the story, so I interpreted it with "take

medicine," because in the story that I listened to someone came to visit a

sick person in the hospital, and the sick person said the phrase, "The doctor

asks me to take medicine." Based on that sentence, the meaning of the word

"Take" there is the same as "Drink." The next example was experienced by

a student named Norhalisa; she was also confused when capturing the

meaning of the words "Have a sweet tooth" Initially, she thought the

meaning of the word was related to sweetness because the sentence in the

story contained "Bella and Tiara can't resist chocolate and ice cream! She

has a sweet tooth." Still, after listening to the setting and plot of the story,

which tells about friendship, it turns out that the meaning of the words

"Have a sweet tooth" is "Bella and Tiara are very lucky to meet by chance

after a long time without seeing each other who they are close friends

before." The events that occurred were following the theory put forward by

Oxford (1990) "The learners use this strategy by seeking and using clues

that are not language based to guess the meaning of what is heard or read in

the target language and including knowledge of context, situation, text

structure, personal relationship, topic, or general world knowledge."

So, it can be concluded, during the English learning process, the "Using

Non-Linguistic Clues" type of strategy is also involved in the learning

process, it is proven by the results of observations and interviews conducted

by researcher to several students who use the strategy during the English

learning process in the classroom.

Oxford and Rebecca's (1990) compensation strategies as language

problem-solving techniques consist of various mental or physical activities

carried out by students to resolve any language learning problems they

encounter. They are divided into guessing intelligently and overcoming

limitations in speaking and writing. Overcoming limitations in speaking

help learner make up for the need for more knowledge. There are some

types of Overcoming limitations in speaking strategies used by students

during the English learning process in class XII grade high school majoring

in Social Science (IPS) as; Switching back to mother tongue, Getting help,

Using mime and body movement/gesture and Coining word


Oxford (1990) uses the mother tongue for an expression without

translating it into speaking. As a compensation strategy, it is used when

learners face difficulties while “speaking” in the second language. From the

data that the researcher has analyzed, several students experienced

challenges both in terms of lack of vocabulary and how to pronounce it, so

some of them chose to switch to their mother tongue to be able to continue

their communication, but without them knowing that it is part of a language

learning strategy that is classified as a type of compensation strategy namely

“Switching Back to Mother Tongue.”

From the results of the research observed by the researcher, it can be

concluded that the "Switching Back to Mother Tongue" strategy is widely

used by students in the learning process, especially in speaking skills, and

based on the results of interviews, the reason they switch to their mother

tongue when communicating is that they do not know the vocabulary of the

word what they want to say, so that spontaneously switch to their mother

tongue to overcome the communication problems that they are facing, but

without them realizing that what they do spontaneously is a language

learning strategy. As an example found by the researcher, "I go

to pasar today dengan my mother," The underlined word "pasar &

dengan" there is the mother tongue combined with English, which aims so

that communication with the interlocutor does not stop or can still be

continued, and another example "I go to school pagi-pagi today" The


underlined word is the mother tongue that the student uses when they do

not know the English of the word "pagi-pagi," and many other examples

that researchers encountered during the research.

Oxford (1990) stated, "asking someone for help in a conversation by

hesitating or explicitly asking for the missing expression." Based on the

research data and interviews conducted by the researcher, almost all

students use this strategy in the English learning process. For example, in a

conversation practiced in pairs by students in front of a whiteboard, "Hi

Raysa, do you want to go to the hmmm…. (school) today?". This is a

snippet of words one of the students spoke when practicing conversation in

front of the whiteboard with her interlocutor. When the student did not

know the English meaning of the word "school," he spontaneously asked

his interlocutor, "Raysa, what is the English meaning of the word "school,"

thus unconsciously, he solved the problem she faced by using one type of

compensation strategy "Getting Help," namely asking his interlocutor about

the English vocabulary he did not know when communicating. Then,

another example from this strategy; Sri and Asfiyanti have a conversation

in front of the whiteboard, and then there is the word, "I want to eat a…

(noodle) today" Sri did not know the English for the word instant noodles,

so she was confused when she wanted to answer a question from Asfiya,

but Sri quickly turned to the language teacher who was teaching in class

and then asked directly what the English from mie instan.

The Coining words strategy is a type of Compensation strategy. This

strategy is defined as "making up new words to communicate the desired

idea" (Oxford, 1990, p. 50). The research on using this type of

compensation strategy in English learning in class XII IPS shows that some

students also use this strategy during the learning process. Students use

newly invented or short-form words in communication to save time and

avoid pronunciation difficulties. The research results found the researcher,

for example, when a student asked the teacher like this;

“Miss, BTW, Mengapa bahasa Inggris sulit dipelajari oleh seseorang yang

tidak menyukainya?” The researcher found a student named Raysa, asking

the English teacher using the coining words strategy. She used the

word BTW in her communication with the teacher. However, after

interviewing Raysa, it turned out that she did not know that the abbreviated

English word she had just said was a type of compensation strategy, namely

coining words, which is used when students need the correct vocabulary

when communicating. Another example the researcher found in this

research in class XII of senior high school majoring in Social Science (IPS)

is; a student who expressed her surprise when she saw the material they

would learn so tricky. Then she said, "OMG, Miss, materi ini terlalu sulit

untuk dipahami!" at that moment, she spontaneously uttered the word

"OMG," which stands for "Oh My God." When she said the word, her

expression was like she had difficulty understanding the material, even

though the teacher had not explained the material. At that time, the teacher

only asked all students to open specific pages in the English textbook, which

the English teacher would later explain. After interviewing the student, it

turned out that he did not know that the word "OMG" that he had just said

was one type of compensation strategy, namely Coining Words.

Oxford (1990) uses mime and body movement strategy, defined as

using “physical motion, such as mime or gesture, in place of an expression

during a conversation to indicate the meaning.” According to the interview

data, “using mime and body movement/gesture strategy” is one of the types

of Compensation strategy used by students of class XII high school

majoring in Social Science (IPS) in the English learning process.

In the language learning class, the teacher explained the learning material

related to speaking skills: "procedure text." This material is a continuation

of the previous lesson. In the last meeting, the teacher gave the students an

assignment to make a procedure text, and later each student was asked to

come forward to the whiteboard to present it. Then, the researcher found

the students used the "Using Mime and Body Movement/Gesture" strategy

when they presented the procedure text. The hand is the body gesture they

often play when showing or explaining the material. Using hand gestures

when presenting or explaining something can make it easier for students to

express their delivery. For examples;


The first student who presented using hand gestures and a loud voice

was Lidya. She explained the procedure text about "How to Make Fried

Bananas." During the presentation, Lidya calculated how much sugar, salt,

and water to be put into the fried banana batter using her fingers. Also, when

she explained the material, she used hand gestures to describe it. She did

this to make explaining the material easier because she thought using hand

gestures during the presentation could reduce her nervousness so that she

would enjoy presenting the material more.

The second student is Farhan. Farhan is one of the students who are

good at speaking English in his class. Farhan has loved English since he

was in junior high school. In his presentation, Farhan presented "How to

Make Fried Rice." Farhan explained in detail what ingredients were needed

to make fried rice. He played very agile hand gestures during the

presentation, which made his presentation easy to understand for the

audience as if he understood the material he presented. This proves that this

is one of the strategies that can help students communicate because using

body gestures can help relax the words they want to say and reduce

nervousness in front of the audient or interlocutor.

The third student was Maulida. Maulida presented "How to Make Fruit

Salad." She explained what should be prepared first before making fruit

salad step-by-step. She counted the first to last step using her fingers. That's

where the hand gesture comes into play.


After the class ended, the researcher asked the students to be

interviewed briefly. The researcher asked them about this type of

compensatory strategy. Almost all students did not know that the hand

gesture played when communicating with the interlocutor or audience was

one type of compensation strategy. It can be concluded that this type of

compensation strategy is also widely used by students in the learning

process, especially in speaking skills, but not many of them know that this

is one type of strategy in learning.

The researcher distributed questioners to 20 students of class XII of senior

high school majoring Social Science (IPS), which from the questioner

contained observation checklists about the types of compensatory strategies

used by students in English learning classes. Based on the results of the data

collected from the observation checklist that has been filled in by students

of class XII of senior high school majoring Social Science (IPS), it showed

that there are several types of compensation strategies that are rarely used

by students in the learning process and there are also several types of

compensation strategies that are often used in the learning process and there

is one strategy that is most favorite used by them during the language

learning process.

Some types of strategies that are least used by students when learning takes

place are "Avoiding Communication Partially and Totally, Adjusting or

Approximating the Message, Selecting the Topic and Using a


Circumlocution or Synonym", the use of these strategies was not found by

researchers in English language learning. There are several types of

compensation strategies that are widely used by students in the learning

process, among others, “Getting help, Switching Back to Mother Tongue,

Using Mime or Body Movement/Gesture, Using Linguistic Clues, and

Using Non-Linguistic Clues. Among several strategies that are widely used

by students during the learning process, there is one favorite strategy that

students like the most, namely "Getting Help". This strategy is very often

found by researchers during the learning process.

2. What are students’ purposes in using compensation strategy in

learning speaking skill

In this study, the second focus of researcher is the purpose of students

using compensation strategies in the language learning process.

Compensation strategies play a role in the language learning process in class

XII of senior high school majoring Social Science (IPS). The researcher

examined what the purpose of student class XII of senior high school

majoring Social Science using this strategy in the language learning


The researcher conducted an interview to obtain data regarding the

purpose of students using compensation strategies in the language learning

process, "What is your purpose for using compensation strategies in the

language learning process?". It can be concluded that almost all students'


answers are the same, they use compensation strategies in the learning

process to make it easier for them to communicate, they use compensation

strategies to deal with problems when communicating, such as some

examples that have been found by researcher in the discussion of the

previous discovery. This follows the theory by Richards (2008) who stated

that in speaking we tend to be getting something done, exploring ideas,

working out some aspects of the world, or simply being together. Language

is a medium of communication between humans. Language is needed by

humans because human language can find their needs by communicating.

Speaking English well also helps students access up to update information

in fields including science, technology, and health. The students have to

master all components of speaking skills (Sari,2019).

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