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Grade: Ten Subject Area: Mathematics Date: February 9,


The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of measures of

Content Standard
The learner is able to investigate thoroughly the mathematical relationship
Performance Standard in various situations, formulate real-life problems involving measures of
position and, solve them using a variety of strategies.
1. Illustrate the following measures of position: quartiles, deciles,
Learning Competency
2. Calculate specified measure of position of a set of data.
3. Interpret measures of position.
At the end of the lesson, the learner will be able to:
1. calculate the nth score of a given grouped data;
Learning Objectives 2. identify the required data such as lower boundary, frequency, range
and less than cumulative frequency; and
3. interpret the results of computed quartiles.
Lesson/Subject Matter Measures of Position: The Quartiles for Grouped Data
Department of Education. (2015). Mathematics Grade 10 Learner’s
Module. (pp. 385 – 387). REX Bookstore.
References and Learner’s
Department of Education. (2015). Mathematics Grade 10 Teacher’s Guide.
Materials Used
(pp. 337 – 339). REX Bookstore.
Powerpoint presentation, chalkboard, activity sheets
I. Preliminaries
a. Prayer
b. Greetings
c. Classroom Management
d. Attendance
II. Recall about measures of position for ungrouped data.
Group Activity
1. The class will be divided into five groups. A cardboard will be
given to each group with two reactions - or .
2. There will be 5 statements that will be flashed on the screen and
each group will identify whether the statement is true or false. If
PRIMING the statement is true, they will raise and if otherwise, they will
raise .
3. For every correct answer each group will get 1 point. The total
scores of each group after the five statements will be added to
their points for the recitation.

1. 𝐷90 = 𝑃9
2. 𝑄𝑘 = 4 (1 + 𝑛)
3. 𝑃100 is the highest percentile.
4. If the position of the 36th percentile is 7.8, then interpolation is not
5. The first step of interpolation is summation.
Title: Jigsaw Puzzle
ACTIVITY 1. The class will be divided into five groups.
2. A twelve-piece jigsaw puzzle will be given to each group. (The
puzzles have words that are related to the new topic.)
3. Each group should solve the puzzle within two minutes.
4. After solving the puzzles, each group should write the word/s that
is on the solved puzzle that they have.
The words that will be written on the board will be discussed with the
whole class.
How did you find the activity?
Which of the following groups of words do you think should come
What should be the arrangement of those groups of words for it to
have a complete thought?
What concept do we have with these words?
In computing the quartiles of grouped data, the following formula is used:

− 𝒄𝒇𝒃
𝑸𝒌 = 𝑳𝑩 + ( 𝟒 )𝒊

where: 𝐿𝐵 = lower boundary of the 𝑄𝑘 class

𝑁 = total frequency
= cumulative frequency of the class before the 𝑄𝑘
𝑓𝑄𝑘 = frequency of the 𝑄𝑘 class
𝑖 = size of class interval
𝑘 = nth quartile, where n = 1, 2, and 3

Calculate 𝑄1 ,𝑄2 , and 𝑄3 of the Mathematics test scores of 50 students.

Scores Frequency
46-50 4
41-45 8
36-40 11
31-35 9
26-30 12
21-25 6

Less than
Class Lower
Frequency Cumulative
Interval Boundaries
(f) Frequency
Scores (LB)
46-50 4 45.5 50
41-45 8 40.5 46
36-40 11 35.5 38
31-35 9 30.5 27
26-30 12 25.5 18 𝑄1 𝑐𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑠
21-25 6 20.5 6
N = 50

𝑁 50
𝑄1 𝑐𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑠: = = 12.5
4 4

𝐿𝐵 = 25.5
𝑁 = 50
𝑐𝑓𝑏 = 6
𝑓𝑄1 = 12
− 𝑐𝑓𝑏
𝑄1 = 𝐿𝐵 + ( 4 )𝑖
12.5 − 6
𝑄1 = 25.5 + ( )5
𝑄1 = 28.21
Therefore, 25% of the students got a score below 28.21.

(The second and third quartile will serve as a board work.)

Group Activity
1. The class will be divided into five groups.
2. Each group will be given an activity sheet with different tasks.
3. They will be given 5 minutes to finish the task given to them.
4. After five minutes, a representative from the group will present
their work and discuss it with the class.
The following are the scores of Grade 10 – Emerald in their recent
Mathematics quiz.
Class Interval
11-15 2
16-20 5
21-25 9
26-30 12
31-35 9
36-40 13

Each group will choose a reaction. Each reaction

has a designated task behind it.
The table below shows the scores of Grade 10 – Emerald in their
Mathematics seatwork. Complete the table below to solve for the second
F LB <cf
Interval Scores
4 14.5
12-14 9 23
9-11 7 8.5
5.5 7
3-5 1
A. Using the data that we used in our assessment, find the first and third
quartiles and interpret your answers.

ASSIGNMENT B. Answer the following questions.

1. What are deciles?
2. What is the formula to find the value of the deciles for grouped

Prepared: Checked:


Student Teacher Instructor

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