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—- olep rte aluction a K The Taman ntale aeproclactive system a Re riale stepotecliedive gpk? consist of He About r frirnany ben ong = testes W- Second anny —4, ae, Ace samy alucf : & qecessony gland i Ch Huonqer Sermienal utsicle otete fectis vasa epidieyrris sas qe » efferent dete stens Potestale gn Ge pes sland} “Aa hi, Exdare ogeritelig — poms Pp destes }s situated aud gicle fhe Testes 7) pur ° Gholaminel” cavity fora ac of shin cated PhO serantin, byt pestes 7s ovel shaped anal abou 4-5 tt im Ieyt pak gegen doo wit. _9 Tre oufenrass/ Greig ar fhe fos tis 7s famed by 4 olerse Bbrous membrane Cauca Juric albyginer, _9 buch pestis rs divided pop ase Goapardonents aelled a Tonion albuginea wg cxfumetly ovine BP a penitoment day ey of cet cad ermal yong fotealds, RE LO pbules 3 “ecprewtes Aebyless Ryag “Me ¥ @ & eee i —s Scanned with CamScanner cf bach b-byle amdums Is highty Giled dibeqes lenown a fons Jubules im whith Poms we prudiced: Usrol cess emi bach gemimifeneas Prbuleg has foo Mybly peed Cauled pete gerabegen ond gobi colle The otesiams od ade Ihe gt Centum praasses ef cols called G Leyeliy cetls. Leytg cell gyntt aise ard secede pre pre Aagmone cettecl festasfenone which aaeinte'n a pele sex characterstce . vaginal Jan (q al by gine 3 Rele fests Test cali A yodales Pp e Lemimirferns > i ‘ i oe oh aol fobules Vas defreng Scanned with CamScanner Acc ssong ue} gps. : . _— [Reimiforrs Trbules y [Ree tetfis] [Nacq Hearn ——F pie ras ot | [Vas defor] ise : ¢ ‘aca omy cluct | / Hite) ieee ] 9 The gemimifigaus, Aybyles ss inh the vase Phscnf'y Horo ub otele sts. A SOP vrasq CMesentia opens. nfo fe gpictidirnts emul amy spores audsicle pre desfes oe Epidliegois “4 ony Colel fide person) abry Ae sta sofrce of enh teshs. ». Eprobidy ons is antnves ae te vai. 5 arn ay gece of impo ejacvlarbns olvet y 9. The huct fas germina yesicté ore] VS deferens Ponethes farm the groleny duced. They “peas hove -e pre stide gene ard yun Phe parfrnus S | — Scanned with CamScanner ’ . . . io 119 ont ona He far TAO Uni cog bladder aol fanaa UAE 7 c pomis te jtienParall opening catleod aden ds Pray 7A chine ancadus. bf Carles vrine farra Pre bledder onl enn s from Pe vast cle Fagen s: poroigh fhe pens apni «TL pehe ial afpinal vesicle Poosfape glo | vas difsserns ‘ ye | Gup en's sland. | Festi * . ~unimagenitl apesatine frecesse2y ghnds > Th ofp foulude a pohh gle, fue govierel vesicles ame) fvo $al-bounerinet glomds: 2 fosstek glad = LA supound Pre yeefbra aodg re ltl C g rmillsy seesed om which forms y considerable prote fs, ay gerninat/ yesicles — fe pmucus oof —watong allele plat proud wont Phcge setae Pichse bach proses emengy fe Pe taro : i 4, pelbovnetnnel g tenet an (ooprr's gland ‘ase aftyched to phe —uaedrna below fre poste glord , Toy seoneTe rics flail tr Phe by-bpl cats of fee pren's. bolornel genitelig 9 flenig a. Ht the pmeile epithe | oman ewig evectile HI54e arel spaseulan,” gpacesys,7A6 opeied Habe? Po B petprinnrerechon ot pre peris pe. Pei fy Pole. jnseeninutioin, . Thesenteag yd anil 0 pooisig ed 1+ ahs penis which /s Covered By q lee Aid oF ski» fgiteal ine chen Scanned with CamScanner SPI. preoris “ot . Famica albyyione ¥ Connective fissye Shin vaetha a . Gopus grnghrsaom feris is climecbical eectile and Cpilahng OMI Bhs say Phace escedile Hissves, Jove pestsion carpong one anatenion highly esculas, ame] LY CIS spr, which gussoumes fhe rina gemi el cana, Tins F per ‘ yn , ; j highly sensitive amd js mown as gles pens. Fone By a skinny “fle - carted faesiain. ™ The female Repro oluctve syshro 9 pss Priv tag Bex 07: “Oveves io fang See rye : / : / a- ~ Aeesgiry olucts paired ictiet \ _ _ wn foes “ Fallopian bes ultnus Coni x vy Spe, WY no54 «l be. Accessory glanel , Merromany glamel , Beorthacbrign iii Externul goritetia, » Malva, Ovanies 2S ONG provetce a grrts (oven) ‘are Sorel Senviel POPOV OME | wk: 3K : ; -y Gventes ave hewteolontach dide of Phe bude enfelocr® md otermein. attached do- phe proic well gro) 100% by“ ovenian Ag graee fe . @ Scanned with CamScanner y Yih one 36° almond ake flattend boy ease! AY ghoul ay cnt tong b> 2 The outer gion of oreny 75 Grmposeo! of: develo pig filicles aval the omidel ote Nom forms. Phe woking cmmechre tissue. Gloa vessels ane/ pratine a stray js ctvicled! jnte foo igivs I appr, ih foicles. Tang rieelula, Qa Golem As } pe peryergnier oi seth ah Vernon ! aon Diagpammna tic cechional View oP Ind forinlers sprodihre gehen Ovieluct ( Fallopian fubes) a Tree ane foe gooull fubes about fo-tren i Jengdh, Irie 07 ecfhen sicles oP uses antay Pre hidvey, 2 The opeminny of Phe Pllaplan Abe As eager cle of /mpe| Fmnel shaped sotin li -bujion, Te emo/ of) podonlibdtn) hus Fanges ike parpections catleel ton bniae, They a | Scanned with CamScanner ) i Chses A the. ovenies at ovulation te collead —~ | “Un, af/en ovilah'or, : i 37% joAmeli Gujyor ; Jers do gq usele» pet Fy. oviclted eartea! goed: / Gb Tsthomus ig pe last pot ef dhe ovichicd pay. Q errow lyme which Joms the -uresus, 0 Patloe, sed) a> C8 she, | | | tenes ZH os & single a | shsuchme Supported iby Yyyrmeends and oblacheel Jo phe Pelvic well. 5 |. Fes present be focen she ~unioneng bladld ex ad ech 2 TRe lower pust of phe vuferus ig VEY MMO aml calle cl oni , The cavidy ef dhe comb is ced Cenvi cad camep which Proms the birth cunel ccliog with vaying. 9 Tae wet of the wufenvs Aus Shree lagers of tissue © Peionetaiuen = outer, 7 covering of fhe vA wy widdie, Hick layer of gooth muscle AM e ripe neti gong - , which corvdnacds shea daninry olelivery of the Sal, « Grolsrme/ niden— Fanen ley | Prat Corrs glendls ane man blaeol vessels . F/ cele ors gil’ chrryes Aerinng Pre crenstrvet gyele. @. Scanned with CamScanner - . june glrel _y Hyman feonele huvs a pur 6 Ferameneg Jone] ub ¢ ontun ghantiles pssves amel fly fist. la bith glrrdiler dissve 1 videc/ jonfe 6-26 orrarranra pbes mel each fb consist ofa may of alveoli, 9 TH clue gpens dono rage ang fobs Les. a gae eon genes og pobeles opts of each bbe “pen Jonpo gomel enammeany oleh . fon gq vidlen raver 4 gerne mane eoy olsefs join fs ‘ difoows oluct gust gongs Poal aes ganecteol fs Ia gebre Ihe mipale —-Peogh hh pill «'s stelenseol, * Barthotionsglerel ( Bylo vestibular girls): These on € one pun gone — sirecl gts preseat one, gn ether sole of vagina onfice - These secnete aves Zo fleets fe vein ab fae Hone af rating one] portiwadhor, Lgcterrmadd grit (valve): 2 a on The expormel gerifeit Cf Roecter Se cottechvely eatteol Vulva cael “coneist of the fllewiag pots : gainers prtis » @ (yskiom of fay tesye comerl wit? ghion onal pric Jewry, / p. Lobia rmyora- 7"? flds of Ady poses whch exferel “cloorm Br. pre enrns yaa: arof torsynef Hhetgyrel opering «Josh, insielt Phe Ld 0 Pre lytig orxinony which, emchse phe vest -Gyle Coon fading Soe fing gy of She waedhsy gol Ake /aye rmaudh of 7h venny ) c. Clitoris qin a9" Like shmcfasey whith es | af she pe Jnction oF foo ferry rnlonny , ¢beve Phe warcdhrcl. apening. @® Scanned with CamScanner ob Phymenis A Phin ron (ous erm brary a Covtns phe vay? open. fg Cryene de one gig 3. , d . zy as process of. povration of gametes.) ods . Thise cane of pve hypes ; bo, ‘ Nasewba eo ie pee, 7 Recon genesis Cogenieis pocruadesimesis —9 ‘The potocess of Prva bin ip Snrrs fom oli pelos of gpormbyeria 5 Clleof Gporudeyntsis. a9 TS Srelycles fhe foUowingy phases q. Pteltipli cadton phase.” The pore qeoi g present gn dhe jrsiole well of gemini ous. dr bales emu tiply toy omidhic cliviston qrel incnetse J mirmber. b. Girewth phases Spomategenig grew anol /ncaeqse don. sige. gnel’ fenom print pom ytcytes, each spam rhe is dipebiol gre} (rotons UE Chama gern es, ‘ C. Matorytion pases Pricroosy sproomuftcy tes -unelinya Mersise A primey apercah oy Crmple te th ost emetic Libislom ter eling Je Lrmefienod pus equal paptoi el ciths cattle of selendary sperma tqy tes. G@ a Scanned with CamScanner qich Pave only 23 Chramogomes,. cath. the secondany jombiyses uralegye fhe seeomef pieiodic olir'sto™ fo fyooltce four equal hep/oiel gormatds. 4 : . ur ® LN Multiplicabive @ Pha Ke LS . “ f @ @ Spoverade yoni & Carew pase L . / : : i | @- meg sooty (27) , : ded | Alidbnvepiore J ritosig-T- Phage @- Seom alam spormeate - ©) S) ee 1 Dilharotint i PhAST - Spometozay (gooms ) | Scanned with CamScanner d: QiPprentialion prase> The spormaticls awe Pan, fumed jot sport xo4 (sperms) By fre Mele, Gomirge esis Re gporrn's pwd gets ettacheo! Sobli Petr, ts drew mounishrmend gro! ane Provably wicleg cof Bon, phe Sernvnt Joris fbyles- ey fhe provers Cellea ff wmraion. S Her rhe, Sedamed view of Gemini fires tubule Heron S centre! of sperrmuteyenesis —9 Ta hyman rote, spermatogenesis cok onlt af Paso due ft rmoncasee] scene fier f gonrchdorpin aelending Haneneme (Gimp) fas fhe lyn foackirrnes A secnede foo porto : Fs ame! LH (ICH) LH Show betes he Leyolly's col of post's dosecreh pale Sek hormones (alle of poten ant gf which os Aste shmne , Tesh storonc éteniltes Phe pom ace enesis esprcadig Ke @ Scanned with CamScanner ms, ree sf Jopiok » poe sis: Fs4 stmoslafes fhe so doll gels of al ; ’ i, gecacte Coduin fichns hich helps 1? ee ib gpomisgsis. Zh oad pypetgiel i produces pup ei of Spms r (assinng raed Bltowun fii Pr aes!s, $0 Jer free ¢ proves crletiooneg stelatisrashi Vasiq toms. ES Typethelgomus $l ; | ? Potesion pitvideoy A 5|P wwiar 7 { 5 tT { 7, wt Geer [Fon | —— i a ere 3 _ tO | shovalate :) 4) Peastome? [omer Thi br, \Pipodhchive Foal anc] oth co oH @® Scanned with CamScanner Gocdiae oF Sporn —9 \ mucleus Cortaiming chzomog, pry foie? ml fhoxicral cmtriole Meck stk Combe tole Cyt plasvmic Sheath i Tei} s,s gronetme Coaemcsis Ware firocens of) Asmoator ofa ony dae ge for «fe grok «5 calle aeyemesis » ZL aceows > Ake ovesies. FL Cnsish ff phe Ab awiong Phree ghuses, Ly v Of — Al tiplica hi G (titiplcative phase strat pe nlahonaltern p. Scanned with CamScanner rr . api platen phase Oayins's fe porktabeol ohaing con brigenve Aevelap amend Huge when a ayle of oniobhn fk ethoe cells (oxyen'a) ase | within each fated gue. Me Cine arena we fore aol aeeof ve both. Ta His dhe p lofain poionuag gor CE ey? joy size oral baring hoge nucle) sh gorvinab gitelir, faves deze ipl rniptic bustons 7 fav SES " dphid 7) roma Jhey cell on asgenia- aeons Jafer Hommes C youn ded crass called! aw mesh : eet phase (drowth plise of auyrnesis tse? vey hay “Taaion et pol of pormabegenesss, Fha'g [ELI JOs jn harman oom le Doin groeth phise ome ogni” ay est 7s fons boone Pode oliphi) prong crete while, giles eager of Phe 095 05f hanre g single fegered erubritthee flbeules cpitheliorn wou! it ee ghpucfure 50. farmed 18 called pny oon ioe, cach prong os cyte is sessemele | gone Yrs et granvlsi! CLs ans] “phecg ard chon ges /afo rondany Alle «Sue preondany follicle ewcops a Frid Jade) voto! CHiN calfecl amdoim ancl is (allel forse filicle. Tl Aathes chonges pe form Crcahom pbile. gery prot phase degen Incregse 17 size yp/> P20 fomes ion Array biel howule by Pre fonmmytion ome] geurrilation ef ~ylk (vitells genes) hey a gpeeia pif hemelich cloud! Iyirry Close fe emucleus / calleg] yale muc lees (Bal-tian ; Geely) potion pri een we PROS B. Phe bhoal slionylaJes phe hypo Pail onus gro! dof vie pititeog glo Jo aclease Li & FSi” [54 Gfofs Pre flliciler pase. If Alby s phe omen styl phere. omel / sds fn ghoul fo-tr days. (fm S-1G% sey of ore) / LP. brvilees fodlowinng ching 05 a Feu shimpulits Jae chunze ofa perm wa Abiele of fhe, overny, (ato. Girag Lian 7 y Ptlicates cells 62 Cdnan lean follicle, gecrefe” repoagery fry OMG. . 9 Esfrogen Hrowtebe Pdr groafh , plata ten eeance rel raion . tong orn feof Hbse wel _physe> When [he “ovigon stenaaing ~~ 1 Taxfibised Scanned with CamScanner Aamehivsing of Seeondar4 50 onze os 9D» He presence of expogen vivrine eneloome // 9 bor, Parvche ,Omone VAISCU/U> — Grre/ one girdle The fal , pion je also feces fhicfe anal dem sely ot od Conolue the ovim. / R90 Je. 1 Esprugen imhiibif fhe Seediom © f FSH md firm Ac secnefiarr of hufenisiong fasrmeone (LA) » $0 Ai gg Hele of ésdneye” Brgy rs fre ovulatory Surge. Developing Piele i 2 @ 6) wed veniam hel 0.6, Pilniderg Hh yore 4st 7ss perstriebofllicals phase Tels PEI S ee 8) 22 aT gat vlad ray Resressing | Fog Ss Wee Vy Lale et phase Herbed, prise Hharyes > vfoine wall ateniong mens pal cycle @ Scanned with CamScanner vl g P97, Ae J jnvelves 7 if Pw omy det ov jeter. phrase 5 - afin pMéicle - over. LFA occas 7 ne he poe omen fret Cycle. an 14 7 clay. jon as caused Ly jocneasi7y pergictily are] onthe “? grmerth amuscle fibre around 7AC Get je 1997 neceived say fimr-brrae af ve fallopt yun 1S 30 a js viable fn 23 legs. . * ovulation is Conde Lea! Ley pre jm eneaséed T of LH in te cblecel cauleed LH Ganges jn alse shoe Pr charge oP emg bok jrde * fants Juteqrs. HLA phase», Tf fasts tom» abouk anty days onl exten] am Is * bag ts less eh Phe phe. dis Choacteaized hey fllswim « efrages a» Gee Mom Boome d fac emp at, iocnesse 77 SIRE ge CMed Hiteet phase oy Garpes Laker secre apragestenene shanomume which Indhces, Blvwing charyges x vy | . * 1 Deeneages the genetion s£ (SH ELH go pad bit fac rapnation gf fetlicle ore! evalapioy, 9 Udine erelyOnedniyrr Ferrer pool Prak mel Is reel a poplantitior. — Recluce the -ofenine anevermem pf. Gp Scanned with CamScanner \ . | Polil'setior Te process of fusion oka Pan, 9 . 4 with a ovides js Calbeo) fohibica hom, | > Dein Loi dus , Gere 05. vielease ol ly fhe pens jot Phe vaging ( frstorriaction) <9, The emadile spoons gwiom sriptelly Prroigh the corp. enter fro fre vterys are vtech the Top llicg” 1hthoroas Jimeti6m of Pe ovsclich = A po7 Crmes }7 anfact with the Zong prttucig, ayo? Phe ONY erred jmecluces changes in a em baane tr Block phe entry of gddidvna] sperms, 9. Te Ong nes of giao go-me of poo Kelp to olisss lve Dna prteaciols ad aso prem $ryne of He over, (lowee! do enfey jm7o Gteplass a] spory hese! is of Pe ov Ces af 4 Plasma renee Ae Corong staciqtg A foivilelline spite top Zona pellycioty uur sumoimded By As spores 4 —ulemapely oliplei ol zygote ds produce el ey the fasivo of 4 Go" anol mov Ym. Scanned with CamScanner 7 pote clivicles aah lly 4) OO dents: jel- ves prooryh fsprravs of? ovichied powers * f . I; Oued cleavage, As nest 4 & a, 16 ang ¢ prodicca which ane ferrreof 95 bia fone my? coith BrlG Blast omeres is calleof 9 cone tl9- J mond 16 ‘Gtinucs fo abivicle ool fogs frm ¢ J Ma pope Mss of ceuls called! blastocyst, ehidh ? Lin pote the hers ya Mt pe Fie Lo moe 2 pre blasfo cyst ane aprng eal joo te 7 yas \ My? cattle ol Aropro bls) adh gn iP get My cols abfuche fo prytoblasd calles) p77 cer? 3 y celled stage Le shige ge mules snjretlst nen cel 7 L 2 A? GER c HEM, Jerrt Rrra pellitidy Q-Cetf staye Scanned with CamScanner 78 tepeBhad lyon gels attached the cou PH io 1"! nj He ‘onihemeyadirn one! Dre cell. omass give site tomy Ap PY I Me 4, Chen a Wiles ablasrnend, he cals

> Ye oy eae a beheloms— Eprdermis, ens, pa, epider na! gland wiatdlowel esterror nid da giro! Prresirn'= ohne prnnreeire Hissye , oleroai's, bones onl {cotilges Cntulate eee kidneys , ~usefer, ginids 1 it Fiven, Purncresse Thyroid frarthynsid Fyrws, anfesed tides, glorel, Prirmang germ cetl- cr Scanned with CamScanner confer Crt $6 O95 cole ef Sho ~9y Zanen ced Onass tartans : . ise fea foe figs. (ells “hk prove fhe proton - ad al ohgams. 9. pier one cvomsh of wgrrd De Cmboge's ean js Paomeclh , ay he one! Pf pod pranth of Pry rey, Are Pedy develop owb onol digits. “By Phe erol of 77 or 7, prustef Me ye stm, ant ferred. 5. Pypterance of ln. en Phe bevel amo Pehs omen, js obterveo! doing Lfrr root 3 Allo six omens, the Boaly 16 @vercel wih Ane Pe's e eels. seprrale anol eyelashes’ ane alse formed Ln By pac ores of cine cmc hs of [P97 Pe Keb Js Cromg lefely derebp eel arol it oy fr ifs Aeliveng | Pobritiir _ Te ‘avenge china fiery of Armmaon pony. marcy Js about 9 rmenth sy which Is caleel dhe gesAadans Poise. | _3 Whe acho ‘delving of Pe Au form fous Dros phe protho 's utes at fhe ord SF gestion proied as Culle of protyrition, . 9 This mdace d doy q trmplee anew serel Caio © enechpn)ien 2. Parfunidis) ges srigima th from he fully duchped fetus ane the placenf? which price pmild vtoine and actions called! fretel- ejection cteflex.. (9) This diggers Phe stelense of ong chy fours dhe ; atom at pile : | fog. >} Woe \ ae Scanned with CamScanner \ “im imal ues glonge whan mms ets 4 loin YP phe 4 fort ‘ fo cop thson 6 / i 7 binth cana) ey hi af! ply vy plore} 6 - és 4) 407) ie pel Sof procicig pmitk at fle’ armed TENS a Calle! lactation red Jacte Ba Shorts prwends Pre grol of py. pty, pho of rmilk eccunrs omby qf? py Bours 0 pydhs f id a ; pile gerne fod hd nm of Inctiblan woe _ phillk gection mae pesoen Z/ imvolves Pre gyre ces WO veri epitseliqnr oP Pre aman 4 ee of 2 pred jonmrome wich is oe bel fe ian pitiitog ghee), sucbling of mpple 1 es Ws dae doen > which ghongiate Pre FOOT genet frw eed stele say fecha (pre) eh6 | pocnersee Secrefio of pos bach : cathe lactegener's ° 2 pails po M1. ego lO snot PS jon ‘Ws pole of pailke froomation Ps pile gecton—s T/ irvelves lise ae gle. when baly, suck fae mipple, shientlate ne hype Phahroots ome! pittite lane which secrete orykel™ ime 2 he. presente 0 oxy per? hiprine PPE inp epitiebal cells of alveoli gets. Puvky) criPrichora . : att nal pris, § Cw Ses efecto ofomifes dempasitfom of collie 4 Pra mills 5 formeef. of wafer, fepesitiom 2 2 Ont > ; nimoals (ky, C947) BAT, pe ee) fd cdrople ts, ne feimns —— lndahhunin ancl Casein amid prik Sue facdozen sev CF Scanned with CamScanner r ow > pile help Pheoned he, TS, ay x Seco Pre mevly born The nie grodiceel of,; 17 @-X%s aie p wp Ve a He rrifie tans oliys of bectetion js calleel Cyspo, eh This stich toy gretein cme] Calories, F1 alge lone; al 9 Ren3 : $ Cotainr antiboolies (Fyn) which proviel pusive “t x7'= Ss) | fmonurmity jh dre maw barre. ge breast ferdling : : ani dre nitiel perieo] of infind growts et fs god Aa bringing yp a healthy bucky, O at we & ; ¢ G we ——_—— xb Cae < Ye (ror PP omy eS — x ‘4 —— Ms > : oe See SAG vr PA) ef) Sire wary arya, tof Vtve Bey OFS ore FAL GF xPot we A A wey avs _ RB Rady draj fe grea ug nea ZF] 2 [ Be @

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