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ElasticNet UME R18

Unified Management Expert System

Alarm Automation eXpert Operation

Version: V16.19.40

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Revision History

Revision No. Revision Date Revision Reason

R1.0 2019-03-30 First edition

Publishing Date: 2019-12-30 (R1.0)

1 Overview.....................................................................................................1-1
2 Quick Start................................................................................................. 2-1
3 Rule Design............................................................................................... 3-1
3.1 Topic Management................................................................................................ 3-1
4 Rule Package Management......................................................................4-1
4.1 Rule Package Management..................................................................................4-1
4.1.1 Viewing Rule Packages Automatically Loaded By Default.......................4-2
4.1.2 Manually Importing a Rule Package........................................................ 4-3
4.2 Rule Management................................................................................................. 4-4
4.3 Rule Audit Log...................................................................................................... 4-5
5 Performance Staticstics........................................................................... 5-1
Glossary............................................................................................................. I

About This Manual

The ElasticNet UME R18, hereafter referred to as UME, is a radio network management
This manual describes automatic alarm operations on the UME, including rule package
management and automatic alarm analysis.

Targeted Audience

This manual is intended for:

 Maintenance engineers
 Software debugging engineers
 Hardware debugging engineers

Prerequisite Skills and Knowledge

 Familiarity with the meaning and basic handling of alarms of 4G and 5G devices is

What Is in This Manual

This manual contains the following chapters.

Chapter 1, Overview Describes the automatic alarm management operations of the UME and
application scenario.

Chapter 2, Quick Start This section introduces the topic management function of the AAX,
the intelligent mining function of the alarm association rule, and the
knowledge map editing and presentation function.

Chapter 3, Rule Design This section introduces the topic management function of the AAX,
the intelligent mining function of the alarm association rule, and the
knowledge map editing and presentation function.

Chapter 4, Rule Package Describes how to load a rule package, how to view rule packages and
Management rules, how to start and stop a rule, and how to view the rule audit logs.

Chapter 5, Performance Performance Staticstics support the automatic analysis of All Alarm, Out
Staticstics of Service, Link Broken.
Related Documentation

The following documentation is related to this manual:

 ElasticNet UME R18 Alarm Management Operation Guide


This manual uses the following conventions.

Danger: indicates an imminently hazardous situation. Failure to comply will result

in death or serious personal injury.
Warning: indicates a potentially hazardous situation. Failure to comply can result
in death or serious personal injury.
Caution: indicates a potentially hazardous situation. Failure to comply can result
in moderate or minor personal injury.

Notice: indicates equipment or environment safety information. Failure to comply

can result in equipment damage, data loss, equipment performance degradation,
environmental contamination, or other unpredictable results.
Notice does not involve personal injury.

Note: provides additional information about a topic.

Chapter 1
The Alarm Automation eXpert (AAX) is used for automatic alarm handling. It can
automatically correlate current alarms on the 4G/5G wireless network and automatically
locate the fault cause, thus improving the efficiency of on-site operation and
You can start and start automatic alarm handling and view the results of automatic alarm

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Chapter 2
Quick Start
As the quick start part of the AAX (Alarm Automation eXpert), this part describes the
main functions of the AAX in the form of illustrations and brief descriptions, and provides
fast links to the corresponding functions.

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Chapter 3
Rule Design
Table of Contents
Topic Management.........................................................................................................3-1

This section introduces the topic management function of the AAX, the intelligent mining
function of the alarm association rule, and the knowledge map editing and presentation
Related Information

Related Information

The rule design sequence is as follows:

A: Create a topic.
B: AI intelligent mining
C: Knowledge map display
 Topic management: Manage alarm association rules in the unit of topic.
 AI intelligent mining: Based on the alarm data in a topic, the AI intelligent mining
algorithm implements intelligent mining of alarm association relationships.
 Knowledge map: Use knowledge maps to visually display the alarm association
relationships generated by AI mining, and support manual confirmation.

3.1 Topic Management

Create Topic

It provides the functions to create, query, modify, and delete topics.

In the Topic Management interface, click the button "New" to open the dialog box to
create new topic. Enter the topic name and description, and finish the task creation. The
name is required.

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ElasticNet UME R18 Alarm Automation eXpert Operation Guide

AI Intelligent Mining

AI intelligent mining implements intelligent mining of alarm association rules from

historical data of topic units.
 Create an AI mining task and set the AI mining parameters.

 AI can mine the data intelligently, the mining tasks can be started, edited, deleted,
and enabled, and results can be viewed.

Knowledge Map

The alarm association rules discovered by AI intelligent mining are displayed in the form
of knowledge maps.

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3 Rule Design

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Chapter 4
Rule Package
Table of Contents
Rule Package Management.......................................................................................... 4-1
Rule Management..........................................................................................................4-4
Rule Audit Log............................................................................................................... 4-5

This describes the rule package management of the AAX APP, including viewing rule
packages and rules, importing and exporting a rule package, starting and stopping a
rule, and viewing rule audit logs.


 Rule: an execution script of an alarm automation policy. A rule is loaded by the

system by default or generated by user customization.
A rule script is composed in fixed format (E—event; C—condition; A—action).
E—event: events that have happened.
C—condition: relations between events.
A—action: actions done on the events.
 Rule package: A rule package is a compressed package composed of several rules,
and is used to implement automatic alarm association and fault cause analysis for
specific types of scenarios.

4.1 Rule Package Management

The alarm automation function needs to load rule packages first. The system supports
loading rule packages in the following two ways:
1. The system automatically loads rule packages by default.
2. You can manually import a rule package from the local computer on the AAX
The following describes how to load a rule package in these two ways.

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4.1.1 Viewing Rule Packages Automatically Loaded By Default

The UME automatically loads rule packages into the system by default after it is installed
and deployed. On the Rule Package Management page of the AAX, you can view the
rule packages loaded by the system.


The installation and deployment blueprint of the UME includes AAX.


1. Log in to the OES Portal and click AAX.

2. Click Rule Package Management in the left pane. The loaded rule packages are
displayed in the right pane.
Each record represents a rule package. You can quickly open the corresponding rule
query interface by clicking the number in the Rule Number column.

3. You can view the query interface for the specific rules by clicking Rule Management
in the left pane.

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4 Rule Package Management


 The system loads rule packages and you can view the rule package and rule
information on the AAX interface.

4.1.2 Manually Importing a Rule Package

Manually importing a rule package is mainly used for the upgrade of the rule package.
That is to say that you can update a rule package of alarm automation by importing the
rule package.


1. Delete the existing rule package with the same name: Click Rule Package
Management in the left pane. The Rule Package Management page is displayed,
with rule packages already loaded. Select the rule package to be deleted and click
the Delete button for this rule package in the Operations column.

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2. Import a rule package: Click the Import button on the Rule Package Management
page and select a rule package file (file name extension: .ura) on the local computer
to import. You do not need to restart the UME after the rule package is imported.
The rule package is imported into the AAX. You need to enable the rules included in
the imported rule package.


On the Rule Package Management page of the AAX, you can view the imported rule

4.2 Rule Management

This procedure describes how to enable a rule. The enabled rules take effect on only
new alarms in the system. The alarms that have occurred before the rule was enabled
are not affected. You can disable enabled rules.


The AAX is operating properly.


Operation path: AAX portal > Alarm Automation > Rule Management


1. Enable a rule.
If the status of a rule is close, click open in the Operations column to enable the rule.

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4 Rule Package Management

If the rule is successfully enabled, its status is open, and the stop button is displayed in
the Operations column. If the rule is not successfully enabled, a failure notification box
is displayed.
2. Disable a rule.
If a rule is in open status, you can click the close button in the Operations column to
disable it.
If the rule is successfully disabled, its status is stop, and the open button is displayed in
the Operations column. If the rule is not successfully disabled, a failure notification box
is displayed.

An enabled rule cannot be deleted or modified.


The rule is successfully enabled or disabled.

4.3 Rule Audit Log

The AAX provides rule audit logs. You can view the number of alarms on which a rule
has taken effect, as well as the alarm compression rate.

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1. The AAX is operating properly.

2. There rules being used for alarms.


1. Query audit logs: On the AAX page, click Rule Audit Log under Rule Package
Manager in the left page.
a. You can do fuzzy search for logs by execution time, rule name, or rule package.
b. Logs can be displayed in ascending or descending order of execution time.
c. You can view the alarm details handled by the rule, and view the IDs of new
alarms and associated alarms.

2. Export audit logs.

On the Rule Audit Log page, click the Export button to export all logs by default.
a. Filter logs in accordance with the rule name, rule package, and statistic time, and
then click the Export button to export the logs that meet the query conditions.
b. Logs can be displayed in ascending or descending order of execution time.
The logs are exported to an .xlsx file. One .xlsx file can include at most 50,000
logs. If there are more than 50,000 logs, the remaining logs are exported to new
c. The .xlsx files of exported logs are compressed into a .zip package.


1. Logs can be displayed in ascending or descending order of execution time.

The logs are exported to an .xlsx file. One .xlsx file can include at most 50,000 logs.
If there are more than 50,000 logs, the remaining logs are exported to new files.
2. The .xlsx files of exported logs are compressed into a .zip package.

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Chapter 5
Performance Staticstics

Performance statistics supports automatic analysis of global alarms, out-of-service

alarms, and link alarms.
The performance statistics describes how to root cause analysis and count automatic
alarm analysis rate and alarm reduction rate on global alarm data, out-of-service alarms,
and link alarms by using special topics.
[Root cause analysis]: It refers to the number of alarm causes and the percentage
of all root causes after the AAX automatic alarm root cause analysis. It supports the
current alarm and historical alarm root cause analysis and statistics. As shown in the
figure, there are 17 historical alarms caused by equipment, accounting for 9.44% in
[Automatic analysis rate of out-of-service alarms]: Refers to the ratio of `alarms in AAX
automatic root cause analysis to the total outage alarms. For example, if the NE reports
100 out-of-service cell alarms and 80 of them locate the alarm root cause in AAX, the
automatic analysis rate is 80/100x100%=80%.
[Out-of-service Alarm Reduction Rate]: It refers to the effect of Reduction and
combination of out-of-service alarms. Statistical formula: (Number of suppressed
alarms)/(number of all alarms) x100%. For example: There are 100 out-of-service
alarms in the cell, among which 60 alarm data are suppressed through the AAX rule.
Then the reduction rate is (60)/(100) x100% = 60%.


AAX has been started. The alarm data generated from an effective rule exists.


1. Click Performance Statistics in the left menu to enter the AAX Performance Statistics

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ElasticNet UME R18 Alarm Automation eXpert Operation Guide

2. Under the TopicSelector, switch to the types of alarms to be counted, including global
alarms, out-of-service alarms and link alarms.
3. Global Performance Statistics
a. Click Global button. The default data is History Alarm data. Select the alarm type
and time interval for performance statistics. By default, all data is used.
b. After the selection, the system analyzes and collects the root cause analysis,
automatic analysis rate, and alarm reduction rate of the selected area.

4. Out-of-service performance statistics

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5 Performance Staticstics

a. Click Out-of-service button. The default is History alarm data. Select the alarm
type requiring performance statistics.
b. After the selection, the system analyzes and collects the root cause analysis,
automatic analysis rate, and alarm reduction rate of the selected area.

5. Link-type performance statistics

a. Click the Link button. By default, the data is History Alarm data. Select the type
of alarm requiring performance statistics: NE link disconnection and S1 link

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b. After the selection, the system analyzes and collects the root cause analysis,
automatic analysis rate, and alarm reduction rate of the selected area. The S1
link does not provide the root cause analysis function.

6. Click Export to export the root cause analysis, automatic analysis rate and reduction
rate of the current t to the excel table.
7. Click the Rule button and the system will navigate to the Rule Management function.
8. Click Refresh, and the system will refresh the root cause analysis, automatic analysis
rate and reduction rate of the current page.

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5 Performance Staticstics


The performance statistics results are displayed automatically.

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- Unified Management Expert

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