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Chapter Three

Rate-Independent Plasticity
Chapter Overview Training Manual

Advanced Structural Nonlinearities 6.0

• In this chapter, some of the rate-independent plasticity
models not covered in the Basic Structural Nonlinearities
seminar will be discussed.
– Although some of the basic principles of rate-independent
plasticity will be covered, it is assumed that the user is already
familiar with common isotropic and kinematic hardening models

• Most of the discussion will be centered around metal

– Many of the concepts can be extended to other materials, if
applicable. For example, Drucker-Prager is commonly used for
granular materials.

September 30, 2001

Inventory #001491
Rate-Independent Plasticity
... Chapter Overview Training Manual

Advanced Structural Nonlinearities 6.0

• In this chapter, we will cover the following topics:
A. Background on Rate-Independent Plasticity
B. von Mises Yield Criteria
C. Anisotropic/Hill Potential (HILL)
D. Anisotropic/Generalized Hill Potential (ANISO)
E. Voce Nonlinear Isotropic Hardening (NLISO)
F. Linear Kinematic Hardening
G. Chaboche Nonlinear Kinematic Hardening (CHAB)
H. Combined Hardening (CHAB + xISO)
I. Cyclic Hardening and Cyclic Softening
J. Rachetting and Shakedown
K. ANSYS Procedural Considerations for Plasticity

September 30, 2001

Inventory #001491
Rate-Independent Plasticity
A. Background on Plasticity Training Manual

Advanced Structural Nonlinearities 6.0

Review of Elasticity:
• Before proceeding to a discussion on plasticity, it may be
useful to review elasticity of metals.
– In elastic response, if the induced stresses are below the
material‟s yield point, the material can fully recover its original
shape upon unloading.
– From a standpoint of metals, this behavior is due to the
stretching but not breaking of chemical bonds between atoms.
Because elasticity is due to this stretching of atomic bonds, it is
fully recoverable. Moreover, these elastic strains tend to be
– Elastic behavior of metals is most commonly described by the
stress-strain relationship of Hooke‟s Law:

  E
September 30, 2001
Inventory #001491
Rate-Independent Plasticity
... Background on Plasticity Training Manual

Advanced Structural Nonlinearities 6.0

Review of Plasticity:
• In ductile metals, one may also encounter inelastic, or plastic,
– Beyond the yield stress is the plastic region, where some
permanent deformation remains after load removal.
– If one considers what is occurring on the molecular level, plastic
deformation results from slip between planes of atoms due to
shear stresses (deviatoric stresses). This dislocation motion is
essentially atoms in the crystal structure rearranging
themselves to have new neighbors, which results in
unrecoverable plastic strains.
– It is instructive to note that this slipping does not result in any
volumetric strains (condition of incompressibility), unlike

September 30, 2001

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Rate-Independent Plasticity
... Background on Plasticity Training Manual

Advanced Structural Nonlinearities 6.0

Review of Plasticity (cont‟d):
– Because plasticity deals with the loss of energy due to
dislocations, it is a non-conservative (path-dependent) process.
– Ductile materials can sustain much larger plastic than elastic
– Elastic deformation essentially occurs independent of plastic
deformation, so induced stresses past the yield point will still
produce both elastic and plastic strains. Since plastic strains
are assumed to be incompressible, the material response
becomes nearly incompressible as strains increase.

Yield Point y


Elastic Plastic 
September 30, 2001
Inventory #001491
Rate-Independent Plasticity
... Background on Plasticity Training Manual

Advanced Structural Nonlinearities 6.0

Rate-Independent Plasticity:
• If the material response is not dependent on the rate of
loading or deformation, the material is said to be rate-
– Most metals exhibit rate-independent behavior at low
temperatures (< 1/4 or 1/3 melting temperature) and low strain
– Ch. 4 & 5 on Creep and Viscoplasticity deal with rate-dependent
plasticity in metals.

September 30, 2001

Inventory #001491
Rate-Independent Plasticity
... Background on Plasticity Training Manual

Advanced Structural Nonlinearities 6.0

Engineering vs. True Stress-Strain:
• Recall that, while engineering stress-strain can be used for
small-strain analyses, true stress-strain must be used for
plasticity, as they are more representative measures of the
state of the material.

September 30, 2001

Inventory #001491
Rate-Independent Plasticity
... Background on Plasticity Training Manual

Advanced Structural Nonlinearities 6.0

Engineering vs. True Stress-Strain (cont‟d):
• If presented with engineering stress-strain data, one can
convert these values to true stress-strain with the following
– Up until twice the strain at which yielding occurs:
   eng    eng
– Up until the point at which necking occurs:
   eng 1   eng    ln 1   eng 
Note that, only for stress conversion, the following is assumed:
• Material is incompressible (acceptable approximation for
large strains)
• Stress distribution across cross-section of specimen is
assumed to be uniform.
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Rate-Independent Plasticity
... Background on Plasticity Training Manual

Advanced Structural Nonlinearities 6.0

Engineering vs. True Stress-Strain (cont‟d):
– Beyond necking:
There is no conversion equation relating engineering to true
stress-strain at necking. The instantaneous cross-section must
be measured.

 PA   ln  Ao A 
i  i

September 30, 2001

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Rate-Independent Plasticity
... Background on Plasticity Training Manual

Advanced Structural Nonlinearities 6.0

Example animation of metal extrusion (finite strain plasticity):

Element 185 (B-Bar),

with isotropic hardening
model, rigid-deformable September 30, 2001
contact with friction Inventory #001491
Chapter Three, Sections B-D

Yield Criteria
Rate-Independent Plasticity
Background on Yield Criteria Training Manual

Advanced Structural Nonlinearities 6.0

Yield Criterion:
• The yield criteria is used to relate multiaxial stress state with
the uniaxial case.
– Tensile testing on specimens provide uniaxial data, which can
easily be plotted on one-dimensional stress-strain curves, such
as those presented earlier in this section.
– The actual structure usually exhibits multiaxial stress state. The
yield criterion provides a scalar invariant measure of the stress
state of the material which can be compared with the uniaxial

September 30, 2001

Inventory #001491
Rate-Independent Plasticity
B. Mises Yield Criterion Training Manual

Advanced Structural Nonlinearities 6.0

• A common yield criterion is the von Mises yield criterion (also
known as the octahedral shear stress or distortion energy
criterion). The von Mises equivalent stress is defined as:

e 

 1   2 2   2   3 2   1   3 2 
In matrix form, this can be expressed as
3 
 e   sT M s

2 
where {s} is the deviatoric stress and m is hydrostatic stress

s     m  m  m 0 0 0

 x   y   z 
0 0 1 00 0
M    1
0 0 0 0

2 0 m 
0 0 0 0 2 0 3
 
0 0 0 0 0 2

September 30, 2001

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Rate-Independent Plasticity
... Mises Yield Criterion Training Manual

Advanced Structural Nonlinearities 6.0

• The stress state can be separated into hydrostatic
(dilatational) and deviatoric (distortional) components.
– The hydrostatic stress is associated with the energy of volume
change whereas the deviatoric stress is associated with shape

• The von Mises yield criterion states that only the deviatoric
component {s} causes yielding.

September 30, 2001

Inventory #001491
Rate-Independent Plasticity
... Mises Yield Criterion Training Manual

Advanced Structural Nonlinearities 6.0

• If plotted in 3D principal stress space, the von Mises yield
surface is a cylinder.

The cylinder is aligned with 2

the axis 1=2=3.
Note that if the stress state
is inside the cylinder, no
yielding occurs. This
means that if the material is 1 2 3
under hydrostatic pressure
(1=2=3), no amount of
hydrostatic pressure will
cause yielding.
Another way to view this is 1
that stresses which deviate
from the axis (1=2=3)
contribute to the von Mises
stress calculation {s}. 3

September 30, 2001

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Rate-Independent Plasticity
... Mises Yield Criterion Training Manual

Advanced Structural Nonlinearities 6.0

• If viewed normal to the axis 1=2=3, the von Mises yield
criterion will look as shown below.
Inside the yield surface, as noted earlier, behavior is elastic. Note that the
multiaxial stress state can exist anywhere inside of the cylinder. At the edge
of the cylinder (circle), yielding will occur. No stress state can exist outside of
the cylinder. Instead, hardening rules will describe how the cylinder changes
with respect to yielding.

3 


Elastic 

1 Principal Stress Space

2 Uniaxial Stress-Strain

September 30, 2001

Inventory #001491
Rate-Independent Plasticity
... Mises Yield Criterion Training Manual

Advanced Structural Nonlinearities 6.0

• By default, all of the rate-independent plasticity models use
the von Mises yield criteria, unless otherwise noted.
– Bilinear isotropic hardening (BISO)
– Multilinear isotropic hardening (MISO)
– Nonlinear isotropic hardening (NLISO)
– Bilinear kinematic hardening (BKIN)
– Multilinear kinematic hardening (KINH & MKIN)
– Chaboche nonlinear kinematic hardening (CHAB)

September 30, 2001

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Rate-Independent Plasticity
... Mises Yield Criterion Training Manual

Advanced Structural Nonlinearities 6.0

• All of the rate-independent material properties can input via
TB commands or be found in the Materials GUI:
– Main Menu > Preprocessor > Material Props > Material Models…
• Structural > Nonlinear > Inelastic > Rate Independent

September 30, 2001

Inventory #001491
Rate-Independent Plasticity
C. Hill Yield Criterion (HILL) Training Manual

Advanced Structural Nonlinearities 6.0

• Another useful yield criteria is Hill’s criterion, which is
anisotropic (unlike von Mises which is isotropic). Hill‟s
criterion can be thought of as an extension of the von Mises
yield criterion. Hill‟s criterion may be expressed as:

 o  H  x   y 2  F  y   z 2  G x   z 2  2 N xy2  2L yz2  2M xz2

There are six constants, Rxx, Ryy, Rzz, Rxy, Ryz, Rxz, which
characterize the Hill yield criterion:
1 3  xxy  xyy
GH  N Rxx  Rxy  3
Rxx2 2 Rxy2 o o
1 3  yyy  yzy
FH  2 L R yy  R yz  3
R yy 2 R yz2 o o
1 3  zzy  xzy
F G  2 M Rzz  Rxz  3
Rzz 2 Rxz2 o o September 30, 2001
Inventory #001491
Rate-Independent Plasticity
... Hill Yield Criterion (HILL) Training Manual

Advanced Structural Nonlinearities 6.0

• Hill‟s criterion has three planes of symmetry which are
conserved during yielding of the material, so 6 (not 21)
constants are required through simple testing.
• In the previous slide, the constants Rxx, Ryy, Rzz, Rxy, Ryz, Rxz
represent that ratio of the yield stress in a given direction to
the reference (von Mises) yield stress.
3 


1 Principal Stress Space 2 Uniaxial Stress-Strain

September 30, 2001

Inventory #001491
Rate-Independent Plasticity
... Hill Yield Criterion (HILL) Training Manual

Advanced Structural Nonlinearities 6.0

• Six tests can be performed to determine the yield ratios
Rxx, Ryy, Rzz, Rxy, Ryz, Rxz. These are the only parameters
required for the Hill potential.
• For linear elastic material properties, isotropic or orthotropic
properties can be specified (EX, EY, EZ, etc.)
• Hill’s criterion does not describe hardening; it only describes
the yield criteria. The Hill potential is combined with
isotropic, kinematic, and combined hardening models.
– In these models, von Mises is used for the „reference‟ yield
stress. The Hill model is then used to determine the actual yield
stress value in six directions.

September 30, 2001

Inventory #001491
Rate-Independent Plasticity
... Hill Yield Criterion (HILL) Training Manual

Advanced Structural Nonlinearities 6.0

• Hill‟s potential can be input via commands or through the
Materials GUI.
• If using commands, issue TB,HILL to activate the Hill criterion
– TB, HILL, mat, ntemp
– Input the six yield ratios via TBDATA
• C1 = Rxx, C2 = Ryy, etc.
– Up to 40 temperature-dependent sets can be input
– Don‟t forget to input other required properties:
• Isotropic or orthotropic linear material properties via MP
• Hardening rule via TB (kinematic, isotropic, or combined)

September 30, 2001

Inventory #001491
Rate-Independent Plasticity
... Hill Yield Criterion (HILL) Training Manual

Advanced Structural Nonlinearities 6.0

• After defining the required linear material properties (e.g., EX,
PRXY), the 6 constants of a specific hardening model with Hill
potential can be input.
Since Hill potential only
describes the yield criteria,
linear material properties
and a plasticity hardening
rule must also be selected.

In the next example,

bilinear isotropic hardening
will be used, but the
procedure is the same for
any hardening rule

September 30, 2001

Inventory #001491
Rate-Independent Plasticity
... Hill Yield Criterion (HILL) Training Manual

Advanced Structural Nonlinearities 6.0

• If isotropic or orthotropic • Next, the parameters for the
linear materials have not been hardening rule need to be
input, you will be prompted for input (in this case, BISO).
this info. Note that the yield stress input
here will be the „reference‟
yield stress used for Hill

MP,EX ,1,ex_value TB,BKIN,1,1,,1

MP,PRXY,1,prxy_value TBTEMP,0
MP,GXY ,1,gxy_value TBDATA,1,yield,tang_mod September 30, 2001
Inventory #001491
Rate-Independent Plasticity
... Hill Yield Criterion (HILL) Training Manual

Advanced Structural Nonlinearities 6.0

• Lastly, the six yield stress ratios for Hill‟s criterion can be
– All material properties (linear, hardening, yield criterion) can be
temperature-dependent as well.


September 30, 2001

Inventory #001491
Rate-Independent Plasticity
... Hill Yield Criterion (HILL) Training Manual

Advanced Structural Nonlinearities 6.0

• The Hill potential can be used to describe anisotropic
viscoplastic and creep behavior, too.
– When using commands, similar to rate-independent plastic,
simply issue TB,HILL for each viscoplastic (RATE) and creep
(implicit CREEP) model.
– Through the Materials GUI,
the procedure is more
automated. Simply select
the appropriate potential
– either Mises or Hill –
when defining the material
– More will be discussed on
creep and viscoplasticity
in Ch. 4 and 5.

September 30, 2001

Inventory #001491
Rate-Independent Plasticity
... Hill Yield Criterion (HILL) Training Manual

Advanced Structural Nonlinearities 6.0

• In the situation where Rxx=Ryy=Rzz= Rxy=Ryz=Rxz=1, Hill‟s
criterion reduces to isotropic von Mises yield criterion

o 
 
 x   y 2   y   z 2   x   z 2  6  xy2   yz2   xz2 
• Note that yielding in a given direction in tension and
compression are the same. A generalized Hill criterion is also
available where yield in tension and compression are
different (uneven materials), as will be discussed next.
• For anisotropic materials, please keep in mind that
postprocessing equivalent strains (EPxx,EQV) may not
necessarily be physically significant. Use caution when
reviewing equivalent strains for anisotropic materials.

September 30, 2001

Inventory #001491
Rate-Independent Plasticity
D. Generalized Hill Potential (ANISO) Training Manual

Advanced Structural Nonlinearities 6.0

• While the generalized Hill potential is similar to Hill‟s potential
discussed in Section C, they differ in the following respects:
– Generalized Hill allows for uneven materials (tensile and
compressive yield ratios may differ).
– Yield stress in various directions are input directly (units of
stress), not as a yield stress ratio (dimensionless).
– The hardening rule is bilinear isotropic hardening. This is built
into the material definition, so TB,BISO is not issued.
No additional hardening laws can be specified.
– No temperature-dependency is assumed.
– 18x elements are not supported.

September 30, 2001

Inventory #001491
Rate-Independent Plasticity
... Generalized Hill Potential (ANISO) Training Manual

Advanced Structural Nonlinearities 6.0

• The yield surface of the generalization of Hill‟s potential
theory can be thought of as a distorted cylinder initially
shifted in principal stress space.
– The cylindrical yield surface is distorted because of anisotropy
(Hill criterion), where yielding is different in different directions.
– The cylindrical yield surface is initially shifted because yielding
in tension vs. compression can be specified to be different.
3 



1 Principal Stress Space 2 Uniaxial Stress-Strain

September 30, 2001
Inventory #001491
Rate-Independent Plasticity
... Generalized Hill Potential (ANISO) Training Manual

Advanced Structural Nonlinearities 6.0

• The yield criterion is as follows:
3F    M     L  K  0

– The [M] matrix contains the information on different yield

strengths in different directions.
– The [L] matrix accounts for differences of yield in tension and
– K is the current yield stress in a given direction. Recall that this
is based on bilinear isotropic hardening.
– More details can be found in Ch. 4.1.13 of the ANSYS Theory

September 30, 2001

Inventory #001491
Rate-Independent Plasticity
... Generalized Hill Potential (ANISO) Training Manual

Advanced Structural Nonlinearities 6.0

• The generalized Hill potential model requires 18 constants --
yield stress in tension, compression, and shear (9) and
tangent modulus in those directions (9).
• Two problems commonly arise in the definition of ANISO:
– The yield surface must always represent a closed yield surface
throughout loading. Otherwise, the yield surface would not
make physical sense (elastic domain would not be definable).
– The consistency equation must always be satisfied. This is a
requirement of plastic incompressibility – recall that plastic
strains are incompressible and do not contribute to volumetric
– This means that the anisotropic yield stresses and slopes are
not independent. The user must ensure the above criteria,
otherwise a warning/error message will be printed in ANSYS.
Please refer to the Theory manual for more details.
September 30, 2001
Inventory #001491
Rate-Independent Plasticity
... Generalized Hill Potential (ANISO) Training Manual

Advanced Structural Nonlinearities 6.0

• Unlike the other material properties discussed so far in this
chapter, the generalized Hill potential cannot be used with
18x elements. Supported elements include:
– Core elements: PLANE42, SOLID45, SOLID92, SOLID95
– Other elements: LINK1, PLANE2, LINK8, PIPE20, BEAM23,

September 30, 2001

Inventory #001491
Rate-Independent Plasticity
... Generalized Hill Potential (ANISO) Training Manual

Advanced Structural Nonlinearities 6.0

• The material properties can be input via commands or
through the Materials GUI.
• Use TB,ANISO to input the generalized Hill potential material
– TB,ANISO,mat
– Use TBDATA to input 18 parameters.
• C1-C3 Tensile yield stresses in the material x, y, and z directions
• C4-C6 Corresponding tangent moduli
• C7-C9 Compressive yield stresses in the material x, y, and z directions
• C10-C12 Corresponding tangent moduli
• C13-C15 Shear yield stresses in the material xy, yz, and xz directions
• C16-C18 Corresponding tangent moduli

– No temperature-dependency allowed
– Input linear material properties (e.g., orthotropic) via MP.
– Input all values as positive constants September 30, 2001
Inventory #001491
Rate-Independent Plasticity
... Generalized Hill Potential (ANISO) Training Manual

Advanced Structural Nonlinearities 6.0

• After defining the required linear orthotropic or isotropic
material properties (e.g., EX, PRXY), the 18 constants of the
Generalized Hill anisotropic model can be input.
– All values need to be input, as no defaults exist.

TBDATA, 1,sxt,syt,szt,mod_xt,mod_yt,mod_zt
TBDATA, 7,sxc,syc,szc,mod_xc,mod_yc,mod_zc
September 30, 2001
TBDATE,13,sxy,syz,sxz,mod_xy,mod_yz,mod_xz Inventory #001491
Rate-Independent Plasticity
... Example of Hill Potential Training Manual

Advanced Structural Nonlinearities 6.0

Contour animation of von Mises stress of anisotropic sheet.

SHELL181, with bilinear

isotropic hardening and Hill
yield criterion, rigid-deformable
contact with friction

September 30, 2001

Inventory #001491
Rate-Independent Plasticity
... Workshop Exercise Training Manual

Advanced Structural Nonlinearities 6.0

Please refer to your Workshop Supplement:
• Workshop 3: Hill Yield Criterion

September 30, 2001

Inventory #001491
Sections E-H

Hardening Rules
Rate-Independent Plasticity
Background on Flow Rule Training Manual

Advanced Structural Nonlinearities 6.0

Plastic Flow Rule:
• The plastic flow rule defines the relationship between the
plastic strain increments and the stress.
• The flow rule prescribes the direction of the plastic straining
when yielding occurs.
– That is, it defines how the individual plastic strain components
(xpl, ypl, etc.) develop with yielding.
– For metals and other materials exhibiting incompressible
inelastic behavior, the plastic flow develops in a direction
normal to the yield surface. Otherwise (as in the case of DP
material model), there is some increase in material volume when
yielding – i.e., inelastic strains are not fully incompressible.

Plastic strains develop in a

direction normal to yield surface
September 30, 2001
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... Background on Flow Rule Training Manual

Advanced Structural Nonlinearities 6.0

Associative Flow:
– The direction of plastic flow is the same as the direction of the
outward normal to the yield surface.

Direction of plastic flow and normal

of yield surface are the same
Yield Surface

Non-Associative Flow:
– For frictional materials, non-associative flow rules are often
needed (in Drucker-Prager model, the dilatation angle often
differs from internal friction angle).

q Direction of plastic flow and normal

of yield surface are not the same

p September 30, 2001

Inventory #001491
Rate-Independent Plasticity
Background on Hardening Rules Training Manual

Advanced Structural Nonlinearities 6.0

Hardening Rules:
• The hardening rule describes how the yield surface changes
(size, center,shape) as the result of plastic deformation.
• The hardening rule determines when the material will yield
again if the loading is continued or reversed.
– This is in contrast to elastic-perfectly-plastic materials which
exhibit no hardening -- i.e., the yield surface remains fixed.


Yield Surface after Loading

Initial Yield Surface
September 30, 2001
Inventory #001491
Rate-Independent Plasticity
E. Isotropic Hardening Training Manual

Advanced Structural Nonlinearities 6.0

• Isotropic hardening states that the yield surface expands
uniformly during plastic flow. The term „isotropic‟ refers to
the uniform dilatation of the yield surface and is different
from an „isotropic‟ yield criterion (i.e., material orientation).

3 

Yield Surface '


Initial Yield
Surface 

1 2

September 30, 2001

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Rate-Independent Plasticity
... Isotropic Hardening Training Manual

Advanced Structural Nonlinearities 6.0

• The yield criterion can therefore be written as:
3 T 
F   s M s   k  0

2 
where {s} is the deviatoric stress and k is the current yield
• Isotropic hardening is appropriate for large strain,
proportional loading situations. It is not suitable for cyclic
loading applications.

September 30, 2001

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Rate-Independent Plasticity
... Voce Nonlinear Isotropic Hardening Training Manual

Advanced Structural Nonlinearities 6.0

• In the Basic Structural Nonlinearities seminar, bilinear and
multilinear isotropic hardening were covered (BISO, MISO).
• The third isotropic hardening law available in ANSYS is
Voce‟s nonlinear isotropic hardening (NLISO), where a
smooth function using 4 material constants [k, Ro, R, b]
describe the material behavior.

σ  k  R   R0 ε pl

 b p

σ  k  R
 y  k  R 0  R  (1  e
 bεpl
σ  k  R0 εpl  R  (1  e )

σ k

Plastic Strain

September 30, 2001

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Rate-Independent Plasticity
... Voce Nonlinear Isotropic Hardening Training Manual

Advanced Structural Nonlinearities 6.0

• The Voce hardening law is meant for materials which exhibit
a smooth transition from the linear elastic region (E) to a
final, constant linear strain-hardening slope (Ro).
– As shown in the previous slide, the material constant k
describes the elastic limit (0).
– If b=0, this would reduce to bilinear isotropic hardening (BISO).
– If b=0 and Ro=0, this would lead to elastic-perfectly-plastic

• The material can be entered in the Materials GUI or via

TB,NLISO command.
– TB,NLISO,mat,ntemp,4
– 4 material constants input via TBDATA
– Constants can be temperature dependent (TBTEMP)
• Up to 20 temperature-dependent sets can be input
September 30, 2001
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Rate-Independent Plasticity
... Voce Nonlinear Isotropic Hardening Training Manual

Advanced Structural Nonlinearities 6.0

• After defining the required linear material properties (e.g., EX,
PRXY), the 4 constants of the Voce Nonlinear Isotropic
Hardening model can be input.
– Note that constants can be temperature-dependent as well.

0  k

September 30, 2001
TBDATA,1,sigy0,r0,rinf,b Inventory #001491
Rate-Independent Plasticity
... Voce Nonlinear Isotropic Hardening Training Manual

Advanced Structural Nonlinearities 6.0

• Based on uniaxial data, a curve fit can be performed to
determine the Voce Hardening constants.
• Recall that this is meant for materials which exhibit a smooth
transition between the elastic slope (Young‟s modulus) and
large-strain plastic region (tangent modulus).

September 30, 2001

Inventory #001491
Rate-Independent Plasticity
F. Linear Kinematic Hardening Training Manual

Advanced Structural Nonlinearities 6.0

• For linear kinematic hardening, the yield surface translates as
a rigid body during plastic flow.
– An initially isotropic plastic behavior is no longer isotropic after
yielding (kinematic hardening is a form of anisotropic hardening)
– The elastic region is equal to twice the initial yield stress. This
is called the Bauschinger effect.

3 
Yield Surface

Initial Yield
Surface 

1 2
September 30, 2001
Inventory #001491
Rate-Independent Plasticity
... Linear Kinematic Hardening Training Manual

Advanced Structural Nonlinearities 6.0

• The yield criterion can therefore be expressed as:
3 
F   s a  M s a    y  0
T 2

2 
where {s} is the deviatoric stress, y is the uniaxial yield
stress, and {a} is the back stress (location of the center of the
yield surface).
– Note in the previous plot that the center of the yield surface has
translated {a}. Hence, based on the location {a}, the yield in
reversal is still 2y.
– The back stress is linearly related to plastic strain via:

a   C pl 
September 30, 2001
Inventory #001491
Rate-Independent Plasticity
... Linear Kinematic Hardening Training Manual

Advanced Structural Nonlinearities 6.0

• Bilinear kinematic hardening (BKIN) is an example of linear
kinematic hardening.
• Can be used for cyclic loading since it includes the
Bauschinger effect (elastic region equal to twice the initial
yield stress).
• However, linear kinematic hardening is recommended for
situations where the strain levels are relatively small (less
than 5-10 % true strain).
– Because there is only one plastic slope (tangent modulus), this
is not representative of true metals as the hardening is constant.
Hence, this is not realistic for large strain applications.

September 30, 2001

Inventory #001491
Rate-Independent Plasticity
G. Nonlinear Kinematic Hardening Training Manual

Advanced Structural Nonlinearities 6.0

• Nonlinear kinematic hardening is similar to linear kinematic
hardening except for the fact that the evolution law has a
nonlinear term (the “recall” term gadp):
a i  2 Ci  pl  g i a i p
where pl is equivalent plastic strain while p is accumulated
plastic strain.
• The yield criterion is expressed as:
3 
F   s a  M s a   R  0
T 2

2 
where R is a constant defining the yield stress, similar to
linear kinematic hardening.

September 30, 2001

Inventory #001491
Rate-Independent Plasticity
... Nonlinear Kinematic Hardening Training Manual

Advanced Structural Nonlinearities 6.0

• The yield surface can be described graphically as shown
– The current yield surface shifts in principal stress space
– There is a limiting yield surface, as explained in the next slide.
In other words, the behavior approaches perfectly plastic, unlike
linear kinematic hardening, which does not change slope.
3 
Limiting Yield

 R

Limiting 
value of {a

1 2
Current Yield
September 30, 2001
Inventory #001491
Rate-Independent Plasticity
... Nonlinear Kinematic Hardening Training Manual

Advanced Structural Nonlinearities 6.0

• Nonlinear kinematic hardening has the following
– Nonlinear kinematic hardening does not have a linear
relationship between hardening and plastic strain.
– The nonlinear kinematic hardening term is associated with the
translation of yield surface. A non-zero value of g results in a
‘limiting value of {a}.’ This means that, unlike linear kinematic
hardening, the yield surface cannot translate forever in principal
stress space. The translation is limited within a specific region.
– The constant R (yield stress), which describes the size of the
elastic domain, is added on the response. If a limiting value of
{a} exists, then a ‘limiting yield surface’ will also exist.
– Nonlinear kinematic hardening is suitable for large strains and
cyclic loading, as it can simulate the Bauschinger effect. It can
model ratchetting and shakedown (discussed later).

September 30, 2001

Inventory #001491
Rate-Independent Plasticity
... Chaboche Kinematic Hardening Training Manual

Advanced Structural Nonlinearities 6.0

• The Chaboche Kinematic Hardening model (CHAB) is an
example of nonlinear kinematic hardening. As noted
previously, the yield function is
3 
F   s a  M s a   R  0
T 2

2 
3 
Limiting Yield

 R

Limiting 
value of {a

1 2
Current Yield
September 30, 2001
Surface Inventory #001491
Rate-Independent Plasticity
... Chaboche Kinematic Hardening Training Manual

Advanced Structural Nonlinearities 6.0

• The back stress {a} is a superposition of up to five kinematic
models: n n
2 1 dCi 
a  a i   i C 
 pl
 g a
i i

p  Ta i
i 1 3 i 1 Ci dT
where n is the number of kinematic models to use and Ci and
gi are material constants.
– Recall that the evolution of the back stress is nonlinear, hence
the term „nonlinear‟ kinematic hardening.
– There is also a temperature-dependency term (last term in above
– Note that if n=1 and g1=0, CHAB will reduce to BKIN (no limiting
value for a1).

September 30, 2001

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... Chaboche Kinematic Hardening Training Manual

Advanced Structural Nonlinearities 6.0

• The figure shown on the bottom is an example of the usage
of Chaboche model:
– n is 3, the number of kinematic models combined together.
– R is the yield stress (constant value)
– Values a1- a3 are the back a+R
stresses calculated from the
previous equation. Constants
C1-C3 and g1-g3 are associated
a=a1 + a2+ a3
with these values.
– R describes the yield surface
whereas a describes the
shifting of the center of the a3
yield surface.
– Note that g3=0, so there is no R=160
C1=80000, g1=2000
limiting surface for a. C2=10000, g2=200
C3=2500, g3=0 September 30, 2001
Inventory #001491
Rate-Independent Plasticity
... Chaboche Kinematic Hardening Training Manual

Advanced Structural Nonlinearities 6.0

• The material can be entered in the Materials GUI or via
TB,CHAB command.
– TB,CHAB,mat,ntemp,npts
• npts = 2n+1, where n=number of kinematic models
• ntemp = number of temperature-dependent sets to input
– 2n+1 material constants are input via TBDATA
• C1 is yield stress
• C2 is C1 constant for first kinematic model
• C3 is g1 constant for first kinematic model
• C4 is C2 constant for second kinematic model
• C5 is g2 constant for second kinematic model
• …etc… up until C11
– Constants can be temperature dependent (TBTEMP)

September 30, 2001

Inventory #001491
Rate-Independent Plasticity
... Chaboche Kinematic Hardening Training Manual

Advanced Structural Nonlinearities 6.0

• After defining the required linear material properties (e.g., EX,
PRXY), the 2n+1 constants of the Chaboche Nonlinear
Kinematic Hardening model can be input.
– Note that constants can be temperature-dependent as well.

September 30, 2001
TBDATA,1,yield,cons1,gamma1 Inventory #001491
Rate-Independent Plasticity
... Chaboche Kinematic Hardening Training Manual

Advanced Structural Nonlinearities 6.0

• As with many other models, Chaboche can be temperature-
dependent. Use “Add Temperature” to add columns.
• Chaboche requires 2n+1 constants for n kinematic models.
Use “Add Row” to add more rows for material parameter

September 30, 2001

Inventory #001491
Rate-Independent Plasticity
H. Combined Hardening Training Manual

Advanced Structural Nonlinearities 6.0

• In the case of Chaboche kinematic hardening, the yield
criterion is: 1
3 2
F   s a  M s a   R  0

2 
• We can have combined hardening by defining R as an
isotropic hardening variable rather than a constant. For
example, if we use Voce‟s hardening law (NLISO), we would
redefine R as:
 
R  k  Roˆ pl  R 1  e bˆ

Note that we may use any isotropic hardening law to define R,

be it BISO, MISO, or NLISO.
• This results in the translation and expansion of the yield
September 30, 2001
Inventory #001491
Rate-Independent Plasticity
... Combined Hardening Training Manual

Advanced Structural Nonlinearities 6.0

• Combined hardening can be used for large strain and cyclic
loading applications.
• The combined hardening model can be used for cyclic
loading applications to model ratchetting, shakedown, cyclic
hardening/softening (discussed later).

• To define combined hardening, one can use TB commands or

the Materials GUI (next slide):
– Define Chaboche via TB,CHAB and TBDATA commands,
discussed in Section G.
– Define isotropic hardening law via TB,BISO/MISO/NLISO with
appropriate TBDATA or TBPT commands.

September 30, 2001

Inventory #001491
Rate-Independent Plasticity
... Combined Hardening Training Manual

Advanced Structural Nonlinearities 6.0

• If using the menus, the combined hardening laws are shown
in the Materials GUI on the bottom-right. BISO, MISO, and
NLISO can be combined with Chaboche.
– First, define linear elastic properties,
Chaboche constants, then bilinear
isotropic hardening parameters.

TB,BISO,1,1 TB,CHAB,1,1,1
September 30, 2001
TBDATA,1,yield,mod TBDATA,1,yield,cons1,gamma1 Inventory #001491
Rate-Independent Plasticity
... Combined Hardening Training Manual

Advanced Structural Nonlinearities 6.0

• Combined Chaboche Kinematic and Isotropic Hardening
constants can be temperature-dependent.
• Ensure that the initial yield stress parameter is the same for
both models.
– “C1 (R)” constant for CHAB, “Yield Stss” constant for BISO, first
stress-strain point for MISO, “Sigy0” constant for NLISO.
– Note that, if the yield stress parameters are not the same for
CHAB and xISO (BISO/MISO/NLISO), the xISO yield stress will
override. Since isotropic hardening is being used for the
definition of the yield stress, this is consistent with

September 30, 2001

Inventory #001491
Rate-Independent Plasticity
Summary Training Manual

Advanced Structural Nonlinearities 6.0

Yield Criteria vs. Hardening Rule
• Previous discussion centered around yield criteria and
hardening (i.e., evolution of the criterion).
– “Isotropic” and “anisotropic” can be used to describe both,
whereas “kinematic” is used to describe the latter only.
– Kinematic hardening is a type of anisotropic hardening,
although a distinction will be made where kinematic hardening is
used for the translation of the yield surface only.
– Below is a summary of yield criteria, hardening rules, and the
corresponding ANSYS material models:
Yield Criterion Hardening Rule ANSYS Material Models
Isotropic (von Mises) Isotropic Hardening xISO (BISO, MISO, NLISO)
Anisotropic (Hill) Isotropic Hardening xISO + HILL or ANISO
Isotropic (von Mises) Kinematic Hardening xKIN (BKIN, KINH/MKIN, CHAB)
Anisotropic (Hill) Kinematic Hardening xKIN + HILL
Isotropic (von Mises) Combined Hardening CHAB + xISO
Anisotropic (Hill) Combined Hardening CHAB + xISO + HILL
September 30, 2001
Inventory #001491
Rate-Independent Plasticity
... Workshop Exercise Training Manual

Advanced Structural Nonlinearities 6.0

Please refer to your Workshop Supplement:
• Workshop 4: Voce Nonlinear Isotropic Hardening

September 30, 2001

Inventory #001491
Sections I-J

Cyclic Loading
Rate-Independent Plasticity
Proportional Loading Behavior Training Manual

Advanced Structural Nonlinearities 6.0

Proportional Loading:
• In principal stress space, any loading path which is a straight
line through the origin is termed proportional loading.
– In other words, if the principal stress ratios remain constant, this
is proportional loading.
The principal stress ratios 2
2 and 3 can be vary at 2 
Yield Surface
different integration point
locations in the model, but, 
under proportional loading, 3  3
they will remain constant. 1

1 2
Loading Path
September 30, 2001
Inventory #001491
Rate-Independent Plasticity
Cyclic Loading Behavior Training Manual

Advanced Structural Nonlinearities 6.0

Monotonic Loading:
• Monotonic loading simply refers to situations where no
unloading occurs.

Cyclic Loading:
• Cyclic loading refers to situations where loading reverses
– In tension-compression cyclic loadings, metals may exhibit
hardening or softening, depending on the material, temperature,
and initial state.
– In nonsymmetric stress-controlled situations, ratchetting or
shakedown may occur.

September 30, 2001

Inventory #001491
Rate-Independent Plasticity
... Cyclic Loading Behavior Training Manual

Advanced Structural Nonlinearities 6.0

Symmetric Loading:
• Symmetric loading means that min and max values are the
same. For example, a cyclic load of +/- 1200 MPa is an
example of a symmetric loading cycle.

Nonsymmetric Loading:
• Nonsymmetric loading cycles occur when the max and min
loads are not equal. For example, cyclic load of +10 ksi and
-6 ksi is a nonsymmetric load.

September 30, 2001

Inventory #001491
Rate-Independent Plasticity
I. Cyclic Hardening Training Manual

Advanced Structural Nonlinearities 6.0

• Cyclic hardening occurs under symmetric loading.
– Under a strain-controlled test, the stress range will increase.
– Under a stress-controlled test, the strain range will decrease.

September 30, 2001

Inventory #001491
Rate-Independent Plasticity
... Cyclic Hardening Training Manual

Advanced Structural Nonlinearities 6.0


Controlled Strain

2000 2000
Stress (MPa)

Stress (MPa)
1000 1000

0 0

-1000 -1000
-2000 -2000 TBDATA,1,980,224000,400
-3000 -3000
0 2 4 6 8 10 -0.06 -0.04 -0.02 0.00 0.02TBDATA,1,980,0,400,5
0.04 0.06

Time Plastic strain

0.004 2000

0.003 Controlled Stress 1500

Stress (MPa)
Plastic strain


0.001 0


-0.002 -2000
0 2 4 6 8 10 -0.002 -0.001 0.000 0.001 0.002TB,NLISO
0.003 0.004

Time Plastic strain TBDATA,1,980,0,400,5

September 30, 2001
Inventory #001491
Rate-Independent Plasticity
... Cyclic Hardening Training Manual

Advanced Structural Nonlinearities 6.0

Considerations for Cyclic Hardening:
• Combined hardening can be used to model cyclic hardening.
– Chaboche (CHAB) plus any isotropic hardening law (BISO,
MISO, NLISO) is used to model cyclic hardening.

• The isotropic hardening laws will increase the yield stress

with cyclic strain.

September 30, 2001

Inventory #001491
Rate-Independent Plasticity
... Cyclic Softening Training Manual

Advanced Structural Nonlinearities 6.0

• Cyclic softening occurs under symmetric loading.
– Under a strain-controlled test, the stress range will decrease.
– Under a stress-controlled test, the strain range will increase.

September 30, 2001

Inventory #001491
Rate-Independent Plasticity
... Cyclic Softening Training Manual

Advanced Structural Nonlinearities 6.0

2000 2000 
1500 Controlled Strain 1500

1000 1000
Stress (MPa)

Stress (MPa)
500 500 t
0 0

-500 -500

-1000 -1000
-1500 -1500
-2000 -2000
0 2 4 6 8 10 -0.06 -0.04 -0.02 0.00 0.02 TBDATA,1,980,0,-400,5
0.04 0.06

Time plastic strain

0.006 2000

Controlled Stress 1500

Plastic strain

Stress (MPa)


0.000 0 t


-0.004 TB,CHAB,1,2
-0.006 -2000
0 2 4 6 8 10 -0.006 -0.004 -0.002 0.000 0.002 TB,NLISO
0.004 0.006

Time Plastic strain TBDATA,1,980,0,-400,5

September 30, 2001
Inventory #001491
Rate-Independent Plasticity
... Cyclic Softening Training Manual

Advanced Structural Nonlinearities 6.0

Considerations for Cyclic Softening:
• Chaboche Model (CHAB) plus Voce’s nonlinear isotropic
hardening model (NLISO) should be used to model cyclic
– Only Voce nonlinear isotropic hardening (NLISO) allows for a
negative plastic slope.
– Note that, for most materials such as metals, a negative stress-
strain slope is unphysical since it implies material instability
(stress decreases with increasing plastic strain).
– However, as long as CHAB + NLISO results in positive hardening
with increasing plastic flow, this will allow for proper material

• The NLISO isotropic hardening law will decrease the yield

stress with cyclic strain (cyclic softening).
September 30, 2001
Inventory #001491
Rate-Independent Plasticity
J. Ratchetting & Shakedown Training Manual

Advanced Structural Nonlinearities 6.0

• Ratchetting occurs under a nonsymmetric stress-controlled
– There is a progressive increase in strain at each cycle.

• Shakedown occurs under a nonsymmetric stress-controlled

– There is a progressive stabilization of strain at each cycle.

September 30, 2001

Inventory #001491
Rate-Independent Plasticity
... Ratchetting & Shakedown Training Manual

Advanced Structural Nonlinearities 6.0

0.07 2000

0.06 Ratchetting 1500

Plastic strain

Stress (MPa)



0 2 4 6 8 10 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07

Time Plastic strain

0.008 2000
Shakedown 1500

Plastic strain

Stress (MPa)

Controlled Stress
0.004 Unsymmetry


0 2 4 6 8 10
0.000 0.002 0.004
0.006 0.008
Time Plastic strain
September 30, 2001
Inventory #001491
Rate-Independent Plasticity
... Ratchetting Training Manual

Advanced Structural Nonlinearities 6.0

Considerations for Ratchetting:
– Ratchetting is the accumulation of plastic strain under an
unsymmetric stress-controlled cyclic loading.
– Linear kinematic models cannot capture ratchetting, as shown
below (bilinear kinematic hardening BKIN example):

September 30, 2001

Inventory #001491
Rate-Independent Plasticity
... Ratchetting Training Manual

Advanced Structural Nonlinearities 6.0

Considerations for Ratchetting (cont‟d):
– On the other hand, a single nonlinear kinematic model (n=1) for
the Chaboche model CHAB can capture ratchetting, as shown
In the figure on the left, the
blue lines indicate a
1000 symmetric loading
sequence. Note that no
ratchetting occurs, and it is
a stable cycle.

-1.50E-03 -1.00E-03 -5.00E-04

0.00E+00 5.00E-04 1.00E-03 1.50E-03 2.00E-03 2.50E-03 3.00E-03
Symm The red lines indicate a
nonsymmetric loading
sequence. Because the
plastic slopes are different
(due to value of back
stresses), plastic strains
continue to accumulate.
-1500 September 30, 2001
Inventory #001491
Rate-Independent Plasticity
... Ratchetting Training Manual

Advanced Structural Nonlinearities 6.0

Considerations for Ratchetting (cont‟d):
– Ratchetting occurs due to the fact that the initial slope in
compression (A-B) is different from the slope in tension (C-D).
Since the loading is unsymmetric, C-D is nearer to the „limiting
yield surface‟, so its slope is more asymptotic.

September 30, 2001

Inventory #001491
Rate-Independent Plasticity
... Shakedown Training Manual

Advanced Structural Nonlinearities 6.0

Considerations for Shakedown:
– Shakedown is similar to ratchetting. However, instead of the
plastic strain steadily accumulating under nonsymmetric
loading, it comes to a standstill in shakedown.

September 30, 2001

Inventory #001491
Rate-Independent Plasticity
... Shakedown Training Manual

Advanced Structural Nonlinearities 6.0

Considerations for Shakedown (cont‟d):
• One way to model shakedown is with at least two kinematic
models in Chaboche (n=2). One of the two should have g=0.
– One kinematic model will have gi0, which will provide a
ratchetting effect, as shown previously.
– On the other hand, another model will have gi=0 to provide a
stabilization effect. Recall that gi=0 is equivalent to bilinear
kinematic hardening, so there is no ratchetting for BKIN.
– Together, the two models will provide ratchetting with
stabilization after a certain number of cycles. This is called

September 30, 2001

Inventory #001491
Rate-Independent Plasticity
Chaboche Model Training Manual

Advanced Structural Nonlinearities 6.0

• Determination of material parameters involves a series of
different tests. Complex material behavior is isolated through
these specific tests.
– The first and third references on the next page are good starting
points for information on material characterization.

September 30, 2001

Inventory #001491
Rate-Independent Plasticity
... Chaboche Model Training Manual

Advanced Structural Nonlinearities 6.0

References for Further Reading:
• Lemaitre, J. and Chaboche, J.L., Mechanics of Solid
Materials, Cambridge University Press, 1990.
• Chaboche, J.L., “Constitutive Equations for Cyclic Plasticity
and Cyclic Viscoplasticity”, International Journal of Plasticity,
Vol. 5, pp. 247-302, 1989.
• Chaboche, J.L., “On Some Modifications of Kinematic
Hardening to Improve the Description of Ratchetting Effects”,
International Journal of Plasticity, Vol. 7, pp. 661-678, 1991.

September 30, 2001

Inventory #001491
Section K

ANSYS Procedure
Rate-Independent Plasticity
K. Procedure for Plasticity Problems Training Manual

Advanced Structural Nonlinearities 6.0

• In this section, we will cover areas concerning the analysis of
models with plasticity. This includes:
– Element Selection
– Solution Options
– Postprocessing

• The following general considerations are applicable to any

hardening model (isotropic, kinematic, or combined) or
loading conditions (proportional or cyclic).

September 30, 2001

Inventory #001491
Rate-Independent Plasticity
... Element Selection for Plasticity Training Manual

Advanced Structural Nonlinearities 6.0

• Two main considerations exist when selecting elements:
– Ensure that the selected elements support the plasticity model
of interest
– If large plastic strains are expected, verify that the selected
elements can handle nearly-incompressible material behavior
with appropriate element technology.
• For large strain problems, lower-order elements tend to
behave more robustly because inverted midside nodes are
not an issue.
• Also for large strain problems, grading/biasing the mesh to
anticipate areas of large strains is recommended, such that
element quality will not deteriorate during the solution.
– If the model is bending-dominated, ensure that shear locking will
not be a problem by use of appropriate element formulation.

September 30, 2001

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Rate-Independent Plasticity
... Element Selection for Plasticity Training Manual

Advanced Structural Nonlinearities 6.0

• Make sure that the appropriate elements are used which
support your material model:
– NLISO, CHAB, and HILL are supported the „core‟ and 18x family
of elements (this also includes BISO, MISO, BKIN, KINH/MKIN).
• The core elements include PLANE42, SOLID45, PLANE82,
• The 18x elements include LINK180, SHELL181, PLANE182-
183, SOLID185-187, BEAM 188-189.
– The Generalized Hill Potential (ANISO) does not support 18x
elements but supports the „core‟ and the following elements:
and SHELL143

September 30, 2001

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... Element Selection for Plasticity Training Manual

Advanced Structural Nonlinearities 6.0

• Large-strain plasticity requires ability to handle nearly-
incompressible situations.
– B-Bar, Enhanced Strain, URI, and Mixed U-P can be used.
– If the problem is bending-dominated, prevention of shear locking
through Enhanced Strain should also be considered.

• It is recommended to use the 18x elements (please refer to

Ch. 2 of this seminar) because of the advanced element
technology available.
– For PLANE182 and SOLID185, it is recommended to use B-Bar
(default) first. If the problem is clearly bending-dominated, use
Enhanced Strain formulation. On the other hand, if it is not
obvious whether shear locking may be an issue, use B-Bar first,
then switch to Enhanced Strain if accuracy is a concern.
– Use of higher-order elements PLANE183 and SOLID186-187 is
also acceptable.
September 30, 2001
Inventory #001491
Rate-Independent Plasticity
... Solution Options for Plasticity Training Manual

Advanced Structural Nonlinearities 6.0

• The solution of models containing plasticity is similar to
other nonlinear problems, but there are some special
considerations when solving models with plasticity.
Main Menu > Solution > -Analysis Type- Sol‟n Control…
Solution Controls > -Basic Tab- Analysis Options
– Specify large displacement solution (NLGEOM,ON), as needed.
– The default Solution Control (SOLCONTROL) settings are
recommended. By default, Solution Control is on.

September 30, 2001

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Rate-Independent Plasticity
... Solution Options for Plasticity Training Manual

Advanced Structural Nonlinearities 6.0

• Remember that plasticity is a path-dependent, or
nonconservative, phenomenon since the energy due to
plastic strains is dissipated.
– Path-dependent problems are dependent on the load history.
The load needs to be applied gradually to ensure accuracy of
capturing the load history.
– Consequently, nonconservative systems require many substeps
to capture this path dependency.
– The number of substeps (NSUBST) and cutback controls
(CUTCON) help us achieve the level of accuracy we need.
– The Monitor file (jobname.mntr) is also a useful device to ensure
that no substep has too much plastic strain (i.e., too few
substeps, and the path dependency is not accurately captured).

September 30, 2001

Inventory #001491
Rate-Independent Plasticity
... Solution Options for Plasticity Training Manual

Advanced Structural Nonlinearities 6.0

• An appropriate number of substeps (NSUBST) should be
specified to ensure accuracy of plastic strain calculations.
Solution Controls > -Basic Tab- Time Control
– Initial, min, and max substeps (NSUBST) should be used to
accomplish this.
– Be sure to specify a large enough
maximum number of substeps
in case ANSYS needs to bisect
the solution (discussed next).
– Also, make sure that the minimum
number of substeps is reasonable.
A value greater than the default
value of 1 should generally be

September 30, 2001

Inventory #001491
Rate-Independent Plasticity
... Solution Options for Plasticity Training Manual

Advanced Structural Nonlinearities 6.0

• Use Cutback Control (CUTCONTROL) to specify a maximum
equivalent plastic strain increment.
Solution Controls > -Nonlinear Tab- Cutback Control
– CUTCONTROL,PLSLIMIT,plvalue will impose a maximum
equivalent plastic strain increment of plvalue
– By default, plvalue is 15%.
– If, during a timestep, ANSYS calculates a
plastic strain increment larger than
plvalue, then the solution is automatically
bisected until the plastic strain increment
limit is satisfied or the minimum time step
is reached.
– This command helps ensure that the
plastic response is adequately captured.
Please remember that this is plastic
strain increment, not the actual value of September 30, 2001
plastic strain itself. Inventory #001491
Rate-Independent Plasticity
... Solution Options for Plasticity Training Manual

Advanced Structural Nonlinearities 6.0

• During solution, the Monitor file (jobname.mntr) provides a
summary of maximum equivalent plastic strain increment of
the entire model.
– One can verify at which substeps more plastic straining occurs.
ANSYS RELEASE 6.0 15:43:08 08/17/2001


1 1 3 8 16 0.24500E-02 0.24500E-02 36.859 0.98000E-01 0.78886E-30

1 2 1 1 17 0.24500E-02 0.49000E-02 41.984 0.19600 0.78886E-30
1 3 1 1 18 0.36750E-02 0.85750E-02 46.344 0.34300 0.78886E-30
1 4 1 3 21 0.55125E-02 0.14087E-01 55.141 0.56840 0.78886E-30
1 5 1 4 25 0.55125E-02 0.19600E-01 66.188 0.81004 0.10024E-01
1 6 1 3 28 0.82687E-02 0.27869E-01 75.156 1.2191 0.46599E-01
1 7 1 1 29 0.12403E-01 0.40272E-01 79.781 1.8342 0.71383E-01
1 8 1 3 32 0.18605E-01 0.58877E-01 89.000 2.8069 0.11811
1 9 1 3 35 0.18605E-01 0.77481E-01 97.953 3.6952 0.68734E-01
1 10 2 2 47 0.13954E-01 0.91435E-01 126.02 4.3586 0.62924E-01
1 11 1 2 49 0.13954E-01 0.10539 133.14 5.0205 0.65091E-01
1 12 1 3 52 0.20930E-01 0.12632 142.38 6.0058 0.68586E-01
1 13 1 4 56 0.31395E-01 0.15771 154.02 7.5288 0.13620
1 14 2 3 69 0.12102E-01 0.16982 184.55 8.1099 0.37285E-01
1 15 1 2 71 0.12102E-01 0.18192 191.72 8.6983 0.50149E-01
1 16 1 1 72 0.18152E-01 0.20007 196.80 9.5843 0.80046E-01
1 17 1 4 76 0.27229E-01 0.22730 207.89 10.907 0.79968E-01
1 18 1 2 78 0.27229E-01 0.25453 215.42 12.231 0.11344
1 19 2 3 88 0.12601E-01 0.26713 239.25 12.841 0.35480E-01 September 30, 2001
Inventory #001491
Rate-Independent Plasticity
... Reviewing Results for Plasticity Training Manual

Advanced Structural Nonlinearities 6.0

• There are various quantities one can review for plasticity, some of
which are listed below:
– EPPL - plastic strains
• EPPL,EQV is equivalent plastic strain based on current plastic strain
components. At 6.0, EPPL,EQV is calculated and stored in RST
results file for solid/plane/shell elements, so no AVPRIN,,effnu needs
to be issued. Recall that care needs to be taken when evaluating
equivalent plastic strains for anisotropic materials or compressible
inelastic strains (plastic flow not normal to yield surface: DP).
– NL - nonlinear items
• NL,HPRES is hydrostatic pressure. Check NL,HPRES to verify that
volumetric locking does not occur. If it does, Mixed U-P formulation
may be required.
• NL,EPEQ is accumulated equivalent plastic strain (summation of
EPPL,EQV increments)
– SEND - strain energy density
• SEND,PLAS is plastic strain energy density
September 30, 2001
Inventory #001491
Rate-Independent Plasticity
... Reviewing Results for Plasticity Training Manual

Advanced Structural Nonlinearities 6.0

• One can use PLESOL, PLNSOL commands to plot these
results. The GUI can also be used as shown below:
Main Menu > General Postproc > Plot Results > Nodal Solu …
Main Menu > General Postproc > Plot Results > Element Solu …

In the dialog box shown on

the right, the plastic strain
category is selected on the
Components, principal, and
effective plastic strains can
be selected on the right-
hand choices.
Note that, at v6.0, Eff Nu is
not required. Actual
equivalent plastic strains
are calculated and stored.

September 30, 2001

Inventory #001491
Rate-Independent Plasticity
... Reviewing Results for Plasticity Training Manual

Advanced Structural Nonlinearities 6.0

Example of plotting plastic strain energy density (SEND,PLAS)

September 30, 2001

Inventory #001491
Rate-Independent Plasticity
... Workshop Exercise Training Manual

Advanced Structural Nonlinearities 6.0

Please refer to your Workshop Supplement:
• Workshop 5: Chaboche Nonlinear Kinematic Hardening

September 30, 2001

Inventory #001491

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