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Software Engineering | Experiment No: 2

Aim: Prepare Class Domain Diagram for Online Election System

Require Materials:

 UML modeling tool (e.g., PlantUML, Lucidchart, or

 Software Requirement Specification (SRS) for the Online Election System


A Class Domain Diagram is a fundamental part of software design that visualizes the key entities,
their attributes, and relationships within a system. In this experiment, we will design a class domain
diagram for an Online Election System, a complex software application that facilitates secure and
transparent online elections.


1. Understanding the Requirements:

 Review the provided Software Requirement Specification (SRS) for the Online
Election System.

 Identify the key functional and non-functional requirements outlined in the SRS.

2. Identifying Classes:

 Identify the main classes and entities that are central to the Online Election System
based on the SRS.

 Create a list of these classes, noting their attributes and methods.

3. Defining Relationships:

 Analyze the relationships between the identified classes. Determine the

associations, aggregations, or compositions that exist.

 Establish cardinalities and multiplicity for each relationship.

4. Creating the Diagram:

 Use a UML modeling tool to create the class domain diagram.

 Represent each class as a box with three compartments: class name, attributes, and

 Draw arrows between classes to represent associations, aggregations, or


 Label the arrows with appropriate multiplicity (e.g., 1, *, 0..1) to indicate the
relationship between classes.

5. Adding Details:

 Populate the diagram with the attributes and methods of each class.

 Ensure that the diagram accurately reflects the requirements outlined in the SRS.
6. Review and Validation:

 Review the completed class domain diagram to ensure it aligns with the Online
Election System's requirements.

 Validate the diagram with stakeholders or peers to gather feedback and make
necessary revisions.


Conclusion: Designing a class domain diagram is a crucial step in the software development process,
as it helps in visualizing and organizing the system's entities and their interactions. By creating a class
domain diagram for the Online Election System, we gain a better understanding of its structure,
facilitating efficient development and ensuring that the system aligns with the specified

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