C73 - Module 2 - Answer Key

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Construction Management
Module 2 Reviewer

1) A type of technique of network diagram which is also known as “Precedence

a) Activity-on-arrow
b) Summary scheduling
c) Activity-on-node
d) Activity-on-detail
2) It determines the overall project duration.
a) Critical path
b) Scope
c) Sequencing
d) Schedule
3) The two types of Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) are:
a) Projected-oriented and Phase-oriented
b) Phase-oriented and Scope-oriented
c) Phase-oriented and Deliverable-oriented
d) Deliverable-oriented and Objective-oriented
4) A work package is deliverable at the ____________.
a) Highest level of a WBS
b) Lowest level of a WBS
c) Mid-level of a WBS
d) End of a WBS
5) It is to understand the project’s scope in detail.
a) Project scope statement
b) Pre-construction stage
c) Project scope management plan
d) Project delivery
6) It is to understand how to deal with changes to the project’s scope.
a) Project scope statement
b) Pre-construction stage
c) Project scope management plan
d) Project delivery
7) The level 1 of the Work Breakdown Structure is ________.
a) The dependencies of level 1
b) The project goal
c) The sub-dependencies of level 2
d) The basic project objective
8) The level 2 of the Work Breakdown Structure is ________.
a) The dependencies of level 1
b) The project goal
c) The sub-dependencies of level 2
d) The basic project objective
9) The level 3 of the Work Breakdown Structure is ________.
a) The dependencies of level 1
b) The project goal
c) The sub-dependencies of level 2
d) The basic project objective
10) The project deliverables are defined in terms of actions to be taken to attain
the final product.
a) Work Breakdown Structures
b) Deliverable-oriented WBS
c) Phase-oriented WBS
Construction Management
Module 2 Reviewer

d) Major deliverables
11) The functions or physical components that make up the deliverable define the
project work.
a) Work Breakdown Structures
b) Deliverable-oriented WBS
c) Phase-oriented WBS
d) Major deliverables
12) A deliverable-oriented hierarchical decomposition of the work to be executed
by the project team to accomplish the project objectives and create the
required deliverables.
a) Work Breakdown Structures
b) Deliverable-oriented WBS
c) Phase-oriented WBS
d) Major deliverables
13) The ________ is a document that outlines the definition and scope of each
element contained in the WBS.
a) WBS contract
b) Construction Documents
c) Project Schedule
d) WBS dictionary
14) The most important principle for designing a WBS.
a) Level approach
b) Absence of symmetry
c) Additional Features
d) The 100% rule
15) The foundation of the project schedule and budget.
a) Work Breakdown Structures
b) Commitment
c) Reduce Ambiguities
d) Accountability
16) It encourages dialog and helps everyone involved flesh out their
a) Project Schedule
b) Commitment
c) Reduce Ambiguities
d) Accountability
17) It defines all the things a project needs to accomplish, organized into multiple
levels, and displayed graphically.
a) Cost Breakdown Structures
b) Project Budget Structures
c) Work Breakdown Structures
d) Project Cost Breakdown
18) WBS should include all the work identified by the project scope and must
have all the deliverables that have to be completed -_______, ________, and
a) Internal, external, and interim
b) Level 1, level 2, and level 3
c) Pre-construction, construction, and post construction
d) Cost, quality, and time
19) It is the amount of work that can be placed or installed in a specified unit of
a) Labor
b) Scope
Construction Management
Module 2 Reviewer

c) Skill
d) Productivity
20) Also called job overhead, the ________ make up the indirect costs
associated with any given project.
a) General conditions
b) Job duration
c) Construction management
d) Project cost
21) They must make an educated guess as to how many days, weeks, months, or
years the construction will take to complete.
a) Architect
b) Estimator
c) Engineer
d) Contractor
22) This meeting often occurs at the project site and provides an opportunity for
the bidding contractors to get many of their questions answered.
a) Post-bid meeting
b) Private meeting
c) Prebid meeting
d) Professional meeting
23) This will help you make the necessary judgment calls that ultimately affect
your pricing.
a) Site visit
b) Checklist
c) Site review
d) Equipment testing
24) Once you have an understanding of the project scope, start the WBS
development process by figuring out the ___________.
a) Key deliverables
b) Material cost
c) Cost estimates
d) Project overview
25) Reviews the plans, the elevations, the sections, and the details.
a) Architect
b) Contractor
c) Estimator
d) Engineer
26) In level 2, there are _____ heuristics to follow for determining major
a) One
b) Two
c) Three
d) Four
27) Since all elements in a WBS are mutually exclusive, it helps create _______.
a) Relationships
b) Commitment
c) Reduce Ambiguities
d) Accountability
28) Since each team is responsible for a specific component at a time, it helps
make them more committed to completing their assigned tasks.
a) Relationships
b) Commitment
c) Reduce Ambiguities
Construction Management
Module 2 Reviewer

d) Accountability
29) Ideally, the ______ and ______are reviewed in detail before any estimating
takes place.
a) Contracts and documents
b) Elevations and sections
c) Pricing and specs
d) Plans and specs
30) It is known as the noun-oriented, Entity-oriented or Product-oriented WBS.
a) Work Breakdown Structures
b) Deliverable-oriented WBS
c) Phase-oriented WBS
d) Major deliverables
31) The following are the factors to consider in choosing a schedule type, except:
a) Size of the Company
b) Project size
c) Computer Capability
d) Volume of Construction
32) They are horizontal bar charts that map out project activities, which can be
tracked against a set timeline.
a) Flow Chart
b) Gantt Chart
c) Venn Diagram
d) Network Diagram
33) _________is also called as Critical Path Method, which depicts a continuous
chain of activities showing both activity durations and the relationship
a) Flow Chart
b) Gantt Chart
c) Venn Diagram
d) Network Diagram
34) Look at the critical path to determine activities that can be performed
simultaneously. Running parallel processes will speed up the overall duration.
a) Crashing
b) Tracking
c) Fast Tracking
d) Fast Testing
35) This process involves allocating more resources to speed up activities. Before
obtaining more resources, make sure that it would still be within the project
scope and let the stakeholders know of any changes.
a) Crashing
b) Tracking
c) Fast Tracking
d) Fast Testing
36) The following are characteristics of a CPM, except:
a) Doesn’t show resources required
b) Plots activities on network diagram without timescale
c) Displayed as horizontal bar chart
d) Visualizes critical and non-critical paths and calculates project
37) This is a graphic presentation of a schedule depicting project activities on a
node with an arrow that depicts the dependencies that exist between
a) Activity-on-arrow
Construction Management
Module 2 Reviewer

b) Activity-on-note
c) Activity-on-borrow
d) Activity-on-node
38) Acitivity-on-node is also called_________.
a) Architectural Programming
b) Precedence Programming
c) Binary Programming
d) Space Programming
39) It is any portion of a summary or detailed schedule broken down into even
finer detail.
a) Mini-schedules
b) Detailed Schedules
c) Summary Schedules
d) Special-purpose Schedule
40) These schedules are used to keep track of activities that support the work,
such as delivery schedules, submittal schedules and inspection schedules.
a) Mini-schedules
b) Detailed Schedules
c) Summary Schedules
d) Special-purpose Schedule
41) Also called as look-ahead schedules, they are typically prepared by
superintendents and focus on a relatively short periods of time.
a) Summary Schedules
b) Detailed Schedules
c) Short-interval Schedules
d) Special-purpose Schedule
42) It breaks major work activities down into smaller taste so the schedule can be
analyzed in greater detail.
a) Summary Schedules
b) Detailed Schedules
c) Short-interval Schedules
d) Temporary Schedule
43) It groups activities under broader headings such as mobilization, site work,
foundation and rough foaming.
a) Summary Schedules
b) Detailed Schedules
c) Short-interval Schedules
d) Temporary Schedule
44) There are types of activities that must be planned and included in the
a) Production, Procurement and Administrative
b) Production and Procurement and Management
c) Production and Administrative
d) None of these
45) These activities identify tasks that are associated with the physical building of
the project such as structural steel, or hanging acoustic ceiling.
a) Procurement Activities
b) Management Activities
c) Production Activities
d) Administrative Activities
46) These activities are primarily associated with obtaining materials and
equipment for the project.
a) Procurement Activities
Construction Management
Module 2 Reviewer

b) Management Activities
c) Production Activities
d) Administrative Activities
47) These activities are mostly associated with contract administration tasks such
as permitting, submittals, inspections and testing.
a) Procurement Activities
b) Management Activities
c) Production Activities
d) Administrative Activities
48) The order in which activities are sequenced in the network diagram relative to
their independent relatiopnships.
a) Network Schedule
b) Network Logic
c) Network DIagram
d) Netwok Ethics
49) The following are the characteristics of a Gantt Chart, except:
a) Visualizes how project activities are progressing
b) Plots activities on a timescale
c) Displayed as network diagram with linked boxes
d) Shows resources required for each activity
50) It determines the early start date, early finish date, and overall project
a) Float Calculations
b) Forward Pass
c) Backward Pass
d) Schedule Predictions
51) It determines the late start date and the late finish date.
a) Float Calculations
b) Forward Pass
c) Backward Pass
d) Schedule Predictions
52) It can be determined after the backward pass calculations are complete.
a) Float Calculations
b) Forward Pass
c) Backward Pass
d) Schedule Predictions
53) _______ developed CPM in the 1950s. The chemical company first used the
methodology in developing neoprene, a type of synthetic rubber. CPM
streamlined production and maintenance in that development process.
a) Gantt
b) DuPont
c) Einstein
d) Newton
54) The sequence of tasks and the ancillary activities that are initiated from other
parts of the plan and the activities they impact.
a) Theory Planning
b) Critical Planning
c) Project Planning
d) Construction Planning
55) It is a step-by-step project management technique to identify activities on the
critical path.
a) Critical Path Method(CPM)
b) Flow Chart Method
Construction Management
Module 2 Reviewer

c) Gantt Chart
d) Program Evaluation And Review Technique(PERT)
56) The following are the advantages of using the Critical Path Method, except:
a) More Visual Impact
b) Easier Prioritization
c) More Audience Reach
d) Stronger Communication
57) The following are the advantages of using the Critical Path Method, except:
a) Increased Complexity
b) Less access to Audience
c) Reduced Attention to High-Float Tasks
d) Less Insight Resource Constraints
58) This is the amount of time that an activity can be delayed from the early start
date without delaying the project finish date or violating a schedule constraint.
a) Free Float
b) Total Float
c) Excess Float
d) Less Float
59) This refers to how long an activity can be delayed without impacting the
following activity. On a network diagram, this is where activities converge.
a) Free Float
b) Total Float
c) Excess Float
d) Less Float
60) It is used to estimate uncertainty around project activities by applying a
weighted average of optimistic and pessimistic. It evaluates the time needed
to complete an activity.
a) Gantt Chart
b) Flow Chart
c) Program Evaluation And Review Technique(PERT)
d) Critical Path Method(CPM)
61) Which is not part of the Application type in Team Based DSM?
a) Organizational Design
b) Interface management
c) team integration
d) clustering
62) In tasked based DSM, which is not part of the Representation aspect?
a) task/activity
b) Project scheduling
c) Relationships
d) input/output

63) Which is not a part of the Analysis Method in Task Based DSM?

a) Partitioning
b) Banding
c) Activity sequencing
d) simulation

64) This is the term used to refer an entity that is entered into a row or a column

a) node
b) Vertex
Construction Management
Module 2 Reviewer

c) Element
d) domain

65) this refers to any kind of connection or association between two entities

a) Edge
b) Arc
c) Domain
d) dependency/interdependency

66) A concept of dsm where the system elements do not interact with each other

a) Parallel
b) Vertex
c) Dependency
d) None of the above

67) A term where one element influences the behavior or decision of another element in a
uni-directional fashion

a) Node
b) Branding
c) Sequential
d) None of the above

68) the flow of influence or information is intertwined in this configuration. It is also known as
“circuit” or “cycle”

a) Coupled
b) Arc
c) Partitioning
d) All of the above

69) The system graph is constructing by allowing a ____ on the graph to represent a system
element and an edge joining two nodes to represent the relationship between two elements.

a) Vertex
b) Sub-system
c) Digraph
d) Non-zero elements

70) can be some of the most crucial activities in the schedule and may cause major delays
on the project if not properly considered

a) Procurement Activities
b) Management Activities
c) Production Activities
d) Administrative Activities

71) These activities can eat up a lot of time and are probably some of the most unpredictable
activities on the schedule

a) Procurement Activities
b) Management Activities
Construction Management
Module 2 Reviewer

c) Production Activities
d) Administrative Activities

72) An example of this work breakdown activity is to “hang first-floor acoustic ceiling”

a) Procurement Activities
b) Management Activities
c) Production Activities
d) Administrative Activities

73) _____ provides the fundamental building blocks of the schedule

a) Activities
b) Details
c) Floor plans
d) Time commitment

74) All are types of frame floor system activity details, except:

a) Install blocking
b) Install headers
c) Install rim joists
d) Install subfloor

74) All are types of frame wall system activity details, except:

a) Install studs
b) Install headers
c) Install rim joists
d) Install top plates

75) All are types of frame roof system activity details, except:

a) Install headers
b) Install bracing
c) Install roof sheathing
d) Install roof trusses

76) Who prepares the short-interval schedules?

a) Project manager
b) Construction manager
c) Superintendents
d) Owner/Client

77) All are types of special-purpose schedules, except:

a) Delivery schedules
b) Submittal schedules
c) Inspection schedules
d) None of the above

78) All of these are examples of broader heading that needs to be grouped according to
summary schedules, except:
Construction Management
Module 2 Reviewer

a) Mobilization
b) Site work
c) Rough framing
d) Inspection schedules

79) Which of the following durations is considered to be a short-interval schedule?

a) 3 weeks
b) 5 weeks
c) 7 weeks
d) 2 months

80) the longest path through a network diagram schedule and includes activities with zero
days of float is called:

a) Evaluation path
b) Activity path
c) Critical path
d) Production path

81) These are advantages of critical path method, except:

a) Stronger communication
b) Easier prioritization
c) More visual impact
d) Poor Risk Detection

82) This critical path method helps project managers clarify priorities and determine the float
of each task

a) Improved accuracy in Scheduling

b) Greater Adaptability
c) Easier Prioritization
d) None of the above

83) this critical path schedule makes clear the relationships between dependent tasks

a) More visual impact

b) Improved Accuracy
c) Stronger Communication
d) Better Risk Detection

84) This critical path method is a popular and reliable tool for improving the accuracy of
project schedules

a) Improved accuracy in Scheduling

b) More visual impact
c) Greater Adaptability
d) None of the above

85) This CPM advantage requires input from key players across all stages of a project life

a) More visual impact

Construction Management
Module 2 Reviewer

b) Easier prioritization
c) Greater adaptability
d) None of the above

86) These are disadvantages of Critical Path Method, except one:

a) Increased complexity
b) Increased flexibility
c) Reduced Attention to High-Float Tasks
d) Less insight into resource constraints

87) this critical path method involves complex calculations with many moving parts

a) Reduced attention to high-float tasks

b) Less insight into resource constraints
c) Increased complexity
d) Increased flexibility

88) this critical path method can make it easier to ignore non-critical tasks, resulting in

a) Reduced attention to high-float tasks

b) Less insight into resource constraints
c) Increased complexity
d) Increased flexibility

89) This advantage occurs when the critical path method does not give good insights into
how material constraints affect project scheduling

a) Reduced attention to high-float tasks

b) Less insight into resource constraints
c) Increased complexity
d) Increased flexibility

90) This is the term used to determine the early start date, early finish date, and overall
project duration

a) Forward pass
b) Overhead pass
c) Float pass
d) Heads up pass

91. It is a two-dimensional matrix representation of structural or functional interrelationships

between objects, tasks, or teams.

a.) Design Structure Matrix (DSM)

b.) Design Matrix Structure (DMS)
c.) Project Plan (PP)
d.) Design strategical diagram (DSD)

92. Design structure matrix is also known as the following except:

a.) The Dependency Structure Matrix

b.) The Problem-Solving Matrix
Construction Management
Module 2 Reviewer

c.) Design Precedence Matrix

d.) Project design diagram

93. The functions of the directional arrow in a design structure matrix are the following,

a.) To show the next activity of the project

b.) To designate the next course of action for the project.

c.) To divide and split the activities.

d.) To determine the orientation and direction per each task

94. The purpose of the design structure matrix is the following except:

a.) It can create insights for systems engineers and managers who must
design, organize, implement, and maintain the system, and its many

b.) It enables the user to model, visualize, and analyze the dependencies
among the entities of any system and derive suggestions for the improvement
or synthesis of a system.

c.) It provides essential information that will provide a better output of

the project.

d.) It provides a project representation that allows for feedback and cyclic
task dependencies.

95. What is the purpose of the system graph?

a.) To represent a system element, and an edge joining two nodes to

represent the relation between two system elements.

b.) To connect nodes that represent the relation between system elements.

c.) To make all the elements and information about the project simpler.

d.) To make the systems and processes of the project efficient and faster.

96. It is a property of the matrix representation of a diagraph that is populated with only
zeros and ones.

a.) Binary

b.) Square

c.) N rows and columns

d.) K-nonzero elements.

97. It is a property of the matrix representation of a diagraph that is populated with equal
number of rows and columns.
Construction Management
Module 2 Reviewer

a.) Binary

b.) Square

c.) N rows and columns

d.) K-nonzero elements.

98. It is a property of the matrix representation of a diagraph that consists of n rows and
columns considering that (n is the number of nodes of the diagraph).

a.) Binary

b.) Square

c.) N rows and columns

d.) K-nonzero elements.

99. It is a property of the matrix representation of a diagraph that has no k non-zero

elements, where (k is the number of edges in the paragraph)

a.) Binary

b.) Square

c.) N rows and columns

d.) K-nonzero elements

100. There are three major constituents that represents and describes the
relationship among the system elements, listed below are the following constituent except:

a.) Parallel

b.) Perpendicular

c.) Sequential

d.) Coupled

101. It is also known or called as “concurrent” type of element.

a.) Parallel

b.) Sequential

c.) Coupled

d.) Perpendicular

102. It is also considered as the “dependent” type of element.

a.) Sequential
Construction Management
Module 2 Reviewer

b.) Coupled

c.) Parallel

d.) Perpendicular

103. It is also known as the “interdependent” type of element.

a.) Parallel

b.) Sequential

c.) Perpendicular

d.) Coupled

104. It is one of the three major constituents, where the systems do not interact with
each other.

a.) Parallel

b.) Sequential

c.) Coupled

d.) Perpendicular

105. It is also one of the three major constituents, where one element influences the
behavior or decision of another element in a uni-directional manner.

a.) Parallel

b.) Sequential

c.) Coupled

d.) Perpendicular

106. It is one of the major constituents, where the flow of influence or information is
intertwined for example: element A influences B, and element B influences A. It is also
considered as “Circuit”, or “Cycle”.

a.) Perpendicular

b.) Sequential

c.) Parallel

d.) Coupled

107. It is one of the terms used in DSM, where it is used to refer to an entity that is
entered into a row or a column.

a.) Element
Construction Management
Module 2 Reviewer

b.) Dependency/ interdependency

c.) Domain

d.) Arc

108. It is also one of the terminologies used in DSM, whereas relation refers to any
form or kind of connection between two entities.

a.) Element

b.) Dependency/ Interdependency

c.) Domain

d.) Arc

109. DSM is divided into three major types which are:

a.) Representation, Application, Analysis Method

b.) Research, Organization, Analysis Method

c.) Representation, Evaluation, Application

d.) Representation, Analyzation, Execution

110. Under one of the DSM type, Application, there are various purposes and uses
which are the following except:

a.) System architecting

b.) Activity Sequencing

c.) Project scheduling

d.) Partitioning

111. What are the uses and functions of the Representation type? Choose all the
possible answers.

a.) Task/ activity

b.) Relationships

c.) Project scheduling

d.) Banding

e.) Input/output

f.) Tearing
Construction Management
Module 2 Reviewer

112. What are the uses and functions of the Analysis method type? Choose all the
possible answers.

a.) Partitioning

b.) Task/activity

c.) Low-level activity sequencing

d.) Banding

e.) Necessary precedents

f.) Stimulation, and Eigenvalue Analysis

g.) Tearing

113. Based on the illustration below, what type of relationship does this graph

a.) Parallel

b.) Perpendicular

c.) Sequential

d.) Coupled

114. Based on the illustration below, what type of relationship does this graph
Construction Management
Module 2 Reviewer

a.) Parallel

b.) Perpendicular

c.) Sequential

d.) Coupled

115. Based on the illustration below, what type of relationship does this graph

a.) Parallel

b.) Perpendicular

c.) Sequential

d.) Coupled
Construction Management
Module 2 Reviewer

116. In the work breakdown structure example below, determine the level of the
subject “A”, with the red highlight below.

Figure A. From the website Medium

a.) Level 1
b.) Level 2
c.) Level 3
d.) Level 4

117. In the work breakdown structure example below, determine the level of the
subject “C”, with the blue highlight below.
Construction Management
Module 2 Reviewer

Figure A. From the website Medium

a.) Level 1
b.) Level 2
c.) Level 3
d.) Level 4
118. In the work breakdown structure example below, determine the level of the subject
“B”, with the yellow highlight below.

Figure A. From the website Medium

a.) Level 1
b.) Level 2
c.) Level 3
d.) Level 4

119. When creating a work breakdown structure, there is a step and guide that must be
followed which are the following, except:

a.) Understand the project’s scope

b.) Determine major deliverables

c.) Determine work packages

d.) Use the right WBS Package

120. What is the fourth step in the estimating process? Whereas the materials, labor,
equipment, and general conditions are quantified.
Construction Management
Module 2 Reviewer

a.) Calculating quantities

b.) Organizing the work of the estimate

c.) Building the estimate

d.) Pricing the work

121. It is the tool that utilises this technique and is one of the most important
project management documents. It single handedly integrates scope, cost and schedule
baselines ensuring that project plans are in alignment.

a) Work Breakdown Structure

b) Project Schedule

c) Construction Management

d) Major Deliverables

122. The Project Management Institute (PMI) Project Management

Book of Knowledge (PMBOK) defines the Work Breakdown Structure as a
“deliverable oriented hierarchical _________ of the work to be executed by the
project team.”

a) Designation

b) Decomposition

c) Definition

d) Differentiation

123. What are the two types of WBS?

a) Definition-based and Product-Based

b) Deliverable-based and Phase-based

c) Dividend-based and Project-based

d) Debt-based and Performance-based

124. It clearly demonstrates the relationship between the project

deliverables (i.e., products, services or results) and the scope (i.e., work to be

a) Phase-Based Work Breakdown Structure

Construction Management
Module 2 Reviewer

b) Definition-Based Work Breakdown Structure

c) Deliverable-Based Work Breakdown Structure

d) Project-Based Work Breakdown Structure

125. The most common and preferred approach in Work Breakdown


a) Phase-Based Work Breakdown Structure

b) Definition-Based Work Breakdown Structure

c) Deliverable-Based Work Breakdown Structure

d) Project-Based Work Breakdown Structure

126. A _______WBS, the Level 1 has five Elements. Each of these

Elements are typical phases of a project.

a) Phase-based Work Breakdown Structure

b) Product-based Work Breakdown Structure

c) Deliverable-based Work Breakdown Structure

d) Definition-Based Work Breakdown Structure

127. Regardless of the type of WBS, the _____- Level Elements are all

a) Higher

b) Lower

c) Middle

d) None

128. The lowest Levels of each Leg and Branch of the WBS are

a) Work Packages

b) Deliverables

c) Products

d) Phases
Construction Management
Module 2 Reviewer

129. It is also known as Dependency and Structure Modelling )

techniques that support the management of complexity by focusing attention on
the elements of a complex system and how they relate to each other.

a) Design Structure Matrix

b) GANTT Chart


d) CPM Chart

130. These are types of DSM’s except for:

a) Object-based

b) Team-based

c) Parameter-based

d) Design-based

131. A useful tool for representing and analyzing task dependencies is

the :

a) information-processing view

b) Gantt chart

c) PERT (Program Evaluation and Review Technique) chart

d) design structure matrix (DSM)

132 The traditional tool for representing the timing of tasks is the :

a) information-processing view

b) design structure matrix (DSM)

c) Gantt chart

d) PERT (Program Evaluation and Review Technique) chart

133. A (n)_________ explicitly represents both dependencies and timing

of tasks for projects.

a) information-processing view

b) design structure matrix

c) Gantt chart

d) PERT (Program Evaluation and Review Technique) chart

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Module 2 Reviewer


Figure 134-1.

Which is true based on the figure above?

a) task D transfers information to tasks E, F, and L

b) task D requires information from tasks E, F, and L

c) task B requires information from tasks C, F, G, J, and K

d) task A requires information from tasks H and L

135. Based on Figure 134-1, which is true?

a) task B transfers information to tasks C, F, G, J, and K

b) task D transfers information to tasks E, F, L

c) task B requires information from tasks C, F, G, J, and K

d) task C requires information from tasks I, J, and K

136. As shown in Figure 134-1 the tasks C and D are _________


a) sequential

b) coupled

c) parallel

d) joint

Construction Management
Module 2 Reviewer

Figure 137-1

Which task is ahead of schedule at the Current Date timeline as shown in Figure 137-1?

a) Task M (certify cartridge)

b) Task D (produce beta cartridge)
c) Task E (develop testing program)
d) Task L (debug molds)
138. Which task is behind schedule at the Current Date timeline as
shown in Figure 137-1?

a) Task A (receive and accept spec.)

b) Task D (produce beta cartridge)

c) Task E (develop testing program)

d) Task B (concept generation/selection)

Construction Management
Module 2 Reviewer

139. Which task has been completed at the Current Date timeline as
shown in Figure 137-1?

a) Task A (receive and accept spec.)

b) Task M (certify cartridge)

c) Task G (design production cartridge)

d) Task L (debug molds)

140. The critical path is the _________ chain of _______events in a


a) shortest; dependent

b) longest; dependent

c) shortest; independent

d) longest; independent

141. The delay in completing tasks _________ results in

____________in project duration.

a) on critical path; decease

b) not on critical path; an increase

c) on critical path; an increase

d) not on critical path; a decrease

142. The PERT (Program Evaluation and Review Technique) chart


a) only task dependency

b) only task timeline

c) both task dependency and time line

d) none of the above

143. The development team creates the project task list as a part of

a) understanding and representing tasks

b) postmortem project evaluation

c) accelerating projects
Construction Management
Module 2 Reviewer

d) baseline project planning

144. The contract book represent the agreement between the:

a) development team and the senior management.

b) development team and the patent lawyers.

c) manufacturer and the development team.

d) marketing team and the consumers.

145. One of the important criteria for achieving better team speed and
performance is that the team members:

a) did not volunteer for the project.

b) do not report directly to the team leader.

c) are more than 20 in numbers.

d) are assigned to the team full-time.

146. The most common desired modification to the baseline plan is to :

a) change concept development plan.

b) compress project schedule.

c) cancel the project altogether.

d) Increase scope of work for the project.

147. To complete coupled tasks faster a team should not:

a) perform more iterations quickly.

b) decouple tasks to avoid iterations.

c) increase the numbers of coupled tasks

d) consider a range of solution instead of a point solution.

148. A critical path network diagram does not:

a) Calculate earned value

b) Calculate the duration of the whole project

c) Identify particularly important activities

d) Help determine amount of float

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Module 2 Reviewer

149. the communication frequency is _______ to the physical

separation and falls off rapidly when people are located __________ from one

a) inversely related ; more than a few meters

b) inversely related ; less than a few meters

c) proportional; more than a few meters

d) proportional; less than a few meters

150. The postmortem project evaluation reports are used:

a) for assessing project status.

b) for taking corrective actions.

c) in the project planning stage of future projects.

d) none of the above.


● https://asana.com/resources/critical-path-method
● https://projectmanager.com/guides/critical-path-method
● https://www.techtarget.com/whatis/definition/critical-path-method-CPM
● https://dsmweb.org/introduction-to-dsm/
● https://pmd.igdp.org.br/article/10.4322/pmd.2017.008/pdf/pmd-15-2-86.pdf
● https://dsmweb.org/
● https://www.workbreakdownstructure.com/
● https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/esd-36-system-project-management-fall-
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Module 2 Reviewer

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