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Software Engineering | Experiment No: 3

Aim: Prepare Sequence Diagram for Online Election System

Require Materials:

 UML modeling tool (e.g., PlantUML, Lucidchart, or

 Use case scenarios or user stories related to the Online Election System


A Sequence Diagram is a valuable tool in software design and analysis, used to depict the dynamic
behavior of a system by showing how objects or actors interact over time. In this experiment, we will
design a Sequence Diagram to visualize the communication and message exchange between actors
and components within an Online Election System.


1. Understanding Use Cases:

 Review the use case scenarios or user stories related to the Online Election System.

 Identify specific interactions and actions that actors (users, candidates,

administrators) perform in the system.

2. Identifying Actors and Components:

 Identify the actors (e.g., Voters, Candidates, Administrators) and components (e.g.,
User Authentication, Election Management) involved in the selected use cases.

 Determine which actors initiate actions and which components respond.

3. Sequence Diagram Creation:

 Use a UML modeling tool to create the Sequence Diagram.

 Place the identified actors and components along the top of the diagram in a
horizontal line.

 Draw vertical lines extending down from each actor and component, representing
their lifelines.

4. Adding Messages:

 Begin with the actor who initiates the action.

 Draw an arrow from the actor's lifeline to the component's lifeline to indicate a

 Label the message with the action or interaction being performed (e.g., "User
Login," "Verify Eligibility," "Cast Vote").

 Continue adding messages between actors and components to depict the flow of

5. Sequencing Messages:
 Sequence the messages to reflect the chronological order of interactions. Messages
at the top occur earlier, while messages below occur later in the sequence.

6. Response Messages:

 Include response messages from components to actors to illustrate how the system
reacts to user actions.

 Label these response messages accordingly (e.g., "Authentication Success," "Vote


7. Looping and Conditional Logic (Optional):

 If a use case involves looping or conditional logic (e.g., repeated login attempts), use
loop fragments or conditional fragments to represent these scenarios.

8. Review and Validation:

 Review the completed Sequence Diagram to ensure it accurately represents the

interactions and message flows outlined in the use cases.

 Validate the diagram with stakeholders or peers to gather feedback and make
necessary revisions.


Conclusion: Creating a Sequence Diagram is a crucial step in understanding and designing the
dynamic behavior of a software system. In the context of the Online Election System, this
experiment allows us to visualize the sequence of interactions between actors and components
during key use cases. The diagram serves as a valuable tool for system designers, developers, and
stakeholders, ensuring that the system functions as intended and aligns with user requirements.

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