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XII-A - 2023-24 Project Topic
To Study the presence of oxalate ion content in guava fruit at different stages of
12101 AKSHAT MEHROTRA Study of Oxalate Ion Content in Guava Fruit
Study of the Quantity of Caesin Present in Different
12102 BHAVI SUWALKA Samples of Milk
Preparation of Soyabean Milk and its Comparison with
12103 BHAVIN PALIWAL Natural Milk
with respect to curd formation, effect of temperature and taste.

Study of Effect of Potassium Bisulphite as Food

12104 CHIRANJEETA DEORA Preservative Under Various Conditions
Concentration, time and temperature.

Comparative Study of the rate of Fermentation of To compare the rate of fermentation of the following Fruit or vegetable juice (i)
12105 DHRUV NAGDA Various Food Materials Apple (ii) Orange (iii) Carrot juice
Comparative Study of the rate of Fermentation of To compare the rate of fermentation of the given samples of wheat flour, gram flour,
12106 GOKUL PALIWAL Various Food Materials rice and potatoes.
Extraction of Essential Oil Present in Saunf (Aniseed),
12107 HARSH MENARIA Ajwain (Carum) and Illaichi (Crdamom)

12108 KARIZMA KUMAWAT Preparation of an Alum from Scrap Aluminium. To prepare potash alum from scrap aluminium.

Study of the Effect of Metal Coupling on the Rusting of

Variation of Conductance with Temperature in
12110 MANAV MENARIA Electrolytic Solution

12111 MANISH KUMAR YADAV Study of Adulterants in Food - Stuffs. To detect the presence of adulterants in fat, oil and butter.
Determination of the dosage of bleaching powder required for sterlization or
12112 MOHITA PUJARI Sterlization of Water with Bleaching Powder
disinfection of different samples of water.
12113 PRATEEK NAGORI Study of Adulterants in Food - Stuffs. To detect the presence of adulterants in sugar.

12114 RAKSHIT TRIVEDI Preparation of Rayon Thread from Filter Paper To prepare rayon threads from filter papers using cuprammonium process.

12115 RONAK SUTHAR Dyeing of Fabrics To dye wool and cotton clothes with malachite green.
To detect the presence of adulterants in sample of chilli powder, turmeric powder
12116 SAKSHAM CHOUHAN Study of Adulterants in Food - Stuffs.
and pepper.
To study the setting of mixtures of cement with lime, sand of different qualities, rise
12117 SHIVAM MANDAWAT Setting of Cement.
husk, flyash, etc. (with respect to volume and strength)
To study the setting of mixtures of cement with lime, sand and fly-ash with respect to
12118 SHREYANSH SINGHVI Setting of Cement.
time and strength
Study of Presence of Insecticides and Pesticides in To Study of Presence of Insecticides and Pesticides ( N-containing) in Fruits and
12119 SHRUSHTI JAIN Fruits and Vegetables. Vegetables.
To analyse the given sample of commercial antacids by determining the amount of
12120 VIDISHA LAKSHKAR Comparative study of Commercial Antacids.
hydrochloric acid they can neutralise.
12121 YASHWARDHAN SINGH Study of constituents of an Alloy To analyse a sample of brass qualitatively.

Study the Effect of Acids and Bases on the Tensile To find the effect of acids and alkalies on tensile strength of cotton, wool and nylon
12122 YUVRAJ SINGH DEORA Strength of Fibers fibres. / To compare tensile strength of cotton, silk and nylon fibers.

12123 ADITYA MALIK To Study the Rate of Evaporation of Different Liquids To compare the rates of evaporation of water, acetone and diethyl
Compare the water soluble polyphenol (catechin) content in the various samples of
12124 ALI ASGAR SAIFEE To Study of Contents Responsible for Flavour of Tea.
tea leaves.
12125 BHAVY CHANDALIYA To study the Foaming Capacity of Soaps. Compare the foaming capacities of different samples of soaps.

12126 DRISHTI JAIN To Study the Rate of Evaporation of Different Liquids To study the effect of air current on the rate of evaporation.

12127 HARSH PATEL Analysis of Hard Water.

12128 HARSH RANKA Study of Methods of Purification of Water.

To Study the presence of oxalate ion content in guava fruit at different stages of
12129 HARSHIT GUPTA Study of Oxalate Ion Content in Guava Fruit
Study of the Quantity of Caesin Present in Different
12130 HARSHITA MEGHWAL Samples of Milk
Preparation of Soyabean Milk and its Comparison with
12131 HARSHVARDHAN LOHAR Natural Milk with respect to curd formation, effect of temperature and taste.
JAYVARDHAN SINGH Study of Effect of Potassium Bisulphite as Food
12132 Preservative Under Various Conditions
Concentration, time and temperature.

12133 LAKSHYA CHOUDHARY To Study the Rate of Evaporation of Different Liquids To study the effect of surface area on the rate of evaporation of diethyl ether.

12134 LOVENISH MEENA To Study the Rate of Evaporation of Different Liquids To study the effect of temperature on the rate of evaporation of acetone.

12135 MOHAMMAD AASIL ALI Tonning Effect of Photography Chemistry of Black and White Photography

12136 MRIDUL PARIKH Green Chemistry - Bio Diesel and Bio Petrol

12137 NAMAN SINGH RAO Determination of Content of Cold Drinks.

12138 NIYATI JAIN Study the Rate of Diffusion of Solid in Liquid

12139 PARTH GALAV Determination of Amount of Acetic Acid in Vinegar

Comparative Study of the rate of Fermentation of To compare the rate of fermentation of the following Fruit or vegetable juice (i)
12140 PARTH MALU Various Food Materials Apple (ii) Orange (iii) Carrot juice
PRADYUMAN SINGH Comparative Study of the rate of Fermentation of To compare the rate of fermentation of the given samples of wheat flour, gram flour,
12141 Various Food Materials
RATHORE rice and potatoes.
Extraction of Essential Oil Present in Saunf (Aniseed),
12142 PRASHASTI VERMA Ajwain (Carum) and Illaichi (Crdamom)

12143 RATNAM PAHALWANI Preparation of an Alum from Scrap Aluminium. To prepare potash alum from scrap aluminium.

Study of the Effect of Metal Coupling on the Rusting of

RUDRA PRATAP SINGH Variation of Conductance with Temperature in
12145 Electrolytic Solution

12146 SAGAR MALVIYA Study of Adulterants in Food - Stuffs. To detect the presence of adulterants in fat, oil and butter.

12147 SAHIL SHARMA To Study of Contents Responsible for Flavour of Tea. Compare the tannic acid content of various samples of tea.
Study the effect of addition of sodium carbonate (washing soda) on the foaming
12148 SANJAY RAO To study the Foaming Capacity of Soaps.
capacity of a soap.
12149 SARTHAK SALVI Preparation of Rayon Thread from Filter Paper To prepare rayon threads from filter papers using cuprammonium process.

12150 SHAMBHAVI SALVI Dyeing of Fabrics To dye wool and cotton clothes with malachite green.
Determination of the dosage of bleaching powder required for sterlization or
12151 SHUBH SRIVASTAVA Sterlization of Water with Bleaching Powder
disinfection of different samples of water.
To study the setting of mixtures of cement with lime, sand of different qualities, rise
12152 SHUBHAM SHARMA Setting of Cement.
husk, fly ash, etc. (with respect to volume and strength)
Study of Presence of Insecticides and Pesticides in To Study of Presence of Insecticides and Pesticides ( N-containing) in Fruits and
12153 SRISHTI SHUBH Fruits and Vegetables. Vegetables.
SURYANSH SINGH To analyse the given sample of commercial antacids by determining the amount of
12154 Comparative study of Commercial Antacids.
DENGRI hydrochloric acid they can neutralise.

12155 VIRENDRA BHADU Study of constituents of an Alloy To analyse a sample of brass qualitatively.

12156 YASHASVI RAJ To Study of Contents Responsible for Flavour of Tea. Compare the caffeine content of the different samples of tea.

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