Skripsi Bahasa Inggris Mahasiswa Tbi

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Fajriyatul Maulidya



A. Background of Study ..................................................................................... 1

B. Research Questions........................................................................................ 3
C. Objectives of Study ....................................................................................... 3
D. Significance of Study .................................................................................... 3
E. Definition of Key Terms ............................................................................... 3
F. Theoretical Review ........................................................................................ 4
1. Compensation Strategy........................................................................ 4
2. Speaking Ability.................................................................................. 8
G. Previous Study .............................................................................................. 9
H. Research Design............................................................................................. 11
I. Research Design............................................................................................. 11
J. Subject............................................................................................................ 12
K. Data................................................................................................................ 12
L. The Technique of Data Collection................................................................. 12
M. Data Analysis................................................................................................. 14
BIBLIOGRAPHY.......................................................................................... 15
A. Background of Study

In this world, around more than one billion people are living on
earth who are widely spread across continents and countries. Some of
them speak different languages. They speak different languages with
different alphabets, grammar, and pronunciations. For example, many
Saudi Arabian people speak using their own alphabet, and not only that,
we who are in Indonesia, which has ethnic and cultural diversity, also has
a variety of different regional languages, which is inseparable from one of
the greatness of Allah SWT which is shown in the Qur'an surah Ar-Ruum,
verse: 22
‫ِم ٰاٰيِتهٖ ْل الَّس ٰم ٰو ِت اَاْل ِض ا ِتاَل ُف َاْلِس َنِتُك َاْل اِنُك ْۗم ِاَّن ٰذ ِلَك ٰاَلٰيٍت‬
‫ْيِف‬ ‫ْم َو َو‬ ‫َو ْر َو ْخ‬ ‫َو ْن َخ ُق‬
‫ِّلْلٰع َنْي‬
This verse tells us that the human beings are different each other.
There are a lot of differences in this world. One of the differences in the
language. There are a lot of languages in this world. However, although
there are many languages, there is a language that is agreed by most
people to be the language for international communication. The language
for international communication is English.
English is the most important language in the world today it can be
said that English is an international language that bridges people in the
world in interaction and communication. Through English, people can
interact and communicate with each other well so that the message they
want to convey can be conveyed and accepted by their interlocutor. Not
only that, but English is also one of the subjects in the world of education,
especially in Indonesia. In terms of scope, one focus of learning English is
on speaking skills, where when someone speaks it means he or she is
communicating with other people, therefore speaking skills are closely
related to a person's communication skills. With communication,
information can be conveyed and received well, so when someone wants
to convey information to other people and the community, he must have

the ability to communicate, in which communication skills cannot be

separated from good public speaking skills so that the information he
conveys can be understood by the interlocutor so that there is no
misunderstanding between the two parties.

In Qur’an Surah Al-Rahman, verse: 1-4

‫َالَّرْح ٰم ُۙن َع َّلَم اْلُقْر ٰاَۗن َخ َلَق اِاْل ْنَس اَۙن َع َّلَم ُه اْلَبَياَن‬
The Qur'an states that speaking the truth, and conveying a true
message is a prerequisite for greatness, goodness, benefit, and charity. If
we want to be successful in our careers, we want to improve society, then
we must spread the right message. In other words, society will be damaged
if the content communication message is not the true content of the
communicated message is not true if people hide the truth for fear of
facing establishments or regimes that enforce their system on fraud or the
closure of the truth according to the Qur'an then it will not long-lasting.
Speaking is the process of interacting and constructing meaning
that receives and processes information Syafryadin et al (2019). However,
there are still many problems that all English learners face. Speak a
foreign language, especially when using English. It is difficult for students
to assess. Or choose the right strategy to get them to speak well. Learning
strategies are used by an individual or student to assist them to be more
comprehending and receiving more information Graham (1997).
This research was conducted in one of the senior high schools in
Haruyan District, Hulu Sungai Tengah Regency, South Kalimantan
Province. The school chosen by the researcher was Madrasah Aliyah
Pertasi Kencana Haruyan (MAPK Haruyan). The research was conducted
in odd semesters consisting of 3 classes, namely class XI MIPA, XI
Religion and XI IPS, where the number of students in each class did not
reach 20 people. The reason the researcher chose this school is because
many students are enthusiastic about learning English, but many of them

still don't really understand the English learning strategies they use. This
was proven when the researchers conducted pre-observation at the school
and at that time the researchers also conducted teaching and learning
activities briefly at the school so that researchers were interested in
conducting research there.
Currently, the ability to speak English is one of the important
things that must be possessed by everyone, because the need for the world
of work for human resources who can speak English is currently getting
bigger, especially in English communication skills. The skill to
communicate in English is also a goal to be achieved from good speaking
skill because when someone has the ability good speak English, he is
automatically able to communicate in good English. Based on these
reasons, the researcher is interested in conducting a study entitled “The
Use of Compensation Strategies in Learning Speaking Skill”.

B. Research Question
1. How is the use compensation strategy applied by students in learning
speaking skill?
2. What are students’ purposes in using compensation strategy in learning
speaking skill?

C. Objectives of Study
1. To find out how the process of using language learning strategies,
especially compensation strategies, is applied by students with the help
of an English teacher, to improve the speaking skills of students in
class XI of MIPA, Agama, and IPS at MAPK Haruyan.
2. To discover what are the purposes of using this strategy in speaking
and communicating by the learner in English learning at class XI of
MIPA, Agama and IPS at MAPK Haruyan.

D. Significance of Study

1. This research is expected to help facilitate English learners in learning

their speaking skills which cannot be separated from the help of the
English teachers themselves in teaching English and the
implementation of compensation strategies for English learners.
2. The results of this study provide an overview of how the
implementation of language learning strategies, especially
compensation strategies by students during English language learning
in the classroom, especially in speaking skill.

E. Definition of Key Terms

1. The Use
This study raises the use of compensation strategies by students in
English lessons, and what types of compensation strategies are often
used by students when in the process of learning to speak. How do
they use compensation strategies well which aim to make it easier for
them to speak English so that it can be understood by other people and
their interlocutors when learning English in class.
2. Compensation Strategy
Compensation strategies are the strategies that enable learners to
use the new language for either comprehension or production even
though the learners still have limitations in knowledge. Compensation
strategies aid students in overcoming knowledge gaps and continuing
authentic communication to make up for a lack of knowledge in the
areas of grammar and vocabulary.
3. Speaking Skill
Speaking is a language skill that must be acquired when learning a
language and the goal of learning a language is to communicate well.
Speaking in English is an important part of our journey in learning
English as a foreign language.

F. Theoretical Review

1. Compensation Strategy
Compensation strategies are the strategies that enable learners to
use the new language for either comprehension or production even
though the learners still have limitations in knowledge. These
strategies are intended to make up for inadequate knowledge of
grammar and especially of vocabulary (Oxford, 1990, p. 47).
The example of compensation strategies such as guessing from the
context in listening and reading, using synonyms and "talking around"
the missing word to aid speaking and writing, and strictly for speaking
using gestures or pause words will help the learner deal with their lack
of vocabulary and grammar. Oxford and Ehrman (1995) stated that
compensatory strategies are related to L2 proficiency significantly in
their study of native-English-speaking learners of foreign languages
(cited in Murcia, 2001, p. 364).
Many of the initial studies on language learning strategies were
aimed at defining the "Good" language learner. The choice of certain
strategies is also crucial to building the students' skills. Furthermore,
many factors influence the choice of strategy, including the choice of
compensation strategies in speaking activities. These factors such as
motivation, comfort, value, integrative orientation and so many more.
A compensation strategy is a direct strategy. They use context to
make up for missing information in reading and writing. This strategy
helps the learner overcome knowledge gaps to continue the
communication. They are also problems solving techniques of various
mental or physical activities carried out by learners to resolve any
language learning problems they encounter. This includes guessing
intelligently and overcoming limitations in speaking and writing
(Oxford and Rebecca:1990).
a. Intelligent Guess

The guessing meaning strategy helps the learner to

intelligently guess a word's meaning by using surrounding words
as linguistic and non-linguistic clues.
1). Using Linguistic Clues
The learners use “linguistic knowledge of suffixes, prefixes
and word order to guess meaning” (Oxford, 1990, p. 90).
For example, "I came across the term webinar do you think
it is an ICT term?” “Maybe it is a word made of ‘web’ and
‘seminar’ meaning online seminar.
2). Using Non - Linguistic Clues
The learners use this strategy by seeking and using clues
that are not language based to guess the meaning of what is
heard or read in the target language and including knowledge
of context, situation, text structure, personal relationship, topic,
or general world knowledge (Oxford, 1990, p. 49).
For example, "I heard the word 'Melancholy’ in the church.
I was not sure of the meaning. I had a rough guess like ‘sorrow'
was related to the situation.
b. Overcoming Limitations in Speaking and Writing
Overcoming limitations in speaking and writing help
learner make up for the lack of knowledge. There are 8 types of
strategies for overcoming limitations in speaking and writing
which are, switching back to the mother tongue, getting help, using
mime and body movement/gesture, adjusting or approximating the
message, avoiding communication partially or totally, coining
words, selecting the topic and using circumlocution or synonym.
1). Switching Back to Mother Tongue
This strategy is referred to as “using the mother tongue for
an expression without translating it in speaking” (Oxford, 1990,
p. 94).

I don’t want to kawan you lagi! Because I tidak suka you!

2). Getting Help
This strategy is defined as “asking someone for help in a
conversation by hesitating or explicitly asking for the missing
expression” (Oxford, 1990, p. 95).
Reading a book
A: Do you know the meaning of cauldron?
B: I don’t know let me as my teacher
3). Using Mime and Body Movement/Gesture
This strategy refers to “physical motion, such as mime or
gesture, in place of an expression during a conversation to
indicate the meaning” (Oxford, 1990, p. 95).
Aliando uses hand movements when describing how to make
fried rice. He used his fingers to tell chronologically to count
how much garlic and onion that used in making fried rice.
4). Adjusting or Approximating the Message
This strategy refers to "altering the message by omitting
some items of information, making the ideas simpler or fewer
premises, or saying something slightly different with similar
meaning" (Oxford, 1990, p. 96).
“I’m starving because I have not eaten since yesterday. I think I
can eat a horse. I have so many cravings right now.” It’s similar
meaning with “I am hungry I can eat a lot. I have so many
things I want to eat”.
5). Avoiding Communication Partially or Totally
This strategy is explained as “avoiding communication with
difficulties are anticipated or encountered” (Oxford, 1990, p.

"Look down Anis or the teacher will call out your name"
6). Coining Words
This strategy is defined as “making up new words to
communicate the desired idea” (Oxford, 1990, p. 50).
Furthermore, a strategy such as coining words is used when the
students lack proper vocabulary. Very often, a learner has to
make do with the language he or she has available to try and
carry on with the speech. In other words, he or she needs to
coin words or expressions to maintain smooth conversations.
This strategy exploits and extends his or her communicative
competence (adapted in Dong and Fang (2010)).
7). Selecting the Topic
This strategy is selecting the topic, we can choose what
topic we want to choose who we understood the topic about,
for examples: Grammar, Vocabulary, Learning, and etc.
8). Using a Circumlocution or Synonym
In this strategy, the teacher comes to your home and gets
more money is better for students and they learn fast.
In this example, the learner was trying to refer to tutors by
providing easy definition and circumlocution of the word.
2. Speaking Skill
Throughout the world today, and especially in developing
countries, there is a great need for people to speak English well. In
many countries, secondary and higher education is taught in English.
Many employers looking for good English speakers, so it's important
for students to learn to speak well and for the teacher to know how to
teach speaking well (Joanna Baker & Heather Westrup, 2003:75).

Grice in Kronfeld and Searle (1990) stated that achievement of the

communication goals in speaking is by getting the audience in
recognizing our intentions for achieving those goals. In
communication, speaking is a major skill Hussain (2017).
Language is a medium of communication between humans.
Language is needed by humans because human language can find their
needs by communicating. As members of the community who are
active in everyday life, people are very dependent on the use of
language. In other words, where activities occur, there is also a
language activity (Chair in Syahrin 2018). Speaking is a language skill
that must be acquired when learning a language and the goal of
learning a language is to communicate well. Richards (2008:19) states
that in speaking we tend to be getting something done, exploring ideas,
working out some aspects of the world, or simply being together.
Speaking English well also helps students access up to update
information in fields including science, technology, and health. The
students have to master all components of speaking skills (Sari,2019).
This ability is an important indicator ability to speak English correctly
and fluently. especially for the younger generation in general and
students in particular in ledx64arning English (Budiarta and
Krismayani, 2014, Antony et al., 2015). This opinion indicates that
speaking skills imply someone knows a language (Moussu and Llurda,
2008, Sulam et al., 2019). By mastering good speaking skills, students
can communicate their ideas, both in class and with foreign speakers,
and also maintain good relations with others. These skills are closely
related to pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, discourse, listening
skill, and so on (Páez and Rinaldi, 2006, Syakur, 2018).

G. Previous Studies
The first researchers are Syafryadin, Feny Martina & Salniwati,
they conducted a study entitled “Compensation Strategies in Speaking

Activities for Non-English Department Students: Poor and Competent

Speakers”. This study investigated the compensation strategies which were
used by competent and poor speakers to avoid communication gaps in
speaking activities. This study used a descriptive quantitative design. Data
collection used an observation sheet and a questionnaire. The findings
showed that the strategy which dominant used by either competent
speakers or poor speakers as their group tendencies that were selecting the
topic with the same overall average score of 4.0; competent speakers
mostly used selecting the topic with the overall average of 4.0, adjusting or
approximating the message with the overall average of 3.6 and using mime
or gesture with the overall average of 3.5; poor speakers also mostly used
selecting the topic with the overall average of 4.0 and coining word of 3.5.
Competent speakers much more used compensation strategies than poor
speakers. Thus, its major implication for pedagogy is that compensation
strategies are extremely useful as guidance to avoid communication gaps
in speaking activities.
The second researchers are Alireza Karbalaei and Tania Negin
Taji-Taji, this research was conducted entitled "Compensation Strategies:
Tracking Movement in EFL Learner's Speaking Skill". The present study
aimed to determine the compensation strategies used by Iranian
elementary EFL learners across the speaking skill. The participants of this
study were a sample of 120 EFL elementary male and female learners
whose ages ranged between 11 and 25 at a language institute in Rostam,
Iran. The main participants were homogenized through the Standardized
Key English Test (KET). After the administration of the proficiency test,
some oral exams consisting of different speaking topics were administered
in the first and following sessions of the course to observe and identify the
compensation strategies used by the EFL learners with the same
proficiency level. Oxford's typology of compensation strategies was
prepared in form of a checklist to facilitate the fast recording of observable
compensation strategies in an oral examination. The students’ speaking on

the given topics merely served as an opportunity to observe students’ use

of compensation strategies. The results indicated that Iranian EFL students
tended to use various kinds of compensation strategies in communicating
their intended meanings.
The third researchers are Ali Akbar Taheri & Mohammad
Davoudi, this research was conducted entitled "The Use of Compensation
Strategies in the Iranian EFL Learner's Speaking and Its Relationship with
Their Foreign Language Proficiency". Compensation Strategies (CPSC)
are strategies that a language user employs to achieve his intended
meaning when precise linguistic forms are for some reason not available at
that point of communication. Different factors may influence the use of
CpSs, among which the level of language proficiency is one of the most
important ones. The present study attempts to investigate the relationship
between compensation strategies use and the level of language proficiency
and gender. To explore this relationship, four distinct groups of learners –
advanced male, advanced female, intermediate male, and intermediate
female, each containing 12 members– participated in the study. The
participants were interviewed individually and their performances were
tape-recorded and then transcribed. The findings of the study indicate that
"self-repetition", "direct appeal for help", and "approximation" are the
most frequently used strategies; there is a significant relationship between
the frequency of compensation strategy use and proficiency in the
frequency of compensation strategies use increases as the level of
language proficiency develops whereas no significant relationship was
observed between strategy frequency and gender.

H. Research Design
In this study, the researcher used a qualitative approach. A
qualitative approach was used to obtain meaningful data. This research is
focused on language learning strategies, especially compensation
strategies used by students in the process of learning English on students'

speaking skills in class. According to Emir, (2018: 28) states that the
qualitative method only includes a description of program problems and
community experiences in the research environment. The purpose of the
qualitative description in this research is to help the reader know what is
happening in the environment by observation, what the views of the
participants are in the research setting, and what the events or activities are
like in the research setting.

I. Research Setting
This research was conducted on even semester XI MIPA A and XI
MIPA B students at SMAN 1 Tebing Tinggi, Balangan Regency, South
Kalimantan Province. Researchers chose this school because many
students are enthusiastic about learning English, especially in speaking
skills, but many of them are still not able to communicate English well due
to several factors and one of them is lack of knowledge about the learning
strategies they should use in the speaking skill process. nor communicate.
This was proven when the researcher was carrying out a Real Work
Lecture (KKN) where the researcher had time to carry out teaching and
learning activities at the school and the researcher had time to interact with
several students from the school. So that in the end the researcher was
interested in conducting research at the school..

J. Subject
In this study, the researcher used a qualitative method where
students were the main subject and speaking skills were the main object of
this research. This study consisted of students of class XI MIPA A and XI
MIPA B at SMAN 1 Tebing Tinggi which in class XI MIPA A totaled 28
people consisting of 20 female students and 8 male students and class XI
MIPA B totaled 23 people consisting of of 10 female students and 13 male
students. In this study, the researcher uses a qualitative strategy, namely a
case study where in this study the researcher explores in depth a program,

event, activity, process, or one or more individuals. Cases are limited by

time and activity, and the researcher collects detailed information using a
variety of data collection procedures over a sufficient period (Stake, 1995).

K. Data
The types of data are divided into 2, namely quantitative and
qualitative, and in this study the researchers used qualitative data. The data
sources in the study are divided into 2, namely primary data sources and
secondary data sources, Sugiyono (2015). Qualitative data is data in the
form of words, schemes, and pictures. The data needed in this study is
about the use of English learning strategies, especially compensation
strategies that have an effect on learning English speaking skills in class
XI students at SMAN 1 Tebing Tinggi. This study consisted of students of
class XI MIPA A&B and English teachers at SMAN 1 Tebing Tinggi, but
the main subjects in this study were students of class XI MIPA A & B at
SMAN 1 Tebing Tinggi.

L. The Technique of Data Collection

1). Observation
According to Sugiyono (2016:203), observation as a data
collection technique has specific characteristics when compared to
other techniques. Data collection is done with this technique to obtain
information about actual human behavior. Observation as a data
acquisition tool gives you a clearer picture of the problem and explains
how to solve it. Observations are made by looking directly into the
field or coming to the school directly to find out what type of
compensation strategy is more used by students in learning English in
the classroom, especially in speaking skills for students of class XI
MIPA A and XI MIPA B in learning speaking skills using various
types of compensation strategies at SMAN 1 Tebing Tinggi.
Observations in this study used the five senses where the researcher

came directly to the English class with the teacher's permission to take
the necessary data. Researchers see firsthand what the classroom looks
like and will be described qualitatively. Then, the researcher asked the
students to introduce themselves one by one using English where the
introduction was started by the researcher. Before the researcher asked
the students to introduce themselves, the researcher first explained
about what English learning strategies are, especially compensation
strategies and their various types. Then, when the students introduced
themselves, the researcher observed their English speaking ability and
what kind of compensation strategy they used.
In this study, researchers also examined the driving factors that
influence the development of students' speaking skills and the role of
the English teacher during the learning process in the classroom.
2). Interview
An interview is a meeting of two people to exchange information
and ideas through question and answer, so that meaning can be
contracted in certain data (Anufia, & Alhamid, 2019).
According to Sugiyono (2016: 194), interviews are used as a data
collection technique if the researcher wants to conduct a preliminary
study to determine the problems that must be studied, and also if the
researcher wants to know things from respondents who are more in-
depth and the number of respondents is not much.
In this study, interviews were used by researchers to collect data
about how the use of compensation strategies used by English learners
during English language learning in the classroom, especially in their
speaking skills, as well as what obstacles made students less confident
when speaking or communicating English directly. in front of an
audience or crowd. whether the compensation strategy used by them is
appropriate to make learning to speak easier and whether the
compensation strategy is easy for them to understand, and how useful

the strategy is in their speaking skills. All these questions were asked
by the researcher in the interview.
3). Documentation
Sugiyono (2016: 329) states that the documentation technique is a
complement to the use of observation and interview methods in
qualitative research. The documentation in this study is to collect data
in the form of images taken using a camera, administrative letters, and
videos that are collected or taken when making observations to
students as evidence of research being carried out. The collected
documentation data will be processed and analyzed with qualitative

M. Data Analysis
After collecting documentation, interviews, and observation, the
data was analyzed. Data analysis is a simplified process in which data
becomes a form that can be read and understood easily.
1. Data Reduction
Data reduction is a selection process, focusing attention on
simplification, abstraction, and transformation of raw data emerged
from written notes in the field. This process continued throughout the
study, even before the data is collected as can be seen from the
research conceptual framework, study problems, and approaches to
data collection selected by the researcher. Then, are summarization,
coding, topic tracking, clustering, and note-making. This process
continues until the data then recorded in the field. The final step in data
reduction is the development of a coding system.
2. Data Display
As Miles, Huberman, and Saldana emphasize, a view is an
organized and compressed collection of information that allows
drawing conclusions and actions. The presentation in this study also
aims to understand the data obtained and organize it systematically,

from complex types of information to specific but specific (Miles,

2014). In this step, the researcher displays data that contains various
types of compensation strategies used by students during English
language learning, especially in speaking skill.
3. Verification and Drawing Conclusion
All of these data were then collected to gain a deeper
understanding of the use of compensation strategies in English
language learning for high school level English learners. Finally, there
are some conclusions and explanations regarding the use of English
learning strategies, especially compensation strategies for high school
English learners in learning English in the classroom.


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