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Lumoto, Alyanna

Magat, Kingchristopher

Joseph, Joyiane Rose

Padasdao, Nicholas

Latawan, Carlo

Cutay, Jade

Timaan, Jb

Nano, Nick Sebastian


Education is the process of training man to fulfill his aim by exercising all the

faculties to the fullest extent as a member of society (Aristotle). Is also a process of

receiving instruction to acquire particular knowledge or skill especially at a school or

university. One of the factor of education is homework. Homework has been defined

simply as “tasks assigned to students by school teachers that aremeant to be carried

out during non-school hours” (Cooper, 1989). But overtime, homework become stressful

for some students.

However, students view homework differently according to their educational

levels. Letterman (2013) states that the students who view homework as “busy work”

(p. 117) do not try to complete their homework tasks. Cooper (1989) reports that some

of the negative effects of homework are that students do cheating by copying homework

answers from the other students. For some case, teachers have little to know whether

students do the assignments by themselves or have somebody does for them (Kralovec

& Buell, 2003).

Significance of the Study

The findings of this study are significance to educational management student,

teacher, and future researcher in identifying information about the effectiveness of

homework on students learning at MPNHS


The teacher will more aware of the effect/ importance of homework in order to

improve the students learnings


Student’s will gain self awareness about how homework contribute to them


Parents will be guided in assessing their children's managing skills in order to

improve their children's learnings

Future Researcher

To have better understanding of the effectiveness of homework on students

Objectives of the Study

This study expected to discover the effectiveness of homework among junior

high school students in Mariano Peralta National High school.

Statement of the problem

Education is a process of receiving instruction to acquire particular knowledge or

skill especially at a school or university. One of the factors of education is homework.

Homework is a common task in education system, it is an assignment given to the

students to be completed outside in the regular class period. Meanwhile, some students

have difficulties of managing their time causes homework to pile up and results stress.

This urgent researchers to know what is the effective time management to improve their

skills and learning.

Review of Related Literature

Previous studies have shown that homework benefits for students’ learning and

their achievement (Keith & Cool, 1992; Cooper, 1994; Muijs & Reynolds, 2017; Warton,

2011). Cooper (1989) points out that the academic purposes of homework are to make

students acquire factual knowledge, improve academic study skills and raise positive

attitudes towards homework, and realize that learning can take place anywhere, not

just only in school classroom. In addition, homework can develop independent study

skills, and advanced classroom learning preparation (Muijs & Reynolds, 2017). In terms

of non-academic purposes, Cooper (1994) states that homework can foster students to

have more self-direction, greater self-discipline, better time organization, and more


However, homework should be appropriately assigned for students. Research

has shown that overloading homework does not only make students lose their academic

interests, but also leads them to physical and emotional stress (Copper, 1994).

Likewise, it effect on students’ attitudes towards homework and does not yield positive

results in learning. Warton (2001) states that homework impacts on young children’s

emotional and creates conflicts between them and their parents. In some cases,

students are unwilling to do homework since they do homework to satisfy their teachers

(Paudel, 2012).

Keith, T. Z., & Cool, V. A. (1992). Testing models of school learning: Effects of

quality of instruction, motivation, academic coursework, and homework on academic

achievement. School Psychology Quarterly, 7(3), 207.

Muijs, D., & Reynolds, D. (2017). Effective teaching: Evidence and practice.


Warton, P. M. (2001). The forgotten voices in homework: Views of students.

Educational Psychologist, 36(3), 155-165.

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