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Describe a website that you often use.

You should say:

What type of website it is
How you found out about it
What it allows you to do
And explain why you find it useful

Vocabulary Highlights

 Register for an account: đăng ký tài khoản

 Post comments: đăng bình luận

 Share images: chia sẻ hình ảnh

 Potent tool: công cụ mạnh mẽ

 Long-lost (adj): lâu rồi không gặp

 Pervasive (adj): tràn lan

 Tremendous (adj): to lớn

 Forums (n): diễn đàn

 Self-study groups (n): các nhóm tự học

 Miserable (adj): khổ sở

I suppose I should state that out of all those widely utilized social media

sites, such as Instagram or most lately, Tiktok, I would only pick

Facebook to characterize.

Without a doubt, one of the biggest and most popular social media sites

is Facebook, where millions of people can register for an account, post

comments, share images, and more.

To the best of my knowledge, I started using Facebook while I was a

student in the eighth grade, and opening an account there was a popular

idea among teens at the time.

There are clearly many advantages to using Facebook. It is such a potent

tool for communication that it links individuals from all corners of the

globe. I can easily stay in touch with my family and friends and even get

in touch with some of my long-lost ones thanks to Facebook.

Additionally, since news is so pervasive on Facebook, it’s an excellent

way to keep up with world events. Facebook also functions as a virtual

forum where users can easily and openly express their ideas on a range

of subjects.

I adore Facebook’s tremendous educational value, which is perhaps its

greatest strength. Facebook has a wealth of information that, for

instance, can be accessed on forums or self-study groups. This gives

students like me access to a variety of materials that we may use for both

our academic work and overall development.

Overall, I truly enjoy browsing Facebook, and I’d be miserable without


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